Mike Barnicle had an interesting idea for Dem candidate to run as a TICKET

Why dont the retarded dems elect a decent person who isnt a partisan hack? A complete fucking winger?
Jim Webb would have been a great choice last year. Of course, with the dem voting base, its no surprise he backed out so quick..

Webb is worthy of consideration. How about Webb/ Klobuchar?

Amy is no partisan hack .. just left of center and likable with a proven record of working across the aisle.
IDK anything about the amy chick.
I wrote in Webb. I have always like Webb. I was so giddy when he announced he was running...
short lived :/

Jim is not what one would call charismatic :)
Who gives a shit about that?
Why dont the retarded dems elect a decent person who isnt a partisan hack? A complete fucking winger?
Jim Webb would have been a great choice last year. Of course, with the dem voting base, its no surprise he backed out so quick..

Webb is worthy of consideration. How about Webb/ Klobuchar?

Amy is no partisan hack .. just left of center and likable with a proven record of working across the aisle.
IDK anything about the amy chick.
I wrote in Webb. I have always like Webb. I was so giddy when he announced he was running...
short lived :/

Jim is not what one would call charismatic :)

Jimm Webb is a moderate Republican and doesn't offer much.
He just wasnt a nut job like the ones you like is all. We know.
Why dont the retarded dems elect a decent person who isnt a partisan hack? A complete fucking winger?
Jim Webb would have been a great choice last year. Of course, with the dem voting base, its no surprise he backed out so quick..

Webb is worthy of consideration. How about Webb/ Klobuchar?

Amy is no partisan hack .. just left of center and likable with a proven record of working across the aisle.
IDK anything about the amy chick.
I wrote in Webb. I have always like Webb. I was so giddy when he announced he was running...
short lived :/

Jim is not what one would call charismatic :)
Who gives a shit about that?

Voters, but yeah, let's pretend otherwise.
The only democrat I would even consider voting for is Tulsi Gabbard
Read more about her here: Meet Tulsi Gabbard, Future President of the United States

Tulsi's awesome - AND easy on the eyes. LOVED the way she stood up to Little Debbie Wasserman.

Good Libertarian streak and a decorated veteran.

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Why dont the retarded dems elect a decent person who isnt a partisan hack? A complete fucking winger?
Jim Webb would have been a great choice last year. Of course, with the dem voting base, its no surprise he backed out so quick..

Webb is worthy of consideration. How about Webb/ Klobuchar?

Amy is no partisan hack .. just left of center and likable with a proven record of working across the aisle.
IDK anything about the amy chick.
I wrote in Webb. I have always like Webb. I was so giddy when he announced he was running...
short lived :/

Jim is not what one would call charismatic :)

Jimm Webb is a moderate Republican and doesn't offer much.
He just wasnt a nut job like the ones you like is all. We know.

He wasn't much of anything. He is George H.W. Bush with no personality.
Why dont the retarded dems elect a decent person who isnt a partisan hack? A complete fucking winger?
Jim Webb would have been a great choice last year. Of course, with the dem voting base, its no surprise he backed out so quick..

Webb is worthy of consideration. How about Webb/ Klobuchar?

Amy is no partisan hack .. just left of center and likable with a proven record of working across the aisle.
IDK anything about the amy chick.
I wrote in Webb. I have always like Webb. I was so giddy when he announced he was running...
short lived :/

Jim is not what one would call charismatic :)
Who gives a shit about that?

Voters, but yeah, let's pretend otherwise.
Its a stupid thing to vote for.
I just always thought policies and maturity mattered the most.
Our TMZ POTUS didnt get us very far.
Hillary got less black turnout than Kerry. That ain't good

Black voter turnout rate declined sharply in 2016, dropping below that of whites

Is voter suppression working?

Some of that is a natural occurrence I think. Completely natural for blacks to have been excited about Obama.

But they'll be there for whomever the Dem candidate is this time around to give T-Rump his comeuppance.

Same with educated white suburban woman in the rustbelt. They've turned on Donald - Bigly

White Women in the Rustbelt Are Turning on Trump

I do not think the young people think much of Republicans,Period

But there are so many young Democrats to choose from.especially those elected in the last year

I am also a Tim Ryan fan.

This young man is getting a lot of attention. Our young Pastor knows him. From South Bend,Indiana. Pete Buttigieg.

Pete Buttigieg - Wikipedia
It's all too early but what about Sherrod Brown/Kamala Harris?

Sherrod Brown comes off as a younger version of Joe Biden without the gaffs, he's also more liberal but not really in your face about it. I think moderate and liberal Democrats could get behind him and he's from Ohio.

Then you have Kamala Harris, while not considered as liberal and seen more likely from the Clinton side of the Democratic Party, she is smart, and brings diversity to the ticket and I cold see her being president one day.

Anyway, big tent party needs big tent candidates.

Ohio is definitely a plus for Sherrod and Harris is really bright and an excellent speaker.

These Trumplings keep telling us we don't have a bullpen. Sadly for them - it's deep .. at least a dozen strong candidates.

What I would rather not see is one of these older, establishment guys like Biden, Warren or Bernie.
Why dont the retarded dems elect a decent person who isnt a partisan hack? A complete fucking winger?
Jim Webb would have been a great choice last year. Of course, with the dem voting base, its no surprise he backed out so quick..

Webb is worthy of consideration. How about Webb/ Klobuchar?

Amy is no partisan hack .. just left of center and likable with a proven record of working across the aisle.
IDK anything about the amy chick.
I wrote in Webb. I have always like Webb. I was so giddy when he announced he was running...
short lived :/

Jim is not what one would call charismatic :)

Jimm Webb is a moderate Republican and doesn't offer much.
The man has no neck
Why dont the retarded dems elect a decent person who isnt a partisan hack? A complete fucking winger?
Jim Webb would have been a great choice last year. Of course, with the dem voting base, its no surprise he backed out so quick..

Webb is worthy of consideration. How about Webb/ Klobuchar?

Amy is no partisan hack .. just left of center and likable with a proven record of working across the aisle.
IDK anything about the amy chick.
I wrote in Webb. I have always like Webb. I was so giddy when he announced he was running...
short lived :/

Jim is not what one would call charismatic :)

Jimm Webb is a moderate Republican and doesn't offer much.
The man has no neck
At least he he hasnt chopped his dick off yet :D
It's all too early but what about Sherrod Brown/Kamala Harris?

Sherrod Brown comes off as a younger version of Joe Biden without the gaffs, he's also more liberal but not really in your face about it. I think moderate and liberal Democrats could get behind him and he's from Ohio.

Then you have Kamala Harris, while not considered as liberal and seen more likely from the Clinton side of the Democratic Party, she is smart, and brings diversity to the ticket and I cold see her being president one day.

Anyway, big tent party needs big tent candidates.

Sherrod? Easy mistake. My favorite Senator. He is Midwest all the way

Once ran out of gas driving home from DC because he wanted to buy it in Ohio!:) his wife told that one.

Buys suits made in Ohio.
Hillary / Franken 2020

....or better yet, FRANKEN / HILLARY 2020....

Hillary has more experience COVERING for a sexually harassing / sexually assaulting / raping / adulterous President than she has BEING a President, so she should probably be the VP. :p

What is rather important but seldom mentioned, is that 2020 is also a census year leading to much redistricting. Bear in mind that without Texas, the GOP would never see the inside of the WH except as tourists.........The Lone Star state will soon be purple.

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