Miller Lite Boycott Calls Grow Over Beer Commercial: 'Did Nobody Learn'

I really have no problem with your not bying a produt.

It is the incessant whining about it on forums like this that I enjoy calling out.
Which we see from all sides. A boycott isn't effective if no one knows about it. Hence, the announcements made far and wide to get others to join in, and the counter wailing from the other side, desperate to make the boycott fail.
Which we see from all sides. A boycott isn't effective if no one knows about it. Hence, the announcements made far and wide to get others to join in, and the counter wailing from the other side, desperate to make the boycott fail.

God forbid people make up their own minds, you need to have someone telling you what to boycott.

What a shitty way to live
God forbid people make up their own minds, you need to have someone telling you what to boycott.

What a shitty way to live
Nah, no problem whatsoever. The conservative makes up his own mind about whether or not to boycott something based on the merits of the case. It's the mindless liberal that needs to be told who the target of the month is, whether Chik fil A' (massive failure), or My Pillow.
Libertarian love big corporations, they are the natural result of the free market.
Ah, yes, corporations in league with big brother to dictate the shape our culture will take, concentrating political power in unelected elites, and creating legions of mindless proles to do their bidding -- my goodness, that is almost the very definition of libertarianism, isn't it, folks?
Nah, no problem whatsoever. The conservative makes up his own mind about whether or not to boycott something based on the merits of the case. It's the mindless liberal that needs to be told who the target of the month is, whether Chik fil A' (massive failure), or My Pillow.

You just contradicted your last post.

This is so much fun
Ah, yes, corporations in league with big brother to dictate the shape our culture will take, concentrating political power in unelected elites, and creating legions of mindless proles to do their bidding -- my goodness, that is almost the very definition of libertarianism, isn't it, folks?

Well we could have your world of a big government nanny state keeping us "safe" from ourselves that you are always pushing on here.

Either way, this country is fucked and the only true option is to make plans to live elsewhere.
We live in a society where the marriage between business and government is now complete. They tell US what we should believe in this Maoist-style cultural revolution we are experiencing.

Woke is not a grass-roots movement of the people. It needs to be understood as a fascist, top-down movement, instead.

These idiots who call themselves "libertarian" while supporting this crap are either too stupid to understand this or are a part of it, themselves.
Or here is an alternate view that will shock you.

You culture warriors have outlived your usefulness to the Investor Class.

You see, from 1933 to 1968, we saw great progress in the growth of worker rights and programs at the expense of the investor class, which was a great thing, really. Probably saved America in the Cold War when so much of the rest of the world was wondering if socialism MIGHT be a good idea.

Then in 1968, the GOP realized that way to get dumb white people to vote against their own economic interests was to play on their racial, religious and sexual fears.

For the "Libertarians", they got hijacked by the Koch Brothers who convinced the dumb white people that government was the "enemy" when it did things like stopping their factories from poisoning the water.

So from 1968 onwards, we saw a decline in unions, a decline in government activism in business, tax cuts slashed for the rich while the wealth migrated to the top. For decades, abortion never got banned, Gays got more acceptance, nobody started teaching the BIble in Science class, but the investor class got all of the deregulation and tax cuts they wanted.

In short, the culture warriors outlived their usefulness. Big corporations looked at the whole LGBTQI controversy and realized this was a fight that didn't advance their profit margin one inch. They realized that they have a more harmonious workplace when gay people can get their partners on the health insurance and trans customers aren't bitching to HR because you are respecting their pronouns.

I'm sorry you got played... but... you got played.

So throwing a hissy because a nitwit in marketing sent a novelty bear can to a trans Tik-Tok user no one heard of before this isn't going to change things that much.
Ah, yes, corporations in league with big brother to dictate the shape our culture will take, concentrating political power in unelected elites, and creating legions of mindless proles to do their bidding -- my goodness, that is almost the very definition of libertarianism, isn't it, folks?

You missed what libertarianism was all about.

It was never about advancing lifestyles, it was about relieving corporations of government oversight.

Big corporations have decided that your transphobia isn't profitable.
You missed what libertarianism was all about.

It was never about advancing lifestyles, it was about relieving corporations of government oversight.

Big corporations have decided that your transphobia isn't profitable.

It is more about relieving individuals of government oversight.
As you may remember, they are boycotting GM because Obama saved GM and they are not for anything that remotely helps Americans.
I am done with GM because they are building shitty cars in Mexico and China while closing factories in America
Well…I won’t vote for Marxist or Marxist light. Not interested in your Gender identity,new wave feminism,CRT Crap.

Well thank Odin you have your big government nanny state Repubs to vote for
You do have an active imagination that is for sure.
Nope. Just have to view your posting history. You’re even in this thread crying about customers boycotting brands that insult them. You are predictable to say the least.
Nope. Just have to view your posting history.

can you find a single post of me supporting the DNC when you do so?

If so, go ahead and post a link for us all.

You’re even in this thread crying about customers boycotting brands that insult them. You are predictable to say the least.

Nope, I am not doing that at all.

I am pointing out that nobody is insulting you. You take it that way due to your hatred of anything different than you. A company choosing to spend 1% or even 10% of its ad money targeting something other than straight white Christians is not an insult to straight white Christians.

But you find it that way due to the hate in your heart.

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