Miley Cyrus and Feminist Abortion Cake


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Miley Cyrus apologizes to baker for allegedly copying pro-choice art - Big World News


We'll see if her apologize to the original designer is enough to avoid another lawsuit by a baker over cakes!

I'd rather see women advocates organize "bake sales"
to promote the Nurturing Network instead of PP. Otherwise,
The prolife movement advertises MORE for the group they OPPOSE
instead of funding and publicizing SOLUTIONS that prevent abortion.


TNN’s Founder Reflects: How We Began -- Our Accomplishments

One of the most meaningful experiences in my life has been the opportunity of founding and managing the Nurturing Network.

To augment what you may already know about this life-affirming program, it was an international charitable organization that I founded in 1985 following the loss of my first child in a mid-trimester miscarriage.

As I considered with far greater empathy how women who face the crisis of an unplanned pregnancy alone must feel when they believe that they have no other “choice” than abortion, I could more fully understand that it is truly not enough to say that we are “for life” unless we are prepared to help provide the practical means to support life.

In the quiet moments following my own miscarriage, I became increasingly aware that out of the death of one could be saved the lives of many. With renewed energy and commitment, I began to research the industry of abortion -- whom it serves and how the women who seek this solution arrive at this decision.

My informal research revealed that behind most abortion statistics lies a startling truth: The vast majority of women who “choose” abortion feel it is their only alternative. In other words, most women who undergo this medical procedure do not experience anything close to the popular rhetoric that refers to “freedom of choice.” As I stated in our founding brochure:

"Our goal at the Nurturing Network
is to ensure that every pregnant woman
will know the comfort and freedom
of having the support she needs
in order to nurture her child's life . . .
and make the most of hers as well."

TNN’s 52,000 volunteer Member Resources formed an extensive employment, medical, educational, counseling and residential Network which enabled each woman to continue the life of her unborn child -- without sacrificing her own educational or career development.

By placing values into action, our volunteer Members, Corporations and Foundations from all across the country were able to provide for the comprehensive needs of 25,000 mothers whose own support systems had let them down.

Whenever confidentiality or safety was an issue, our unique program facilitated the relocation of our Client to one of our Nurturing Families where she received as much assistance as she needed in her new environment.

I hope that you will take a moment on this website to learn more about the “Maternal Profiles in Courage” whom we have been privileged to serve. I encourage you to please consider how you might continue this gentle, healing approach in the work to which you feel uniquely called.

I thank you for all the meaningful ways that you are helping to build an authentic and lasting culture of life.

With Gratitude,
Mary Cunningham Agee, Founder

The Nurturing Network | Women of Courage
Huh!? mmmm, cake...She can come over and eat cake at my place I don't plan on having anymore kids. I am doing my part to not have abortions by having sex with sixty year old women.
Miley Cyrus apologizes to baker for allegedly copying pro-choice art - Big World News


We'll see if her apologize to the original designer is enough to avoid another lawsuit by a baker over cakes!

I'd rather see women advocates organize "bake sales"
to promote the Nurturing Network instead of PP. Otherwise,
The prolife movement advertises MORE for the group they OPPOSE
instead of funding and publicizing SOLUTIONS that prevent abortion.


TNN’s Founder Reflects: How We Began -- Our Accomplishments

One of the most meaningful experiences in my life has been the opportunity of founding and managing the Nurturing Network.

To augment what you may already know about this life-affirming program, it was an international charitable organization that I founded in 1985 following the loss of my first child in a mid-trimester miscarriage.

As I considered with far greater empathy how women who face the crisis of an unplanned pregnancy alone must feel when they believe that they have no other “choice” than abortion, I could more fully understand that it is truly not enough to say that we are “for life” unless we are prepared to help provide the practical means to support life.

In the quiet moments following my own miscarriage, I became increasingly aware that out of the death of one could be saved the lives of many. With renewed energy and commitment, I began to research the industry of abortion -- whom it serves and how the women who seek this solution arrive at this decision.

My informal research revealed that behind most abortion statistics lies a startling truth: The vast majority of women who “choose” abortion feel it is their only alternative. In other words, most women who undergo this medical procedure do not experience anything close to the popular rhetoric that refers to “freedom of choice.” As I stated in our founding brochure:

"Our goal at the Nurturing Network
is to ensure that every pregnant woman
will know the comfort and freedom
of having the support she needs
in order to nurture her child's life . . .
and make the most of hers as well."

TNN’s 52,000 volunteer Member Resources formed an extensive employment, medical, educational, counseling and residential Network which enabled each woman to continue the life of her unborn child -- without sacrificing her own educational or career development.

By placing values into action, our volunteer Members, Corporations and Foundations from all across the country were able to provide for the comprehensive needs of 25,000 mothers whose own support systems had let them down.

