Mike Lee (R) has just introduced a bill that would fine or imprison any American who posts “sexual content” of any kind on the internet

I see you don't actually follow the news - you watch CNN.


So................no links, just deflection and assumption of what you think I do. BTW.............I haven't watched CNN in a VERY long time (since around 2010) because they were getting too much into the reporters throwing their own spin into whatever they were supposed to be reporting. Matter of fact, the only reason I watch any kind of television news (and I check out all stations) is to hear what they are talking about, then I go check out other sources to see if the story is true, or just a bunch of hand wringing over the perception of one incident.

So...............where are those links about pornography being in schools? Do you have anything you can provide to back up your bullshit, or, like I said, is this just something you parroted from the right wing blogosphere?
Since 1931, Congress has funded Braille Editions of several popular magazines. In 1985, The House of Representatives moved to stop the Library of Congress from continuing to produce a braille edition of Playboy magazine.

A political commentator of the time remarked:

"Congress has succeeded in taking Playboy Magazine away from the only people on earth who read it for the articles".
The whole idea is ludicrous; but this one that you mentioned takes the Cake. I believe we have a whole bunch of mindless people in Congress.
We will have to build a lot of new prisons to hold all the liberal Democrats who do porn on the internet. So another plus is it will create construction jobs.
The US has the highest prison population in the world. 44% of the male population viewed porn at least once a month, 11% of the female population also viewed porn at least once a month. You're going to have to build more prisons, if you're sick plan is to work. And if you think they're just going to be Democrats, you are fooling yourself. If anything, more Republicans will be locked up than Democrats. Democrats are generally smarter than Republicans. Look at a list of Congress and sexual abuses; most of the cases are Republicans. It would follow logically that more Republicans watch porn than Democrats. Talk about self-hate.
So................no links, just deflection and assumption of what you think I do. BTW.............I haven't watched CNN in a VERY long time (since around 2010) because they were getting too much into the reporters throwing their own spin into whatever they were supposed to be reporting. Matter of fact, the only reason I watch any kind of television news (and I check out all stations) is to hear what they are talking about, then I go check out other sources to see if the story is true, or just a bunch of hand wringing over the perception of one incident.

So...............where are those links about pornography being in schools? Do you have anything you can provide to back up your bullshit, or, like I said, is this just something you parroted from the right wing blogosphere?
Get your fat ass up and do a little research. The story was on CNN.

A woman began to read from s book when she was told the book was inapproproaye because children were present ... which was when she informed him she got the book she was reading fromthe school library.

Prove you aren't too stupid to use google and not to lazy to do so instead of demanding others spoon-fed you.
So................no links, just deflection and assumption of what you think I do. BTW.............I haven't watched CNN in a VERY long time (since around 2010) because they were getting too much into the reporters throwing their own spin into whatever they were supposed to be reporting. Matter of fact, the only reason I watch any kind of television news (and I check out all stations) is to hear what they are talking about, then I go check out other sources to see if the story is true, or just a bunch of hand wringing over the perception of one incident.

So...............where are those links about pornography being in schools? Do you have anything you can provide to back up your bullshit, or, like I said, is this just something you parroted from the right wing blogosphere?

You know - forget it. You ARE too stupid and too lazy to find the story on your own...

Feel free to apologize for your false accusations and your ignorance.
Yep, put it right next to regulating speed of boats on the ocean. Thanks, Biden.
That suggestion came from NOAA in order to reduce vessel strikes to North Atlantic right whales. The suggestions were fully covered on their website. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration>reducing vessel strikes to North Atlantic right whales. They have become endangered now, and every dead whale that they found has scars from being hit by vessels. If I read it correctly, I believe these restrictions, if approved, will be seasonal in relation to their migration patterns. It's best to learn the truth about a situation before judging it, if you feel that is necessary.
Who tells other people what they can read in public?
What does that have to do with the fact that a school board member tried to silence a mother from reading FILTH in front of children that came from a school library book kids have access to?!

Try to stay focused without trying to distract or hijack the thread.
The republican senator specifies internet porn while the left interprets porn as "sexual content". That's the challenge we face as a nation.
The republican senator specifies internet porn while the left interprets porn as "sexual content". That's the challenge we face as a nation.
Yup, criminal Democrats who attempt to USE every loophole while trying to CREATE loopholes by attempting to CONTROL language.
That would mean that any guy who has sent a dick pic would be guilty. Same for a woman who has sent nudies of herself.

And...............with the definition he's currently trying to go with, even pics women send of themselves in lingerie would be considered obscene.

It is already illegal. See Anthony Weiner.
You know - forget it. You ARE too stupid and too lazy to find the story on your own...

Feel free to apologize for your false accusations and your ignorance.

Did you even bother to read your link? The person was reading a PASSAGE (meaning only a small part of the book) and that PASSAGE (i.e. small part of the book) was deemed inappropriate. Incidentally, they were stopped because the meeting was being live streamed and there was a possibility that kids in grade school might be watching. But, interestingly enough, the book was only in the H.S. library, and it was okay for H.S. students to read.

No.............the book itself wasn't pornography. By the way, there are many books out there that have racy passages in them.

So, since you failed with your first link, got anything else to show that pornography is being allowed in schools?

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