Miller doubles down on Trump's lie that millions of illegals voted

Still waiting for indisputable proof of all these illegal voters than nobody can apparently provide.
"Indisputable proof" isn't always available...murderers are convicted all the time on circumstantial evidence alone. Sometimes we have to pull our own heads from our ass and connect the dots based on likelihood and circumstances. Third graders seeking truth and reality do it.

isnt California pretty much the capital of Illegal aliens?
This shithole should be renamed North Mexico
California has the best economy in the country. No wonder you denigrate it.
The best part of Retard Miller's preposterosity was his claim of busloads of people from Massachusetts coming up to New Hampshire to vote illegally.
If only they could figure it out :lmao:

Stephen Miller, President Donald Trump’s senior policy adviser, made the rounds on Sunday’s political talk shows to defend the administration’s stance on several major issues. It did not go well.

On ABC’s “This Week,” he vigorously defended ― but provided no evidence to support ― Trump’s lie that “millions” of people had voted illegally.

“I’m prepared to go on any show, anywhere, any time and repeat it and say the president of the United States is correct, 100 percent,” he said.

After pressing Miller several times to no avail, host George Stephanopoulos ended the segment.

“You have provided zero evidence of the president’s claim that he would have won the popular vote if 3 to 5 million illegal immigrants hadn’t voted, zero evidence for either one of those claims,” Stephanopoulos said. “Thanks a lot for joining us this morning.”

Trump Adviser Stephen Miller Disastrously Tries To Defend Trump | The Huffington Post

The facts challenged administration is making a mockery of the presidency.

Still waiting for indisputable proof of all these illegal voters than nobody can apparently provide.

You do realize that this is political, do you not. Trump is going to do what has not been done before, and check and see what is going on with voting. He can apologize if he has stated it wrong, and nothing changes. But since Pence has a HUGE budget to look into it, what if they find a clusterfu**? We all know who most of them are voting for, but he never has to say, just get it all of the books and voter ID. How are the Democrats going to stand against it if it is proven!

BOTTOMLINE-------> Republicans and Trump have nothing to lose but having a little egg on their faces, but a whole lot to gain.

Let us all be honest here-----------> what if they start with California and New York, and just those 2 give them 500,000 bad votes? They will extrapolate like leftists do, and ya know what, WHOMEVER is the recipient en mass of illegal votes, is in deep doo. Why? Because Americans aren't going to put up with it, once it is plopped in their lap as a problem, with proof!

Did you fall over from all that spinning? Not a scintilla of evidence that 3-6 million illegals voted. None. But not one Trump supporter has the balls to admit he lied... again.
The best part of Retard Miller's preposterosity was his claim of busloads of people from Massachusetts coming up to New Hampshire to vote illegally.
And that " everyone in NH knows it."
Gee.. yet not one person from NH has even mentioned it.
In order to work at the Trump White House you need to take a course in trying to make lies believable. But they never are.
America is going to get tired of the chronic lying and then look out deplorables .
Stephen Miller, President Donald Trump’s senior policy adviser, made the rounds on Sunday’s political talk shows to defend the administration’s stance on several major issues. It did not go well.

On ABC’s “This Week,” he vigorously defended ― but provided no evidence to support ― Trump’s lie that “millions” of people had voted illegally.

“I’m prepared to go on any show, anywhere, any time and repeat it and say the president of the United States is correct, 100 percent,” he said.

After pressing Miller several times to no avail, host George Stephanopoulos ended the segment.

“You have provided zero evidence of the president’s claim that he would have won the popular vote if 3 to 5 million illegal immigrants hadn’t voted, zero evidence for either one of those claims,” Stephanopoulos said. “Thanks a lot for joining us this morning.”

Trump Adviser Stephen Miller Disastrously Tries To Defend Trump | The Huffington Post

The facts challenged administration is making a mockery of the presidency.

