Mike Vick vs. Rich White Kid {KING}


Black Is Beautiful
Dec 1, 2013
Ain't this a bitch?

Rich White Kid gets drunk and just kills 4 people and leave a kid in catonic/vegetable state of being.


Mike Vick kills 2 DOGS...

GETS...2 YEARS IN PRISON, and the loss of 30-40 million dollars, community service, huge fines, etc!

BOTH were rich.

Can Anyone explain this please?

Ain't this a bitch?

Rich White Kid gets drunk and just kills 4 people and leave a kid in catonic/vegetable state of being.


Mike Vick kills 2 DOGS...

GETS...2 YEARS IN PRISON, and the loss of 30-40 million dollars, community service, huge fines, etc!

BOTH were rich.

Can Anyone explain this please?


Our legal system often considers intent and age moreso than the crime committed. Vick wasnt just convicted of killing the two dogs, but of running for years a large dog fighting enterprise. He did this with prior thought, planning, and a willful disregard of the law.

That young punk ass bitch vehicular murderer did not go out intending to kill people with a vehicle, it was the result of his intoxication, which according to current US law lowers his ability to determine the outcome of his actions. Even if he intentionally got drunk, his acts while drunk cannot be considered pre-meditated.
i hope m vick lives to be rich man and still cannot pay his medical bills

i hope his short fucking dick falls off

i could just go on and on...the kid...he can change and grow....a fucking sadist like vick will never change
What Bones said.

I hope Vick live a long long LONG life...and it is nothing but pain.
@ Marty, that was well spoken.

Soooooop....in Atlanta, Ga. and other cities with youths in violent gangs in their teens...all they need to do is get drunk before home invasion/drive-by/armed robbery then right?


If YOU KILL SOMEONE, or SEVERAL people because you were drunk????

You should go to jail for over a year AT LEAST!!!


"The White Kid can change and grow."




Hold up. Am I being punked? Where is the candid camera? Y'all joking right??

@ Marty, that was well spoken.

Soooooop....in Atlanta, Ga. and other cities with youths in violent gangs in their teens...all they need to do is get drunk before home invasion/drive-by/armed robbery then right?


If YOU KILL SOMEONE, or SEVERAL people because you were drunk????

You should go to jail for over a year AT LEAST!!!



A home invasion/drive by/armed robbery is not the same as an accident committed by someone under the influence. the first 3 cases are intended malice, as well as further criminal acts. In the case of drunk driving one would have to prove the person was deliberately trying to run someone over. In that case even the reduced mental capacity does not outweigh the INTENT of the person to do harm.

When you drive drunk, your intent is not criminal, it is to get from point A to point B. The act of doing it while drunk IS criminal.

For a drunk armed robber/home invader/drive by-er, there are several layers of intent, the intent to perform an ADDITIONAL crime, as well as, if it devolves to a shooting, the INTENT to fire or use a weapon to do harm to another.
given the option the kid would opt not to have done what he did...

vick could careless.....

that may be a major difference....i wouldnt give a flying fuck if vick was white
Again, nobody INTENDS to be strapped for cash with babies crying or get evicted in the winter at holiday season.

If the drunk driver only intends to get from "Point A to Point B", then the robber only "INTENDED" to get money to feed his kid!

The fact that people may get shot in the process (something YOU KNOW is a possibility of happening), that was NOT "intended" by the robber, it was just a byproduct of his original intended conduct.

^^^ Same goes for the kid right? So same goes for the robber!
Again, nobody INTENDS to be strapped for cash with babies crying or get evicted in the winter at holiday season.

If the drunk driver only intends to get from "Point A to Point B", then the robber only "INTENDED" to get money to feed his kid!

The fact that people may get shot in the process (something YOU KNOW is a possibility of happening), that was NOT "intended" by the robber, it was just a byproduct of his original intended conduct.

^^^ Same goes for the kid right? So same goes for the robber!

They let OJ off. What more dya want? :)
The kid was not sufficently punished. That's true but neither was Michael Vick. He should have been skinned alive and staked over an ant hill.
Vick went to prison for killing a dog.

White kid gets no jail time for killing 4 people.

"It's Hard Work Being Black!" ~ Black Man 1
Ain't this a bitch?

