Midterm results don't really bother me much

yep, teabagged the hell out them RIGHT out of Power and they ain't liking it much...
way to go ALL YOU, TEABAGGERS:happy-1:

So you do embrace the term.
No, actually the name was the tea party or tea party patriots. It was the democrats that came up with tea baggers, trying to demean us. The funny part is your party is so stupid that calling us the tea baggers, mean that our opponents are the ones that get tea bagged. Lol, and actually it shows that you really don't care about morality, because you know kids will eventually ask the question. What does it mean to be teabagged?

You mean like they did when the right wing was on the news every night for months talking about oral sex?
Was fox on the air back then? It was liberal president that lied under oath about a simple blow job that made it a world wide sensation. If Clinton would've just told the truth, it wouldn't been as big as it became. Also I remember liberals telling everyone including kids a blow job, isn't really sex. Which with kids a Lewinsky became popular. Thanks again for proving liberals don't have a moral bone in your bodies.

Whoa, hold up.
Are you saying blowjobs are immoral?

It used to be considered impossible for the most powerful man in the office to have a truly consensual relationship with the least powerful woman in the office. Of course, that was before Bubba put the feminists in the uncomfortable situation of having to choose between protecting a sexual harasser and fearing the loss of the sacrament of abortion. Irrational, yes, but it worked. They protected him.
You keep saying we are teabaggers, we how did it feel to get teabagged last Tuesday? I'm sure you enjoyed it, you surely talk about it enough.

yep, teabagged the hell out them RIGHT out of Power and they ain't liking it much...
way to go ALL YOU, TEABAGGERS:happy-1:

So you do embrace the term.
No, actually the name was the tea party or tea party patriots. It was the democrats that came up with tea baggers, trying to demean us. The funny part is your party is so stupid that calling us the tea baggers, mean that our opponents are the ones that get tea bagged. Lol, and actually it shows that you really don't care about morality, because you know kids will eventually ask the question. What does it mean to be teabagged?

You mean like they did when the right wing was on the news every night for months talking about oral sex?
Oh yeah and also republicans were prosecuting clinton for lying under oath, it was the liberals who made a big deal about the cause of the impeachment, not republicans. Try again.

If they could make it all about a blow job then they can excuse his lying to us right to our face (I did not have sex with that WOMAN)...and then excuse him lying to the GRAND JURY too. they have no morals or standards anymore when it comes to their politicians. that's why we now have a tyrant like Obama as President
I acknowledge your surrender, subversive!

Claim victory and run and hope nobody noticed that your claim of Mexican shoot on sight policy just isn't true. Typical teabagger.
You keep saying we are teabaggers, we how did it feel to get teabagged last Tuesday? I'm sure you enjoyed it, you surely talk about it enough.

yep, teabagged the hell out them RIGHT out of Power and they ain't liking it much...
way to go ALL YOU, TEABAGGERS:happy-1:

So you do embrace the term.
No, actually the name was the tea party or tea party patriots. It was the democrats that came up with tea baggers, trying to demean us. The funny part is your party is so stupid that calling us the tea baggers, mean that our opponents are the ones that get tea bagged. Lol, and actually it shows that you really don't care about morality, because you know kids will eventually ask the question. What does it mean to be teabagged?

Check the headline on this tea party prop from March 30, 2009.

Or this tea party sign from a month earlier (2/27):


--- or this article from no less a Conservative voice than National Review:

>>> According to the website of the Tea Party Patriots, the movement is committed to three “core values”: fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets.The first big day for this movement was Tax Day, April 15. And organizers had a gimmick. They asked people to send a tea bag to the Oval Office. One of the exhortations was “Tea Bag the Fools in D.C.” A protester was spotted with a sign saying, “Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You.” So, conservatives started it: started with this terminology. <<
The revisionist history dog don't hunt.
So you do embrace the term.
No, actually the name was the tea party or tea party patriots. It was the democrats that came up with tea baggers, trying to demean us. The funny part is your party is so stupid that calling us the tea baggers, mean that our opponents are the ones that get tea bagged. Lol, and actually it shows that you really don't care about morality, because you know kids will eventually ask the question. What does it mean to be teabagged?

