Millions of dollars spent to charge 12 Ruskies with crimes that they will NEVER be convicted of.

I'd like to know if Trump will now finally believe his own DOJ and actually do something about Russian meddling in future elections. I'm guessing he won't, I'm guessing the wingnuts don't want him to do anything about it either.

Will they do anything about the treason in the FBI?

Will McCabe, Comey, and Rosenstien go to prison? Will Strzok face a firing squad?

Ohh, don't worry about treason, don't worry about the Obama DOJ working to fix the election, don't worry that the top echelons of the FBI were spying on the opposition campaign because they were a hit squad for Hillary.

No, don't worry about that, worry that Russians spent $1300 on a facebook ad.

Fuck you scumbag.
Comey threw the election when he announced re-opening of hillary email investigation a week before voting.
Make sure you're wearing your MAGA tinfoil hat
I'd like to know if Trump will now finally believe his own DOJ and actually do something about Russian meddling in future elections. I'm guessing he won't, I'm guessing the wingnuts don't want him to do anything about it either.

Will they do anything about the treason in the FBI?

Will McCabe, Comey, and Rosenstien go to prison? Will Strzok face a firing squad?

Ohh, don't worry about treason, don't worry about the Obama DOJ working to fix the election, don't worry that the top echelons of the FBI were spying on the opposition campaign because they were a hit squad for Hillary.

No, don't worry about that, worry that Russians spent $1300 on a facebook ad.

Fuck you scumbag.
Comey threw the election when he announced re-opening of hillary email investigation a week before voting.
Make sure you're wearing your MAGA tinfoil hat


Yeah, lying is going to make it all go away...

The Grassley memo is also confirmation that the FBI’s FISA application relied on the dossier and a news article and, worse, on the credibility of a source employed by the Clinton campaign! We have a court that has been bamboozled and fooled in a FISA application, and the Grassley memo confirms this, backs it up as it’s written in the Nunes memo. But the Grassley memo is proof that the FBI did not tell the court of the partisan provenance of the dossier, partisan origins.

Now, this is a big deal because all day yesterday the Drive-By Media, the great power source of the Democrat Party, the Drive-By Media was trying to say that the FBI did explain to the court that the dossier had political origins. And if you read what they published about it, you’re gonna get confused like a pretzel because it doesn’t say that.

What you get is a headline that says, “FBI did indeed include partisan nature of dossier.” Then you read the story, and you don’t find that anywhere. They did not. The FBI did not inform the FISA court that the Steele dossier was a political opposition research document. I don’t care what you heard yesterday in the news, it didn’t happen.}

The Grassley Memo Bombshells

You Communists are fucked, and the reality of that, along with panic. is finally starting to sink in for you.
I'd like to know if Trump will now finally believe his own DOJ and actually do something about Russian meddling in future elections. I'm guessing he won't, I'm guessing the wingnuts don't want him to do anything about it either.

Will they do anything about the treason in the FBI?

Will McCabe, Comey, and Rosenstien go to prison? Will Strzok face a firing squad?

Ohh, don't worry about treason, don't worry about the Obama DOJ working to fix the election, don't worry that the top echelons of the FBI were spying on the opposition campaign because they were a hit squad for Hillary.

No, don't worry about that, worry that Russians spent $1300 on a facebook ad.

Fuck you scumbag.
Comey threw the election when he announced re-opening of hillary email investigation a week before voting.
Make sure you're wearing your MAGA tinfoil hat


Yeah, lying is going to make it all go away...

The Grassley memo is also confirmation that the FBI’s FISA application relied on the dossier and a news article and, worse, on the credibility of a source employed by the Clinton campaign! We have a court that has been bamboozled and fooled in a FISA application, and the Grassley memo confirms this, backs it up as it’s written in the Nunes memo. But the Grassley memo is proof that the FBI did not tell the court of the partisan provenance of the dossier, partisan origins.

Now, this is a big deal because all day yesterday the Drive-By Media, the great power source of the Democrat Party, the Drive-By Media was trying to say that the FBI did explain to the court that the dossier had political origins. And if you read what they published about it, you’re gonna get confused like a pretzel because it doesn’t say that.

What you get is a headline that says, “FBI did indeed include partisan nature of dossier.” Then you read the story, and you don’t find that anywhere. They did not. The FBI did not inform the FISA court that the Steele dossier was a political opposition research document. I don’t care what you heard yesterday in the news, it didn’t happen.}

The Grassley Memo Bombshells

You Communists are fucked, and the reality of that, along with panic. is finally starting to sink in for you.
Rush Limbaugh really?
Grassley memo doesnt confirm FBI misled FISA court.
Nothing will come of it. They won't be extradited or ever see the inside of a US courtroom much less one of our jails.

