Michigan’s AG is charging 16 Trump supporters with felonies for providing alternative electors in the 2020 election


We vote for our representatives and senators. Governors and Presidents. We get lies over and over on the Republican side much of the time. Though there are parts of the nation where that is not true. Face it. We live with authoritarians. If the governor of Michigan is an authoritarian prog socialist zealot, then perhaps authoritarian people with other views need to run against that. The authoritarians who rule now call Republicans just that. And they are not. There are, however, a percentage of Republican elected people who are Prog Socialist shills who represent the Prog Socialist authoritarians when needed. They are authoritarians. Just for the other side. People, if your comforts run out you will see what you voted for. If Republicans win in 2024 and control the House and Senate at the federal level along with the Presidency, the false Republican Prog socialist shills will show up again. How can there be conservatism when we are on the verge of acceptance of adults of having sex with children. That conservatism questioning that is promoted as extremism.
We vote for our representatives and senators. Governors and Presidents. We get lies over and over on the Republican side much of the time. Though there are parts of the nation where that is not true. Face it. We live with authoritarians. If the governor of Michigan is an authoritarian prog socialist zealot, then perhaps authoritarian people with other views need to run against that. The authoritarians who rule now call Republicans just that. And they are not. There are, however, a percentage of Republican elected people who are Prog Socialist shills who represent the Prog Socialist authoritarians when needed. They are authoritarians. Just for the other side. People, if your comforts run out you will see what you voted for. If Republicans win in 2024 and control the House and Senate at the federal level along with the Presidency, the false Republican Prog socialist shills will show up again. How can there be conservatism when we are on the verge of acceptance of adults of having sex with children. That conservatism questioning that is promoted as extremism.
America knows what's on the line should conholes win the next election. A nationwide abortion ban and relentless persecution of anybody not straight. More tax cuts for billionaires and abandoning Ukraine just like our democracy. That's why I am not worried about the next election.
Where's the criminality in this? It has been done in the past, no criminal charges were brought.

And Congress ultimately decides the validity of electors.

This is beyond disgusting.

It’s notable how readily you crap on America and the Constitution while vociferously claiming to defend it.
America knows what's on the line should conholes win the next election. A nationwide abortion ban and relentless persecution of anybody not straight. More tax cuts for billionaires and abandoning Ukraine just like our democracy. That's why I am not worried about the next election.
Those are extremist views that are on the stage of saying 300 million Americans will die if a Progressive Socialist program does not get its 10% increase instead of 9% the Republican shills will draw the line at wit the so-called inflation rate at 5%. Social Security of course will be undercut.
Those are extremist views that are on the stage of saying 300 million Americans will die if a Progressive Socialist program does not get its 10% increase instead of 9% the Republican shills will draw the line at wit the so-called inflation rate at 5%. Social Security of course will be undercut.
Oh yeah. SS. They will call it "reform", making it viable - for Wall Street.
Oh yeah. SS. They will call it "reform", making it viable - for Wall Street.
I am aging. Social Security was definitely fixed in the mid 1980's. With massive increases in taxes for it. They promised us. Lots of talks about it. Increase the age to collect and all of it. Dig up Tip O'Neill and Claude Pepper and the gang from their graves. They promised us. Negotiations of making Social Security private was spewed as pure unadulterated hate. There was talk of making partial taxes put into private investment accounts. The then Prog Socialist Communists would have none of it. They said...they said...that the Social Security system would be great until the 2070's at least. Everything including medical for the seniors. Nirvana, I tell you. Ask Joe. He will tell you.
America knows what's on the line should conholes win the next election.

Fortunately, you don't speak for America.

A nationwide abortion ban and relentless persecution of anybody not straight.


You mean not letting them mutilate themselves?

More tax cuts for billionaires and abandoning Ukraine just like our democracy. That's why I am not worried about the next election.

Typical libtard, fiddling while Rome burns.

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