You mean like they did when the right wing was on the news every night for months talking about oral sex?
Was fox on the air back then? It was liberal president that lied under oath about a simple blow job that made it a world wide sensation. If Clinton would've just told the truth, it wouldn't been as big as it became. Also I remember liberals telling everyone including kids a blow job, isn't really sex. Which with kids a Lewinsky became popular. Thanks again for proving liberals don't have a moral bone in your bodies.

Whoa, hold up.
Are you saying blowjobs are immoral?

It used to be considered impossible for the most powerful man in the office to have a truly consensual relationship with the least powerful woman in the office. Of course, that was before Bubba put the feminists in the uncomfortable situation of having to choose between protecting a sexual harasser and fearing the loss of the sacrament of abortion. Irrational, yes, but it worked. They protected him.

That's not an answer. And it wasn't your post to answer anyway.
"Midterm results don't really bother me much"

The results shouldn't bother you at all given voter turnout was low, lower this year than in 2010, that the results aren't representative of the Nation as a whole, and that republicans lack the votes in the Senate to enact their reckless, irresponsible measures.
North Carolina set a all time mid term election recorder sorry sport that duck ain't going to fly.

Well no, it is gonna fly. The "recorder" set was in absolute numbers -- not percentages. That happens when your population grows. But the actual percentage was -- 44. Same as last mid-term. --NC Voter Turnout Same as 2010

That's 44 percent of the populace choosing Senators and Congresscritters. Chew that.
.OTOH, Jeane Shaheen embraced Obama and his policies and won.

No. Shaheen won based solely on voters who should have been here in my state of residence - Massachusetts. Most of Southern NH is now populated by people who work in Boston and its surrounds who don't want to pay the horrible taxes and fees in this state. They've turned Southern New Hampshire into a bastion of gutless fucks who won't live their stated values.

Actually, every election map I have seen showed the border areas (Nashua and Hillsboro County) going red...Shaheen won because Brown was a weak candidate and the Democrat machine poured an ENORMOUS amount of money into the race.

Shaheen, unlike Brown, is intimately known in New Hamster. She's a former governor.
Actually Mary Landrieu came out first in her election, but under the Louisiana system will go into a runoff.

Historically accurate though -- as long as there have been these two parties, whichever one holds the White House almost always loses ground in the mid-terms. There have been three exceptions since the Civil War. What would have been news would be if that did not happen. It's well-established pattern.
The Senate rarely changes leadership. Obama's policies were behind these losses. Consider getting a yellow lab puppy.

Bullshit post hoc. The Senate can change 'hands' whenever it's close enough to do so, and as already mentioned, has done so regularly in mid-terms. It's simple numbers. Maybe too simple.
It was pretty much in keeping with history. No Liberals were voted out, only Republican-Lite in states that Obama didn't win, anyway, except for CO.


All of these Senators/Candidates were Blue Dog Democrats who ran from Obama and his policies, which is why they lost.

OTOH, Jeane Shaheen embraced Obama and his policies and won.

So it's not a repudiation of Obama in any way. It's a repudiation of Democrats trying to distance themselves from all the success of the Obama terms, in an effort to endear themselves to wingnuts, while alienating their base.
You dumb ass Kay Hagan was a liberal that won on the coat tail of obama in 2008 so your attempt to deflect the ass kicking the dems got last Tuesday is a big fat fail.

Kay Hagan's election was flooded with Koch money. We even had one of their people posting here, guy name of JohnWK. From Florida. A paid political blogger, running endless tirades on a North Carolina senator via dozens of websites (which I documented) ---- from his home in Florida.
.OTOH, Jeane Shaheen embraced Obama and his policies and won.

No. Shaheen won based solely on voters who should have been here in my state of residence - Massachusetts. Most of Southern NH is now populated by people who work in Boston and its surrounds who don't want to pay the horrible taxes and fees in this state. They've turned Southern New Hampshire into a bastion of gutless fucks who won't live their stated values.