Was it worth it?
I would have thought that the preservation of the integrity of the democratic process would be almost beyond price.
It's one of the most fundamental pillars of the republic.
Oh, then let me follow up. Your lazy and incurious. Better?
Not the least bit curious. And it's "you're", not "your". That's lazy.

Of course you're not curious, you could care less.
Are you the least bit curious to know if Obama and the Hillary campaign paid for a fake dossier and used it to get a FISA warrant to spy on Trump? Does it bother you that they didn't inform the judge that they paid for it? That's what I thought.
no one paid for a fake dossier.... if you believe that crud then I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you! AND there is NO EVIDENCE what so ever, that supports that made up, right wing lie..... :rolleyes:
Wow, you're really in denial, aren't you? Where have you been for the past year? The dossier was paid for by the Clinton campaign and it contained false information. It was used to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump. This isn't even in dispute (except maybe by some of the leftist lunatics on this board).

The Steele Dossier isn’t fake. Much of it has been verified.

How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims

In using the Dossier as part of the documentation to obtain the FISA warrant, the judge was told that it was “opposition research”. It really doesn’t matter who paid for it. What matters is whether or not it’s true.

There was no spying on Trump. That’s a lie that only the most devoted Trumpanzees believe. Like Paul Manafort, the FISA warrant to spy on Carter Paige was obtained before he joined the Trump campaign, dropped while he worked for Trump, and then re-applied for after he left the campaign.

All you’re doing is regurgitating Trump’s lies. The goal posts are constantly moving because the FBI and others keep proving that he’s lying.

You’re ignoring facts and evidence and parroting his tweets and rants which are based on lies, deflections, and false allegations against Hillary, Obama and the DNC. As Mueller and the FBI dismantle Trump’s lies, more and more charges will be laid.

Lock him up!
I'd like to know if Trump will now finally believe his own DOJ and actually do something about Russian meddling in future elections. I'm guessing he won't, I'm guessing the wingnuts don't want him to do anything about it either.
How should we punish Obama for his meddling in foreign elections?
And when Gowdy was done, NOT even ONE Indictment, let alone 12 plus 4 others in 9 months, not 2 years...with Gowdy....and 4 years for all of the Republican Hillary/Benghazi/email investigations with again, ZERO indictments..... sheesh.. :rolleyes:
Congress can't indict anyone, shit for brains.
Correct.... they personally do not indict, what they do on anything in their investigation that they see as criminal... is send over a recommendation to the Justice department for an indictment, and Justice then does their own investigation, and indicts the person, if the law has actually been broken.

So the Obama administration was the only party that could have indicted Hillary.

Now what do you suppose the odds of that happening were?

About the same as the DOJ doing that now.
Given Session's complete lack of a spine, you could be right.

Session has his own worries with Mueller. He settled that money laundering $270 million law suit with Junior’s Russian lawyer friend for 2 cents on the dollar and no admission of guilt. The oligarch paid his fine and walked out of the courtroom with $265,000,000 of beautifully laundered money and no criminal record.
They are internet trolls spreading propaghanda. Not unlike many posters on here. How many foreigners are on this site spreading misinformation about our politics? Why aren't they being delt with by the powers that be with USMB if it's such a big deal?
They were NOT just internet trolls Grandpa...please read the indictment, pretty pretty please read it.....
For one, they stole the real identities of Americans...yes identity theft..... they set up fake businesses through deceiving limited liability corporations, to pretend they were Americans, so they could get the accounts to troll, run ads and propagate them through tweets and pay Americans to put on actual rallies....

It's unbelievable what they illegally did, to pull this whole thing off....

Please read it....when you get the time.
But when Obama does it everything is great. Lol. Clown alert.
What's it up to? About 17 indictments and 3 or 4 guilty pleas and white wingers on the USMB are still saying in a delusional kind of way, "Nothing here".


There are people who have a really difficult time learning. No matter how many facts are put in front of them, they still refuse to learn or understand.

Unfortunately, for many of these people, there is only one way they learn. Nothing else seems to work.

What's it up to? About 17 indictments and 3 or 4 guilty pleas and white wingers on the USMB are still saying in a delusional kind of way, "Nothing here".


