Michio Kaku: God Created the Universe

I guess you misinterpret here something. I'm not a toy of god - no one is.

I am not misinterpreting anything. ...

If you think so. It's for me personally not any problem if you think god created you for his pleasure. I just simple don't see any sense in such a point of view. By the way: Why destroyed your president the shield NATO?

Your brain has become discombobulated. Now you are discussing BOTH religion and politics in a science forum. You really should get out more.
There is no such thing as creation science. There are no creation scientists, and there is nobody producing creation science.

Wrong once again. Atheists are usually wrong!

What we see in this thread is Michio Kaku has formulated the God theory. Being a theoretical physicist, he formulated tachyons, multiverses and strings to show that we can have a God theory. However, creation science and secular science before the 1850s already had it.
What we see in this thread is Michio Kaku has formulated the God theory.
No he hasn't. Damn you say the stupidest shit. He formulated amd presented no scientific theory. In fact, he very intentionally and specifically said exactly the opposite, when he spoke of it not being a scientific idea. You are easily one of the most dishonest little pricks i have ever run across.
We see that secular or atheist science of today has eliminated the "best" theory of God theory. It's no wonder today's science has gone so far off the track like big bang, billions of year old universe and Earth, global warming/climate change, aliens, abiogenesis and more.. There is no need to believe in evolution as it is not practical. Maybe to pass that 7th grade test. Otherwise, there is no practical use.
What we see in this thread is Michio Kaku has formulated the God theory.
No he hasn't. Damn you say the stupidest shit. He formulated amd presented no scientific theory. In fact, he very intentionally and specifically said exactly the opposite, when he spoke of it not being a scientific idea. You are easily one of the most dishonest little pricks i have ever run across.

It's all in the link I posted from Jan 2018.
What we see in this thread is Michio Kaku has formulated the God theory.
No he hasn't. Damn you say the stupidest shit. He formulated amd presented no scientific theory. In fact, he very intentionally and specifically said exactly the opposite, when he spoke of it not being a scientific idea. You are easily one of the most dishonest little pricks i have ever run across.

It's all in the link I posted from Jan 2018.
No it isn't. That's another shameless lie.
We see that secular or atheist science of today has eliminated the "best" theory of God theory. It's no wonder today's science has gone so far off the track like big bang, billions of year old universe and Earth, global warming/climate change, aliens, abiogenesis and more.. There is no need to believe in evolution as it is not practical. Maybe to pass that 7th grade test. Otherwise, there is no practical use.

I think we see that science has moved us away from fear and superstition, at least some of us,
I guess you misinterpret here something. I'm not a toy of god - no one is.

I am not misinterpreting anything. ...

If you think so. It's for me personally not any problem if you think god created you for his pleasure. I just simple don't see any sense in such a point of view. By the way: Why destroyed your president the shield NATO?

Your brain has become discombobulated.

My brain is totally unimportant. What's important are my experiences. And I fear you would be dead more than only one time if you had to make my experiences, Mr. Impertinence.

Now you are discussing BOTH religion and politics in a science forum.

I do not discuss themes like "science vs religion" or the much more stupid theme "creation vs evolution". If you try to understand what I said here then you will know why.

You really should get out more.

Tell me why the USA likes not to be shielded any longer from the Atlantic side.

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We see that secular or atheist science of today has eliminated the "best" theory of God theory. It's no wonder today's science has gone so far off the track like big bang, billions of year old universe and Earth, global warming/climate change, aliens, abiogenesis and more.. There is no need to believe in evolution as it is not practical. Maybe to pass that 7th grade test. Otherwise, there is no practical use.

I think we see that science has moved us away from fear and superstition, at least some of us,

There ambassadors came to him from Syrmus, king of the Triballians, and from the other independent nations dwelling near the Ister. Some even arrived from the Celts who dwelt near the Ionian gulf. These people are of great stature, and of a haughty disposition. All the envoys said that they had come to seek Alexander’s friendship. To all of them he gave pledges of amity, and received pledges from them in return. He then asked the Celts what thing in the world caused them special alarm, expecting that his own great fame had reached the Celts and had penetrated still further, and that they would say that they feared him most of all things. But the answer of the Celts turned out quite contrary to his expectation; for, as they dwelt so far away from Alexander, inhabiting districts difficult of access, and as they saw he was about to set out in another direction, they said they were afraid that the sky would some time or other fall down upon them.
Lucius Flavius Arrianus Xenophon

By the way: Alexander the great was a great drunkard. And everyone who tries to go in his footsteps is only an idiot - as he was on his own a murderous asshole and an idiot too. The genius in his time of history was his teacher Aristotle, who is also one of the most important Catholics, who ever had existed. Without Aristotle (including his interpreter Averroës (Ibn Rushd)) and the Holy Catholic Church would not exist any modern university today.

