Mike Huckabee: Obama Marching Israelis 'To The Door Of The Oven'

"This president’s foreign policy is the most feckless in American history."

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Saturday invoked the specter of the Holocaust to criticize President Barack Obama for his decision to negotiate with Iran over its nuclear program.

“This president’s foreign policy is the most feckless in American history. It is so naive that he would trust the Iranians. By doing so, he will take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven," Huckabee said in an interview with Breitbart News.

The presidential contender, a social conservative who is seen favorably by Republican voters, has promised to rescind the deal with Iran on his first day in office.

"This is the most idiotic thing, this Iran deal. It should be rejected by both Democrats and Republicans in Congress and by the American people. I read the whole deal. We gave away the whole store. It’s got to be stopped," he said in the interview.

Mike Huckabee: Obama Marching Israelis 'To The Door Of The Oven'

Well, that should excite the right-wing base. Huckabee sure knows how to turn a phrase.
Eh it pisses off the religious right then it MUST be good for the country....that's true in 90% of the cases.
Somewhat true, but the Israelis won't go quietly. Israelis are very strong tough People. Many may hate em, but they have to admit they are bad asses. Push em too far, and there will be annihilation.
Yeah we have seen how bad ass they are when it comes to rock throwing kids and old men and women! Or how about peace activists in front of bulldozers..

Don't push em. You may not like where it takes you. Israel doesn't play.
Oh I hope they are pushed. Israel needs a good ass kicking and hopefully it brings about their destruction.

Not gonna happen. When pushed, Israel will annihilate. Won't be a pretty picture. It's not bound by the PC rules the American Military is. I would advise leaving Israel alone.
Nothing lasts forever. They are surrounded by MILLIONS of Muslims....Israel won't be around when I bite the dust.

There are millions of Jews in Israel.

Where do you want the Jews to live? Why can't the Arabs be satisfied with all the land other than Israel?

Why should the Arabs have all the land and the Jews have no nation Israel?
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Eh it pisses off the religious right then it MUST be good for the country....that's true in 90% of the cases.
Yeah we have seen how bad ass they are when it comes to rock throwing kids and old men and women! Or how about peace activists in front of bulldozers..

Don't push em. You may not like where it takes you. Israel doesn't play.
Oh I hope they are pushed. Israel needs a good ass kicking and hopefully it brings about their destruction.

Not gonna happen. When pushed, Israel will annihilate. Won't be a pretty picture. It's not bound by the PC rules the American Military is. I would advise leaving Israel alone.
Nothing lasts forever. They are surrounded by MILLIONS of Muslims....Israel won't be around when I bite the dust.

There are millions of Jews in Israel?

Where do you want the Jews to live? Why can't the Arabs be satisfied with all the land other than Israel?

Why should the Arabs have all the land and the Jews have no nation Israel?
Jews are a threat to the white race it would not bother me one damn bit if no jews are left when time comes. Finish what Hitler supposedly started.
Eh it pisses off the religious right then it MUST be good for the country....that's true in 90% of the cases.
Yeah we have seen how bad ass they are when it comes to rock throwing kids and old men and women! Or how about peace activists in front of bulldozers..

Don't push em. You may not like where it takes you. Israel doesn't play.
Oh I hope they are pushed. Israel needs a good ass kicking and hopefully it brings about their destruction.

Not gonna happen. When pushed, Israel will annihilate. Won't be a pretty picture. It's not bound by the PC rules the American Military is. I would advise leaving Israel alone.
Nothing lasts forever. They are surrounded by MILLIONS of Muslims....Israel won't be around when I bite the dust.

There are millions of Jews in Israel?

Where do you want the Jews to live? Why can't the Arabs be satisfied with all the land other than Israel?

Why should the Arabs have all the land and the Jews have no nation Israel?

Maybe Native Americans should start expanding settlements into whiteyland.
What about the Palestinians?

