Millions of dollars spent to charge 12 Ruskies with crimes that they will NEVER be convicted of.

I think you know that when the traitors in the FBI are all uncovered and purged, and there's no one there to protect Hillary, she will be brought to justice.

nobody is protecting hillary - shes going to prison any day now, ANY DAY NOW


now click your ruby slippers together 3 times ...

Says the idiot who still thinks Trump colluded with the Russians to "steal" the election from Hillary (like she was entitled to it).

Why is he blocking the investigation at every turn? Why is he defending Putin even as his cabinet members say otherwise? Why won't he implement sanctions against Russia.
Tell us, Mr. Single digit IQ, how exactly is he blocking the investigation at ANY turn, let alone EVERY turn? Go ahead, this should be good.

Easy one:

How Trump Built an Obstruction of Justice Case Against Himself

Obstruction of justice is a crime that depends on a person’s state of mind, and so is difficult for prosecutors to prove. The law on whether a sitting president can be prosecuted, as opposed to impeached and removed from office by Congress, is unsettled. But legal experts say that Trump’s pattern of behavior has made the case against him much stronger, because that pattern shows Trump repeatedly attempting to undercut the investigations into Russian interference and obstruction, and then in some cases misleading the public about it. That Trump was unsuccessful in firing Mueller is irrelevant—obstruction is a crime whether or not the attempt succeeds.

Nixon was an attorney and knew better than to go on national television and state that the reason he was firing someone was to stop the investigation of a crime. Trump....not so much. He is not a trained attorney and he is not even smart, according to a professor from his college.

Answer me this please. Do you think Nixon would have gone on TV everyday and declared that he was innocent and that the whole Watergate investigation was a hoax? No, he didn't. Trump says he is defending himself, when in actuality, he is implicating himself each time he Tweets...."No Collusion!"

What has he got to hide? Mueller has established that there was a crime. The Junior meeting alone tells us that there was collusion. Now, Mueller is putting together the pieces that will either prove there was or there was not an underlying crime. Trump should be concerned.

But I think that what he is really concerned about is the money trail. He and Kushner have had some very shady dealing with foreign governments, including Russia. Mueller is finding that may be the key to this whole criminal effort.
How about a credible source? Or an honest source? Your link claims that Trump ordered his WH council to fire Mueller, which is a flat out lie. You have no credibility (but we already knew that).
But I think that what he is really concerned about is the money trail. He and Kushner have had some very shady dealing with foreign governments
Specifically, investments in property at 666 Fifth Avenue, NY, NY.

I read today that Mueller has looking closely into the financing of this property. I expect he is looking at some money laundering from a foreign country, but not sure at this point. Junior, Kushner, and Manafort seemed to be the ones doing Donald's dirty work.
Nothing will come of it. They won't be extradited or ever see the inside of a US courtroom much less one of our jails.

Was it worth it?

It. Is. Just. Getting. Started.

Relax and enjoy the ride. While you are at it, please ask yourself why the president isn't mad at nor moving to punish Russia.

He can't punish Russia until Putin gives him permission.
But I think that what he is really concerned about is the money trail. He and Kushner have had some very shady dealing with foreign governments
Specifically, investments in property at 666 Fifth Avenue, NY, NY.

I read today that Mueller has looking closely into the financing of this property. I expect he is looking at some money laundering from a foreign country, but not sure at this point. Junior, Kushner, and Manafort seemed to be the ones doing Donald's dirty work.
Listen to the Embedded podcast. They have multiple episodes devoted to the backgrounds of the key players in the Trump circle.
Not the least bit curious. And it's "you're", not "your". That's lazy.

Of course you're not curious, you could care less.
Are you the least bit curious to know if Obama and the Hillary campaign paid for a fake dossier and used it to get a FISA warrant to spy on Trump? Does it bother you that they didn't inform the judge that they paid for it? That's what I thought.

Jesus, dude, what does the 'fake' dossier have to do with Trump not enforcing sanctions that had a veto proof majority? Talk about desperate.
I didn't say it had anything to do with sanctions. I'm addressing your blatant hypocrisy. You're not very quick, are you?

You're going off topic is what you're doing, changing the subject because you don't want to talk about Trump not letting the Russians off the hook. You couldn't be more obvious.
I already told you I don't give a fuck if he enforces the sanctions or not. You want to stay on that nothing topic because you don't want to discuss the topic of Hillary's crimes.
nobody is protecting hillary - shes going to prison any day now, ANY DAY NOW


now click your ruby slippers together 3 times ...

