Millions of dollars spent to charge 12 Ruskies with crimes that they will NEVER be convicted of.

Don’t you get it?
This information is now out in the public domain.

Republicans write on these political sites with so much confidence and yet seem invulnerable to learning anything.
So what if it's in the public domain? What will the upshot be? Zilch, nada, nothing.

Wrong Babypants!

Mueller has established that a crime was committed and he’s established the timeline of the conspiracy, as well as the major Russian players. He’s set of the methods that were used and how it all worked.

If you think nothing will come of these charges, think again. There’s already been a seismic shift in American thinking. The debate about whether Russian interfered in the election is now over.

Even Trump has stopped denying the interference. He’s busy now blaming Obama that it happened. Deflecting from his part in this.

Then there’s the meticulous evidence gathering of the Mueller Team. They had everything on these Russians right down to their employment records. This bodes well for future indictments.

Trump spent all of Saturday night and Sunday morning shitting his pants on Twitter.

Oh and as a result of the Rob Porter mess, 130 members of the Administration who have been working without security clearances will be out of luck starting tomorrow. No more access to classified info.

if any any americans surface that play into the russians INDICTED they are equally as guilty too .

if said russians travel to other countries friendly to america get stopped entering the country they can be held and extradited to the US for trial

its a warning shot across the bow for russians or anyone considering trying the same crap again ..

You belief that other countries are willing to cater to the idiocies of the Mewler investigation lacks any visible means of support.

stfu Kazmier and fall on your strawman sword.

That doesn't fit the definition of "straw man" by any streatch of the imagination.
So what if it's in the public domain? What will the upshot be? Zilch, nada, nothing.

Wrong Babypants!

Mueller has established that a crime was committed and he’s established the timeline of the conspiracy, as well as the major Russian players. He’s set of the methods that were used and how it all worked.

If you think nothing will come of these charges, think again. There’s already been a seismic shift in American thinking. The debate about whether Russian interfered in the election is now over.

Even Trump has stopped denying the interference. He’s busy now blaming Obama that it happened. Deflecting from his part in this.

Then there’s the meticulous evidence gathering of the Mueller Team. They had everything on these Russians right down to their employment records. This bodes well for future indictments.

Trump spent all of Saturday night and Sunday morning shitting his pants on Twitter.

Oh and as a result of the Rob Porter mess, 130 members of the Administration who have been working without security clearances will be out of luck starting tomorrow. No more access to classified info.

if any any americans surface that play into the russians INDICTED they are equally as guilty too .

if said russians travel to other countries friendly to america get stopped entering the country they can be held and extradited to the US for trial

its a warning shot across the bow for russians or anyone considering trying the same crap again ..

You belief that other countries are willing to cater to the idiocies of the Mewler investigation lacks any visible means of support.

stfu Kazmier and fall on your strawman sword.

That doesn't fit the definition of "straw man" by any streatch of the imagination.

Trump, having repeatedly denied Russian involvement, has now shifted gears and is insisting that the proper test of wrongdoing is “collusion.”
This is a straw man.

During the campaign, Trump repeatedly and publicly urged the Russians to come forward with dirt on Hillary Clinton. His top advisers met with Russian operatives to see what they had. That part of Mueller’s investigation is still open.
Jesus, this shit again?

It’s still ongoing. Meuller just flipped Gates. He’s pleading guilty and has a lot of dirt on Manafort.

Yes, it’s worth it.
Worth it to you maybe because you're a Trump hater but the investigation is supposed to be about collusion regarding the election and there has been ZERO evidence of that. Mueller has nothing on Trump so he brings bullshit charges against people around him, hoping it'll make Trump look dirty. People are sick of hearing about it and the Democrats are gonna pay a price in November.
But the fact that more money was spent on countless Benghazi investigations that turned up nothing, doesn’t bother you at all. Typical con
Turned up nothing? Tell that to the families of the 4 people who were killed because of Hillary's incompetence.
Yeah, turned up nothing. Is Hillary in jail? Nothing. Was Obama’s impeached over it? Nothing.
I think you know that when the traitors in the FBI are all uncovered and purged, and there's no one there to protect Hillary, she will be brought to justice.
What a crazy, delusional world you live in
Wrong Babypants!