Whenever confidentiality or safety was an issue, our unique program facilitated the relocation of our Client to one of our Nurturing Families where she received as much assistance as she needed in her new environment.

I hope that you will take a moment on this website to learn more about the “Maternal Profiles in Courage” whom we have been privileged to serve. I encourage you to please consider how you might continue this gentle, healing approach in the work to which you feel uniquely called.

I thank you for all the meaningful ways that you are helping to build an authentic and lasting culture of life.

With Gratitude,
Mary Cunningham Agee, Founder

The Nurturing Network | Women of Courage
Miley please don't breed
Miley Cyrus apologizes to baker for allegedly copying pro-choice art - Big World News


We'll see if her apologize to the original designer is enough to avoid another lawsuit by a baker over cakes!

I'd rather see women advocates organize "bake sales"
to promote the Nurturing Network instead of PP. Otherwise,
The prolife movement advertises MORE for the group they OPPOSE
instead of funding and publicizing SOLUTIONS that prevent abortion.


TNN’s Founder Reflects: How We Began -- Our Accomplishments

One of the most meaningful experiences in my life has been the opportunity of founding and managing the Nurturing Network.

To augment what you may already know about this life-affirming program, it was an international charitable organization that I founded in 1985 following the loss of my first child in a mid-trimester miscarriage.

As I considered with far greater empathy how women who face the crisis of an unplanned pregnancy alone must feel when they believe that they have no other “choice” than abortion, I could more fully understand that it is truly not enough to say that we are “for life” unless we are prepared to help provide the practical means to support life.

In the quiet moments following my own miscarriage, I became increasingly aware that out of the death of one could be saved the lives of many. With renewed energy and commitment, I began to research the industry of abortion -- whom it serves and how the women who seek this solution arrive at this decision.

My informal research revealed that behind most abortion statistics lies a startling truth: The vast majority of women who “choose” abortion feel it is their only alternative. In other words, most women who undergo this medical procedure do not experience anything close to the popular rhetoric that refers to “freedom of choice.” As I stated in our founding brochure:

"Our goal at the Nurturing Network
is to ensure that every pregnant woman
will know the comfort and freedom
of having the support she needs
in order to nurture her child's life . . .
and make the most of hers as well."

TNN’s 52,000 volunteer Member Resources formed an extensive employment, medical, educational, counseling and residential Network which enabled each woman to continue the life of her unborn child -- without sacrificing her own educational or career development.

By placing values into action, our volunteer Members, Corporations and Foundations from all across the country were able to provide for the comprehensive needs of 25,000 mothers whose own support systems had let them down.

Whenever confidentiality or safety was an issue, our unique program facilitated the relocation of our Client to one of our Nurturing Families where she received as much assistance as she needed in her new environment.

I hope that you will take a moment on this website to learn more about the “Maternal Profiles in Courage” whom we have been privileged to serve. I encourage you to please consider how you might continue this gentle, healing approach in the work to which you feel uniquely called.

I thank you for all the meaningful ways that you are helping to build an authentic and lasting culture of life.

With Gratitude,
Mary Cunningham Agee, Founder

The Nurturing Network | Women of Courage
Miley please don't breed
She's married now and probably will. Gotta make more country singers...
Miley Cyrus apologizes to baker for allegedly copying pro-choice art - Big World News


We'll see if her apologize to the original designer is enough to avoid another lawsuit by a baker over cakes!

I'd rather see women advocates organize "bake sales"
to promote the Nurturing Network instead of PP. Otherwise,
The prolife movement advertises MORE for the group they OPPOSE
instead of funding and publicizing SOLUTIONS that prevent abortion.


TNN’s Founder Reflects: How We Began -- Our Accomplishments

One of the most meaningful experiences in my life has been the opportunity of founding and managing the Nurturing Network.

To augment what you may already know about this life-affirming program, it was an international charitable organization that I founded in 1985 following the loss of my first child in a mid-trimester miscarriage.

As I considered with far greater empathy how women who face the crisis of an unplanned pregnancy alone must feel when they believe that they have no other “choice” than abortion, I could more fully understand that it is truly not enough to say that we are “for life” unless we are prepared to help provide the practical means to support life.

In the quiet moments following my own miscarriage, I became increasingly aware that out of the death of one could be saved the lives of many. With renewed energy and commitment, I began to research the industry of abortion -- whom it serves and how the women who seek this solution arrive at this decision.

My informal research revealed that behind most abortion statistics lies a startling truth: The vast majority of women who “choose” abortion feel it is their only alternative. In other words, most women who undergo this medical procedure do not experience anything close to the popular rhetoric that refers to “freedom of choice.” As I stated in our founding brochure:

"Our goal at the Nurturing Network
is to ensure that every pregnant woman
will know the comfort and freedom
of having the support she needs
in order to nurture her child's life . . .
and make the most of hers as well."

