Michigan about to be lost to republicans for a generation

Dumbfuck, those states aren't high in wages because of unions...try other factors like tourism, banking, the Federal Govt, etc.....you stupid ass.

I live in Colorado....tell me all these union jobs that I don't know about. Colorado has a high average because of all the military/govt jobs here, idiot. There are 6 bases in this state.

Liberalism really is a mental disorder infecting its hosts with stupidity and intellectual dishonesty.

Obama's Big Michigan Right-To-Work Lie: Lower Worker Wages - Investors.com
of the 10 states with the lowest median wages are 6 are "right to work states" including the bottom 3
(lowest to highest for the bottom 10)
50 - MI*
49 - AK*
48 - TN*
47 - MT
46 - SC*
45 - AL*
44 - KY
43 - WV
42 - LA*
41 - NM

Right to Work States | National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation
State Median Income - Income Data - U.S Census Bureau

however the top 10 states with the highest median income are all union states:
(highest to lowest)
1 - MD
2 - NH
3 - CT
4 - NJ
5 - MA
6 - VA
7 - AK
8 - CO
9 - HI
10 - WA

In addition to the fact that states where unions exist are seeing more and more the exodus of companies. Unions kill jobs...the proverbial snake eating its own tail.
Unions have NOT been legislated out. I can only conclude that you are a hack or limited in your ability to read and write. You THINK there are union jobs. lol
read the legislation. the purpose of passing "right to work" law is to limit the power of unions, ergo push unions out of business. do you really have that hard of time understanding the english language?

That's right put unions out of business before they drive more companies out of the state or into the ground. Get their boots off the neck of business.
do you have anything else to add to conversation besides talking points? if what you were claiming was true then all the states with unions would have massively suffering economies and no one would want to work there.
Dumbfuck, those states aren't high in wages because of unions...try other factors like tourism, banking, the Federal Govt, etc.....you stupid ass.

I live in Colorado....tell me all these union jobs that I don't know about. Colorado has a high average because of all the military/govt jobs here, idiot. There are 6 bases in this state.

of the 10 states with the lowest median wages are 6 are "right to work states" including the bottom 3
(lowest to highest for the bottom 10)
50 - MI*
49 - AK*
48 - TN*
47 - MT
46 - SC*
45 - AL*
44 - KY
43 - WV
42 - LA*
41 - NM

Right to Work States | National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation
State Median Income - Income Data - U.S Census Bureau

however the top 10 states with the highest median income are all union states:
(highest to lowest)
1 - MD
2 - NH
3 - CT
4 - NJ
5 - MA
6 - VA
7 - AK
8 - CO
9 - HI
10 - WA

In addition to the fact that states where unions exist are seeing more and more the exodus of companies. Unions kill jobs...the proverbial snake eating its own tail.
post the proof, instead of reiterating the talking point then.
As the tittle says, this push by a minority to turn Michigan to a right to work state by holding closed doors meeting and other crazy stuff, the best part is its having a major effect, workers are now more united than ever, getting stronger. This will push Michigan into FIRM democrat control, the dems are now primed to take back pretty much every state branch of government. This is one of the best things that has happened in a long time. Oh and looks like Wisconsin is shifting too, hell Paul Ryan couldn't even win his home district in the 2012 election, gov. Walker is weaker than ever now, this is very awesome, it's destroying the republican party this this part of the country for a generation.

Is that a threat or friendly advice to the republican party from a left winger? My guess is that things might improve in Mich. and lefties are worried that they will lose union clout throughout the Country.
Most of the top ten median income are defense industry intensive states. Far higher corellation to that than union by far.
Unions have NOT been legislated out. I can only conclude that you are a hack or limited in your ability to read and write. You THINK there are union jobs. lol
read the legislation. the purpose of passing "right to work" law is to limit the power of unions, ergo push unions out of business. do you really have that hard of time understanding the english language?

Please post the purpose section of this bill which states what you say. Union talking points are what they are.

is this too hard for you to understand? Unions derive their power and ability to negotiate by presenting a united front. you are not negotiating with individual workers, you are negotiating with them all as one unit.
As the tittle says, this push by a minority to turn Michigan to a right to work state by holding closed doors meeting and other crazy stuff, the best part is its having a major effect, workers are now more united than ever, getting stronger. This will push Michigan into FIRM democrat control, the dems are now primed to take back pretty much every state branch of government. This is one of the best things that has happened in a long time. Oh and looks like Wisconsin is shifting too, hell Paul Ryan couldn't even win his home district in the 2012 election, gov. Walker is weaker than ever now, this is very awesome, it's destroying the republican party this this part of the country for a generation.

Is that a threat or friendly advice to the republican party from a left winger? My guess is that things might improve in Mich. and lefties are worried that they will lose union clout throughout the Country.
and when average wages drop will the right finally admit that right to work laws dont improve worker situations?
One examplefor the idiot touting certain states as so-called richer than others....

Hawaii is an expensive place because of its tourism and expensive real estate, there is a trickle down effect of the real estate and resorts employing people to work from sweeping the floors, fast food, to building more stuff to meet demands.