Dr. Ghada Karmi’s latest book Married to Another Man: Israel’s Dilemma in Palestine opens with the problem European Zionists faced over a century ago when they first mooted the idea of a Jewish state in Palestine. They found then that there was already a well-established Palestinian society existing in the land they wished to claim as their own. Hence the message sent back to Vienna by the two rabbis who made the discovery: “The bride is beautiful, but she is married to another man.”

Book review: Married to Another Man - The Electronic Intifada

Vanishing the Palestinians


A Synopsis of the Israel Palestine Conflict

The Palestinians could have kept half the land but they attacked Israel on Day 1.

I don't agree with Netanyahu expanding the settlements, and I am no fan of Netanyahu.

But I don't support you calling Israel a squatter nation either. And I don't support Hamas trying to annihilate Israel.
What about the Palestinians?

Dr. Ghada Karmi’s latest book Married to Another Man: Israel’s Dilemma in Palestine opens with the problem European Zionists faced over a century ago when they first mooted the idea of a Jewish state in Palestine. They found then that there was already a well-established Palestinian society existing in the land they wished to claim as their own. Hence the message sent back to Vienna by the two rabbis who made the discovery: “The bride is beautiful, but she is married to another man.”

Book review: Married to Another Man - The Electronic Intifada

Vanishing the Palestinians


A Synopsis of the Israel Palestine Conflict

The Palestinians could have kept half the land but they attacked Israel on Day 1.

I don't agree with Netanyahu expanding the settlements, and I am no fan of Netanyahu.

But I don't support you calling Israel a squatter nation either. And I don't support Hamas trying to annihilate Israel.

In other words - you support the status quo.
Don't push em. You may not like where it takes you. Israel doesn't play.
Oh I hope they are pushed. Israel needs a good ass kicking and hopefully it brings about their destruction.

Not gonna happen. When pushed, Israel will annihilate. Won't be a pretty picture. It's not bound by the PC rules the American Military is. I would advise leaving Israel alone.
Nothing lasts forever. They are surrounded by MILLIONS of Muslims....Israel won't be around when I bite the dust.

There are millions of Jews in Israel?

Where do you want the Jews to live? Why can't the Arabs be satisfied with all the land other than Israel?

Why should the Arabs have all the land and the Jews have no nation Israel?
Jews are a threat to the white race it would not bother me one damn bit if no jews are left when time comes. Finish what Hitler supposedly started.

Not gonna happen. The Jews are incredibly intelligent and resourceful. Much more so than the Arabs. And they're a big part of the New World Order. They own and operate the most powerful banks on earth. Israel won't be allowed to be destroyed. Like i said, even after the mushroom cloud dust settles, the Jews will be there.
Don't push em. You may not like where it takes you. Israel doesn't play.
Oh I hope they are pushed. Israel needs a good ass kicking and hopefully it brings about their destruction.

Not gonna happen. When pushed, Israel will annihilate. Won't be a pretty picture. It's not bound by the PC rules the American Military is. I would advise leaving Israel alone.
Nothing lasts forever. They are surrounded by MILLIONS of Muslims....Israel won't be around when I bite the dust.

There are millions of Jews in Israel?

Where do you want the Jews to live? Why can't the Arabs be satisfied with all the land other than Israel?

Why should the Arabs have all the land and the Jews have no nation Israel?
Jews are a threat to the white race it would not bother me one damn bit if no jews are left when time comes. Finish what Hitler supposedly started.

Hatred is a disease of the mind. You need to become educated. Jews are no threat whatsoever to the "white race" whatever that is.
What about the Palestinians?

Dr. Ghada Karmi’s latest book Married to Another Man: Israel’s Dilemma in Palestine opens with the problem European Zionists faced over a century ago when they first mooted the idea of a Jewish state in Palestine. They found then that there was already a well-established Palestinian society existing in the land they wished to claim as their own. Hence the message sent back to Vienna by the two rabbis who made the discovery: “The bride is beautiful, but she is married to another man.”

