Miley is Wildley at VMA's


Jul 17, 2013
is this a new look for Miley or is it just another destructive former Disney star? Miley Cyrus is no longer a family friendly star. from her own TV show on Disney to dancing in a skin color bikini at MTV's VMAs.

I feel MTV should be fined for this smut that was shown on their show. They knew the dance performance before hand. they did have dress rehearsals correct?

But are we really shocked by what she did? you can see what Brittany Spears, Madonna, Lady Gaga, and others have done before her. If there was not any kind of shock with in the show we would of thought it was odd.

I read a great article from Nancy French a NYT Best-Selling Author. called "The sad, boring fall of Miley Cyrus" that she wrote for and it has been just that. The sad boring fall...

Oh she is just being Miley... :cuckoo:
She's a humping Hollywood's certified...


All that's left is the kaboom....
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She looked stupid.....she's not even sexy, and has no boobs. Lol!
It was a sickening performance, I would be embarassed to be her mother (or father).
The Onion called it back in 2008.

“at current usage levels, Miley Cyrus will be drained dry of entertainment value by 2013.”

[ame=]Sources Warn Miley Cyrus Will Be Depleted by 2013 - YouTube[/ame]

And here's The Onion parodying CNN today.

Let Me Explain Why Miley Cyrus? VMA Performance Was Our Top Story This Morning | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
So, as managing editor of, I want our readers to know this: All you are to us, and all you will ever be to us, are eyeballs. The more eyeballs on our content, the more cash we can ask for. Period. And if we’re able to get more eyeballs, that means I’ve done my job, which gets me congratulations from my bosses, which encourages me to put up even more stupid bullshit on the homepage.

I don’t hesitate to call it stupid bullshit because we all know it’s stupid bullshit. We know it and you know it. We also know that you are probably dumb enough, or bored enough, or both, to click on the stupid bullshit anyway, and that you will continue to do so as long as we keep putting it in front of your big, idiot faces. You want to know how many more page views the Miley Cyrus thing got than our article on the wildfires ravaging Yosemite? Like 6 gazillion more.

That’s on you, not us.
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This is exactly what she wants, you know? I'm sure she sat down with her publicists and they came up with a plan to transition from family friendly little girl to a more adult persona. Add a bit of controversy and not only do you complete the transition, you raise your name in the media as well.

This is a calculated career move.
is this a new look for Miley or is it just another destructive former Disney star? Miley Cyrus is no longer a family friendly star. from her own TV show on Disney to dancing in a skin color bikini at MTV's VMAs.

I feel MTV should be fined for this smut that was shown on their show. They knew the dance performance before hand. they did have dress rehearsals correct?

But are we really shocked by what she did? you can see what Brittany Spears, Madonna, Lady Gaga, and others have done before her. If there was not any kind of shock with in the show we would of thought it was odd.

I read a great article from Nancy French a NYT Best-Selling Author. called "The sad, boring fall of Miley Cyrus" that she wrote for and it has been just that. The sad boring fall...

Oh she is just being Miley... :cuckoo:
We are about to go to war with Syria and the media is more concerned of a kid ( i know she is 20 but doesnt act like it ) and he antics. NO ONE Cares about Miley except the media
is this a new look for Miley or is it just another destructive former Disney star? Miley Cyrus is no longer a family friendly star. from her own TV show on Disney to dancing in a skin color bikini at MTV's VMAs.

I feel MTV should be fined for this smut that was shown on their show. They knew the dance performance before hand. they did have dress rehearsals correct?

But are we really shocked by what she did? you can see what Brittany Spears, Madonna, Lady Gaga, and others have done before her. If there was not any kind of shock with in the show we would of thought it was odd.

I read a great article from Nancy French a NYT Best-Selling Author. called "The sad, boring fall of Miley Cyrus" that she wrote for and it has been just that. The sad boring fall...

Oh she is just being Miley... :cuckoo:

why the "e" in wildley?
is this a new look for Miley or is it just another destructive former Disney star? Miley Cyrus is no longer a family friendly star. from her own TV show on Disney to dancing in a skin color bikini at MTV's VMAs.

I feel MTV should be fined for this smut that was shown on their show. They knew the dance performance before hand. they did have dress rehearsals correct?

But are we really shocked by what she did? you can see what Brittany Spears, Madonna, Lady Gaga, and others have done before her. If there was not any kind of shock with in the show we would of thought it was odd.

I read a great article from Nancy French a NYT Best-Selling Author. called "The sad, boring fall of Miley Cyrus" that she wrote for and it has been just that. The sad boring fall...

Oh she is just being Miley... :cuckoo:
We are about to go to war with Syria and the media is more concerned of a kid ( i know she is 20 but doesnt act like it ) and he antics. NO ONE Cares about Miley except the media

She isn't getting much. if any, positive feedback on her performance from groups left, right, and center. Wasn't it just a couple of years ago she was outraged by a sex doll fashioned in her image? Just another chapter in the unraveling of our culture into more profanity, crudity, and obscenity and less and less of what we once considered family fare.

Or. . . maybe she is the designated 'wag the dog' diversion from the more serious and equally unpopular acivities of the current Administration? Seems like there is somebody who manages to steal the limelight whenever the Administration needs a distraction.
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My god she looks nasty.


You make it sound like a Bad Thing.

I meant to. OMG, just looking at recent pictures makes me want to vomit. The hair, the anorexic figure, the disgusting tats. Revolting. She looks like some kind of 80's punk rock whore meets Lady Gag Me.



I admit, the Granny Underwear was off-putting.

You make it sound like a Bad Thing.

I meant to. OMG, just looking at recent pictures makes me want to vomit. The hair, the anorexic figure, the disgusting tats. Revolting. She looks like some kind of 80's punk rock whore meets Lady Gag Me.



I admit, the Granny Underwear was off-putting.

Yeah, I agree.

She might have been sexy if she had some boobs or wore some teeny tiny lacy panties.

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