An die Freude / Ode to Joy by Friedrich Schiller translated by William F. Wertz

Joy, thou beauteous godly lightning,
Daughter of Elysium,
Fire drunken we are ent’ring
Heavenly, thy holy home!
Thy enchantments bind together,
What did custom stern divide,
Every man becomes a brother,
Where thy gentle wings abide.

Be embrac’d, ye millions yonder!
Take this kiss throughout the world!
Brothers—o’er the stars unfurl’d
Must reside a loving Father.

Who the noble prize achieveth,
Good friend of a friend to be;
Who a lovely wife attaineth,
Join us in his jubilee!
Yes—he too who but one being
On this earth can call his own!
He who ne’er was able, weeping
Stealeth from this league alone!

He who in the great ring dwelleth,
Homage pays to sympathy!
To the stars above leads she,
Where on high the Unknown reigneth.

Joy is drunk by every being
From kind nature’s flowing breasts,
Every evil, every good thing
For her rosy footprint quests.
Gave she us both vines and kisses,
In the face of death a friend,
To the worm were given blisses
And the Cherubs God attend.

Fall before him, all ye millions?

Know’st thou the Creator, world?
Seek above the stars unfurl’d,
Yonder dwells He in the heavens.

Joy commands the hardy mainspring
Of the universe eterne.
Joy, oh joy the wheel is driving
Which the worlds’ great clock doth turn.
Flowers from the buds she coaxes,
Suns from out the hyaline,
Spheres she rotates through expanses,
Which the seer can’t divine.

As the suns are flying, happy
Through the heaven’s glorious plane,
Travel, brothers, down your lane,
Joyful as in hero’s vict’ry.

From the truth’s own fiery mirror
On the searcher doth she smile.
Up the steep incline of honor
Guideth she the suff’rer’s mile.
High upon faith’s sunlit mountains
One can see her banner flies,
Through the breach of open’d coffins

She in angel’s choir doth rise.

Suffer on courageous millions!
Suffer for a better world!
O’er the tent of stars unfurl’d
God rewards you from the heavens.

Gods can never be requited,
Beauteous ’tis, their like to be.
Grief and want shall be reported,
So to cheer with gaiety.
Hate and vengeance be forgotten,
Pardon’d be our mortal foe,
Not a teardrop shall him dampen,
No repentance bring him low.

Let our book of debts be cancell’d!
Reconcile the total world!
Brothers—o’er the stars unfurl’d
God doth judge, as we have settl’d.

Joy doth bubble from this rummer,
From the golden blood of grape
Cannibals imbibe good temper,
Weak of heart their courage take—
Brothers, fly up from thy places,
When the brimming cup doth pass,
Let the foam shoot up in spaces:
To the goodly Soul this glass!

Whom the crown of stars doth honor,
Whom the hymns of Seraphs bless,
To the goodly Soul this glass
O’er the tent of stars up yonder!

Courage firm in grievous trial,
Help, where innocence doth scream,
Oaths which sworn to are eternal,
Truth to friend and foe the same,
Manly pride ’fore kingly power—
Brothers, cost it life and blood,—
Honor to whom merits honor,
Ruin to the lying brood!

Closer draw the holy circle,
Swear it by this golden wine,
Faithful to the vow divine,
Swear it by the Judge celestial!

Rescue from the tyrant’s fetters,
Mercy to the villain e’en,
Hope within the dying hours,
Pardon at the guillotine!
E’en the dead shall live in heaven!
Brothers, drink and all agree,
Every sin shall be forgiven,
Hell forever cease to be.

A serene departing hour!
Pleasant sleep beneath the pall!
Brothers—gentle words for all
Doth the Judge of mortals utter
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abu afak

You forgot to call my post "funny", which got here the number 160. No energy any longer for your very complex :10:-statements?

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My brain is totally unimportant. What's important are my experiences. And I fear you would be dead more than only one time if you had to make my experiences, Mr. Impertinence.