Says the idiot who still thinks Trump colluded with the Russians to "steal" the election from Hillary (like she was entitled to it).

Why is he blocking the investigation at every turn? Why is he defending Putin even as his cabinet members say otherwise? Why won't he implement sanctions against Russia.
Tell us, Mr. Single digit IQ, how exactly is he blocking the investigation at ANY turn, let alone EVERY turn? Go ahead, this should be good.

Easy one:

How Trump Built an Obstruction of Justice Case Against Himself

Obstruction of justice is a crime that depends on a person’s state of mind, and so is difficult for prosecutors to prove. The law on whether a sitting president can be prosecuted, as opposed to impeached and removed from office by Congress, is unsettled. But legal experts say that Trump’s pattern of behavior has made the case against him much stronger, because that pattern shows Trump repeatedly attempting to undercut the investigations into Russian interference and obstruction, and then in some cases misleading the public about it. That Trump was unsuccessful in firing Mueller is irrelevant—obstruction is a crime whether or not the attempt succeeds.

Nixon was an attorney and knew better than to go on national television and state that the reason he was firing someone was to stop the investigation of a crime. Trump....not so much. He is not a trained attorney and he is not even smart, according to a professor from his college.

Answer me this please. Do you think Nixon would have gone on TV everyday and declared that he was innocent and that the whole Watergate investigation was a hoax? No, he didn't. Trump says he is defending himself, when in actuality, he is implicating himself each time he Tweets...."No Collusion!"

What has he got to hide? Mueller has established that there was a crime. The Junior meeting alone tells us that there was collusion. Now, Mueller is putting together the pieces that will either prove there was or there was not an underlying crime. Trump should be concerned.

But I think that what he is really concerned about is the money trail. He and Kushner have had some very shady dealing with foreign governments, including Russia. Mueller is finding that may be the key to this whole criminal effort.
How about a credible source? Or an honest source? Your link claims that Trump ordered his WH council to fire Mueller, which is a flat out lie. You have no credibility (but we already knew that).

Oh, he ordered it and Mueller will subeona documents that will verify that he ordered him fired. There will be a paper trail and Mueller will find it. Let Trump get under oath and deny he ordered Mueller fired and see what happens.
Of course you're not curious, you could care less.
Are you the least bit curious to know if Obama and the Hillary campaign paid for a fake dossier and used it to get a FISA warrant to spy on Trump? Does it bother you that they didn't inform the judge that they paid for it? That's what I thought.

Jesus, dude, what does the 'fake' dossier have to do with Trump not enforcing sanctions that had a veto proof majority? Talk about desperate.
I didn't say it had anything to do with sanctions. I'm addressing your blatant hypocrisy. You're not very quick, are you?

You're going off topic is what you're doing, changing the subject because you don't want to talk about Trump not letting the Russians off the hook. You couldn't be more obvious.
I already told you I don't give a fuck if he enforces the sanctions or not. You want to stay on that nothing topic because you don't want to discuss the topic of Hillary's crimes.

I wrote one my Senators today and demanded that Trump be held in contempt of congress. I will write the other one tomorrow.
Of course you're not curious, you could care less.
Are you the least bit curious to know if Obama and the Hillary campaign paid for a fake dossier and used it to get a FISA warrant to spy on Trump? Does it bother you that they didn't inform the judge that they paid for it? That's what I thought.

Jesus, dude, what does the 'fake' dossier have to do with Trump not enforcing sanctions that had a veto proof majority? Talk about desperate.
I didn't say it had anything to do with sanctions. I'm addressing your blatant hypocrisy. You're not very quick, are you?

You're going off topic is what you're doing, changing the subject because you don't want to talk about Trump not letting the Russians off the hook. You couldn't be more obvious.
I already told you I don't give a fuck if he enforces the sanctions or not. You want to stay on that nothing topic because you don't want to discuss the topic of Hillary's crimes.

The mere fact that Russian sanctions have bipartisan agreement means it's not a nothing topic. You just don't want to talk about it because it makes Trump's inaction to this bill suspect. Like I said, you're obvious.
Of course you're not curious, you could care less.
Are you the least bit curious to know if Obama and the Hillary campaign paid for a fake dossier and used it to get a FISA warrant to spy on Trump? Does it bother you that they didn't inform the judge that they paid for it? That's what I thought.