Mueller has established that a crime was committed and he’s established the timeline of the conspiracy, as well as the major Russian players. He’s set of the methods that were used and how it all worked.

If you think nothing will come of these charges, think again. There’s already been a seismic shift in American thinking. The debate about whether Russian interfered in the election is now over.

Even Trump has stopped denying the interference. He’s busy now blaming Obama that it happened. Deflecting from his part in this.

Then there’s the meticulous evidence gathering of the Mueller Team. They had everything on these Russians right down to their employment records. This bodes well for future indictments.

Trump spent all of Saturday night and Sunday morning shitting his pants on Twitter.

Oh and as a result of the Rob Porter mess, 130 members of the Administration who have been working without security clearances will be out of luck starting tomorrow. No more access to classified info.

if any any americans surface that play into the russians INDICTED they are equally as guilty too .

if said russians travel to other countries friendly to america get stopped entering the country they can be held and extradited to the US for trial

its a warning shot across the bow for russians or anyone considering trying the same crap again ..

You belief that other countries are willing to cater to the idiocies of the Mewler investigation lacks any visible means of support.

stfu Kazmier and fall on your strawman sword.

That doesn't fit the definition of "straw man" by any streatch of the imagination.

Trump, having repeatedly denied Russian involvement, has now shifted gears and is insisting that the proper test of wrongdoing is “collusion.”
This is a straw man.

During the campaign, Trump repeatedly and publicly urged the Russians to come forward with dirt on Hillary Clinton. His top advisers met with Russian operatives to see what they had. That part of Mueller’s investigation is still open.
I have no idea what you believe "Russian involvement" means. Trump denied his campaign never "colluded" with the Russians. Mewler's indictements certainly don't support any such accusation. I don't recall Trump ever saying he believed the Russians haven't tried to meddel in our elections.

Hillary paid Russian spies for dirt on the Trump campaign, yet all you snowflake turds are blissfully unconcerned about that.

I'll remind you for the 1000th time that "collusion" is not a crime. Meeting with Russians who have dirt on Hillary is not a crime. On the other hand, paying Russians to manufacture dirt on Trump is a crime.

Trump made a joke about Russia producing Hillary's emails, but snowflakes lack a sense of humor, so they failed to get it.
Nothing will come of it. They won't be extradited or ever see the inside of a US courtroom much less one of our jails.

Was it worth it?

You're just going nuts because it proves that Donald Trump and his administration had nothing to do with the interference from Russia and that Hillary Clinton and the Democrats were working hand in glove with them to say nothing of President Barack Hussein Obama openly telling them he could make a better deal with Russia after the election.
Filthy Don gives a thumbs and approval of the Florida School shooting.


Told these kids to go fvck themselves, then rips law enforcement in the process. Filthy Don is one soulless bastard, isn't he. :eusa_eh:

Seek help, you're one sick puppy!
if any any americans surface that play into the russians INDICTED they are equally as guilty too .

if said russians travel to other countries friendly to america get stopped entering the country they can be held and extradited to the US for trial

its a warning shot across the bow for russians or anyone considering trying the same crap again ..

You belief that other countries are willing to cater to the idiocies of the Mewler investigation lacks any visible means of support.

stfu Kazmier and fall on your strawman sword.

That doesn't fit the definition of "straw man" by any streatch of the imagination.

Trump, having repeatedly denied Russian involvement, has now shifted gears and is insisting that the proper test of wrongdoing is “collusion.”
This is a straw man.

During the campaign, Trump repeatedly and publicly urged the Russians to come forward with dirt on Hillary Clinton. His top advisers met with Russian operatives to see what they had. That part of Mueller’s investigation is still open.
I have no idea what you believe "Russian involvement" means. Trump denied his campaign never "colluded" with the Russians. Mewler's indictements certainly don't support any such accusation. I don't recall Trump ever saying he believed the Russians haven't tried to meddel in our elections.

Hillary paid Russian spies for dirt on the Trump campaign, yet all you snowflake turds are blissfully unconcerned about that.