Your experiences shaped your worldview, but have you thought that maybe you were misled or lied to? I mean I'm doing my darnest to convince you, but it seems you keep missing the point or staying with your current worldview. I think Kaku's thinking led him to change his worldview even though we still can't prove God one way or another.

I do not discuss themes like "science vs religion" or the much more stupid theme "creation vs evolution". If you try to understand what I said here then you will know why.

Nothing stupid about science vs religion nor creation vs evolution. All are worldviews. You contradict yourself. First you refer to your experiences which means your worldview, but then say the above are stupid themes. They're not themes, but worldviews haha.
What we see in this thread is Michio Kaku has formulated the God theory.
No he hasn't. Damn you say the stupidest shit. He formulated amd presented no scientific theory. In fact, he very intentionally and specifically said exactly the opposite, when he spoke of it not being a scientific idea. You are easily one of the most dishonest little pricks i have ever run across.

It's all in the link I posted from Jan 2018.
No it isn't. That's another shameless lie.

I didn't write the article, so you continue to be wrong and your entire argument is ad hominem attacks. You don't have to accept his God theory. Other links say that he "proved" the existence of God, but we know there are no "proofs" in science.

What does he say here? We know what Tyson is going to say.

My brain is totally unimportant. What's important are my experiences. And I fear you would be dead more than only one time if you had to make my experiences, Mr. Impertinence.

Your experiences shaped your worldview, but have you thought that maybe you were misled or lied to? I mean I'm doing my darnest to convince you, but it seems you keep missing the point or staying with your current worldview. I think Kaku's thinking led him to change his worldview even though we still can't prove God one way or another.

I do not discuss themes like "science vs religion" or the much more stupid theme "creation vs evolution". If you try to understand what I said here then you will know why.

Nothing stupid about science vs religion nor creation vs evolution. All are worldviews. You contradict yourself. First you refer to your experiences which means your worldview, but then say the above are stupid themes. They're not themes, but worldviews haha.

Nonsense. The various disciplines of science are not “worldviews”, they are explorations of the natural world through evidence and examination of the processes within the scientific method.

Faith doesn’t claim evidence and it can not claim evidence. That's because faith isn't a tool-- it is a conclusion. Faith by definition is not a path to knowledge -- else, if the item is known, it no longer needs faith. If one can be said to "know there is a god" -- then of what need is there for faith?

Since reason won't suffice to support an irrational claim (i.e., supernatural beings being real, not fictional), one is forced into creating a "new method" by which one supports one's claims. Enter faith, theistically defined as the substance of things "hoped for"; the evidence of things not seen. I "hope for" a number of things-- but "hoping" is not enough-- there has to be evidence, and not evidence that is "not seen".
My brain is totally unimportant. What's important are my experiences. And I fear you would be dead more than only one time if you had to make my experiences, Mr. Impertinence.

Your experiences shaped your worldview,

No. You don't have any idea about me - that's what I expressed. And you will never be able to understand me, because you are not able to survive what I survived.

but have you thought that maybe you were misled or lied to?

I did not vote for Trump.

I mean I'm doing my darnest to convince you,

From what? Why?

but it seems you keep missing the point or staying with your current worldview. I think Kaku's thinking led him to change his worldview even though we still can't prove God one way or another.

Gödel proved god - no one disproved Gödel.

I do not discuss themes like "science vs religion" or the much more stupid theme "creation vs evolution". If you try to understand what I said here then you will know why.

Nothing stupid about science vs religion nor creation vs evolution.

Totally superflous never ending stupid discussions of the English speaking world.

All are worldviews.


You contradict yourself. First you refer to your experiences which means your worldview, but then say the above are stupid themes. They're not themes, but worldviews haha.


abu afak

You forgot to call my post "funny", which got here the number 160. No energy any longer for your very complex :10:-statements?

Perhaps you are right, abu afak. It makes in the English speaking world really not a big sense to try to speak with anyone. You (=The English speaking world) are a culture, which lost the ability to communicate with each other.

Nonsense. The various disciplines of science are not “worldviews”, they are explorations of the natural world through evidence and examination of the processes within the scientific method.

