Might Trump try his 'fake electors' scheme again in 2024?


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
Trump can't handle losing, and can never get beyond having lost.

He broods, pisses and moans, and lashes out hysterically at Americans, Republicans included,
who respect democracy and acknowledge reality.

His January 6, 2021 goons' attack upon outnumbered police failed, and over a thousand of his goons have been prosecuted.
Law enforcement will be far better prepared in 2024.

Of his various schemes to overcome the will of the People in 2020, might he repeat his attempt to have his fake electors replace legitimate ones, or has he exhausted that caper?

After the smacking fake electors are getting in the courts, I don't think he will try that again.
After the smacking fake electors are getting in the courts, I don't think he will try that again.
He'll try again, he has a legal team working on ways to make his criminality so obscure as to raise doubts as to whether it might appear valid.
After the smacking fake electors are getting in the courts, I don't think he will try that again.
Will not cross the mind of the winner that the Dumbos are literally already shaking in fear about .
Will it be the greatest ever winning margin ?
Looks that way
Trump can't handle losing, and can never get beyond having lost.

He broods, pisses and moans, and lashes out hysterically at Americans, Republicans included,
who respect democracy and acknowledge reality.

His January 6, 2021 goons' attack upon outnumbered police failed, and over a thousand of his goons have been prosecuted.
Law enforcement will be far better prepared in 2024.

Of his various schemes to overcome the will of the People in 2020, might he repeat his attempt to have his fake electors replace legitimate ones, or has he exhausted that caper?

Leftists can't handle losing.

Trump will not win.

Not to worry. Statistically Trump has the support of MAGA, Freedom Caucus, Tea Party, and some of the Christian right within the Republican Party. The entire party represents 29% of the total electorate and the above mentioned groups amount to 52% of Republican voters with is only about 15% of the total electorate. 29% of voters are registered Democrats who will never vote for Trump. 40% are registered as Independent of which 48% say they lean Republican but only 46% of those say they would vote for Trump - which comes to 8.8% of voters.

So, at this point in time, Trump appears to have nearly 24% of the total electorate in his pocket - even though he is likely to win the Republican Party Nominee. Of the remaining voters, he could probably garner another 10% provided he doesn't alienate anyone else. So, Trump's best case maximum is closer to 34% in this election which is considerably lower than the last. All that, with nearly a year to go. Lot's of folks don't like Biden but will hold their collective noses and vote for him because they're terrified of Trump who attempted a coup during the last election.
Your attempted diversion is noted.

The President has not been indicted for any crimes, nor charged with any high crimes and misdemeanors.
LOL. That's because law enforcement has been weaponized on his side against the other side. He's about to be impeached you fool.
Trump can't handle losing, and can never get beyond having lost.

He broods, pisses and moans, and lashes out hysterically at Americans, Republicans included,
who respect democracy and acknowledge reality.

His January 6, 2021 goons' attack upon outnumbered police failed, and over a thousand of his goons have been prosecuted.
Law enforcement will be far better prepared in 2024.

Of his various schemes to overcome the will of the People in 2020, might he repeat his attempt to have his fake electors replace legitimate ones, or has he exhausted that caper?

Trump did not lose.

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