Millions Of Electric Car Batteries Retiring By 2030, Are We Ready To Deal With What Could Be Ticking Time Bombs?

Exactly. Electricity has dangers. But we would be using gasoline powered subways if they were less than electricity.
I was looking into ICE and EV fires. Not much data out there, plus they don't know exact figures because those figures include arson. So how did the fires start? No data. Was is fuel related, electrical, a faulty part, the user tinkering with bits, arson, manufacturing fault etc..

Interesting read of fires -

EV fires had a blip in 2021 (UK)
Sounds worse when the govt says. “ I’m here to control your body during pregnancy.”
How about, -we’re going to cut your SS by 60% even though you’ve been paying into it all you’re working life.-
I know you’re hell bent on the gov requiring EVs, but they aren’t. They are proposing zero emissions and the states have begun to make mandates.. Maybe you think smog, respiratory diseases is a good thing ? Don’t go to California or Maine or 17;other states.,just move to red states and drive your model A. There are red states that don’t give a shit about pollution and you can drive what you fking well want.
How the auto industry does it now in mandated states is up to them. They are doing with electricity for now. They will not make special polluters just for red states.
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The law will eventually make the younger and future generations buy one. My youngest is 22, he's gutted about EV's.

They're not zero emissions. Over the lifespan of an EV and ICE vehicle, the EV will have reduced your driving carbon foot print by only 17% to 30%. The start up co2 on an EV is the root of the problem, and if it's bumped and written off early in it's life, it contributed more in pollution.
Capitalism will give people choices. You sound like an Exxon executive. Hilarious.
Capitalism will give people choices. You sound like an Exxon executive. Hilarious.
Capitalism does, so ICE and EV's would co-exist and compete. But legislation is not allowing that, that's socialism. EV's are so good, they need legislated onto the people, so yeah, socialism/communism. You sound like you haven't a clue what capitalism and socialism are!! Hilarious.
Capitalism does, so ICE and EV's would co-exist and compete. But legislation is not allowing that, that's socialism. EV's are so good, they need legislated onto the people, so yeah, socialism/communism. You sound like you haven't a clue what capitalism and socialism are!! Hilarious.
Should we have allowed capitalism to decide whether or not we have leaded paint, leaded fuel, no seat belts in cars or planes, steel dashboards, windshields made of plate glass, poisons sold as medicine, toys that kill children, etc, etc, etc? Obviously not. Then maybe we should use the power of government to work on eliminating GHG emissions.
Should we have allowed capitalism to decide whether or not we have leaded paint, leaded fuel, no seat belts in cars or planes, steel dashboards, windshields made of plate glass, poisons sold as medicine, toys that kill children, etc, etc, etc? Obviously not. Then maybe we should use the power of government to work on eliminating GHG emissions.
Paints high in voc's are still out there, asbestos is as well. I believe it should be your choice to wear a seat belt or not. Ranulph Fiennes would agree. Chemo is a poison, so are most drugs taken in excessive quantities. Toys don't kill children, lack of parental supervision kills children. Not aware of any car that had plate glass windows, and the Austin Mini has a metal dashboard.

EV's should just be allowed to compete, but you know fine well they wouldn't catch on.
Paints high in voc's are still out there,
Lead is not a VOC.
asbestos is as well.
No new asbestos.
I believe it should be your choice to wear a seat belt or not.
I don't. A small collision could put your car out of control that would have been maintained had you been restrained. Such a choice puts others at risk.
Ranulph Fiennes would agree.
That doesn't change the facts.
Chemo is a poison, so are most drugs taken in excessive quantities.
Toys don't kill children, lack of parental supervision kills children.
You obviously aren't a parent.
Not aware of any car that had plate glass windows
That was what the original cars used
, and the Austin Mini has a metal dashboard.
Austin hasn't produced a mini for over 30 years.

EV's should just be allowed to compete
They are.
but you know fine well they wouldn't catch on.
Fourteen million EVs have been bought so far, by people who were not forced to do so.
They have developed lithium metal batteries instead of Lithium ion batteries....meaning they won't degrade like the others and perform about 7-9% better.

Not a perfect solution but it is one of many necessary.
Lead is not a VOC.

No new asbestos.

I don't. A small collision could put your car out of control that would have been maintained had you been restrained. Such a choice puts others at risk.

That doesn't change the facts.


You obviously aren't a parent.

That was what the original cars used

Austin hasn't produced a mini for over 30 years.

They are.

Fourteen million EVs have been bought so far, by people who were not forced to do so.
Two boys, both in their 20's.

