Michigan Cop Sexually Harassed

I don't care who you ''know.'' I asked how much real world time you've actually spent around them.

How many times have you seen some woman geting railed in a tent by a couple of dudes and then go home to her husband a few months later? How often do we read about some female officer getting pounded in her squad car by whoever she's working with that day?

This stuff happens every day, man. It is a choice...

I spent over 20 years serving in the U.S. Navy, and was on sea duty for over half that time. My first sea tour had an all male crew, but women were allowed on forward deployed units on my second and third sea tours. On shore duty, I worked alongside women every day. Never heard of any stories like the one you described. Only one I know of in the 20 years I was in that's even remotely close to what you describe was one girl got romantically involved with another crewmember and became pregnant, so she had to be shipped back to the States as she was no longer eligible for sea duty.

My question is, how much real world time do YOU have around the military? Me? I've got 20 years serving in it. I'm guessing your experience is limited to beer drinking stories you heard from other guys bragging about crap that never happened.

And, FWIW, anytime allegations came up like this, the chain of command was quick to investigate and solve the problem.
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This is another reason that cops have gotten a bad image. It is time for law enforcement to cleanup their act or continue to lose public support.
Noop. An even lesser group of meatheads who look the other way. One has Glocks, the other helicopters. Meaheads B meatheads "Following ordersRus."
My question is, how much real world time do YOU have around the military? Me? I've got 20 years serving in it. I'm guessing your experience is limited to beer drinking stories you heard from other guys bragging about crap that never happened.

You'd do well to put your service record back in your pocket and don't concern yourself with mine. I'm not wagging my dick back and forth with you. I've no interest in doing so or anything to lose or gain by it. I see a few of you do that dumb shit all of the time on here. There's nothing to be had by invoking your personal record. And you really shouldn't. I don't care about your personal service record. Or anyone elses. That's your business. And theirs. I personally do not invoke it. It is a choice. But whatever. To each their own.

Generally speaking, this stuff happens often, irrelevant of your own personal experience. Is it widespread? Of course not. But it happens. That it is an inconvenient and unpopular truth does not negate the fact of the matter.

As I said, and this is my own opinion, I think this is just a situation where the woman is trying to get ahead of any proceeding facts or history coming out.

When all of the facts from the other case which recently made headlines where an officer was being voluntarily passed around the department came out, that female officer also tried to play the harrassment card. Except she did so after the fact.

This one is likely learning from that recent incident on how to get ahead of the reporting.
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You'd do well to put your service record back in your pocket and don't concern yourself with mine. I'm not wagging my dick back and forth with you. I've no interest in doing so or anything to lose or gain by it. I see a few of you do that dumb shit all of the time on here. There's nothing to be had by invoking your personal record. And you really shouldn't. I don't care about your personal service record. Or anyone elses. That's your business. And theirs. I personally do not invoke it. It is a choice. But whatever. To each their own.

Generally speaking, this stuff happens often, irrelevant of your own personal experience. Is it widespread? Of course not. But it happens. That it is an inconvenient and unpopular truth does not negate the fact of the matter.

As I said, and this is my own opinion, I think this is just a situation where the woman is trying to get ahead of any proceeding facts or history coming out.

When all of the facts from the other case which recently made headlines where an officer was being voluntarily passed around the department came out, that female officer also tried to play the harrassment card. Except she did so after the fact.

This one is likely learning from that recent incident on how to get ahead of the reporting.

Hey, YOU were the one asking another poster how much "real world time" they had, and no, I didn't pull out my service record, just simply told you that I had 20 years real world time and that's about all I said about my experience. Interesting that you get defensive when someone asks what kind of "real world time" you have in that environment. Based on your response, I'm guessing not much.

Thanks for admitting that it doesn't happen much, but that it does happen. Yes, it does. And, whenever it happens, it needs to be checked out to see if there is any "there" there, and the people doing it need to be corrected and told that that kind of behavior is not acceptable.

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