Milktoast Mike Pence goes out of character, blasts Chief Justice John Roberts as ‘disappointment to conservatives’

go get 'em Mike!

You mean "Milquetoast"? Hardly. He'd kick your gay ass all the way into conversion
That cuck can’t even raise his voice to his wife
Because his wife understands her place
That was a strange response. I said he can’t even raise his voice to his wife. So, her place is to wear the pants?
I don't think everyone is as clueless as you.
It looks to me like Roberts thinks the Trumpublicans have gone too far, especially in their insane views on presidential power.

Do you have a point? If something is bad for Obama to do how is it great if Trump does it? Republicans do this shit every time. They try to turn republican presidents into absolute rulers and then cry tyranny when democrats use those powers.
It looks to me like Roberts thinks the Trumpublicans have gone too far, especially in their insane views on presidential power.

Do you have a point? If something is bad for Obama to do how is it great if Trump does it? Republicans do this shit every time. They try to turn republican presidents into absolute rulers and then cry tyranny when democrats use those powers.
Are you guys ever able to connect the dots?
While true, let's not forget that Obama did the same thing.

Supreme Court Gets a Rare Rebuke, in Front of a Nation

Maybe you need to read your link and not only the headline.

"Obama said, "with all deference to the Separation of Powers"

Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., one of the justices in the majority in the decision under attack, shook his head as he heard the president’s summary of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, and he appeared to mouth the words “not true.”

It was not quite the shouted “You lie!” from Representative Joe Wilson, Republican of South Carolina, at September’s presidential address to a joint session of Congress. But in its way, the breach of decorum on both sides was much starker.

Obama said a lot of things he didn't mean. He was doing the same thing all rhetoric aside.

Read the link and try for once to put your hate for Obama aside. In fact, post a lot of the things Obama didn't mean and said. Or admit you post crap about him with no evidence to support your claim.

I post evidence for everything I say.

Obama Broke His Promise to Latinos

And .... what were the major issues when Obama took the oath of office in 2009? And how could he have pushed successfully for immigration in 2011 when the Republicans were the majority in the H. or Rep.? BTW, this link was one persons sour grapes in a blog, does not meet your claim of "lots"? Go toot your own horn somewhere else.
It looks to me like Roberts thinks the Trumpublicans have gone too far, especially in their insane views on presidential power.
It seems that so called conservatives do not front conservatives for the Supreme Court. If you notice, any Prog nominated is a dyed in the wool blue Prog commie. And votes that way 99% of the time. This is why we have an issue believing our politicians. Maybe they are fooled also. Of course if the Prog justices were just Democrats, it would be a much saner situation. Those Prog justices will be on a plane to the whitest civil nation if thigs got bad here.
While true, let's not forget that Obama did the same thing.

Supreme Court Gets a Rare Rebuke, in Front of a Nation

Maybe you need to read your link and not only the headline.

"Obama said, "with all deference to the Separation of Powers"

Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., one of the justices in the majority in the decision under attack, shook his head as he heard the president’s summary of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, and he appeared to mouth the words “not true.”

It was not quite the shouted “You lie!” from Representative Joe Wilson, Republican of South Carolina, at September’s presidential address to a joint session of Congress. But in its way, the breach of decorum on both sides was much starker.

Obama said a lot of things he didn't mean. He was doing the same thing all rhetoric aside.

Read the link and try for once to put your hate for Obama aside. In fact, post a lot of the things Obama didn't mean and said. Or admit you post crap about him with no evidence to support your claim.

I post evidence for everything I say.

Obama Broke His Promise to Latinos

Not only does Chaos and Corruption exist in the current Executive, the rejection of the most important part of governance to protect our nation and its people from falling into tyranny has been attacked by the Vice President.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
VP do3snt have free speech rights? He is right BTW

I've not censored Pence's First Amendment Rights, I've criticized his attack on our Constitution. He's right alright, very Far Right indeed; the liberty and happiness and very life of protesters today are at risk by words and tactics of the Trump Administration.
The lives of protesters should not be at risk. They should be ended.