I'll remind you for the 1000th time that "collusion" is not a crime. Meeting with Russians who have dirt on Hillary is not a crime. On the other hand, paying Russians to manufacture dirt on Trump is a crime.

Trump made a joke about Russia producing Hillary's emails, but snowflakes lack a sense of humor, so they failed to get it.

you dont know your ass from a hole in the ground about the investigation, the indictments or something as simple as a Trump strawman that you have been spewing about ..

all you have is nothing .. be proud.

youre dismissed
But the fact that more money was spent on countless Benghazi investigations that turned up nothing, doesn’t bother you at all. Typical con

The investigation was worth every penny. Quickly it was revealed that Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama tried to cover up the terrorist attack by claiming it was due to a Youtube Video. It that guy out of prison yet? That there was help, sitting on the runway waiting for the go-ahead from President Obama who, after one briefing, went to bed and then flew to Las Vegas for a fundraiser.
Repukes spent 40 million to get Clinton for a blow job. Was that worth it? I think not. It is just the vindictiveness of republicans when they feel slighted.
Nope. That was a waste as well. Now, would you like to comment on my point or is trolling all you are capable of?

I think it's worth it because his mandate is to look at Russian attempts at influencing our election - it's pretty broad and it's pretty important if we want to figure out how to prevent similar chaos in future elections. Everyone seems to think it's just Trump and potential collusion but that is only a small (and in my opinion lesser) part of the entire problem.

So yes. It is very much worth it. It shines a light on what they have been doing.
We all know what they do. All people have to do is ignore all the bullshit on social media. Do we really need to spend a hundred million or whatever to exercise a little common sense?

Yes...we do. We need to know what they did, figure out how to counter it, and maybe hit back. You are overly optimistic about the ability of people to see common sense :p
I'm certain that as I write this Putin is in the process of extraditing these folks to the U.S. :eek:
Repukes spent 40 million to get Clinton for a blow job. Was that worth it? I think not. It is just the vindictiveness of republicans when they feel slighted.

You're just one sick puppy! Yes, the corruption and convictions as a result of the investigation were worth every penny. The Clinton connections and payoffs from China were learned about at the same time.

You'd love for this to be forgotten all about, wouldn't you? Then there is President Clinton arranging to make the sale of our rocket guidance systems and motors available to the Chinese along with long-term leases on ports at both ends of the greatly enlarged Panama Canal.

In addition to the Impeachment of President Clinton for felony perjury.

These are the results and convictions of the various investigations into President Clinton.


Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker - fraud felony convictions - 3 counts (Tucker resigned facing impeachment)

Jim McDougal - fraud and conspiracy felony convictions - 18 counts

Susan McDougal - felony - 4 counts (pardoned during Clinton's last minute pardongate payoffs)

William J. Marks Sr - conspiracy Stephen Smith - conspiracy

Larry Kuca - Fraud Neal Ainley - 2 misdemeanors for embezzlement

David Hale - guilty plea - conspiracy

Chris Wade - felony - Whitewater real-estate investor

John Haley - felony 1998 on fraud

Robert Palmer - felony for conspiracy

Charles Matthews - guilty plea for bribery

Eugene Fitzhugh - Whitewater - bribery

Webster Hubbell - #2 ranking Justice Dept. Official - felony for embezzlement and fraud

John Latham - CEO of Madison Bank - bank fraud Campaign Finance:

Johnny Chung - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Gene Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Nora Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Howard Glicken - guilty plea - 2 midemeanors - funneling foreign donations

Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie - guilty plea - illegal Clinton campaign donations

John Huang - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Paula Jonesgate:

William Jefferson Clinton - found guilty - civil contempt of court - lying under oath about material facts. The Office of the Independent Council further presented Clinton with an agreement that had him disbarred from practicing law for 5 years and made him signed statement admitting to his deception

Post Administration
Sandy Bergergate

Sandy Berger – Clinton National Security Adviser -- found guilty of stealing highly class documents from the National Archive and destroying them.
You belief that other countries are willing to cater to the idiocies of the Mewler investigation lacks any visible means of support.

stfu Kazmier and fall on your strawman sword.