Book review: Married to Another Man - The Electronic Intifada

Vanishing the Palestinians


A Synopsis of the Israel Palestine Conflict

The Palestinians could have kept half the land but they attacked Israel on Day 1.

I don't agree with Netanyahu expanding the settlements, and I am no fan of Netanyahu.

But I don't support you calling Israel a squatter nation either. And I don't support Hamas trying to annihilate Israel.

In other words - you support the status quo.
And you support the destruction of Israel? Where should the Jews go if the Arabs take back all of Palestine?
What about the Palestinians?

Dr. Ghada Karmi’s latest book Married to Another Man: Israel’s Dilemma in Palestine opens with the problem European Zionists faced over a century ago when they first mooted the idea of a Jewish state in Palestine. They found then that there was already a well-established Palestinian society existing in the land they wished to claim as their own. Hence the message sent back to Vienna by the two rabbis who made the discovery: “The bride is beautiful, but she is married to another man.”

Book review: Married to Another Man - The Electronic Intifada

Vanishing the Palestinians


A Synopsis of the Israel Palestine Conflict

The Palestinians could have kept half the land but they attacked Israel on Day 1.

I don't agree with Netanyahu expanding the settlements, and I am no fan of Netanyahu.

But I don't support you calling Israel a squatter nation either. And I don't support Hamas trying to annihilate Israel.

In other words - you support the status quo.
And you support the destruction of Israel? Where should the Jews go if the Arabs take back all of Palestine?

Reservations and they will have casinos? :)
Don't push em. You may not like where it takes you. Israel doesn't play.
Oh I hope they are pushed. Israel needs a good ass kicking and hopefully it brings about their destruction.

Not gonna happen. When pushed, Israel will annihilate. Won't be a pretty picture. It's not bound by the PC rules the American Military is. I would advise leaving Israel alone.
Nothing lasts forever. They are surrounded by MILLIONS of Muslims....Israel won't be around when I bite the dust.

There are millions of Jews in Israel?

Where do you want the Jews to live? Why can't the Arabs be satisfied with all the land other than Israel?

Why should the Arabs have all the land and the Jews have no nation Israel?
Jews are a threat to the white race it would not bother me one damn bit if no jews are left when time comes. Finish what Hitler supposedly started.
Rusty Houser much?
What about the Palestinians?

Dr. Ghada Karmi’s latest book Married to Another Man: Israel’s Dilemma in Palestine opens with the problem European Zionists faced over a century ago when they first mooted the idea of a Jewish state in Palestine. They found then that there was already a well-established Palestinian society existing in the land they wished to claim as their own. Hence the message sent back to Vienna by the two rabbis who made the discovery: “The bride is beautiful, but she is married to another man.”

Book review: Married to Another Man - The Electronic Intifada

Vanishing the Palestinians


A Synopsis of the Israel Palestine Conflict

The Palestinians could have kept half the land but they attacked Israel on Day 1.

I don't agree with Netanyahu expanding the settlements, and I am no fan of Netanyahu.

But I don't support you calling Israel a squatter nation either. And I don't support Hamas trying to annihilate Israel.

In other words - you support the status quo.
And you support the destruction of Israel? Where should the Jews go if the Arabs take back all of Palestine?

I would support giving them Texass!
Don't push em. You may not like where it takes you. Israel doesn't play.
Oh I hope they are pushed. Israel needs a good ass kicking and hopefully it brings about their destruction.

Not gonna happen. When pushed, Israel will annihilate. Won't be a pretty picture. It's not bound by the PC rules the American Military is. I would advise leaving Israel alone.
Nothing lasts forever. They are surrounded by MILLIONS of Muslims....Israel won't be around when I bite the dust.

There are millions of Jews in Israel?

Where do you want the Jews to live? Why can't the Arabs be satisfied with all the land other than Israel?

Why should the Arabs have all the land and the Jews have no nation Israel?

Maybe Native Americans should start expanding settlements into whiteyland.

I said I didn't support the expansion of settlements.

But if Native Americans had more land in the US that wouldn't bother me.
What about the Palestinians?

