Midterm results don't really bother me much

Lie much? The maps I posted were not pre-election, the one you posted was bogus tho. I believe the first map like yours that went viral was a Reagan win. He won his elections handily as well as Rs won this time but it's never good enough for the keyboard commandos, you always have to exaggerate, putting up maps that seem not to have any blue at all. This country is NOT 90% red no matter how you attempt to spin it.


Btw, here are the maps I posted again: Midterm results don t really bother me much Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You really don't know how to read, Sarah, that is a gif. It showed pre and post election. Look at all that red, that is close to 90% coverage.

Here is the map I posted, again:

That's the map you got from my site. I am objecting to the initial map you posted.
Lie much? The maps I posted were not pre-election, the one you posted was bogus tho. I believe the first map like yours that went viral was a Reagan win. He won his elections handily as well as Rs won this time but it's never good enough for the keyboard commandos, you always have to exaggerate, putting up maps that seem not to have any blue at all. This country is NOT 90% red no matter how you attempt to spin it.


Btw, here are the maps I posted again: Midterm results don t really bother me much Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You really don't know how to read, Sarah, that is a gif. It showed pre and post election. Look at all that red, that is close to 90% coverage.

Here is the map I posted, again:


And again:

Lie much? The maps I posted were not pre-election, the one you posted was bogus tho. I believe the first map like yours that went viral was a Reagan win. He won his elections handily as well as Rs won this time but it's never good enough for the keyboard commandos, you always have to exaggerate, putting up maps that seem not to have any blue at all. This country is NOT 90% red no matter how you attempt to spin it.


Btw, here are the maps I posted again: Midterm results don t really bother me much Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You really don't know how to read, Sarah, that is a gif. It showed pre and post election. Look at all that red, that is close to 90% coverage.

Here is the map I posted, again:

That's the map you got from my site. I am objecting to the initial map you posted.

Do I need to put this on flash cards for you?

That map in the post above matches the map I used in my initial post.
You are saying the country is 90% red and I am telling you that although the state is shown red, there are still blue areas there. You have a majority but 90% of the country did not turn red. Spin away...
It was pretty much in keeping with history. No Liberals were voted out, only Republican-Lite in states that Obama didn't win, anyway, except for CO.


All of these Senators/Candidates were Blue Dog Democrats who ran from Obama and his policies, which is why they lost.

OTOH, Jeane Shaheen embraced Obama and his policies and won.

So it's not a repudiation of Obama in any way. It's a repudiation of Democrats trying to distance themselves from all the success of the Obama terms, in an effort to endear themselves to wingnuts, while alienating their base.
Only an idiot and a complete dupe would call Mary Landrieu "republican-lite'.

If you can't get over this, you need to buy a great Louisiana product:

She's a conservative Democrat.

If she IS a Blue Dog then she will need to show it. Alas I am far from convinced.

Depends on the issues. If it's vaginal probes from Felon Bob and his ilk, then yeah, she's a Liberal on those things.

If you're talking guns, religion, energy policy, regulations, taxes, subsidies, she's more of a Republican.

Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2013.

Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2012

Hagan Voted With Obama 90% Of The Time In 2011.

Hagan Voted With Obama 95% Of The Time In 2010.

Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2009.

(Source: Congressional Quarterly)
I just checked that first one and here is what I found. If Hagan is a 'blue dog' Democrat, I will eat my computer.

"Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2013.

Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2012

Hagan Voted With Obama 90% Of The Time In 2011.

Hagan Voted With Obama 95% Of The Time In 2010.

Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2009."

(Source: Congressional Quarterly)


“The president is always welcome to come to North Carolina and campaign with me.” -Kay Hagan (Associated Press, 3/21/14)

“I continue to work with the president and meet with him regularly.” -Kay Hagan (The Chronicle, 3/26/14)

“Harry Reid is our leader, and I certainly do support Harry. And I have a huge race going on right now, and I will be victorious. And I will be back next year. And we can talk all about that then.” -Kay Hagan (Politico, 4/3/2014)


Obama doesn't vote, so I don't know what they are using to measure that.

The link is after each and every one of those comments, i.e. (Source: Congressional Quarterly)

The term 'Voted With' is accepted by all but the brain dead as meaning bills that Obama also proposed and/or supported.
Which are all moderate-conservative bills and positions. Obama is no Liberal, no matter what your boyfriend Sean says.
No such thing as a conservative Democrat anymore. Or a Blue Dog Democrat. They are all Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi Democrats. They refused to stand up to their party leaders and instead bought the party line and supported them, being told Obamacare would insure their electoral victories.
How did that work out?
Not anymore. They all just got voted out on the Senate side.
No such thing as a conservative Democrat anymore. Or a Blue Dog Democrat. They are all Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi Democrats. They refused to stand up to their party leaders and instead bought the party line and supported them, being told Obamacare would insure their electoral victories.
How did that work out?
Not anymore. They all just got voted out on the Senate side.
There were none. They were all Harry Reid/Nancy Pelosi Democrats. Those voted out voted with Obama well over 90% of the time.
This shows that Democrats walk in lockstep and all think alike.
Last edited:

Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2013.

Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2012

Hagan Voted With Obama 90% Of The Time In 2011.

Hagan Voted With Obama 95% Of The Time In 2010.

Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2009.

(Source: Congressional Quarterly)
Who needs a link?

She got CANNED.
yep, teabagged the hell out them RIGHT out of Power and they ain't liking it much...
way to go ALL YOU, TEABAGGERS:happy-1:

So you do embrace the term.
No, actually the name was the tea party or tea party patriots. It was the democrats that came up with tea baggers, trying to demean us. The funny part is your party is so stupid that calling us the tea baggers, mean that our opponents are the ones that get tea bagged. Lol, and actually it shows that you really don't care about morality, because you know kids will eventually ask the question. What does it mean to be teabagged?

You mean like they did when the right wing was on the news every night for months talking about oral sex?
Was fox on the air back then? It was liberal president that lied under oath about a simple blow job that made it a world wide sensation. If Clinton would've just told the truth, it wouldn't been as big as it became. Also I remember liberals telling everyone including kids a blow job, isn't really sex. Which with kids a Lewinsky became popular. Thanks again for proving liberals don't have a moral bone in your bodies.

Whoa, hold up.
Are you saying blowjobs are immoral?

If I remember correctly Gingrich was heading the right wing outrage while screwing around on his wife who was in the hospital with cancer. Sure. That's really the moral high ground, isn't it?

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