That doesn't fit the definition of "straw man" by any streatch of the imagination.

Trump, having repeatedly denied Russian involvement, has now shifted gears and is insisting that the proper test of wrongdoing is “collusion.”
This is a straw man.

During the campaign, Trump repeatedly and publicly urged the Russians to come forward with dirt on Hillary Clinton. His top advisers met with Russian operatives to see what they had. That part of Mueller’s investigation is still open.
I have no idea what you believe "Russian involvement" means. Trump denied his campaign never "colluded" with the Russians. Mewler's indictements certainly don't support any such accusation. I don't recall Trump ever saying he believed the Russians haven't tried to meddel in our elections.

Hillary paid Russian spies for dirt on the Trump campaign, yet all you snowflake turds are blissfully unconcerned about that.

I'll remind you for the 1000th time that "collusion" is not a crime. Meeting with Russians who have dirt on Hillary is not a crime. On the other hand, paying Russians to manufacture dirt on Trump is a crime.

Trump made a joke about Russia producing Hillary's emails, but snowflakes lack a sense of humor, so they failed to get it.

you dont know your ass from a hole in the ground about the investigation, the indictments or something as simple as a Trump strawman that you have been spewing about ..

all you have is nothing .. be proud.

youre dismissed
You are the one with nothing.
Repukes spent 40 million to get Clinton for a blow job. Was that worth it? I think not. It is just the vindictiveness of republicans when they feel slighted.
nope. it showed us what a pig he is.
Nothing will come of it. They won't be extradited or ever see the inside of a US courtroom much less one of our jails.

Was it worth it?

Gramp, let me explain it to you --

they've establish a solid foundation of a criminal conspiracy. Anyone revealed as connected to or knowledge of from this point forward is a CO-CONSPIRTOR...

to be a co-conspiritor you don't need to have directly participated in any of the crimes in that indictment or any future indictment related to the bigger conspiracy. Criminal indictments and charges are also amended all the time when new info is confirmed, new witnesses come forward.

Gates is going to flip. He'll give them Manafort -- that's money laundering. That sucks for Paul. When Paul Manafort flips, it's game over.

Money laundering + fraud + identity theft + theft of data +... obstruction of justice = R I C O.

RICO = federal judge orders seizure of Trump family assets. Property, cars, bank accounts.

I don't think it will go that far. They'll invoke the 25th before they let the REPUBLICAN POTUS get prosecuted under RICO.
Nothing will come of it. They won't be extradited or ever see the inside of a US courtroom much less one of our jails.

Was it worth it?
Yes, it was definitely worth it...even if that much money, but so you has NOT been spent on this small small portion of the russian Investigation exposed on Friday...

It's worth it, because they broke the Law and should be charged like everyone else who intentionally breaks the law, they committed ESPIONAGE and you think they should not be charged???

Second, this restricts these Russian's movement throughout the world....they will never be able to do business with us or with any of our allies, they will not be allowed to travel here, or to any of our ally countries for fear of being extradited or simply captured.....and they will not be able to do business with our allies, Russian love the western world that we live one there who is rich in Russia wants to stay there and have no movement or the ability to buy our goods...

And it spelled out, in this small particular case, how in depth they were willing to go to mask themselves as Americans so to cause even more division among us and being aware of such practices help us, be more aware of their tactics....

Twiddling our thumbs is NOT an option.

Funny how those who said nothing when Trey Gowdy went on for two F-ing years at a cost of tens of millions on the NINTH Benghazi investigation --- are suddenly impatient with Mueller after a lousy 9 months.
And when Gowdy was done, NOT even ONE Indictment, let alone 12 plus 4 others in 9 months, not 2 years...with Gowdy....and 4 years for all of the Republican Hillary/Benghazi/email investigations with again, ZERO indictments..... sheesh.. :rolleyes:
Congress can't indict anyone, shit for brains.
Correct.... they personally do not indict, what they do on anything in their investigation that they see as criminal... is send over a recommendation to the Justice department for an indictment, and Justice then does their own investigation, and indicts the person, if the law has actually been broken.

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