TNN’s 52,000 volunteer Member Resources formed an extensive employment, medical, educational, counseling and residential Network which enabled each woman to continue the life of her unborn child -- without sacrificing her own educational or career development.

By placing values into action, our volunteer Members, Corporations and Foundations from all across the country were able to provide for the comprehensive needs of 25,000 mothers whose own support systems had let them down.

Whenever confidentiality or safety was an issue, our unique program facilitated the relocation of our Client to one of our Nurturing Families where she received as much assistance as she needed in her new environment.

I hope that you will take a moment on this website to learn more about the “Maternal Profiles in Courage” whom we have been privileged to serve. I encourage you to please consider how you might continue this gentle, healing approach in the work to which you feel uniquely called.

I thank you for all the meaningful ways that you are helping to build an authentic and lasting culture of life.

With Gratitude,
Mary Cunningham Agee, Founder

The Nurturing Network | Women of Courage
Miley please don't breed
She's married now and probably will. Gotta make more country singers...

Well sure she will.

In Hollywood, you need to get married in order to fight over the children when you divorce.

Miley Cyrus apologizes to baker for allegedly copying pro-choice art - Big World News


We'll see if her apologize to the original designer is enough to avoid another lawsuit by a baker over cakes!

I'd rather see women advocates organize "bake sales"
to promote the Nurturing Network instead of PP. Otherwise,
The prolife movement advertises MORE for the group they OPPOSE
instead of funding and publicizing SOLUTIONS that prevent abortion.


TNN’s Founder Reflects: How We Began -- Our Accomplishments

One of the most meaningful experiences in my life has been the opportunity of founding and managing the Nurturing Network.

To augment what you may already know about this life-affirming program, it was an international charitable organization that I founded in 1985 following the loss of my first child in a mid-trimester miscarriage.

As I considered with far greater empathy how women who face the crisis of an unplanned pregnancy alone must feel when they believe that they have no other “choice” than abortion, I could more fully understand that it is truly not enough to say that we are “for life” unless we are prepared to help provide the practical means to support life.

In the quiet moments following my own miscarriage, I became increasingly aware that out of the death of one could be saved the lives of many. With renewed energy and commitment, I began to research the industry of abortion -- whom it serves and how the women who seek this solution arrive at this decision.

My informal research revealed that behind most abortion statistics lies a startling truth: The vast majority of women who “choose” abortion feel it is their only alternative. In other words, most women who undergo this medical procedure do not experience anything close to the popular rhetoric that refers to “freedom of choice.” As I stated in our founding brochure:

"Our goal at the Nurturing Network
is to ensure that every pregnant woman
will know the comfort and freedom
of having the support she needs
in order to nurture her child's life . . .
and make the most of hers as well."

TNN’s 52,000 volunteer Member Resources formed an extensive employment, medical, educational, counseling and residential Network which enabled each woman to continue the life of her unborn child -- without sacrificing her own educational or career development.

By placing values into action, our volunteer Members, Corporations and Foundations from all across the country were able to provide for the comprehensive needs of 25,000 mothers whose own support systems had let them down.

Whenever confidentiality or safety was an issue, our unique program facilitated the relocation of our Client to one of our Nurturing Families where she received as much assistance as she needed in her new environment.

I hope that you will take a moment on this website to learn more about the “Maternal Profiles in Courage” whom we have been privileged to serve. I encourage you to please consider how you might continue this gentle, healing approach in the work to which you feel uniquely called.

I thank you for all the meaningful ways that you are helping to build an authentic and lasting culture of life.

With Gratitude,
Mary Cunningham Agee, Founder

The Nurturing Network | Women of Courage
Miley please don't breed
She's married now and probably will. Gotta make more country singers...

Well sure she will.

In Hollywood, you need to get married in order to fight over the children when you divorce.

Or have a cover for being gay.
Huh!? mmmm, cake...She can come over and eat cake at my place I don't plan on having anymore kids. I am doing my part to not have abortion by having sex with sixty year old women.

Okay Moonglow. Let's have a huge fundraiser.
Instead of "Kiss a Pig" day, where the teacher or police officer
raising the most money has to "kiss a pig" at a school rally.
You get your face licked by Miley Cyrus, wearing nothing
but a wrecking ball on a chain.

I bet that would raise lots of money for charity.
With both sides competing who to donate to, left or right.

Seriously, Moonglow if all the prolife
advocates join forces with prochoice feminists to stop
rape, abuse and any sex leading to unwanted pregnancies,
and hold all MEN to the same standards, that would do more
to wipe out abortion at the source, by everyone agreeing to abstain.