Jesus, dude, what does the 'fake' dossier have to do with Trump not enforcing sanctions that had a veto proof majority? Talk about desperate.
I didn't say it had anything to do with sanctions. I'm addressing your blatant hypocrisy. You're not very quick, are you?

You're going off topic is what you're doing, changing the subject because you don't want to talk about Trump not letting the Russians off the hook. You couldn't be more obvious.
I already told you I don't give a fuck if he enforces the sanctions or not. You want to stay on that nothing topic because you don't want to discuss the topic of Hillary's crimes.

Of course you don't. You want Putin to meddle again in our election. You should not be called an American. How about Russian? You like that title? Of course you do...
Are you the least bit curious to know if Obama and the Hillary campaign paid for a fake dossier and used it to get a FISA warrant to spy on Trump? Does it bother you that they didn't inform the judge that they paid for it? That's what I thought.

Jesus, dude, what does the 'fake' dossier have to do with Trump not enforcing sanctions that had a veto proof majority? Talk about desperate.
I didn't say it had anything to do with sanctions. I'm addressing your blatant hypocrisy. You're not very quick, are you?

You're going off topic is what you're doing, changing the subject because you don't want to talk about Trump not letting the Russians off the hook. You couldn't be more obvious.
I already told you I don't give a fuck if he enforces the sanctions or not. You want to stay on that nothing topic because you don't want to discuss the topic of Hillary's crimes.

The mere fact that Russian sanctions have bipartisan agreement means it's not a nothing topic. You just don't want to talk about it because it makes Trump's inaction to this bill suspect. Like I said, you're obvious.

If Obama had ignored a Bill that he had already signed, the GOP would have have drawn up impeachment papers by now. The GOP is just ignoring Trump's contempt.
Says the idiot who still thinks Trump colluded with the Russians to "steal" the election from Hillary (like she was entitled to it).

Why is he blocking the investigation at every turn? Why is he defending Putin even as his cabinet members say otherwise? Why won't he implement sanctions against Russia.
Tell us, Mr. Single digit IQ, how exactly is he blocking the investigation at ANY turn, let alone EVERY turn? Go ahead, this should be good.

Easy one:

How Trump Built an Obstruction of Justice Case Against Himself

Obstruction of justice is a crime that depends on a person’s state of mind, and so is difficult for prosecutors to prove. The law on whether a sitting president can be prosecuted, as opposed to impeached and removed from office by Congress, is unsettled. But legal experts say that Trump’s pattern of behavior has made the case against him much stronger, because that pattern shows Trump repeatedly attempting to undercut the investigations into Russian interference and obstruction, and then in some cases misleading the public about it. That Trump was unsuccessful in firing Mueller is irrelevant—obstruction is a crime whether or not the attempt succeeds.

Nixon was an attorney and knew better than to go on national television and state that the reason he was firing someone was to stop the investigation of a crime. Trump....not so much. He is not a trained attorney and he is not even smart, according to a professor from his college.

Answer me this please. Do you think Nixon would have gone on TV everyday and declared that he was innocent and that the whole Watergate investigation was a hoax? No, he didn't. Trump says he is defending himself, when in actuality, he is implicating himself each time he Tweets...."No Collusion!"

What has he got to hide? Mueller has established that there was a crime. The Junior meeting alone tells us that there was collusion. Now, Mueller is putting together the pieces that will either prove there was or there was not an underlying crime. Trump should be concerned.

But I think that what he is really concerned about is the money trail. He and Kushner have had some very shady dealing with foreign governments, including Russia. Mueller is finding that may be the key to this whole criminal effort.
How about a credible source? Or an honest source? Your link claims that Trump ordered his WH council to fire Mueller, which is a flat out lie. You have no credibility (but we already knew that).

Oh, he ordered it and Mueller will subeona documents that will verify that he ordered him fired. There will be a paper trail and Mueller will find it. Let Trump get under oath and deny he ordered Mueller fired and see what happens.
Oh, well that settles it. We have YOU to assure us that he did. Nothing else, just the word of an idiot with a single digit IQ. Nice try, moron.
Are you the least bit curious to know if Obama and the Hillary campaign paid for a fake dossier and used it to get a FISA warrant to spy on Trump? Does it bother you that they didn't inform the judge that they paid for it? That's what I thought.

