Migrants Are Flocking to the U.S. From All Over the Globe

Sorry bout that,

1. They are leaving their home country from all over the world, some in huts, dirt floors, from guys down by the river, some from home made tents, again down by the river.
2. America the home of the plenty get here and get free housing, free food, free healthcare, it will be like moving into a mansion from where you came from.

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Because Globalists say so!

It's called the Great Replacement.

Replace good with bad, as simple as that.

Yes it's disgusting ....but that's how it is. :mad-61:

We can call the Satanist, not Globalists
Sorry bout that,

1. Get the fuck over here, its (all) free, stop struggling in your hell hole, get here and relax.
2. No one, is stopping you, don't remain in that shit show struggle, we get free, medical, food, housing, work.
3. Its all free, paid for by the government, as long as the money holds up.
4. And the way this government sees it, they will afford it (ALL), and can always print more money, and fund your accounts with cash, you can use it, on your credit card.
5. Provided by, you guessed it, the government.
6. Sent out to you by mail, for free.
7. Get here fast before they break the bank, you can do it, get your shit together, what little you have throw it into a paper bag, and run from where you are, steal to get here, gotta do what we must right?.
8. Of course I have to pay for my stuff, but thats okay with you right?
9. Please come get this shit for free, hook or crook, to get here, then we put your lousy ass on the dole, meaning (ALL FREE)!!!
10. If we didn't put all this into place then you, couldn't do it, so its ok, just get here and sign up, for everything.

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It is absolutely appalling what Joe Biden and his party have encouraged and allowed to happen to this country!

They are illegals, not migrants.

We need to stop using soft language fed to us. We need to start using real words suitable for situations.
The Deep State and Democrats want open borders for 2 reasons:
1. Give illegal aliens a path to citizenship by joining the US army and fighting in endless US wars.
2. Dems support illegal aliens because after they are legalized they’ll vote for the Dems.

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