Actually, every election map I have seen showed the border areas (Nashua and Hillsboro County) going red...Shaheen won because Brown was a weak candidate and the Democrat machine poured an ENORMOUS amount of money into the race.

Shaheen, unlike Brown, is intimately known in New Hamster. She's a former governor.
He's been beaten by two Democratic women now, maybe he'll finally be done with politics.
What's congress and the gop polling at? Under 10%? You have zero room to talk. You won because the other team didn't show up and not because of your policies...

Don't worry the dems will win again and you, legends, steph etc will be on here making al sorts oof butthurt excuses as to why you lost.
You people did it in 2012 and 2008....you still do it now...
Do you have any idea what "irony" is? Or perhaps it is the meaning of "butthurt" which escapes you, though I seriously doubt that.

The poll showed that the Republicans won in a landslide. That's the only poll that counts.

Now for Hillary in 2016!! I know many Democrats who won't vote for her and have said so. Hey: if she couldn't keep Bill satisfied then how is she going to satisfy the whole USA ??


You think Bill is easily satisfied huh?

yep, teabagged the hell out them RIGHT out of Power and they ain't liking it much...
way to go ALL YOU, TEABAGGERS:happy-1:

So you do embrace the term.
No, actually the name was the tea party or tea party patriots. It was the democrats that came up with tea baggers, trying to demean us. The funny part is your party is so stupid that calling us the tea baggers, mean that our opponents are the ones that get tea bagged. Lol, and actually it shows that you really don't care about morality, because you know kids will eventually ask the question. What does it mean to be teabagged?

You mean like they did when the right wing was on the news every night for months talking about oral sex?
Was fox on the air back then? It was liberal president that lied under oath about a simple blow job that made it a world wide sensation. If Clinton would've just told the truth, it wouldn't been as big as it became. Also I remember liberals telling everyone including kids a blow job, isn't really sex. Which with kids a Lewinsky became popular. Thanks again for proving liberals don't have a moral bone in your bodies.

Whoa, hold up.
Are you saying blowjobs are immoral?
Obama had his ass handed to him.

"Shellacking" in Obama's own words.

He can't handle the truth so be prepared for him to become more dictatorial.

It is actually a historic shellacking.

The democrats squashed gay republican Carl DeMaio with a fake scandal and stacking the absentee ballots. So much for democrats supporting gays.

It's just like with any group. The democrats only support you if you're a democrat.
Bob Woodward: Democrats Tell Me Privately They Hate Obama Too [VIDEO]
12:06 PM 11/09/2014

Alex Griswold
Media Reporter
  • Alex Griswold

    • Alex Griswold is a reporter for The Daily Caller.
Legendary Washington Post reporter and editor Bob Woodward said on a “Face the Nation” panel that when he speaks to Senate Democrats about Obama they are “on fire,” and just as loud in the criticism of the president as Republicans are publicly.

ALL of it here:
Bob Woodward Dems Tell Me Privately They Hate Obama Too The Daily Caller

The RACISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Whoops: Rabbi already said it!!!

The NASTY RACISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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No, actually the name was the tea party or tea party patriots. It was the democrats that came up with tea baggers, trying to demean us. The funny part is your party is so stupid that calling us the tea baggers, mean that our opponents are the ones that get tea bagged. Lol, and actually it shows that you really don't care about morality, because you know kids will eventually ask the question. What does it mean to be teabagged?

You mean like they did when the right wing was on the news every night for months talking about oral sex?
Was fox on the air back then? It was liberal president that lied under oath about a simple blow job that made it a world wide sensation. If Clinton would've just told the truth, it wouldn't been as big as it became. Also I remember liberals telling everyone including kids a blow job, isn't really sex. Which with kids a Lewinsky became popular. Thanks again for proving liberals don't have a moral bone in your bodies.

Whoa, hold up.
Are you saying blowjobs are immoral?