Dr. Ghada Karmi’s latest book Married to Another Man: Israel’s Dilemma in Palestine opens with the problem European Zionists faced over a century ago when they first mooted the idea of a Jewish state in Palestine. They found then that there was already a well-established Palestinian society existing in the land they wished to claim as their own. Hence the message sent back to Vienna by the two rabbis who made the discovery: “The bride is beautiful, but she is married to another man.”

Book review: Married to Another Man - The Electronic Intifada

Vanishing the Palestinians


A Synopsis of the Israel Palestine Conflict

The Palestinians could have kept half the land but they attacked Israel on Day 1.

I don't agree with Netanyahu expanding the settlements, and I am no fan of Netanyahu.

But I don't support you calling Israel a squatter nation either. And I don't support Hamas trying to annihilate Israel.

In other words - you support the status quo.
And you support the destruction of Israel? Where should the Jews go if the Arabs take back all of Palestine?

I would support giving them Texass!

If I were a Jew or an Arab I'd rather live in Texas than in the Holy Land.

But the thing is the Jews heritage and culture is centered on that land and so they should not be forced to relocate their homeland.
Sorry Arabs and all other Antisemites, but the Jews are simply well-connected. They own and operate the most powerful banks on planet earth. In other words, you mess with em, you're gonna pay a heavy price. They have the muscle. So Israel is there to stay. Time to accept that and move on.
From the Jerusalem Post

Obama slams Huckabee for invoking Holocaust in his criticism of Iran deal - Middle East - Jerusalem Post

Huckabee called Barack Obama “feckless” and “naive” in an interview with Breitbart News on Saturday, adding that by signing the deal the President “will take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven.”

Speaking at a press conference in Ethiopia on Monday, Obama said that such "outrageous attacks" have become "all too commonplace" among Republican politicians.

Huckabee has come under fire from both Jewish groups and the Democratic party after making the comparison between the Holocaust and the Iran deal.

"There is a reason why 99 percent of the world thinks it's a good deal -- it's because it's a good deal," Obama said during a joint press conference with Ethiopian prime minister Hailemariam Desalegn in the capital Addis Ababa.

"The good news is that I've not yet heard a factual argument on other side that holds up to scrutiny," he added.


Huckabee and the GOP totally ignores the FACT that this deal wasn't between the US and Iran, but between Iran and a half dozen other countries.

And like Obama said: "The good news is that I've not yet heard a factual argument on other side that holds up to scrutiny,"

Which is actually pretty typical of the GOP.
here is something that will hold up to scrutiny.....you are not only a liar but a pussy too...debate that dipshit....
In other words, you add nothing but slime. As usual.
in other words you saying you back up everything you say is nothing but bullshit........you are a pussy dean,a big talker hiding behind a computer....im sure you are some squirrelly little fuck who got his ass kicked weekly in HS ....
Garbage, Lak. Had the Jews never been targeted before en masse, maybe they wouldn't be so skittish...

Israel has nukes and you'd never know it. They actually could wipe a nation, say Iran, off the map. They haven't. The are NOT the most dangerous nation on earth and you have proved that. They could, and yet don't. Iran can't wait, and will.
Your anti-Semitism is showing, Tonto.

Israel has had nukes for 40 years and hasn't used one. So much for the most dangerous nation in the world
Every nation, save one, that has had nukes has not used them. Your point?
Garbage, Lak. Had the Jews never been targeted before en masse, maybe they wouldn't be so skittish...

Israel has nukes and you'd never know it. They actually could wipe a nation, say Iran, off the map. They haven't. The are NOT the most dangerous nation on earth and you have proved that. They could, and yet don't. Iran can't wait, and will.
Your anti-Semitism is showing, Tonto.

Israel has had nukes for 40 years and hasn't used one. So much for the most dangerous nation in the world
Every nation, save one, that has had nukes has not used them. Your point?

You going to get all mad and foul mouthed again? If so run along, it's become redundant and annoying

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