There are people who have a really difficult time learning. No matter how many facts are put in front of them, they still refuse to learn or understand.

Unfortunately, for many of these people, there is only one way they learn. Nothing else seems to work.

White wingers... damn you are dumb.
They are internet trolls spreading propaghanda. Not unlike many posters on here. How many foreigners are on this site spreading misinformation about our politics? Why aren't they being delt with by the powers that be with USMB if it's such a big deal?
They were NOT just internet trolls Grandpa...please read the indictment, pretty pretty please read it.....
For one, they stole the real identities of Americans...yes identity theft..... they set up fake businesses through deceiving limited liability corporations, to pretend they were Americans, so they could get the accounts to troll, run ads and propagate them through tweets and pay Americans to put on actual rallies....

It's unbelievable what they illegally did, to pull this whole thing off....

Please read it....when you get the time.
But when Obama does it everything is great. Lol. Clown alert.
here's the thing JBond, Obama did not do what you say...that's a lie or spin or whatever you want to call something that has no FACTS to support it

FACT CHECK is your friend...
They are internet trolls spreading propaghanda. Not unlike many posters on here. How many foreigners are on this site spreading misinformation about our politics? Why aren't they being delt with by the powers that be with USMB if it's such a big deal?
They were NOT just internet trolls Grandpa...please read the indictment, pretty pretty please read it.....
For one, they stole the real identities of Americans...yes identity theft..... they set up fake businesses through deceiving limited liability corporations, to pretend they were Americans, so they could get the accounts to troll, run ads and propagate them through tweets and pay Americans to put on actual rallies....

It's unbelievable what they illegally did, to pull this whole thing off....

Please read it....when you get the time.
But when Obama does it everything is great. Lol. Clown alert.
here's the thing JBond, Obama did not do what you say...that's a lie or spin or whatever you want to call something that has no FACTS to support it

FACT CHECK is your friend...
The U.S. is no stranger to interfering in the elections of other countries
Nothing will come of it. They won't be extradited or ever see the inside of a US courtroom much less one of our jails.

Was it worth it?

Compared to the year's worth of investigation with nothing but a shitstain showing up.

Compared to that even the liberal study on why lesbians are fat was a smart move.
Of course you're not curious, you could care less.
Are you the least bit curious to know if Obama and the Hillary campaign paid for a fake dossier and used it to get a FISA warrant to spy on Trump? Does it bother you that they didn't inform the judge that they paid for it? That's what I thought.

Jesus, dude, what does the 'fake' dossier have to do with Trump not enforcing sanctions that had a veto proof majority? Talk about desperate.
I didn't say it had anything to do with sanctions. I'm addressing your blatant hypocrisy. You're not very quick, are you?

You're going off topic is what you're doing, changing the subject because you don't want to talk about Trump not letting the Russians off the hook. You couldn't be more obvious.
I already told you I don't give a fuck if he enforces the sanctions or not. You want to stay on that nothing topic because you don't want to discuss the topic of Hillary's crimes.

The 17 investigations said Hillary committed no crimes. Sessions is not looking into anything. The Senate is looking at Uranium One again but there is no there, there. This stupid conspiracy theory has been debunked so thoroughly that even FOX News is broadcasting it’s bullshit
The Steele Dossier isn’t fake. Much of it has been verified.
Yeah, like what?
In using the Dossier as part of the documentation to obtain the FISA warrant, the judge was told that it was “opposition research”.
The judge was told that SOME of it may be opposition research. They failed to mention it was paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and they failed to mention that most of it was made up bullshit to get a FISA warrant.
There was no spying on Trump.
There was spying on everyone they could spy on around Trump in the hopes of picking up "other" people (like Trump) in the process (unintentional, of course lol).
The goal posts are constantly moving because the FBI and others keep proving that he’s lying.
And exactly what have they proven Trump is lying about? And why haven't impeachment proceedings begun yet?
You’re ignoring facts and evidence and parroting his tweets and rants which are based on lies, deflections, and false allegations against Hillary, Obama and the DNC.
In your world maybe but in the real world, the only FACTS we have are that Obama's FBI and DOJ broke laws and the Hillary Clinton campaign colluded with Russians to sway the outcome of the election. Mueller has failed to provide ANY evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia. Face it, the only thing you guys have been able to establish is that Donald Trump likes pussy. Well duh, I think we already knew that. And guess what? The American people don't CARE that he likes pussy. It's a refreshing change from the LAST guy. :gay:
As Mueller and the FBI dismantle Trump’s lies, more and more charges will be laid.
Oh, I'm sure there will be more charges (like jaywalking, lying about how fast he was driving, were all of his tax deductions legal?). That's about the best Mueller can do. delay tactics, hoping Dems will win back the House and stop the Republicans from exposing and prosecuting them for their crimes.
They are internet trolls spreading propaghanda. Not unlike many posters on here. How many foreigners are on this site spreading misinformation about our politics? Why aren't they being delt with by the powers that be with USMB if it's such a big deal?
They were NOT just internet trolls Grandpa...please read the indictment, pretty pretty please read it.....
For one, they stole the real identities of Americans...yes identity theft..... they set up fake businesses through deceiving limited liability corporations, to pretend they were Americans, so they could get the accounts to troll, run ads and propagate them through tweets and pay Americans to put on actual rallies....

