Mike Pence does Something Shocking and Unusual.

Fuck you......he knows that there were undercounted ballots and ballots that can't be connected to actual humans......that phone call was fine. You idiots are fascists who are creating a crime to go after him and his supporters....
except it wasn't.
It was illegal and he tried to pressure Raffesberger to commit a crime, and change votes.

Trump lost the election, deal with it. You people are too weak to acept that.

Mike Pence can accept it, but you weaklings still can not.
Notta Good Look
Why is the former V.P. so interesting to the left when the Country is currently falling apart under a mentally impaired president?
Pence is admitting the obvious. The question is how many republicans will agree and will it be enough?
The key will be the republican voters who agree with Pence and stay home in the general election. Trump support amongst republican appears to be enough to win the republican slot for running for presidency.
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Why is the former V.P. so interesting to the left when the Country is currently falling apart under a mentally impaired president?
Seeing how we have the best labor market in US History, 50 year low unemployment, inflation running at 0.2% MoM for the past several months, and 11 of the last 12 recessions all under republican presidents, AND lets not forget that Trump blew up the deficit pre-covid and Bush destroyed America, you are full of shit.
Pence is admitting the obvious. The question is how many republicans will agree and will it be enough?
I think it is so telling of the modern republican party that most still can't admit Trump is lying about fraud. It really shows they can not accept reality and facts.

They don't seem to understand how truly bad it makes them look.
Yea he looked into it and found absolutely no fraud at all.
You conveniently leave that part out.

Still to this day Trump can't even admit there was no fraud after losing all court cases and everybody credible in the entire country saying no evidence of fraud.

Claims of election fraud are serious, you can't make them up and repeat them with out real evidence. You can't tell everybody their vote was stolen when it wasn't. You try to downplay what Trump did because you lack accountability.

No fraud at all? Theres always fraud in an election, it comes down to wether there was enough fraud to make a difference, or if there was information that the courts refused to look at
I dont personally know what was found or wasn't down in Georgia and maybe neither do you, we still have to see what comes up in the trial. For now there are accusations.

secondly, really? your concerned about claims of election fraud being serious? You forget all about the farce Democrats drug us thorugh with their fake Russian contacts.. who made up election shit stories.. to be used as a back up plan to oust Trump.
And you cant understand why people mistrust the system.We can see the set up, its clear as day.
Seeing how we have the best labor market in US History, 50 year low unemployment, inflation running at 0.2% MoM for the past several months, and 11 of the last 12 recessions all under republican presidents, AND lets not forget that Trump blew up the deficit pre-covid and Bush destroyed America, you are full of shit.

Gas is up.. food cost is up.. peoples lives were just great and getting better before the pandemic came along... your really full of it now. what fucking bubble do you live inside of?
Exactly. After midnight ballots for Biden started to mysteriously appear out of nowhere.

It never happened before... the odds of that happening the way it did are what? it had to be infintessimal and we were suppossed to ignore common sense as if nothing happened.
All those fake indictments and not one of them for "insurrection." It seems that indicting him for "insurrection," is even too much for the fascist democrats.....
This has been discussed ad nauseam.
You keep repeating it though.....why?

Insurrection versus Seditious Conspiracy.

An attempted (or successful) Assassin doesn't get charged with attempted assassination, he get charged with attempted murder.

Get OVER your obsession with the word.
This has been discussed ad nauseam.
You keep repeating it though.....why?

Insurrection versus Seditious Conspiracy.

An attempted (or successful) Assassin doesn't get charged with attempted assassination, he get charged with attempted murder.

Get OVER your obsession with the word.

That is the only word on the subject in the Constitution you dumb shit....and they didn't charge Trump with it.......
Admits the truth, there was no election fraud in 2020.

The bar is so low for the lying republicans that if you can find one that can admit the truth, it is a huge accomplishment.

If you admit the truth, that Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud, then that also means Trump incited an Insurrection based on lies, and is guilty of 2 of his indictments.

"Its a hard truth"

he has a big lead on him....lolol............by about 50% you retarded idiot
That is the only word on the subject in the Constitution you dumb shit....and they didn't charge Trump with it.......
Q1: What is “sedition” and “insurrection”?

Generally, sedition is conduct or speech that incites individuals to violently rebel against the authority of the government. Insurrection includes the actual acts of violence and rebellion.

Trump SAID he wanted to go to the Capitol but was too much of a pussy to actually go. trump himself didn't commit the violence, therefore he hasn't been charged with "insurrection"
Fuck you......he knows that there were undercounted ballots and ballots that can't be connected to actual humans......that phone call was fine. You idiots are fascists who are creating a crime to go after him and his supporters....
Fuck you? Really lol? Trump has your mind so twisted that you can't even recognize that if someone suddenly comes up with just the "one" vote they need to prevail, that doesn't look suspicious?

I had no idea you were one of the Kool-Aid drinkers.
Admits the truth, there was no election fraud in 2020.

The bar is so low for the lying republicans that if you can find one that can admit the truth, it is a huge accomplishment.

If you admit the truth, that Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud, then that also means Trump incited an Insurrection based on lies, and is guilty of 2 of his indictments.

"Its a hard truth"

No matter what he says, the MAGANUTS all believe he is a traitor to the Trumpyberra and deserves a noosenap.

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