Not only is Miller seriously deranged - he is spooky.
Since we know from the WhiteHouse aides that Trump doesn't like to read.. it's pretty obvious he never read this:

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Ben Franklin
The best part of Retard Miller's preposterosity was his claim of busloads of people from Massachusetts coming up to New Hampshire to vote illegally.
And that " everyone in NH knows it."
Gee.. yet not one person from NH has even mentioned it.
In order to work at the Trump White House you need to take a course in trying to make lies believable. But they never are.
America is going to get tired of the chronic lying and then look out deplorables .

Well, Godwin notwithstanding,

a key component of the infamous Big Lie theory was that the bigger the lie the better.
Still waiting for indisputable proof of all these illegal voters than nobody can apparently provide.
So you don't think illegals vote? The illegal woman in Texas did and she didn't know it wasn't illegal. You think she's the only one? If you do, I gave you way too much credit

Do I think some illegals have managed to vote? Yes. Do I think millions of them have voted like the Trump Tards are claiming? No. Come back when you have even so much as a shred of evidence that has happened. I imagine we will be waiting for quite some time
We will that investigation will come very soon
Stephen Miller, President Donald Trump’s senior policy adviser, made the rounds on Sunday’s political talk shows to defend the administration’s stance on several major issues. It did not go well.

On ABC’s “This Week,” he vigorously defended ― but provided no evidence to support ― Trump’s lie that “millions” of people had voted illegally.

“I’m prepared to go on any show, anywhere, any time and repeat it and say the president of the United States is correct, 100 percent,” he said.

After pressing Miller several times to no avail, host George Stephanopoulos ended the segment.

“You have provided zero evidence of the president’s claim that he would have won the popular vote if 3 to 5 million illegal immigrants hadn’t voted, zero evidence for either one of those claims,” Stephanopoulos said. “Thanks a lot for joining us this morning.”

Trump Adviser Stephen Miller Disastrously Tries To Defend Trump | The Huffington Post

The facts challenged administration is making a mockery of the presidency.

Let's see, they came here illegally. They use face documents to get jobs, loans, insurance. They are told by major cities they will not be deported if they commit crimes...........,

But NOOOOOOOOOOOO, they would never think of voting?????????

You bought a bridge in Brooklyn, aye?

Why would the guy mowing Mitt Romney's lawn want to risk jail time to vote?
Cause nobody cares
Stephen Miller, President Donald Trump’s senior policy adviser, made the rounds on Sunday’s political talk shows to defend the administration’s stance on several major issues. It did not go well.

On ABC’s “This Week,” he vigorously defended ― but provided no evidence to support ― Trump’s lie that “millions” of people had voted illegally.

“I’m prepared to go on any show, anywhere, any time and repeat it and say the president of the United States is correct, 100 percent,” he said.

After pressing Miller several times to no avail, host George Stephanopoulos ended the segment.

“You have provided zero evidence of the president’s claim that he would have won the popular vote if 3 to 5 million illegal immigrants hadn’t voted, zero evidence for either one of those claims,” Stephanopoulos said. “Thanks a lot for joining us this morning.”

Trump Adviser Stephen Miller Disastrously Tries To Defend Trump | The Huffington Post

The facts challenged administration is making a mockery of the presidency.

That sword cuts both ways. Where is the proof that the statement was a lie? If you're going to make that claim the burden of proof is on you, Sunshine. No proof? STFU.
If only they could figure it out :lmao:

Stephen Miller, President Donald Trump’s senior policy adviser, made the rounds on Sunday’s political talk shows to defend the administration’s stance on several major issues. It did not go well.

On ABC’s “This Week,” he vigorously defended ― but provided no evidence to support ― Trump’s lie that “millions” of people had voted illegally.

“I’m prepared to go on any show, anywhere, any time and repeat it and say the president of the United States is correct, 100 percent,” he said.

After pressing Miller several times to no avail, host George Stephanopoulos ended the segment.