You have the basic idea. Why not promote that.
Start your own fundraiser and FB campaign.
And see if Miley will come lick you off! ;-)
Miley Cyrus apologizes to baker for allegedly copying pro-choice art - Big World News


We'll see if her apologize to the original designer is enough to avoid another lawsuit by a baker over cakes!

I'd rather see women advocates organize "bake sales"
to promote the Nurturing Network instead of PP. Otherwise,
The prolife movement advertises MORE for the group they OPPOSE
instead of funding and publicizing SOLUTIONS that prevent abortion.


TNN’s Founder Reflects: How We Began -- Our Accomplishments

One of the most meaningful experiences in my life has been the opportunity of founding and managing the Nurturing Network.

To augment what you may already know about this life-affirming program, it was an international charitable organization that I founded in 1985 following the loss of my first child in a mid-trimester miscarriage.

As I considered with far greater empathy how women who face the crisis of an unplanned pregnancy alone must feel when they believe that they have no other “choice” than abortion, I could more fully understand that it is truly not enough to say that we are “for life” unless we are prepared to help provide the practical means to support life.

In the quiet moments following my own miscarriage, I became increasingly aware that out of the death of one could be saved the lives of many. With renewed energy and commitment, I began to research the industry of abortion -- whom it serves and how the women who seek this solution arrive at this decision.

My informal research revealed that behind most abortion statistics lies a startling truth: The vast majority of women who “choose” abortion feel it is their only alternative. In other words, most women who undergo this medical procedure do not experience anything close to the popular rhetoric that refers to “freedom of choice.” As I stated in our founding brochure:

"Our goal at the Nurturing Network
is to ensure that every pregnant woman
will know the comfort and freedom
of having the support she needs
in order to nurture her child's life . . .
and make the most of hers as well."

TNN’s 52,000 volunteer Member Resources formed an extensive employment, medical, educational, counseling and residential Network which enabled each woman to continue the life of her unborn child -- without sacrificing her own educational or career development.

By placing values into action, our volunteer Members, Corporations and Foundations from all across the country were able to provide for the comprehensive needs of 25,000 mothers whose own support systems had let them down.

Whenever confidentiality or safety was an issue, our unique program facilitated the relocation of our Client to one of our Nurturing Families where she received as much assistance as she needed in her new environment.

I hope that you will take a moment on this website to learn more about the “Maternal Profiles in Courage” whom we have been privileged to serve. I encourage you to please consider how you might continue this gentle, healing approach in the work to which you feel uniquely called.

I thank you for all the meaningful ways that you are helping to build an authentic and lasting culture of life.

With Gratitude,
Mary Cunningham Agee, Founder

The Nurturing Network | Women of Courage
Miley please don't breed
She's married now and probably will. Gotta make more country singers...
She should have married Justin Bieber
Huh!? mmmm, cake...She can come over and eat cake at my place I don't plan on having anymore kids. I am doing my part to not have abortion by having sex with sixty year old women.

Okay Moonglow. Let's have a huge fundraiser.
Instead of "Kiss a Pig" day, where the teacher or police officer
raising the most money has to "kiss a pig" at a school rally.
You get your face licked by Miley Cyrus, wearing nothing
but a wrecking ball on a chain.

I bet that would raise lots of money for charity.
With both sides competing who to donate to, left or right.

Seriously, Moonglow if all the prolife
advocates join forces with prochoice feminists to stop
rape, abuse and any sex leading to unwanted pregnancies,
and hold all MEN to the same standards, that would do more
to wipe out abortion at the source, by everyone agreeing to abstain.

You have the basic idea. Why not promote that.
Start your own fundraiser and FB campaign.
And see if Miley will come lick you off! ;-)
What fun is safe sex and marriage while I was married to each of my wives when bearing children I am appalled at the apparent lack of sexual interest after a women has been satiated by seed and child..Alas that be our dilemma, men still lust while with many a wife she be not. Fluids produced by the body that inflame the desire die in time just not at the same rate with the opposite sexes..
Miley Cyrus apologizes to baker for allegedly copying pro-choice art - Big World News


We'll see if her apologize to the original designer is enough to avoid another lawsuit by a baker over cakes!

I'd rather see women advocates organize "bake sales"
to promote the Nurturing Network instead of PP. Otherwise,
The prolife movement advertises MORE for the group they OPPOSE
instead of funding and publicizing SOLUTIONS that prevent abortion.


TNN’s Founder Reflects: How We Began -- Our Accomplishments

One of the most meaningful experiences in my life has been the opportunity of founding and managing the Nurturing Network.

To augment what you may already know about this life-affirming program, it was an international charitable organization that I founded in 1985 following the loss of my first child in a mid-trimester miscarriage.