Jesus, dude, what does the 'fake' dossier have to do with Trump not enforcing sanctions that had a veto proof majority? Talk about desperate.
I didn't say it had anything to do with sanctions. I'm addressing your blatant hypocrisy. You're not very quick, are you?

You're going off topic is what you're doing, changing the subject because you don't want to talk about Trump not letting the Russians off the hook. You couldn't be more obvious.
I already told you I don't give a fuck if he enforces the sanctions or not. You want to stay on that nothing topic because you don't want to discuss the topic of Hillary's crimes.

Of course you don't. You want Putin to meddle again in our election. You should not be called an American. How about Russian? You like that title? Of course you do...
Spare us your drama.
Are you the least bit curious to know if Obama and the Hillary campaign paid for a fake dossier and used it to get a FISA warrant to spy on Trump? Does it bother you that they didn't inform the judge that they paid for it? That's what I thought.

Jesus, dude, what does the 'fake' dossier have to do with Trump not enforcing sanctions that had a veto proof majority? Talk about desperate.
I didn't say it had anything to do with sanctions. I'm addressing your blatant hypocrisy. You're not very quick, are you?

You're going off topic is what you're doing, changing the subject because you don't want to talk about Trump not letting the Russians off the hook. You couldn't be more obvious.
I already told you I don't give a fuck if he enforces the sanctions or not. You want to stay on that nothing topic because you don't want to discuss the topic of Hillary's crimes.

I wrote one my Senators today and demanded that Trump be held in contempt of congress. I will write the other one tomorrow.
Oh shit! JimH52 is demanding Trump be held in contempt of Congress. Trump's finished now. LMAO
Jesus, dude, what does the 'fake' dossier have to do with Trump not enforcing sanctions that had a veto proof majority? Talk about desperate.
I didn't say it had anything to do with sanctions. I'm addressing your blatant hypocrisy. You're not very quick, are you?

You're going off topic is what you're doing, changing the subject because you don't want to talk about Trump not letting the Russians off the hook. You couldn't be more obvious.
I already told you I don't give a fuck if he enforces the sanctions or not. You want to stay on that nothing topic because you don't want to discuss the topic of Hillary's crimes.

I wrote one my Senators today and demanded that Trump be held in contempt of congress. I will write the other one tomorrow.
Oh shit! JimH52 is demanding Trump be held in contempt of Congress. Trump's finished now. LMAO

It's impeachable, dingbat.
Are you the least bit curious to know if Obama and the Hillary campaign paid for a fake dossier and used it to get a FISA warrant to spy on Trump? Does it bother you that they didn't inform the judge that they paid for it? That's what I thought.

Jesus, dude, what does the 'fake' dossier have to do with Trump not enforcing sanctions that had a veto proof majority? Talk about desperate.
I didn't say it had anything to do with sanctions. I'm addressing your blatant hypocrisy. You're not very quick, are you?

You're going off topic is what you're doing, changing the subject because you don't want to talk about Trump not letting the Russians off the hook. You couldn't be more obvious.
I already told you I don't give a fuck if he enforces the sanctions or not. You want to stay on that nothing topic because you don't want to discuss the topic of Hillary's crimes.

The mere fact that Russian sanctions have bipartisan agreement means it's not a nothing topic. You just don't want to talk about it because it makes Trump's inaction to this bill suspect. Like I said, you're obvious.
I'll discuss it with you when you can be honest enough to discuss the Clinton campaign's purchase and use of the fake dossier to get a FISA warrant to spy on Trump. How's that?
I didn't say it had anything to do with sanctions. I'm addressing your blatant hypocrisy. You're not very quick, are you?

You're going off topic is what you're doing, changing the subject because you don't want to talk about Trump not letting the Russians off the hook. You couldn't be more obvious.
I already told you I don't give a fuck if he enforces the sanctions or not. You want to stay on that nothing topic because you don't want to discuss the topic of Hillary's crimes.

I wrote one my Senators today and demanded that Trump be held in contempt of congress. I will write the other one tomorrow.
Oh shit! JimH52 is demanding Trump be held in contempt of Congress. Trump's finished now. LMAO

It's impeachable, dingbat.

The pressure will grow. Does he obey Congress or his master...Putin?

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