Miley is Wildley at VMA's

There is such a thing as sexy and such a thing as raunchy.
Hers was raunchy.
It's something that you go to a night club to see, not a MTV Video Award show, that teens and young kids watch.

Miley Cyrus might as well been swinging on a pole and Lady Gaga wasn't much better. There is a reason kids aren't allowed in strip joints and it's not just the alcohol.

And what's with the kids teddy bear theme, is MC catering to pedo's now? Just wait a few years. With gays getting their rights we will be wishing for the days of slutty MC and LGG. Instead we will have men in banana hammocks twerking and grinding on eachother in honor of gay pride.:eusa_hand:
There is such a thing as sexy and such a thing as raunchy.
Hers was raunchy.
It's something that you go to a night club to see, not a MTV Video Award show, that teens and young kids watch.

Raunchy pays. She has a net (cash) worth of $150M.
Yeah, this is really something to be outraged about?
It seems a lot of folks here have been living in a closet or just plain don't get out much or this is all faux outrage.
My take on it. It's MTV and MTV has been shocking people for years, let me change that,, MTV has been shocking people for decades.
Madonna has done stuff that makes Cyrus look somewhat tame. Cher has done things that are more bizarre. Now that's disgusting! :eek:
So in conclusion, I found Cyrus's performance basically boring, I've seen more enticing bits than this and wish a real woman would have been the performer.
There is such a thing as sexy and such a thing as raunchy.
Hers was raunchy.
It's something that you go to a night club to see, not a MTV Video Award show, that teens and young kids watch.

Miley Cyrus might as well been swinging on a pole and Lady Gaga wasn't much better. There is a reason kids aren't allowed in strip joints and it's not just the alcohol.

And what's with the kids teddy bear theme, is MC catering to pedo's now? Just wait a few years. With gays getting their rights we will be wishing for the days of slutty MC and LGG. Instead we will have men in banana hammocks twerking and grinding on eachother in honor of gay pride.:eusa_hand:

Kids aren't allowed in strip joints because there are nude people there. Miley wasn't nude on stage.

Then of course we have to bash Gays.
She has fricken 150 million! Go to college, take dance lessons

My God, the spoiled needs more than that?

Spoiled? Her efforts made the money.

Why should someone with worth of $150M net go to college?

Good point

Just buy a college

Nah, colleges are much too overhead intensive. You hire the product of colleges that are smarter than you, then step back and let them do their job. (the motto of any successful business person)
So she needs to be Hanna Montana for the rest of her life?

Okay, let's be honest, what Hollywood does to child actors is so reprehensible that there ought to be laws. And honestly, that goes all the way back to Jackie Coogan. (Look it up.) Few of them make the transition to adult performers. And then you get the train wrecks like the "Diff'rent Strokes" kids and Danny Bonaduce.

Now, frankly, I don't think Miley was that talented, but she really did need to drive a stake through the heart of Hanna Montana if she wants to be her own performer under her own name.

In 2009 while still under Disney contract - Hannah Montana finale was in 2011 and still in full marketing and kid swing in 2009.

We had a kid party for the awards Hannah was going to be on! They have the popcorn spread and the whole 9.

Then Hannah does the pole dance and the moms about killed ourselves to get to the off button.

Does this point make any sense now to any logic thinking parent or is that just how you roll? I could give a shit what she does because she was zeroed out when she did that.


It's easy to say just turn it off, but 11-13 year olds get their cues from crap like this. A 12 year old sees Miley doing mock doggy stile on stage and thinks that is how she has to dance

What happens when you have been grinding your ass against a boys crotch all night and then you get back in his car? How do you say no?

Kids are fickle when it comes to pop stars. A lot of them were over Hanna Montana a long time ago. Just like they got over the Cheetah girls, which were all the rage before that. The 11 and 12 year olds have moved on to Selena Gomez and whatever other pop princess is being showcased on the Disney channel these days.

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