As I considered with far greater empathy how women who face the crisis of an unplanned pregnancy alone must feel when they believe that they have no other “choice” than abortion, I could more fully understand that it is truly not enough to say that we are “for life” unless we are prepared to help provide the practical means to support life.

In the quiet moments following my own miscarriage, I became increasingly aware that out of the death of one could be saved the lives of many. With renewed energy and commitment, I began to research the industry of abortion -- whom it serves and how the women who seek this solution arrive at this decision.

My informal research revealed that behind most abortion statistics lies a startling truth: The vast majority of women who “choose” abortion feel it is their only alternative. In other words, most women who undergo this medical procedure do not experience anything close to the popular rhetoric that refers to “freedom of choice.” As I stated in our founding brochure:

"Our goal at the Nurturing Network
is to ensure that every pregnant woman
will know the comfort and freedom
of having the support she needs
in order to nurture her child's life . . .
and make the most of hers as well."

TNN’s 52,000 volunteer Member Resources formed an extensive employment, medical, educational, counseling and residential Network which enabled each woman to continue the life of her unborn child -- without sacrificing her own educational or career development.

By placing values into action, our volunteer Members, Corporations and Foundations from all across the country were able to provide for the comprehensive needs of 25,000 mothers whose own support systems had let them down.

Whenever confidentiality or safety was an issue, our unique program facilitated the relocation of our Client to one of our Nurturing Families where she received as much assistance as she needed in her new environment.

I hope that you will take a moment on this website to learn more about the “Maternal Profiles in Courage” whom we have been privileged to serve. I encourage you to please consider how you might continue this gentle, healing approach in the work to which you feel uniquely called.

I thank you for all the meaningful ways that you are helping to build an authentic and lasting culture of life.

With Gratitude,
Mary Cunningham Agee, Founder

The Nurturing Network | Women of Courage
Miley please don't breed
She's married now and probably will. Gotta make more country singers...

Well sure she will.

In Hollywood, you need to get married in order to fight over the children when you divorce.

Or have a cover for being gay.

She's actually self-identified as PANSEXUAL Moonglow
That means you can hang out with all the "fairies" you want:

Miley Cyrus apologizes to baker for allegedly copying pro-choice art - Big World News


We'll see if her apologize to the original designer is enough to avoid another lawsuit by a baker over cakes!

I'd rather see women advocates organize "bake sales"
to promote the Nurturing Network instead of PP. Otherwise,
The prolife movement advertises MORE for the group they OPPOSE
instead of funding and publicizing SOLUTIONS that prevent abortion.


TNN’s Founder Reflects: How We Began -- Our Accomplishments

One of the most meaningful experiences in my life has been the opportunity of founding and managing the Nurturing Network.

To augment what you may already know about this life-affirming program, it was an international charitable organization that I founded in 1985 following the loss of my first child in a mid-trimester miscarriage.

As I considered with far greater empathy how women who face the crisis of an unplanned pregnancy alone must feel when they believe that they have no other “choice” than abortion, I could more fully understand that it is truly not enough to say that we are “for life” unless we are prepared to help provide the practical means to support life.

In the quiet moments following my own miscarriage, I became increasingly aware that out of the death of one could be saved the lives of many. With renewed energy and commitment, I began to research the industry of abortion -- whom it serves and how the women who seek this solution arrive at this decision.

My informal research revealed that behind most abortion statistics lies a startling truth: The vast majority of women who “choose” abortion feel it is their only alternative. In other words, most women who undergo this medical procedure do not experience anything close to the popular rhetoric that refers to “freedom of choice.” As I stated in our founding brochure:

"Our goal at the Nurturing Network
is to ensure that every pregnant woman
will know the comfort and freedom
of having the support she needs
in order to nurture her child's life . . .
and make the most of hers as well."

TNN’s 52,000 volunteer Member Resources formed an extensive employment, medical, educational, counseling and residential Network which enabled each woman to continue the life of her unborn child -- without sacrificing her own educational or career development.

By placing values into action, our volunteer Members, Corporations and Foundations from all across the country were able to provide for the comprehensive needs of 25,000 mothers whose own support systems had let them down.

Whenever confidentiality or safety was an issue, our unique program facilitated the relocation of our Client to one of our Nurturing Families where she received as much assistance as she needed in her new environment.

I hope that you will take a moment on this website to learn more about the “Maternal Profiles in Courage” whom we have been privileged to serve. I encourage you to please consider how you might continue this gentle, healing approach in the work to which you feel uniquely called.

I thank you for all the meaningful ways that you are helping to build an authentic and lasting culture of life.

With Gratitude,
Mary Cunningham Agee, Founder

The Nurturing Network | Women of Courage
Miley please don't breed
She's married now and probably will. Gotta make more country singers...

Well sure she will.

In Hollywood, you need to get married in order to fight over the children when you divorce.