It used to be considered impossible for the most powerful man in the office to have a truly consensual relationship with the least powerful woman in the office. Of course, that was before Bubba put the feminists in the uncomfortable situation of having to choose between protecting a sexual harasser and fearing the loss of the sacrament of abortion. Irrational, yes, but it worked. They protected him.

That's not an answer. And it wasn't your post to answer anyway.

Really? I had no idea the board forbade posters from commenting on posts they wanted to comment on.
Wrong again, TK. The country has not gone "Red". I am not a sore loser, I just hate the way you Dopes are trying to exaggerate the win. You won congress, not the country and most of the wins were already in red states.

Republicans deepened their control of the House …

It was never really in question that Republicans would maintain control of the House and likely gain seats — they've ended up gaining at least 10 — but there are still some surprises here. In Georgia's 12th district, Republican Rick Allen upset Rep. John Barrow, one of the last of the conservative Southern Democrats who dominated the House for decades and are now going extinct before our eyes. And Gwen Graham — daughter of former Democratic senator and governor Bob Graham — beat Republican incumbent Steve Southerland in Florida's 2nd district.


Republican Senate gains were mainly in red states

Iowa and Colorado were the toughest Senate losses for Democrats to explain. Obama won both of those states, twice. The other five confirmed Republican gains are concentrated in red states. Thom Tillis picked up North Carolina's seat, which Kay Hagan won in 2008. Arkansas Democrat Mark Pryor was walloped due to the state's rightward tilt and a national Republican wave; the same thing happened to fellow Arkansan Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln in 2010. Meanwhile, popular Democrats retired in three states — South Dakota, Montana, and West Virginia — making all three guaranteed GOP gains.

Wrong again, TK. The country has not gone "Red". I am not a sore loser, I just hate the way you Dopes are trying to exaggerate the win. You won congress, not the country and most of the wins were already in red states.

Republicans deepened their control of the House …

It was never really in question that Republicans would maintain control of the House and likely gain seats — they've ended up gaining at least 10 — but there are still some surprises here. In Georgia's 12th district, Republican Rick Allen upset Rep. John Barrow, one of the last of the conservative Southern Democrats who dominated the House for decades and are now going extinct before our eyes. And Gwen Graham — daughter of former Democratic senator and governor Bob Graham — beat Republican incumbent Steve Southerland in Florida's 2nd district.


Republican Senate gains were mainly in red states

Iowa and Colorado were the toughest Senate losses for Democrats to explain. Obama won both of those states, twice. The other five confirmed Republican gains are concentrated in red states. Thom Tillis picked up North Carolina's seat, which Kay Hagan won in 2008. Arkansas Democrat Mark Pryor was walloped due to the state's rightward tilt and a national Republican wave; the same thing happened to fellow Arkansan Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln in 2010. Meanwhile, popular Democrats retired in three states — South Dakota, Montana, and West Virginia — making all three guaranteed GOP gains.


Ah, but you are an expert at cherrypicking. Check the page you got that from:


You must have forgotten that we held elections for congress too. Now, sit down before you hurt yourself.
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Lie much? The maps I posted were not pre-election, the one you posted was bogus tho. I believe the first map like yours that went viral was a Reagan win. He won his elections handily as well as Rs won this time but it's never good enough for the keyboard commandos, you always have to exaggerate, putting up maps that seem not to have any blue at all. This country is NOT 90% red no matter how you attempt to spin it.


Btw, here are the maps I posted again: Midterm results don t really bother me much Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Lie much? The maps I posted were not pre-election, the one you posted was bogus tho. I believe the first map like yours that went viral was a Reagan win. He won his elections handily as well as Rs won this time but it's never good enough for the keyboard commandos, you always have to exaggerate, putting up maps that seem not to have any blue at all. This country is NOT 90% red no matter how you attempt to spin it.


Btw, here are the maps I posted again: Midterm results don t really bother me much Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You really don't know how to read, Sarah, that is a gif. It showed pre and post election. Look at all that red, that is close to 90% coverage.

Here is the map I posted, again:


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