Military leaders warning that Trump is a danger to America

So now the left suddenly trusts the military, isn't that cute !
Yes the world is changing. There has never been a President who has disrespected the military more than Trump. He has funded the military but undermined the military by criticizing and disrespecting the military leadership.
A wuss who did not serve because of bone spurs feel he know more than the military generals.

If Karl Marx became President of the US, should the military obey every command of the President and not question any orders?

Question any order they wish - in private and through the chain of command. Then, if it doesn't go your way, resign and go quietly away or, yes, follow the orders. The President is the Commander-in-Chief. It's the Constitution. To not follow the order is a violation of their oath. It is a very grave risk to the security of the United States. When our enemies believe they can separate the military from the political leadership then they can operate at will against us and if the military decides not to fight, we're done.
As usual you show ZERO evidence you read the link I posted.
You never read it. I did. The content of the criticisms of trump by the generals is unprecedented. You can cry about that all night crybaby, and it will still be a fact at bedtime.

You're right. It is absolutely unprecedented for generals to publicly challenge the authority of the civilian leadership, the Commander-in-Chief, even, of the United States.

Obama said he was going to fundamentally change America. He actually was so secretive about what he was doing that we didn't even realize, while he was in office, just how successful he was. His deep-state plants across government, followed with the pre-inauguration investigations of Trump to ensure he couldn't come in and clean house without appearing to obstruct justice, has stripped us of the power of the election and the vote. It has stripped the power of the President over the executive branch unless, as we'll see with the next Democratic President, the deep-state Executive Branch and military choose to allow the President to act - which really he won't; he'll do like presidents before Trump, and execute the plans and will of the Deep State, taking credit on camera as though the policies were his own.
Elite former military leaders have issued unprecedented levels of criticism against President Trump’s response to the protests. Former Defense Secretary James Mattis said in a statement that the President doesn’t even try to unite the country and that the American people need to find a way forward without relying on his leadership. Retired Gen. John Allen criticized Trump’s photo op in front of a church during the protests, saying it was trying to use religion to gloss over an abuse of First amendment rights. Other senior military and political figures, including former Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen, have also spoken out against Trump’s rhetoric and threats of force against Americans.

Current Secretary of Defense Esper counters Trump on using troops for control of demonstrations.

You keep spinning, we want you too! Remember, he who laughs last, laughs best! Getting rid of police are you? Go ahead, sell that one, lololol!
Elite former military leaders have issued unprecedented levels of criticism against President Trump’s response to the protests. Former Defense Secretary James Mattis said in a statement that the President doesn’t even try to unite the country and that the American people need to find a way forward without relying on his leadership. Retired Gen. John Allen criticized Trump’s photo op in front of a church during the protests, saying it was trying to use religion to gloss over an abuse of First amendment rights. Other senior military and political figures, including former Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen, have also spoken out against Trump’s rhetoric and threats of force against Americans.

Current Secretary of Defense Esper counters Trump on using troops for control of demonstrations.

Esper needs to reveal which generals approached him and then they all need to get demoted to E-1 and dishonorable discharges.
If Karl Marx became President of the US, should the military obey every command of the President and not question any orders?

I am not a Marxist.
Karl Marx

What's by the way the worst problem of Donald Trump. He is a Trumpist, because a Trumpist gets votes from all Trumpericans - but who is Donald Trump? - and who is president of the USA?

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Elite former military leaders have issued unprecedented levels of criticism against President Trump’s response to the protests. Former Defense Secretary James Mattis said in a statement that the President doesn’t even try to unite the country and that the American people need to find a way forward without relying on his leadership. Retired Gen. John Allen criticized Trump’s photo op in front of a church during the protests, saying it was trying to use religion to gloss over an abuse of First amendment rights. Other senior military and political figures, including former Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen, have also spoken out against Trump’s rhetoric and threats of force against Americans.

Current Secretary of Defense Esper counters Trump on using troops for control of demonstrations.
These guys can go choke on their own fucking medals and ribbons. Trump is the Commander-in-Chief.
Elite former military leaders have issued unprecedented levels of criticism against President Trump’s response to the protests. Former Defense Secretary James Mattis said in a statement that the President doesn’t even try to unite the country and that the American people need to find a way forward without relying on his leadership. Retired Gen. John Allen criticized Trump’s photo op in front of a church during the protests, saying it was trying to use religion to gloss over an abuse of First amendment rights. Other senior military and political figures, including former Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen, have also spoken out against Trump’s rhetoric and threats of force against Americans.

Current Secretary of Defense Esper counters Trump on using troops for control of demonstrations.
These guys can go choke on their own fucking medals and ribbons. Trump is the Commander-in-Chief.

