Mike Barnicle had an interesting idea for Dem candidate to run as a TICKET

Why dont the retarded dems elect a decent person who isnt a partisan hack? A complete fucking winger?
Jim Webb would have been a great choice last year. Of course, with the dem voting base, its no surprise he backed out so quick..

Webb is worthy of consideration. How about Webb/ Klobuchar?

Amy is no partisan hack .. just left of center and likable with a proven record of working across the aisle.
IDK anything about the amy chick.
I wrote in Webb. I have always like Webb. I was so giddy when he announced he was running...
short lived :/

I liked Webb,too.
Why dont the retarded dems elect a decent person who isnt a partisan hack? A complete fucking winger?
Jim Webb would have been a great choice last year. Of course, with the dem voting base, its no surprise he backed out so quick..

Webb is worthy of consideration. How about Webb/ Klobuchar?

Amy is no partisan hack .. just left of center and likable with a proven record of working across the aisle.
IDK anything about the amy chick.
I wrote in Webb. I have always like Webb. I was so giddy when he announced he was running...
short lived :/

Jim is not what one would call charismatic :)

Jimm Webb is a moderate Republican and doesn't offer much.
The man has no neck

He also tends to stumble into presidential debates for the wrong party. But, yeah...you're right, he is neckless.
It's all too early but what about Sherrod Brown/Kamala Harris?

Sherrod Brown comes off as a younger version of Joe Biden without the gaffs, he's also more liberal but not really in your face about it. I think moderate and liberal Democrats could get behind him and he's from Ohio.

Then you have Kamala Harris, while not considered as liberal and seen more likely from the Clinton side of the Democratic Party, she is smart, and brings diversity to the ticket and I cold see her being president one day.

Anyway, big tent party needs big tent candidates.

Sherrod? Easy mistake. My favorite Senator. He is Midwest all the way

Yeah, after I posted I fixed the name.

Once ran out of gas driving home from DC because he wanted to buy it in Ohio!:) his wife told that one.

Buys suits made in Ohio.

He seems pretty legit.
My friends, keep in mind that "thanks" to Trump, the DNC has NEVER stood a better chance to win back the WH and.....YES......congress (in 2018 and 2020.)
It's all too early but what about Sherrod Brown/Kamala Harris?

Sherrod Brown comes off as a younger version of Joe Biden without the gaffs, he's also more liberal but not really in your face about it. I think moderate and liberal Democrats could get behind him and he's from Ohio.

Then you have Kamala Harris, while not considered as liberal and seen more likely from the Clinton side of the Democratic Party, she is smart, and brings diversity to the ticket and I cold see her being president one day.

Anyway, big tent party needs big tent candidates.

Sherrod? Easy mistake. My favorite Senator. He is Midwest all the way

Yeah, after I posted I fixed the name.

Once ran out of gas driving home from DC because he wanted to buy it in Ohio!:) his wife told that one.

Buys suits made in Ohio.

He seems pretty legit.

Just wait until you see what S.C. does to me!:)
Hillary / Franken 2020

....or better yet, FRANKEN / HILLARY 2020....

Hillary has more experience COVERING for a sexually harassing / sexually assaulting / raping / adulterous President than she has BEING a President, so she should probably be the VP

Does a moron like Queasy REALLY want to bring "sex' into this discussion???......LOL

Here, Queasy read a bit of this factual data.

When comparing criminal indictments of those serving in the executive branch of presidential administrations it's so lopsided as to be ridiculous. Yet all I ever hear is how corrupt the Democrats are. So why don't we break it down by president and the numbers.

Obama (D) - 8yrs in office. zero criminal indictments, zero convictions and zero prison sentences. so the next time somebody describes the Obama administration as "scandal free" they aren't speaking wishfully, they're simply telling the truth.

Bush, George W. (R) - 8yrs in office. 16 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 9 prison sentences.

Clinton (D) - 8yrs in office. 2 criminal indictments. one conviction. one prison sentence. that's right nearly 8yrs of investigations. tens of millions spent and 30yrs of claiming them the most corrupt ever and there was exactly one person convicted of a crime.