Or have a cover for being gay.

She's actually self-identified as PANSEXUAL Moonglow
That means you can hang out with all the "fairies" you want:

Can these damn people wear a nametag with their sexual identity so I don't get so sexually aroused?
As I considered with far greater empathy how women who face the crisis of an unplanned pregnancy alone must feel when they believe that they have no other “choice” than abortion, I could more fully understand that it is truly not enough to say that we are “for life” unless we are prepared to help provide the practical means to support life.

Finally, a pro-lifer who actually wants to do something to decrease abortions
Miley Cyrus apologizes to baker for allegedly copying pro-choice art - Big World News


We'll see if her apologize to the original designer is enough to avoid another lawsuit by a baker over cakes!

I'd rather see women advocates organize "bake sales"
to promote the Nurturing Network instead of PP. Otherwise,
The prolife movement advertises MORE for the group they OPPOSE
instead of funding and publicizing SOLUTIONS that prevent abortion.


TNN’s Founder Reflects: How We Began -- Our Accomplishments

One of the most meaningful experiences in my life has been the opportunity of founding and managing the Nurturing Network.

To augment what you may already know about this life-affirming program, it was an international charitable organization that I founded in 1985 following the loss of my first child in a mid-trimester miscarriage.

As I considered with far greater empathy how women who face the crisis of an unplanned pregnancy alone must feel when they believe that they have no other “choice” than abortion, I could more fully understand that it is truly not enough to say that we are “for life” unless we are prepared to help provide the practical means to support life.

In the quiet moments following my own miscarriage, I became increasingly aware that out of the death of one could be saved the lives of many. With renewed energy and commitment, I began to research the industry of abortion -- whom it serves and how the women who seek this solution arrive at this decision.

My informal research revealed that behind most abortion statistics lies a startling truth: The vast majority of women who “choose” abortion feel it is their only alternative. In other words, most women who undergo this medical procedure do not experience anything close to the popular rhetoric that refers to “freedom of choice.” As I stated in our founding brochure:

"Our goal at the Nurturing Network
is to ensure that every pregnant woman
will know the comfort and freedom
of having the support she needs
in order to nurture her child's life . . .
and make the most of hers as well."

TNN’s 52,000 volunteer Member Resources formed an extensive employment, medical, educational, counseling and residential Network which enabled each woman to continue the life of her unborn child -- without sacrificing her own educational or career development.

By placing values into action, our volunteer Members, Corporations and Foundations from all across the country were able to provide for the comprehensive needs of 25,000 mothers whose own support systems had let them down.

Whenever confidentiality or safety was an issue, our unique program facilitated the relocation of our Client to one of our Nurturing Families where she received as much assistance as she needed in her new environment.

I hope that you will take a moment on this website to learn more about the “Maternal Profiles in Courage” whom we have been privileged to serve. I encourage you to please consider how you might continue this gentle, healing approach in the work to which you feel uniquely called.

I thank you for all the meaningful ways that you are helping to build an authentic and lasting culture of life.

With Gratitude,
Mary Cunningham Agee, Founder

The Nurturing Network | Women of Courage
Miley please don't breed
She's married now and probably will. Gotta make more country singers...

Well sure she will.

In Hollywood, you need to get married in order to fight over the children when you divorce.

Or have a cover for being gay.

She's actually self-identified as PANSEXUAL Moonglow
That means you can hang out with all the "fairies" you want:

Pansexual sounds painful.
I will hide my pots and pans if she comes to my house.
Miley Cyrus apologizes to baker for allegedly copying pro-choice art - Big World News


We'll see if her apologize to the original designer is enough to avoid another lawsuit by a baker over cakes!

I'd rather see women advocates organize "bake sales"
to promote the Nurturing Network instead of PP. Otherwise,
The prolife movement advertises MORE for the group they OPPOSE
instead of funding and publicizing SOLUTIONS that prevent abortion.


TNN’s Founder Reflects: How We Began -- Our Accomplishments

One of the most meaningful experiences in my life has been the opportunity of founding and managing the Nurturing Network.

To augment what you may already know about this life-affirming program, it was an international charitable organization that I founded in 1985 following the loss of my first child in a mid-trimester miscarriage.

As I considered with far greater empathy how women who face the crisis of an unplanned pregnancy alone must feel when they believe that they have no other “choice” than abortion, I could more fully understand that it is truly not enough to say that we are “for life” unless we are prepared to help provide the practical means to support life.

In the quiet moments following my own miscarriage, I became increasingly aware that out of the death of one could be saved the lives of many. With renewed energy and commitment, I began to research the industry of abortion -- whom it serves and how the women who seek this solution arrive at this decision.