“You have provided zero evidence of the president’s claim that he would have won the popular vote if 3 to 5 million illegal immigrants hadn’t voted, zero evidence for either one of those claims,” Stephanopoulos said. “Thanks a lot for joining us this morning.”

Trump Adviser Stephen Miller Disastrously Tries To Defend Trump | The Huffington Post

The facts challenged administration is making a mockery of the presidency.

Still waiting for indisputable proof of all these illegal voters than nobody can apparently provide.

You do realize that this is political, do you not. Trump is going to do what has not been done before, and check and see what is going on with voting. He can apologize if he has stated it wrong, and nothing changes. But since Pence has a HUGE budget to look into it, what if they find a clusterfu**? We all know who most of them are voting for, but he never has to say, just get it all of the books and voter ID. How are the Democrats going to stand against it if it is proven!

BOTTOMLINE-------> Republicans and Trump have nothing to lose but having a little egg on their faces, but a whole lot to gain.

Let us all be honest here-----------> what if they start with California and New York, and just those 2 give them 500,000 bad votes? They will extrapolate like leftists do, and ya know what, WHOMEVER is the recipient en mass of illegal votes, is in deep doo. Why? Because Americans aren't going to put up with it, once it is plopped in their lap as a problem, with proof!

Did you fall over from all that spinning? Not a scintilla of evidence that 3-6 million illegals voted. None. But not one Trump supporter has the balls to admit he lied... again.

How do you know?
isnt California pretty much the capital of Illegal aliens?

No that would be Uranus. This myth is preposterous, but to people like you,

Presposterous is the new Plausible.
So you don't think California has illegals. You are stupid

That's actually supposed to be an argument?

"You don't think what I think, therefore 'you are stupid'"? That's IT?

What are you, four years old?
I saw what you wrote
Still waiting for indisputable proof of all these illegal voters than nobody can apparently provide.
In order to provide proof you would either have to catch them in the act or have them admit it.

I have no proof thousands or even millions of illegals vote. What I do have is a pretty good assumption that they do based on some of the lax laws on voting.
Still waiting for indisputable proof of all these illegal voters than nobody can apparently provide.
In order to provide proof you would either have to catch them in the act or have them admit it.

I have no proof thousands or even millions of illegals vote. What I do have is a pretty good assumption that they do based on some of the lax laws on voting.

If the millions of them are doing it then it should be pretty fucking easy to catch
Still waiting for indisputable proof of all these illegal voters than nobody can apparently provide.
In order to provide proof you would either have to catch them in the act or have them admit it.

I have no proof thousands or even millions of illegals vote. What I do have is a pretty good assumption that they do based on some of the lax laws on voting.

And did you have this "pretty good assumption" before Donald Rump, seeing he was going to lose the popular vote by up to three million votes, concocted a fantasy of "three million illegals" out of nothing but his own egomaniacal butthurt?

I doubt it.

You're actually holding your brain's nose so you can claim to believe the Clinton campaign came up with three million illegal votes just to run up the PV score --- yet were unable to come up with a mere several thousand votes to turn Michican and Wisconsin and Ohio and Pennsylvania?

SMH :rolleyes:
Still waiting for indisputable proof of all these illegal voters than nobody can apparently provide.

The system isn't designed to catch voter fraud. Here's a thought, how about we totally purge the voter rolls and require ID, proof of citizenship and in person registration? Then we will know how much the rolls shrink compared to who actually voted.
Still waiting for indisputable proof of all these illegal voters than nobody can apparently provide.
In order to provide proof you would either have to catch them in the act or have them admit it.

I have no proof thousands or even millions of illegals vote. What I do have is a pretty good assumption that they do based on some of the lax laws on voting.

If the millions of them are doing it then it should be pretty fucking easy to catch
We don't even catch the dead voting.

When you have shit laws requiring NO PROOF of who you are, much less if you're a citizen how the hell are they going to get caught Einstein?

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