Rich White Kid gets drunk and just kills 4 people and leave a kid in catonic/vegetable state of being.


Mike Vick kills 2 DOGS...

GETS...2 YEARS IN PRISON, and the loss of 30-40 million dollars, community service, huge fines, etc!

BOTH were rich.

Can Anyone explain this please?


Our legal system often considers intent and age moreso than the crime committed. Vick wasnt just convicted of killing the two dogs, but of running for years a large dog fighting enterprise. He did this with prior thought, planning, and a willful disregard of the law.

That young punk ass bitch vehicular murderer did not go out intending to kill people with a vehicle, it was the result of his intoxication, which according to current US law lowers his ability to determine the outcome of his actions. Even if he intentionally got drunk, his acts while drunk cannot be considered pre-meditated.

Alrighty then..

How about 2 kids..same judge..no premeditated murder..different outcomes:

The judge in the controversial Ethan Couch case hasn’t always been so lenient and last year sentenced a 14-year-old African American boy to 10 years in prison after he punched someone and they died.

Judge Jean Boyd is facing calls to be removed from her position after she handed out the remarkably lenient sentence - 10 years probation - to 16-year-old Couch who killed four people and injured seven while on a drunken joyride.

The case has attracted nationwide attention after a psychologist claimed that Couch suffered from ‘affluenza’, a condition in which his wealth and privilege kept him from understanding the consequences of his actions.
Judge who let off 'spoiled' rich teen who killed four in DUI previously put boy aged fourteen in prison for TEN YEARS | Mail Online

Again, nobody INTENDS to be strapped for cash with babies crying or get evicted in the winter at holiday season.

If the drunk driver only intends to get from "Point A to Point B", then the robber only "INTENDED" to get money to feed his kid!

The fact that people may get shot in the process (something YOU KNOW is a possibility of happening), that was NOT "intended" by the robber, it was just a byproduct of his original intended conduct.

^^^ Same goes for the kid right? So same goes for the robber!

They let OJ off. What more dya want? :)

OJ's in dah big house.
Again, nobody INTENDS to be strapped for cash with babies crying or get evicted in the winter at holiday season.

If the drunk driver only intends to get from "Point A to Point B", then the robber only "INTENDED" to get money to feed his kid!

The fact that people may get shot in the process (something YOU KNOW is a possibility of happening), that was NOT "intended" by the robber, it was just a byproduct of his original intended conduct.

^^^ Same goes for the kid right? So same goes for the robber!

They let OJ off. What more dya want? :)

OJ's in dah big house.

Not for murder as he should be...:cool:
He killed more than one dog and he tortured many many more dogs that got lucky and didn't die. But, he's black and you are a "black man" so you don't see anything except black and white, dude. Black ok. White, no.

For the record, the asshole that killed 4 people should be in prison for life. Vick should be as Katzndogs said. Skinned, and staked. There is a difference in premeditated murder of innocent dogs and manslaughter of 4 human beings. But I waste my breath, don't I? You compare an animal torturer/abuser/murderer with some drunk kid who happens to be white. Bet you would be singing a different tune if the kid was black and the 4 dead were white.
Well, if we are going to there, why not add Robert Wagner and Chris Walken about Natalie's supposed accidental drowning?
Well, if we are going to there, why not add Robert Wagner and Chris Walken about Natalie's supposed accidental drowning?

That wasn't really so clear cut.

Blake's wife was found dead after they finished eating. His "alibi" was that he went back in to get his gun. :lol:

Shatner's Olympic caliber swimmer wife, who was not known for drinking, was found dead at the bottom of their pool, after having "consumed" a large amount of alcohol.

Wood? Who knows. They are out partying.
Maybe Shatners wife got snockered due to something happening. I don't drink either. But if I caught my husband cheating or my kid got killed or something like that...it might drive me to pick up a bottle and drink the whole thing. And NOT being a drinker, who knows what happened once I was since I am not used to it. I just can't see Shatner as a murderer. Wagner is a prink. Walken seems ok but he knows more than he is telling. Blake? Hasbeen, so yeah..I can see him offing the wife especially after what came out about her when they dug a little deeper. Gold digger. Got pregnant to snare him. He being a wannabe tough guy offing her.

Just opinions, nothing more.

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