Hawaii has so much economic growth compared to Mississippi isn't not even comparable. Hawaii is a more desirable place to live and visit compared to Mississippi, thus they don't need to ban unions like Mississippi to attract companies. The US military and tourism have propped up Hawaii's wages, period....not some fucking union that is stealing dues from hotel cleaners.
read the legislation. the purpose of passing "right to work" law is to limit the power of unions, ergo push unions out of business. do you really have that hard of time understanding the english language?

Please post the purpose section of this bill which states what you say. Union talking points are what they are.

is this too hard for you to understand? Unions derive their power and ability to negotiate by presenting a united front. you are not negotiating with individual workers, you are negotiating with them all as one unit.

So you lied. There is no purpose section and none of it states this is designed to push unions out of business. The only other conclusion a logical person can reach is your scared of losing influence and wages, because unions have nothing to offer in a modern economy. Your a talking point promoter, pure and simple. Though mostly simple.
One examplefor the idiot touting certain states as so-called richer than others....

Hawaii is an expensive place because of its tourism and expensive real estate, there is a trickle down effect of the real estate and resorts employing people to work from sweeping the floors, fast food, to building more stuff to meet demands.

Hawaii has so much economic growth compared to Mississippi isn't not even comparable. Hawaii is a more desirable place to live and visit compared to Mississippi, thus they don't need to ban unions like Mississippi to attract companies. The US military and tourism have propped up Hawaii's wages, period....not some fucking union that is stealing dues from hotel cleaners.
riiiiggghhhhtttttt..................... again you fail to comprehend facts and evidence and simply spout off more garbage that doesnt add anything to the conversation. im sure CT has the tourism thing all shored up, since thats exactly where people decide to go on vacation, same with NH and NJ. are these more desirable places to live than HI? because all 3 rank higher on the list than HI.
Strange....Michigan isn't in that Top 10 list of top states for wages.....but the idiot here claims unions make a state RICH.

Michigan is or was THE UNION state in their hayday when Americans were buying their cars left and right before unions forced American cars to be too expensive and junk for the consumer.

Michigan is a large state, but they don't have a US military presence, banking, or a strong tourism industry...so it doesn't have a fallback option like HI, CT, etc. The unions and AG sector were the main games in town....so hence Michigan has fallen on their face when the unions destroyed the prosperity.
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Please post the purpose section of this bill which states what you say. Union talking points are what they are.

is this too hard for you to understand? Unions derive their power and ability to negotiate by presenting a united front. you are not negotiating with individual workers, you are negotiating with them all as one unit.

So you lied. There is no purpose section and none of it states this is designed to push unions out of business. The only other conclusion a logical person can reach is your scared of losing influence and wages, because unions have nothing to offer in a modern economy. Your a talking point promoter, pure and simple. Though mostly simple.
wow, so apparently you dont have any reading comprehension skills, nor have you ever read a piece of legislation. you really need to up your education level to at least a 5th grade level when they start teaching you about cause and effect.
Who claimed CT is rich from tourism??? Idiot.

CT has a lot of rich people living there, many work in NYC.....try David Letterman for starters, idiot. You see when people are making millions in NYC but are "CT residents" then the average wage in CT goes up. Take your McDonalds job and Letterman's job, then split the difference....you're both so-called making millions, idiot.

Do you come here to look stupid? Go drown yourself in some toilet.

One examplefor the idiot touting certain states as so-called richer than others....

Hawaii is an expensive place because of its tourism and expensive real estate, there is a trickle down effect of the real estate and resorts employing people to work from sweeping the floors, fast food, to building more stuff to meet demands.

Hawaii has so much economic growth compared to Mississippi isn't not even comparable. Hawaii is a more desirable place to live and visit compared to Mississippi, thus they don't need to ban unions like Mississippi to attract companies. The US military and tourism have propped up Hawaii's wages, period....not some fucking union that is stealing dues from hotel cleaners.
riiiiggghhhhtttttt..................... again you fail to comprehend facts and evidence and simply spout off more garbage that doesnt add anything to the conversation. im sure CT has the tourism thing all shored up, since thats exactly where people decide to go on vacation, same with NH and NJ. are these more desirable places to live than HI? because all 3 rank higher on the list than HI.
Strange....Michigan isn't in that Top 10 list of top states for wages.....but the idiot here claims unions make a state RICH.

Michigan is or was THE UNION state in their hayday when Americans were buying their cars left and right before unions forced American cars to be too expensive and junk for the consumer.

Michigan is a large state, but they don't have a US military presence, banking, or a strong tourism industry...so it doesn't have a fallback option like HI, CT, etc. The unions and AG sector were the main games in town....so hence Michigan has fallen on their face when the unions destroyed the prosperity.
Michigan ranks in the middle of the pack (if you actually go to the links mr wizard). then again MI rannks well above other right to work states such as GA, FL, NC, SD, OK and Kansas.

in fact the only RTW state that cracks the top 15 is Utah.

so by you logic RTW laws are better for states. so then why is there only 1 state in the top 15 in median household income that is a RTW state?
Who claimed CT is rich from tourism??? Idiot.

