Liberal Leftist Stupidity from Miley Cyrus

Why does anyone care? Why does the OP care? In no way does her decision effect any one of us.

If that's the way she feels and if that's what she wants to do, squirrels to nuts.

Mind your own damn business and the world would be a much better place.

I agree, but we all do it on this forum. It's worth calling out, because it's asinine and illustrates the delusion of importance some of these people feel.
So, let's see if I've got this right.

An ignorant leftist twit is saying she isn't planning on procreating, the implication being that other ignorant leftist twits should follow suit, and people are COMPLAINING that she is taking herself out of the gene pool?
So, let's see if I've got this right.

An ignorant leftist twit is saying she isn't planning on procreating, the implication being that other ignorant leftist twits should follow suit, and people are COMPLAINING that she is taking herself out of the gene pool?
People are more so complaining about her level of influence than her taking herself out of the gene pool.
ME: This braindead imbecile is known for her stupidity, but this one takes the cake. Who agrees? Please share other Liberal stupidities.

Miley Cyrus says she won't have kids because 'the earth is angry'
Miley Cyrus says she won't have kids because 'the earth is angry'

Pop star Miley Cyrus said in a new interview that she won't have kids due to environmental concerns, saying “the earth is angry.”

Cyrus spoke with Elle magazine in an interview published Friday, telling the publication that she refuses to have children “until I feel like my kid would live on an earth with fish in the water.”

Cyrus said that nature is female and “when she’s angry, don’t f--- with her. That’s the way that I feel women are like right now. The earth is angry.”

The singer said she isn't alone in her generation, saying that millennials don’t want to reproduce “because we know that the earth can’t handle it."

“We’ve been doing the same thing to the earth that we do to women. We just take and take and expect it to keep producing. And it’s exhausted. It can’t produce,” Cyrus said. “We’re getting handed a piece-of-shit planet, and I refuse to hand that down to my child. Until I feel like my kid would live on an earth with fish in the water, I’m not bringing in another person to deal with that.”

The former Disney Channel star said that women feel pressured to “keep the planet populated.”

“And when that isn’t a part of our plan or our purpose, there is so much judgment and anger that they try to make and change laws to force it upon you—even if you become pregnant in a violent situation,” Cyrus said. “If you don’t want children, people feel sorry for you, like you’re a cold, heartless bitch who’s not capable of love
. . . . . .(SNIP)

Leftists not having children is a good thing. I don't care why. They should be sterilized anyway.
I hope so. I will readily admit that there are liberal millenials who don't think this way....these are the most vocal and the most influential in the Democrat Party though. Evidence? Look at how far loony left the presidential candidates are lurching. If you don't like where your party is headed...I hope you can save it. Center Left voters are the majority of Democrat voters....but the minority of fringe nutcases run the party and dictate the platform at the moment.

Well said. Good post.
People are more so complaining about her level of influence than her taking herself out of the gene pool.

If she has any influence over someone....

Just to be VERY CLEAR...

If Miley Cyrus' opinion makes any difference to someone, that person is genetic garbage. They not only should not reproduce, they should be convinced to wander into traffic.

ME: This braindead imbecile is known for her stupidity, but this one takes the cake. Who agrees? Please share other Liberal stupidities.

Miley Cyrus says she won't have kids because 'the earth is angry'
Miley Cyrus says she won't have kids because 'the earth is angry'

Pop star Miley Cyrus said in a new interview that she won't have kids due to environmental concerns, saying “the earth is angry.”

Cyrus spoke with Elle magazine in an interview published Friday, telling the publication that she refuses to have children “until I feel like my kid would live on an earth with fish in the water.”

Cyrus said that nature is female and “when she’s angry, don’t f--- with her. That’s the way that I feel women are like right now. The earth is angry.”

The singer said she isn't alone in her generation, saying that millennials don’t want to reproduce “because we know that the earth can’t handle it."