They're worldviews because it's atheist science or fake science. They made wrong assumptions, used evidence to fit their theory and eliminated their competition. The Earth isn't 4.6 B years old nor the universe 13.7 B years old. Besides, the ages keep getting longer. I can't wait for the James Webb telescope to discover more untruths of the atheist scientists.
Gödel proved god

Yup and the computer was used to do the math. I like this argument from contingency:

  1. If something exists, there must exist what it takes for that thing to exist.
  2. The universe—the collection of beings in space and time—exists.
  3. Therefore, there must exist what it takes for the universe to exist.
  4. What it takes for the universe to exist cannot exist within the universe or be bounded by space and time.
  5. Therefore, what it takes for the universe to exist must transcend both space and time.
Nonsense. The various disciplines of science are not “worldviews”, they are explorations of the natural world through evidence and examination of the processes within the scientific method.

They're worldviews because it's atheist science or fake science. They made wrong assumptions, used evidence to fit their theory and eliminated their competition. The Earth isn't 4.6 B years old nor the universe 13.7 B years old. Besides, the ages keep getting longer. I can't wait for the James Webb telescope to discover more untruths of the atheist scientists.

Your slogans are right out of the biblical literalist / YEC'ist handbook. I'm delighted to inform you that biological organisms evolve, we do, in fact, live in a heliocentric planetary system and the earth is in fact, Not Flat.

Are the charlatans at AIG supposed to be the end result of biblical literalism? In that, there should be no question as to the authenticity of the Bible, its provenance, its authorship-- it should supernaturally resist every attempt to change it. It should be immune to any and all tampering, It should gel not only with itself, but with the greater reality which is replete with evidence. If early humans could understand a "global flood" and parting of the Seas, then they could also understand a heliocentric solar system and the fact that stars are far away and life on earth has evolved for billions of years.

Yet the bibles purposely outline a creation that flies in the face of the evidence. Which is not surprising since, as a man-made book which is limited to the knowledge of the men who wrote it, it displays precisely the level of knowledge that would be available to the people in whose time it was written.

Other than the miracles, and some philosophical ideas (which were not wholly unique; for instance, Confucius coined the Golden Rule 500 years before Jesus allegedly did so), there's absolutely nothing unique in the Bibles. It's just got a lot of conflicting fables to it because it was written by many different people over many hundreds of years.
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Nonsense. The various disciplines of science are not “worldviews”, they are explorations of the natural world through evidence and examination of the processes within the scientific method.

They're worldviews because it's atheist science or fake science. They made wrong assumptions, used evidence to fit their theory and eliminated their competition. The Earth isn't 4.6 B years old nor the universe 13.7 B years old. Besides, the ages keep getting longer. I can't wait for the James Webb telescope to discover more untruths of the atheist scientists.

Your slogans are right out of the biblical literalist / YEC'ist handbook. I'm delighted to inform you that biological organisms evolve, we do, in fact, live in a heliocentric planetary system and the earth is in fact, Not Flat.

Are the charlatans at AIG supposed to be the end result of biblical literalism? In that, there should be no question as to the authenticity of the Bible, its provenance, its authorship-- it should supernaturally resist every attempt to change it. It should be immune to any and all tampering, It should gel not only with itself, but with the greater reality which is replete with evidence. If early humans could understand a "global flood" and parting of the Seas, then they could also understand a heliocentric solar system and the fact that stars are far away and life on earth has evolved for billions of years.

Yet the bibles purposely outline a creation that flies in the face of the evidence. Which is not surprising since, as a man-made book which is limited to the knowledge of the men who wrote it, it displays precisely the level of knowledge that would be available to the people in whose time it was written.

Other than the miracles, and some philosophical ideas (which were not wholly unique; for instance, Confucius coined the Golden Rule 500 years before Jesus allegedly did so), there's absolutely nothing unique in the Bibles. It's just got a lot of conflicting fables to it because it was written by many different people over many hundreds of years.

I said nothing of the kind. You must mix it up with the things that run inside your cuckoo brain.

On the first day, God created the space, time, universe, earth, and the EMS or light. That explains how space and time came into being while you cannot explain how space and time came into existence due to invisible particles. Thus, it sounds like you and the atheists are in the flat earth club. Besides, Copernicus was a Christian and believed in creation when he came up with heliocentricity. He challenged Pope Gregory and the bishops of what they were teaching. It's like today's creation scientists challenge the powers that be in secular or atheist science. God also explains how the universe and everything in it came to exist today.

Your science went wrong the very first microsecond of invisible particles. You cannot explain, so all you do is complain. That gets tiring and boring very fast, so just put your tail between your legs and go back to the drawing board.

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