My informal research revealed that behind most abortion statistics lies a startling truth: The vast majority of women who “choose” abortion feel it is their only alternative. In other words, most women who undergo this medical procedure do not experience anything close to the popular rhetoric that refers to “freedom of choice.” As I stated in our founding brochure:

"Our goal at the Nurturing Network
is to ensure that every pregnant woman
will know the comfort and freedom
of having the support she needs
in order to nurture her child's life . . .
and make the most of hers as well."

TNN’s 52,000 volunteer Member Resources formed an extensive employment, medical, educational, counseling and residential Network which enabled each woman to continue the life of her unborn child -- without sacrificing her own educational or career development.

By placing values into action, our volunteer Members, Corporations and Foundations from all across the country were able to provide for the comprehensive needs of 25,000 mothers whose own support systems had let them down.

Whenever confidentiality or safety was an issue, our unique program facilitated the relocation of our Client to one of our Nurturing Families where she received as much assistance as she needed in her new environment.

I hope that you will take a moment on this website to learn more about the “Maternal Profiles in Courage” whom we have been privileged to serve. I encourage you to please consider how you might continue this gentle, healing approach in the work to which you feel uniquely called.

I thank you for all the meaningful ways that you are helping to build an authentic and lasting culture of life.

With Gratitude,
Mary Cunningham Agee, Founder

The Nurturing Network | Women of Courage
Miley please don't breed
As long as abortion is available, she might not.
Huh!? mmmm, cake...She can come over and eat cake at my place I don't plan on having anymore kids. I am doing my part to not have abortion by having sex with sixty year old women.

Okay Moonglow. Let's have a huge fundraiser.
Instead of "Kiss a Pig" day, where the teacher or police officer
raising the most money has to "kiss a pig" at a school rally.
You get your face licked by Miley Cyrus, wearing nothing
but a wrecking ball on a chain.

I bet that would raise lots of money for charity.
With both sides competing who to donate to, left or right.

Seriously, Moonglow if all the prolife
advocates join forces with prochoice feminists to stop
rape, abuse and any sex leading to unwanted pregnancies,
and hold all MEN to the same standards, that would do more
to wipe out abortion at the source, by everyone agreeing to abstain.

You have the basic idea. Why not promote that.
Start your own fundraiser and FB campaign.
And see if Miley will come lick you off! ;-)
What fun is safe sex and marriage while I was married to each of my wives when bearing children I am appalled at the apparent lack of sexual interest after a women has been satiated by seed and child..Alas that be our dilemma, men still lust while with many a wife she be not. Fluids produced by the body that inflame the desire die in time just not at the same rate with the opposite sexes..

Dear Moonglow
Sorry to hear of your issues.
Maybe you could start your own sperm bank, and
donate services to all the suffering lesbian couples
you could be putting out of mutual misery!

If those don't turn you on, maybe these will turn you off:

Miley please don't breed
She's married now and probably will. Gotta make more country singers...

Well sure she will.

In Hollywood, you need to get married in order to fight over the children when you divorce.

Or have a cover for being gay.

She's actually self-identified as PANSEXUAL Moonglow
That means you can hang out with all the "fairies" you want:

Pansexual sounds painful.
I will hide my pots and pans if she comes to my house.
Better yet TroglocratsRdumb
bring them over to Moonglow s place.
He's planning to build a Love Nest for him and Miley
to lick each other off. After their huge bake sale
to raise money for women's charities. They will
need all the pots and pans they can get!
Huh!? mmmm, cake...She can come over and eat cake at my place I don't plan on having anymore kids. I am doing my part to not have abortion by having sex with sixty year old women.

Okay Moonglow. Let's have a huge fundraiser.
Instead of "Kiss a Pig" day, where the teacher or police officer
raising the most money has to "kiss a pig" at a school rally.
You get your face licked by Miley Cyrus, wearing nothing
but a wrecking ball on a chain.

I bet that would raise lots of money for charity.
With both sides competing who to donate to, left or right.

Seriously, Moonglow if all the prolife
advocates join forces with prochoice feminists to stop
rape, abuse and any sex leading to unwanted pregnancies,
and hold all MEN to the same standards, that would do more
to wipe out abortion at the source, by everyone agreeing to abstain.

You have the basic idea. Why not promote that.
Start your own fundraiser and FB campaign.
And see if Miley will come lick you off! ;-)
What fun is safe sex and marriage while I was married to each of my wives when bearing children I am appalled at the apparent lack of sexual interest after a women has been satiated by seed and child..Alas that be our dilemma, men still lust while with many a wife she be not. Fluids produced by the body that inflame the desire die in time just not at the same rate with the opposite sexes..

Dear Moonglow
Sorry to hear of your issues.
Maybe you could start your own sperm bank, and
donate services to all the suffering lesbian couples
you could be putting out of mutual misery!