My youngest owns a 1985 Austin Mini, there are classic cars out there

The 14 million is the niche market part, sales are now drying up.
I know you’re hell bent on the gov requiring EVs, but they aren’t. They are proposing zero emissions and the states have begun to make mandates.. Maybe you think smog, respiratory diseases is a good thing ? Don’t go to California or Maine or 17;other states.,just move to red states and drive your model A. There are red states that don’t give a shit about pollution and you can drive what you fking well want.
How the auto industry does it now in mandated states is up to them. They are doing with electricity for now. They will not make special polluters just for red states.
You better talk to Biden, then and tell him what is what. Biden is pushing
for EV's and the dealers are pushing back. :laughing0301:
Sorry to burst your utopia, but.....the people don't want 'em
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You better talk to Biden, then and tell him what is what. Biden is pushing
for EV's and the dealers are pushing back. :laughing0301:
Sorry to burst your utopia, but.....the people don't want 'em
Nope. He’s pushing for zero emissions. It’s the car makers who are going to EVs, Biden is pushing for incentives that will NEVER MATCH. what the govt gives to oil companies.
It car companies can make hydrogen powered cars that emit only water, fine for you. But it’s rather stupid pushing for ice cars that burn gasoline over electrics. You’re just puppet ing the big oil and Fix News line
Ha ha. That’s only for full EVs
The Teslar was 4 th in the list. 25% of those sold were electrified. That leaves 75% who aren’t ready to buy EVs. They are buying hybrids faster then they can make them. You miss the entire point. We are going electric faster then ever anticipated by not straight to EVs.

Hybrids have no waiting lines for charging as they don’t need any, cost less than 10% more.

A plug in hybrid, a part time EV is even more popular. They have a year waiting list for many makes, it’s very popular. So those 75% are still looking at electrified cars. They just aren’t read for EVs.
Yes, no waiting lines is now. The future can include robot-powered vending of pre-charged batteries if they are made modular and standardized. The Auto Pimp does not want to standardize because then the customer (may get to talk to [italics]) the battery owner of another brand of EV. The alienation must be made total, as we've seen in the current mafia-like Bosch-Trek ebike collusion.

If robotics could extract a spent battery and quickly replace those modules, pneumatic tubes could transfer batteries to-and-fro from a highly secure warehouse. Storage technology will be in place to instantly extinguish fires, at least in the warehouse.
Cars in biggest demand
Badger2 is precisely now working on item #1 in this report: "range anxiety," though the Aptera was one of the first to incorporate solar charging into the body of the vehicle itself. But on Cake-and-Eat-It-Too Ranch, there is still (the pathology in one's head [italics]) to deal with. The pathology is that the petroleum pimp's prisoners still want the ability to go anywhere they wish, from coast to coast while hauling anything they wish.
Nope. He’s pushing for zero emissions. It’s the car makers who are going to EVs, Biden is pushing for incentives that will NEVER MATCH. what the govt gives to oil companies.
It car companies can make hydrogen powered cars that emit only water, fine for you. But it’s rather stupid pushing for ice cars that burn gasoline over electrics. You’re just puppet ing the big oil and Fix News line
Speaking of puppets. :rolleyes-41:
Capitalism does, so ICE and EV's would co-exist and compete. But legislation is not allowing that, that's socialism. EV's are so good, they need legislated onto the people, so yeah, socialism/communism. You sound like you haven't a clue what capitalism and socialism are!! Hilarious.
The point at which socialism becomes impossible is precisely at the pivot between necessary labor and surplus labor. The EV-Hybrid assemblage should be superimposed on this concept for comparison. At the point of exchange, what exactly is necessary?
They have developed lithium metal batteries instead of Lithium ion batteries....meaning they won't degrade like the others and perform about 7-9% better.

Not a perfect solution but it is one of many necessary.
Yes, changing the design of the lithium has other similar approaches to this one.
Paints high in voc's are still out there, asbestos is as well. I believe it should be your choice to wear a seat belt or not. Ranulph Fiennes would agree. Chemo is a poison, so are most drugs taken in excessive quantities. Toys don't kill children, lack of parental supervision kills children. Not aware of any car that had plate glass windows, and the Austin Mini has a metal dashboard.

EV's should just be allowed to compete, but you know fine well they wouldn't catch on.
This "won't catch on" is problematic for some of us. This is not what we see at the local, urban evel. We see (petroleum addicts too) more and more ebikes on the road. These images and actual physicalies are evolving outside the auto industry pimp's control.

The evolution of the cargo bike is now morphing into an (enclosed compartment [italics]), though the collective IQ behind this evolution still leaves out the adult driver-owner of the vehicle, while tending to the kids. This is the profound impoverishment we now see in the American market. It is moving at a snail's pace, as if it were scared shitless to make a mistake, whilst the European market is producing enclosures for (all occupants of the electric machine [it.]).

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