Hey, go get your gun and join the other mass murderers. There's a special place in hell for people like you.
It looks to me like Roberts thinks the Trumpublicans have gone too far, especially in their insane views on presidential power.
It seems that so called conservatives do not front conservatives for the Supreme Court. If you notice, any Prog nominated is a dyed in the wool blue Prog commie. And votes that way 99% of the time. This is why we have an issue believing our politicians. Maybe they are fooled also. Of course if the Prog justices were just Democrats, it would be a much saner situation. Those Prog justices will be on a plane to the whitest civil nation if thigs got bad here.

What values and principles do you ascribe to a, "dyed in the wool blue Prog commie".

Do so and I will respond with what a "dyed in the wool" red anit-prog fears.
While true, let's not forget that Obama did the same thing.

Supreme Court Gets a Rare Rebuke, in Front of a Nation

Maybe you need to read your link and not only the headline.

"Obama said, "with all deference to the Separation of Powers"

Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., one of the justices in the majority in the decision under attack, shook his head as he heard the president’s summary of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, and he appeared to mouth the words “not true.”

It was not quite the shouted “You lie!” from Representative Joe Wilson, Republican of South Carolina, at September’s presidential address to a joint session of Congress. But in its way, the breach of decorum on both sides was much starker.

Obama said a lot of things he didn't mean. He was doing the same thing all rhetoric aside.

Read the link and try for once to put your hate for Obama aside. In fact, post a lot of the things Obama didn't mean and said. Or admit you post crap about him with no evidence to support your claim.

I post evidence for everything I say.

Obama Broke His Promise to Latinos

And .... what were the major issues when Obama took the oath of office in 2009? And how could he have pushed successfully for immigration in 2011 when the Republicans were the majority in the H. or Rep.? BTW, this link was one persons sour grapes in a blog, does not meet your claim of "lots"? Go toot your own horn somewhere else.

He promised the Latino's in exchange for their vote he would address this issue first thing.

President Obama’s immigration policy revolved around his promise to Hispanics, that he would “guarantee” an immigration bill within the first year in office.

Unfounded Loyalty: President Obama And The Hispanic Community
Roberts has been just fine. Is he supposed to rule a certain way because of the Potus? The answer is a resounding NO. Going against the grain is something I admire.
It looks to me like Roberts thinks the Trumpublicans have gone too far, especially in their insane views on presidential power.
It seems that so called conservatives do not front conservatives for the Supreme Court. If you notice, any Prog nominated is a dyed in the wool blue Prog commie. And votes that way 99% of the time. This is why we have an issue believing our politicians. Maybe they are fooled also. Of course if the Prog justices were just Democrats, it would be a much saner situation. Those Prog justices will be on a plane to the whitest civil nation if thigs got bad here.

What values and principles do you ascribe to a, "dyed in the wool blue Prog commie".

Do so and I will respond with what a "dyed in the wool" red anit-prog fears.
Sense in things we do. There can be issues on both sides. But we have two sides. We have basically 20% of the voters controlling one party. That went from Democratic to Progressive. Anyone who votes for the Democratic Party is getting Progressive politics and more to the left of that now. You guys are the masters of playing the innocent stuff. You have destroyed traditional marriage for agendas. These agendas will only last as long as the financial resources last. We are not following the constitution. Now saying that means well you better not collect a cent from the government. For me.....the government has made promises to people that it may have an issue with paying out sooner rather then later. So what does a Prog commie do...add more and more and more programs. For all the ways we do not live in responsible ways. And much of this can be alleviated if we go back to stronger traditional marriages. But that will make the extreme feminists mad. And perhaps the gay men and women.
While true, let's not forget that Obama did the same thing.

Supreme Court Gets a Rare Rebuke, in Front of a Nation

Maybe you need to read your link and not only the headline.

"Obama said, "with all deference to the Separation of Powers"

Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., one of the justices in the majority in the decision under attack, shook his head as he heard the president’s summary of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, and he appeared to mouth the words “not true.”