If those don't turn you on, maybe these will turn you off:


And then after they sign the document of release they don't notice the small print detailing how I get to inject the sperm...
Nah, I was never into patent leather uppers...
Miley Cyrus apologizes to baker for allegedly copying pro-choice art - Big World News


We'll see if her apologize to the original designer is enough to avoid another lawsuit by a baker over cakes!

I'd rather see women advocates organize "bake sales"
to promote the Nurturing Network instead of PP. Otherwise,
The prolife movement advertises MORE for the group they OPPOSE
instead of funding and publicizing SOLUTIONS that prevent abortion.


TNN’s Founder Reflects: How We Began -- Our Accomplishments

One of the most meaningful experiences in my life has been the opportunity of founding and managing the Nurturing Network.

To augment what you may already know about this life-affirming program, it was an international charitable organization that I founded in 1985 following the loss of my first child in a mid-trimester miscarriage.

As I considered with far greater empathy how women who face the crisis of an unplanned pregnancy alone must feel when they believe that they have no other “choice” than abortion, I could more fully understand that it is truly not enough to say that we are “for life” unless we are prepared to help provide the practical means to support life.

In the quiet moments following my own miscarriage, I became increasingly aware that out of the death of one could be saved the lives of many. With renewed energy and commitment, I began to research the industry of abortion -- whom it serves and how the women who seek this solution arrive at this decision.

My informal research revealed that behind most abortion statistics lies a startling truth: The vast majority of women who “choose” abortion feel it is their only alternative. In other words, most women who undergo this medical procedure do not experience anything close to the popular rhetoric that refers to “freedom of choice.” As I stated in our founding brochure:

"Our goal at the Nurturing Network
is to ensure that every pregnant woman
will know the comfort and freedom
of having the support she needs
in order to nurture her child's life . . .
and make the most of hers as well."

TNN’s 52,000 volunteer Member Resources formed an extensive employment, medical, educational, counseling and residential Network which enabled each woman to continue the life of her unborn child -- without sacrificing her own educational or career development.

By placing values into action, our volunteer Members, Corporations and Foundations from all across the country were able to provide for the comprehensive needs of 25,000 mothers whose own support systems had let them down.

Whenever confidentiality or safety was an issue, our unique program facilitated the relocation of our Client to one of our Nurturing Families where she received as much assistance as she needed in her new environment.

I hope that you will take a moment on this website to learn more about the “Maternal Profiles in Courage” whom we have been privileged to serve. I encourage you to please consider how you might continue this gentle, healing approach in the work to which you feel uniquely called.

I thank you for all the meaningful ways that you are helping to build an authentic and lasting culture of life.

With Gratitude,
Mary Cunningham Agee, Founder

The Nurturing Network | Women of Courage
Miley please don't breed
As long as abortion is available, she might not.

She's smart enough to reserve sex for her husband
she WANTS to have children with.
If she wants sex on the side, she can get that from
women and avoid risk of pregnancy.

Like one of my prolife friends commented at a prochoice rally
he attended: why are all these women speaking out for abortion
when they don't want to be with men in the first place?
Huh!? mmmm, cake...She can come over and eat cake at my place I don't plan on having anymore kids. I am doing my part to not have abortion by having sex with sixty year old women.

Okay Moonglow. Let's have a huge fundraiser.
Instead of "Kiss a Pig" day, where the teacher or police officer
raising the most money has to "kiss a pig" at a school rally.
You get your face licked by Miley Cyrus, wearing nothing
but a wrecking ball on a chain.

I bet that would raise lots of money for charity.
With both sides competing who to donate to, left or right.

Seriously, Moonglow if all the prolife
advocates join forces with prochoice feminists to stop
rape, abuse and any sex leading to unwanted pregnancies,
and hold all MEN to the same standards, that would do more
to wipe out abortion at the source, by everyone agreeing to abstain.

You have the basic idea. Why not promote that.
Start your own fundraiser and FB campaign.
And see if Miley will come lick you off! ;-)
What fun is safe sex and marriage while I was married to each of my wives when bearing children I am appalled at the apparent lack of sexual interest after a women has been satiated by seed and child..Alas that be our dilemma, men still lust while with many a wife she be not. Fluids produced by the body that inflame the desire die in time just not at the same rate with the opposite sexes..

Dear Moonglow
Sorry to hear of your issues.
Maybe you could start your own sperm bank, and
donate services to all the suffering lesbian couples
you could be putting out of mutual misery!

If those don't turn you on, maybe these will turn you off:


And then after they sign the document of release they don't notice the small print detailing how I get to inject the sperm...
Nah, I was never into patent leather uppers...

Not to worry Moonglow
You can just charge more money for direct injection.
And donate that to the prolife groups for adoptions.
If they want the REAL goodies, they have to pay extra!

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