Bush, George H. W. (R) - 4yrs in office. one indictment. one conviction. one prison sentence.

Reagan (R) - 8yrs in office. 26 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 8 prison sentences.

Carter (D) - 4yrs in office. one indictment. zero convictions and zero prison sentences.

Ford (R) - 2 1/2 yrs in office. one indictment and one conviction. one prison sentence. Pardoned Richard Nixon.

Nixon (R) - 6yrs in office. 76 criminal indictments. 55 convictions. 15 prison sentences.

Johnson (D) - 5yrs in office. zero indictments. zero convictions. zero prison sentences.
Democrats, in order to seriously challenge the GOP'ers, need to develop a "Contract with the Middle Class" (something along the lines of what crooked Gingrich developed.

That "contract" would need to revert the tax cuts from 80% to 20% away from conglomerates and flip those percentile around.

There are several democrats who are good, young, honest, veterans to send the crooked McConnels of congress packing.......Rumors have it that Paul Ryan....once the rising star of the GOP, is calling it quits and GOOD RIDDANCE to spineless trash.

Democrats, in order to seriously challenge the GOP'ers, need to develop a "Contract with the Middle Class"

Excellent idea.

Ban guns, higher taxes, open borders.
And the t-shirts can say, "Fuck all y'all white deplorables"
And the t-shirts can say, "Fuck all y'all white deplorables"

Somehow, I can discern that YOU are indeed one of those "white deplorable"......
Surely, one of these........LOL

Sally Yates is just another celebrity fantasy, right up there with running Dwayne Johnson. Haven't we learned our lesson about celebrity Presidents?
Joe Biden and Sally Yates. Now I'm not so sure that Joe is the right guy (too old), although I DEFINITELY want him (and Obama) out campaigning for the chosen candidate.

But the "ticket" idea is an interesting one and I like the idea of a female VP - That pretty much guarantees a female POTUS within next ten years and we're LONG overdue on that.

My favorite picks prior to Mike's ticket concept were Amy Klobuchar, Tulsi Gabbard or Kamala Harris. But Yates? Hadn't thought about that - She'd be a GREAT choice.

For the ultimate ticket running AS a ticket from the get-go that would absolutely shellack the Toxic Orange Poopstain?

How about Julián Castro/ Sally Yates? :eusa_dance:


Sally Yates running would cause Donald to lose what little exists of his mind.

I like it.
Democrats, in order to seriously challenge the GOP'ers, need to develop a "Contract with the Middle Class" (something along the lines of what crooked Gingrich developed.

That "contract" would need to revert the tax cuts from 80% to 20% away from conglomerates and flip those percentile around.

There are several democrats who are good, young, honest, veterans to send the crooked McConnels of congress packing.......Rumors have it that Paul Ryan....once the rising star of the GOP, is calling it quits and GOOD RIDDANCE to spineless trash.

Democrats, in order to seriously challenge the GOP'ers, need to develop a "Contract with the Middle Class"

Excellent idea.

Ban guns, higher taxes, open borders.
And the t-shirts can say, "Fuck all y'all white deplorables"

The Left can't change their anti-middle class image because it has been expressed in too many Movies and TV Shows.
Sally Yates running would cause Donald to lose what little exists of his mind.

I like it.

The Twitter meltdown would be EPIC no?