It was not quite the shouted “You lie!” from Representative Joe Wilson, Republican of South Carolina, at September’s presidential address to a joint session of Congress. But in its way, the breach of decorum on both sides was much starker.

Obama said a lot of things he didn't mean. He was doing the same thing all rhetoric aside.

Read the link and try for once to put your hate for Obama aside. In fact, post a lot of the things Obama didn't mean and said. Or admit you post crap about him with no evidence to support your claim.

I post evidence for everything I say.

Obama Broke His Promise to Latinos

And .... what were the major issues when Obama took the oath of office in 2009? And how could he have pushed successfully for immigration in 2011 when the Republicans were the majority in the H. or Rep.? BTW, this link was one persons sour grapes in a blog, does not meet your claim of "lots"? Go toot your own horn somewhere else.

He promised the Latino's in exchange for their vote he would address this issue first thing.

President Obama’s immigration policy revolved around his promise to Hispanics, that he would “guarantee” an immigration bill within the first year in office.

Unfounded Loyalty: President Obama And The Hispanic Community

Yeah, and we were about to drop into the abyss economically.
While true, let's not forget that Obama did the same thing.

Supreme Court Gets a Rare Rebuke, in Front of a Nation

Maybe you need to read your link and not only the headline.

"Obama said, "with all deference to the Separation of Powers"

Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., one of the justices in the majority in the decision under attack, shook his head as he heard the president’s summary of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, and he appeared to mouth the words “not true.”

It was not quite the shouted “You lie!” from Representative Joe Wilson, Republican of South Carolina, at September’s presidential address to a joint session of Congress. But in its way, the breach of decorum on both sides was much starker.

Obama said a lot of things he didn't mean. He was doing the same thing all rhetoric aside.

Read the link and try for once to put your hate for Obama aside. In fact, post a lot of the things Obama didn't mean and said. Or admit you post crap about him with no evidence to support your claim.

I post evidence for everything I say.

Obama Broke His Promise to Latinos

And .... what were the major issues when Obama took the oath of office in 2009? And how could he have pushed successfully for immigration in 2011 when the Republicans were the majority in the H. or Rep.? BTW, this link was one persons sour grapes in a blog, does not meet your claim of "lots"? Go toot your own horn somewhere else.

He promised the Latino's in exchange for their vote he would address this issue first thing.

President Obama’s immigration policy revolved around his promise to Hispanics, that he would “guarantee” an immigration bill within the first year in office.

Unfounded Loyalty: President Obama And The Hispanic Community

Yeah, and we were about to drop into the abyss economically.

No we weren't but the excuses are abundant.
While true, let's not forget that Obama did the same thing.

Supreme Court Gets a Rare Rebuke, in Front of a Nation

Maybe you need to read your link and not only the headline.

"Obama said, "with all deference to the Separation of Powers"

Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., one of the justices in the majority in the decision under attack, shook his head as he heard the president’s summary of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, and he appeared to mouth the words “not true.”

It was not quite the shouted “You lie!” from Representative Joe Wilson, Republican of South Carolina, at September’s presidential address to a joint session of Congress. But in its way, the breach of decorum on both sides was much starker.

Obama said a lot of things he didn't mean. He was doing the same thing all rhetoric aside.

Read the link and try for once to put your hate for Obama aside. In fact, post a lot of the things Obama didn't mean and said. Or admit you post crap about him with no evidence to support your claim.

I post evidence for everything I say.

Obama Broke His Promise to Latinos

And .... what were the major issues when Obama took the oath of office in 2009? And how could he have pushed successfully for immigration in 2011 when the Republicans were the majority in the H. or Rep.? BTW, this link was one persons sour grapes in a blog, does not meet your claim of "lots"? Go toot your own horn somewhere else.

He promised the Latino's in exchange for their vote he would address this issue first thing.

President Obama’s immigration policy revolved around his promise to Hispanics, that he would “guarantee” an immigration bill within the first year in office.

Unfounded Loyalty: President Obama And The Hispanic Community

Yeah, and we were about to drop into the abyss economically.

No we weren't but the excuses are abundant.

You're either a damn liar or one easily brainwashed fool!

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