It's unbelievable what they illegally did, to pull this whole thing off....

Please read it....when you get the time.
But when Obama does it everything is great. Lol. Clown alert.
here's the thing JBond, Obama did not do what you say...that's a lie or spin or whatever you want to call something that has no FACTS to support it

FACT CHECK is your friend...
The U.S. is no stranger to interfering in the elections of other countries

Do you even bother to read the articles you link to? The article was on US interference in elections between 1946 and 2000. Obama’s name isn’t mentioned

In reality the Americans funded some of the most brutal right wing regimes in the world. “Better dead than red” wasn’t just a clever play on words.

I’m aware that Obama was accused of funding an left wing group in Israel but everything I’ve been able to find on this case says that the funds were given to this group for other purposes and the Israelis diverted the funds to the lection campaign.

That being said, it’s shocking to see so-called American patriots saying well we did it to other countries so it’s OK that Russia did it us.

American interference prior to 2000 was primarily to keep communists from coming to power in these countries during the Cold War. The purpose of Russia’s interference is to destabilize democratically elected governments and sew discord in countries they consider to be their enemies. Big difference.

It boogies the mind that anyone who calls themself a patriotic American could possibly say that they’re OK with this and Trump shouldn’t do anything to put a stop to it, immediately.
They are internet trolls spreading propaghanda. Not unlike many posters on here. How many foreigners are on this site spreading misinformation about our politics? Why aren't they being delt with by the powers that be with USMB if it's such a big deal?
They were NOT just internet trolls Grandpa...please read the indictment, pretty pretty please read it.....
For one, they stole the real identities of Americans...yes identity theft..... they set up fake businesses through deceiving limited liability corporations, to pretend they were Americans, so they could get the accounts to troll, run ads and propagate them through tweets and pay Americans to put on actual rallies....

It's unbelievable what they illegally did, to pull this whole thing off....

Please read it....when you get the time.
But when Obama does it everything is great. Lol. Clown alert.
here's the thing JBond, Obama did not do what you say...that's a lie or spin or whatever you want to call something that has no FACTS to support it

FACT CHECK is your friend...
The U.S. is no stranger to interfering in the elections of other countries

Do you even bother to read the articles you link to? The article was on US interference in elections between 1946 and 2000. Obama’s name isn’t mentioned

In reality the Americans funded some of the most brutal right wing regimes in the world. “Better dead than red” wasn’t just a clever play on words.

I’m aware that Obama was accused of funding an left wing group in Israel but everything I’ve been able to find on this case says that the funds were given to this group for other purposes and the Israelis diverted the funds to the lection campaign.

That being said, it’s shocking to see so-called American patriots saying well we did it to other countries so it’s OK that Russia did it us.

American interference prior to 2000 was primarily to keep communists from coming to power in these countries during the Cold War. The purpose of Russia’s interference is to destabilize democratically elected governments and sew discord in countries they consider to be their enemies. Big difference.

It boogies the mind that anyone who calls themself a patriotic American could possibly say that they’re OK with this and Trump shouldn’t do anything to put a stop to it, immediately.
the money spent, was spent on a 'cause', a two state solution, and it was spent before Netanyahu called for an election, a vote of confidence election...

so it was not to interfere with Netanyahu's election, there was no election scheduled yet..or even known was coming...
I agree with Dragonlady and Care4all that nobody should be allowed to post pics of Crazy Bernie as a gay super hero going forward. THIS is the main Russian ad...libtards...stock up on Prep H, it is only going to hurt more going forward as the truth crystallizes.


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