What someone should immediatelly change. This man - Donald Trump - is not in a psychological situation, where he is a able to overtake the responsibility for his deeds. His desolate psychological structure needs a therapy - and not to be president of the USA.

I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
Albert Einstein
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Elite former military leaders have issued unprecedented levels of criticism against President Trump’s response to the protests. Former Defense Secretary James Mattis said in a statement that the President doesn’t even try to unite the country and that the American people need to find a way forward without relying on his leadership. Retired Gen. John Allen criticized Trump’s photo op in front of a church during the protests, saying it was trying to use religion to gloss over an abuse of First amendment rights. Other senior military and political figures, including former Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen, have also spoken out against Trump’s rhetoric and threats of force against Americans.

Current Secretary of Defense Esper counters Trump on using troops for control of demonstrations.
The ones who work for Raytheon and Lockheed Martin that Ike and JFK warned us about who wanted a war with Russia over Syrian oil.. Trump 2020- drain the globalist military industrial complex swamp.
Men of honor, courage, integrity and dignity standing up to this ugliness.

Nice to see that we can still do this.
It's funny and convenient how weaknesses of the right political agenda equal something wrong on the left. Any other reason?
“Military leaders warning that Trump is a danger to America”


And it’s not just Trump – Trump’s Republican enablers in Congress are just as dangerous, along with Trump voters and supporters.
people with your narrow mindset are dangerous are you any different?....wait its jones,he doesnt handle questions...he is just a talker and runner...
Elite former military leaders have issued unprecedented levels of criticism against President Trump’s response to the protests. Former Defense Secretary James Mattis said in a statement that the President doesn’t even try to unite the country and that the American people need to find a way forward without relying on his leadership. Retired Gen. John Allen criticized Trump’s photo op in front of a church during the protests, saying it was trying to use religion to gloss over an abuse of First amendment rights. Other senior military and political figures, including former Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen, have also spoken out against Trump’s rhetoric and threats of force against Americans.

Current Secretary of Defense Esper counters Trump on using troops for control of demonstrations.
These guys can go choke on their own fucking medals and ribbons. Trump is the Commander-in-Chief.
We should not listen to former top military but we should listen to a loser like you.
I think not. Trump has given the most disgusting humans, in our country, a voice. That is not good.
Elite former military leaders have issued unprecedented levels of criticism against President Trump’s response to the protests. Former Defense Secretary James Mattis said in a statement that the President doesn’t even try to unite the country and that the American people need to find a way forward without relying on his leadership. Retired Gen. John Allen criticized Trump’s photo op in front of a church during the protests, saying it was trying to use religion to gloss over an abuse of First amendment rights. Other senior military and political figures, including former Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen, have also spoken out against Trump’s rhetoric and threats of force against Americans.

Current Secretary of Defense Esper counters Trump on using troops for control of demonstrations.
The ones who work for Raytheon and Lockheed Martin that Ike and JFK warned us about who wanted a war with Russia over Syrian oil.. Trump 2020- drain the globalist military industrial complex swamp.

Elite former military leaders have issued unprecedented levels of criticism against President Trump’s response to the protests. Former Defense Secretary James Mattis said in a statement that the President doesn’t even try to unite the country and that the American people need to find a way forward without relying on his leadership. Retired Gen. John Allen criticized Trump’s photo op in front of a church during the protests, saying it was trying to use religion to gloss over an abuse of First amendment rights. Other senior military and political figures, including former Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen, have also spoken out against Trump’s rhetoric and threats of force against Americans.

Current Secretary of Defense Esper counters Trump on using troops for control of demonstrations.

You keep spinning, we want you too! Remember, he who laughs last, laughs best! Getting rid of police are you? Go ahead, sell that one, lololol!
I cannot believe how absolutely stupid Trump supporters are.
They paint antiTrmpsters with characteristics that fits their agenda.
They do not take the time to see the majority of anti Trumpsters are not far left. Many are Republicans. They are not what dumbass Trump minions define them.
Elite former military leaders have issued unprecedented levels of criticism against President Trump’s response to the protests. Former Defense Secretary James Mattis said in a statement that the President doesn’t even try to unite the country and that the American people need to find a way forward without relying on his leadership. Retired Gen. John Allen criticized Trump’s photo op in front of a church during the protests, saying it was trying to use religion to gloss over an abuse of First amendment rights. Other senior military and political figures, including former Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen, have also spoken out against Trump’s rhetoric and threats of force against Americans.

Current Secretary of Defense Esper counters Trump on using troops for control of demonstrations.

Esper needs to reveal which generals approached him and then they all need to get demoted to E-1 and dishonorable discharges.
If Karl Marx became President of the US, should the military obey every command of the President and not question any orders?
Levant, You did not reply to my question

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