“We’ve been doing the same thing to the earth that we do to women. We just take and take and expect it to keep producing. And it’s exhausted. It can’t produce,” Cyrus said. “We’re getting handed a piece-of-shit planet, and I refuse to hand that down to my child. Until I feel like my kid would live on an earth with fish in the water, I’m not bringing in another person to deal with that.”

The former Disney Channel star said that women feel pressured to “keep the planet populated.”

“And when that isn’t a part of our plan or our purpose, there is so much judgment and anger that they try to make and change laws to force it upon you—even if you become pregnant in a violent situation,” Cyrus said. “If you don’t want children, people feel sorry for you, like you’re a cold, heartless bitch who’s not capable of love
. . . . . .(SNIP)

It's good that her defective genes won't be passed on to another generation.

She should have herself sterilized.
Leftists not having children is a good thing. I don't care why. They should be sterilized anyway.

LOL. This is true. I had not considered that angle.

It's why I no longer oppose abortion...

It's not because I don't value human life, or I don't have faith in God. I can't believe we allow babies to be murdered in the womb and call ourselves "civilized".

Fuckin savages in straw huts that sacrificed virgins to carved stone figures and ate them in jungles thousands of years ago were more "civilized" than that.

Yet when I see leftists getting their genetic garbage sucked out to be eaten by rats in the dumpster behind Planned Unparenthood....

I just feel compelled to ignore it.

My kids are alive, well fed, and quite content.

Leftists not having children is a good thing. I don't care why. They should be sterilized anyway.

LOL. This is true. I had not considered that angle.

It's why I no longer oppose abortion...

It's not because I don't value human life, or I don't have faith in God. I can't believe we allow babies to be murdered in the womb and call ourselves "civilized".

Fuckin savages in straw huts that sacrificed virgins to carved stone figures and ate them in jungles thousands of years ago were more "civilized" than that.

Yet when I see leftists getting their genetic garbage sucked out to be eaten by rats in the dumpster behind Planned Unparenthood....

I just feel compelled to ignore it.

My kids are alive, well fed, and quite content.

They need to sterilize any woman who has an abortion. She is obviously a selfish and cruel beast and does not deserve to have children. The poor kid will just winde up sitting in some demonic pedophile Drag Queen's lap at the local library anyway...
People are more so complaining about her level of influence than her taking herself out of the gene pool.

If she has any influence over someone....

Just to be VERY CLEAR...

If Miley Cyrus' opinion makes any difference to someone, that person is genetic garbage. They not only should not reproduce, they should be convinced to wander into traffic.

. might hate the leftist scum as much as I do!
Two annoying things:
1). People who voice their opinions to the world they aren't having kids
2). People who say omg the birthrate is dropping. Oh no this is not good.

Having kids is not a duty nor a responsibility to the country. It's ones choice not some kind of dutiful job. If you want them that's awesome. Have them and raise them. If a woman doesn't want them because she wants to focus on her career and travel and fun that's a great thing too. We have a bunch of married young couples in our church who are not having a family. They work hard, have nice houses, etc. They have made a responsible choice. Some of my friends think it's a shame. They are nuts. Publicizing it isn't all that bright.
They need to sterilize any woman who has an abortion. She is obviously a selfish and cruel beast and does not deserve to have children. The poor kid will just winded up sitting in some demonic pedophile Drag Queens lap at the local library anyway...

I can't argue with your logic.

I'm a libertarian though, so using force to sterilize someone works against my fundamental beliefs.

It's a real tightrope walk through morality and politics.

Two annoying things:
1). People who voice their opinions to the world they aren't having kids
2). People who say omg the birthrate is dropping. Oh no this is not good.

Having kids is not a duty nor a responsibility to the country. It's ones choice not some kind of dutiful job. If you want them that's awesome. Have them and raise them. If a woman doesn't want them because she wants to focus on her career and travel and fun that's a great thing too. We have a bunch of married young couples in our church who are not having a family. They work hard, have nice houses, etc. They have made a responsible choice. Some of my friends think it's a shame. They are nuts. Publicizing it isn't all that bright.
You could have just said "See my screen name? That's my opinion on the matter. But had to type out a bible.

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