Of course this assumes he's still around in another 2 years ;)

I think he will be. I also think that he's going to have a dem House but maybe not a dem senate. but that's ok because they'll control the twitter troll. it will be amusing to watch him flail when the AG's in NY and VA bring charges against his little cabal for which he can't grant a pardon.
The Left can't change their anti-middle class image because it has been expressed in too many Movies and TV Shows.

here, nitwit, learn something besides using your remote to tune in to Fox and Friends

What democrats have done for the American worker

1) Democrats Fought for Social Security (F.D.R.)
2) Democrats Fought for Medicare (L.B.J.)
3) Democrats Fought for Medicaid (L.B.J.)
4) Democrats Fought for Welfare Benefits (F.D.R.)
5) Democrats Fought for Civil Rights (L.B.J.)
6) Democrats Fought for Unemployment Insurance (F.D.R.)
7) Democrats Fought for National Labor Relations Board (F.D.R.)
8) Democrats Fought for 8 Hour Work Day-5 Day Work Week- Work Place Breaks & Overtime Pay (F.D.R.)
9) Democrats Fought for Workers Compensation (Woodrow Wilson)
10) Democrats Fought for Americans with Disability Act (101st Democratic Congress - over G.H.W. Bush veto)
11) Democrats Fought for Holiday Pay(F.D.R.)
12) Democrats Fought for Medical Leave Act (Bill Clinton)
13) Democrats Fought for Prevention of Child Labor (F.D.R.)
14) Democrats Fought for Minimum Wage Act (F.D.R.)
15) Democrats Fought for Work Place Safety (OSHA) *** (Nixon)
16) Democrats Fought for Affirmative Action as it relates to Racial Discrimination (J.F.K)
17) Democrats Fought for Women's Rights (L.B.J)
18) Democrats Fought for Tax Fairness (Platform Issue)
19) Democrats Fought for Veterans Pay & Benefits (F.D.R.)
20) Democrats Fought for Consumer Protection / Consumer Bill of Rights (J.F.K.)
21) Democrats Fought for Gun Law's / Background Checks to prevent felons from getting Weapons (L.B.J) (B.Clinton)
22) Democrats Fought for Credit Card Holders Bill of Rights (Barack Obama)
23) Democrats Fought for Funding Our Schools (L.B.J.)
24) Democrats Fought for Grants for low income people to attend college (L.B.J.)
25) Democrats Fought for Environmental Regulations - Clean Water Act / Clean Air Act (Dems Override Nixon Veto)
26) Democrats Fought for Financial Regulations keeping Wall Street Wizards Accountable (Dodd/Frank - Obama)
27) Democrats Fought for Affordable Health Care for Everyone (Obama Care)
28) Democrats Fought for Hate Crime Legislation (Matthew Shepard) (Barack Obama)
29) Democrats Fought for Children's Health Legislation for 11 Million Children without Health Care (Barack Obama)
30) Democrats Fought for Voting Rights Act (L.B.J)
31) Democrats Fought for National Voter Registration (Bill Clinton)
32) Democrats Fought for Largest Deficit Cutting Plan in History (Bill Clinton)
33) Democrats Fought for Clayton Anti-Trust Act (Woodrow Wilson)
34) Democrats Fought for Securities & Exchange Act (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
35) Democrats Fought for National School Lunch Program (Harry Truman)
Joe Biden and Sally Yates. Now I'm not so sure that Joe is the right guy (too old), although I DEFINITELY want him (and Obama) out campaigning for the chosen candidate.

But the "ticket" idea is an interesting one and I like the idea of a female VP - That pretty much guarantees a female POTUS within next ten years and we're LONG overdue on that.

My favorite picks prior to Mike's ticket concept were Amy Klobuchar, Tulsi Gabbard or Kamala Harris. But Yates? Hadn't thought about that - She'd be a GREAT choice.

For the ultimate ticket running AS a ticket from the get-go that would absolutely shellack the Toxic Orange Poopstain?

How about Julián Castro/ Sally Yates? :eusa_dance:

At this sleazy juncture, I'm not even sure Trump is going to run for re-election.
The only democrat I would even consider voting for is Tulsi Gabbard
Read more about her here: Meet Tulsi Gabbard, Future President of the United States

Tulsi's awesome - AND easy on the eyes. LOVED the way she stood up to Little Debbie Wasserman.

Good Libertarian streak as well as being a decorated veteran.


I think she has issues with liberals and the DNC leadership. I don't see a path for her.
She endorsed and campaigned for Bernie Sanders. She LOVES liberals and socialists.

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