CT has a lot of rich people living there, many work in NYC.....try David Letterman for starters, idiot. You see when people are making millions in NYC but are "CT residents" then the average wage in CT goes up. Take your McDonalds job and Letterman's job, then split the difference....you're both so-called making millions, idiot.

Do you come here to look stupid? Go drown yourself in some toilet.

One examplefor the idiot touting certain states as so-called richer than others....

Hawaii is an expensive place because of its tourism and expensive real estate, there is a trickle down effect of the real estate and resorts employing people to work from sweeping the floors, fast food, to building more stuff to meet demands.

Hawaii has so much economic growth compared to Mississippi isn't not even comparable. Hawaii is a more desirable place to live and visit compared to Mississippi, thus they don't need to ban unions like Mississippi to attract companies. The US military and tourism have propped up Hawaii's wages, period....not some fucking union that is stealing dues from hotel cleaners.
riiiiggghhhhtttttt..................... again you fail to comprehend facts and evidence and simply spout off more garbage that doesnt add anything to the conversation. im sure CT has the tourism thing all shored up, since thats exactly where people decide to go on vacation, same with NH and NJ. are these more desirable places to live than HI? because all 3 rank higher on the list than HI.
your the retard who used the tourism parallel. its not my fault you low intelligence level cant keep your own argument straight.

that tin foil hat needs adjusting again, its frying what little brain cells you have left.
wow, so apparently you dont have any reading comprehension skills, nor have you ever read a piece of legislation. you really need to up your education level to at least a 5th grade level when they start teaching you about cause and effect.

I read well enough to know you are taking a union talking point interpretation of the new law. Michigan's economy is progressing into the 21st Century now. The unions better figure out how to do the same.

Michigan figured out cause and effect of unions on the state. I get comments all the time on my to the point and intelligent posts. An idiot like you makes no difference to me.
ND will pass Michigan or has passed Michigan because of the oil boom there, idiot. Fast food places in ND are overpaying workers to meet demand for food.

NC has plenty of poor people there that drags down the average.

I can do this all day, dumbfuck.

Michigan went from 40% union to 17% today, because unions destroyed the place yet some asshole like you is here touting unions for greateness...insane. You also wonder how the GOP now controls the Govt there too.....

Strange....Michigan isn't in that Top 10 list of top states for wages.....but the idiot here claims unions make a state RICH.

Michigan is or was THE UNION state in their hayday when Americans were buying their cars left and right before unions forced American cars to be too expensive and junk for the consumer.

Michigan is a large state, but they don't have a US military presence, banking, or a strong tourism industry...so it doesn't have a fallback option like HI, CT, etc. The unions and AG sector were the main games in town....so hence Michigan has fallen on their face when the unions destroyed the prosperity.
Michigan ranks in the middle of the pack (if you actually go to the links mr wizard). then again MI rannks well above other right to work states such as GA, FL, NC, SD, OK and Kansas.

in fact the only RTW state that cracks the top 15 is Utah.

so by you logic RTW laws are better for states. so then why is there only 1 state in the top 15 in median household income that is a RTW state?
The idiot is following the DNC talking notes sent to him in the mail and is just repeating them over and over and over.

"Uh people in CT that are rich are only rich because of unions, not because they work on Wall Street in NYC or work at Yale as some PhD."

wow, so apparently you dont have any reading comprehension skills, nor have you ever read a piece of legislation. you really need to up your education level to at least a 5th grade level when they start teaching you about cause and effect.

I read well enough to know you are taking a union talking point interpretation of the new law. Michigan's economy is progressing into the 21st Century now. The unions better figure out how to do the same.

Michigan figured out cause and effect of unions on the state. I get comments all the time on my to the point and intelligent posts. An idiot like you makes no difference to me.
Strange....Michigan isn't in that Top 10 list of top states for wages.....but the idiot here claims unions make a state RICH.

Michigan is or was THE UNION state in their hayday when Americans were buying their cars left and right before unions forced American cars to be too expensive and junk for the consumer.

Michigan is a large state, but they don't have a US military presence, banking, or a strong tourism industry...so it doesn't have a fallback option like HI, CT, etc. The unions and AG sector were the main games in town....so hence Michigan has fallen on their face when the unions destroyed the prosperity.
Michigan ranks in the middle of the pack (if you actually go to the links mr wizard). then again MI rannks well above other right to work states such as GA, FL, NC, SD, OK and Kansas.

in fact the only RTW state that cracks the top 15 is Utah.

so by you logic RTW laws are better for states. so then why is there only 1 state in the top 15 in median household income that is a RTW state?

Actually, MI is doing much better.. but it has nothing to do with unions.. oddly, it has everything to do with an $82B cash infusion from the taxpayers and overall tax reform, including the lowering of business taxes.

Personally, I know a man who moved here from the Detroit area to work on the new VA hospital. He is union, Bricklayer's Union to be exact, he says he really doesn't make much more than his non-union counterpart and frankly, since he moved here (LA is a RTW state), his cost of living has been reduced and he is doing much better.

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