Mike Pence does Something Shocking and Unusual.

Exactly. After midnight ballots for Biden started to mysteriously appear out of nowhere.
But they didn't. They were the mail in votes in those States who didn't allow them to be counted before election day. Even though they were warned that it would happen. Everyone knew the early in person vote would favor the Don. Why else would the Trumpyberra call for them to stop counting when he was ahead, before all the ballots were counted?
We all saw the election flip over night, which was much more than Hillary had to complain about when she repeatedly said it was Russian interference and Trump is an Illegitimate president.
Whether Trump is personally and asshole or not...stubborn or overbearing.... that isn't grounds to say he ever incited some insurrection.
Trump had a right as the sitting President, to look into wether there was voter fraud... who says he needs to believe one person over another? He may have just not been able to bring himself to believe it based on what we all saw happen with the vote flip.
You know, if he thought he was looking into voter fraud.. rightly or even wrongly... this is not a crime. Democrats cant seem to wrap their heads around this.

Yep. Don't be a cuck and vote in an election know is rigged.

Stay home and show those Dems you ain't nobodies fool.

Has anyone produced Trumps plan for an insurrection?? No because there wasnt any. Simple truth is these democrats including the dear prosecutor don't want him running for president again.
Yes, they have been produced multiple times.

Leave your bubble.
I think it is so telling of the modern republican party that most still can't admit Trump is lying about fraud. It really shows they can not accept reality and facts.

They don't seem to understand how truly bad it makes them look.
Hate is a strong, driving emotion.
Admits the truth, there was no election fraud in 2020.

The bar is so low for the lying republicans that if you can find one that can admit the truth, it is a huge accomplishment.

If you admit the truth, that Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud, then that also means Trump incited an Insurrection based on lies, and is guilty of 2 of his indictments.

"Its a hard truth"

Now that he is no longer under the former's thumb, he is free to speak his mind without risking Trump's ire and not merely have to parrot everything he says.

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