Minimal Wage. Raises. Inflation. Cost of living.

I Will post a link for everyone. You act like I'm saying raise it to an insane amount. The whole post I said increase it as inflation and cost of living increases. I'm sorry for those who cant think for themselves, lack common sense, and basic knowledge of the economy. I didn't realize that everything needed to be proved on this site. My biggest issue is that ones opinion shouldn't need backed by anyone else's, hence, ones own opinion

Does raising the minimum wage increase inflation?

I am triggering you good, it's common sense a higher national wage causes inflation..

What when started minimum wage used to be 25 cents an hour to keep blacks from working

The minimum wage law across the globe was all started because of racism ..thats a fucking fact..
Oh my god. Are you black? I'm far from racist, grew up in black neighborhood most of my friends are black, but yall need to stop with the racist shit already. Its to much. Everything is racist to yall. This generation there should be no racism. You got black girls dating white boys, white girls dating black guys. Yall pull that race card to often and its getting old. No one today had anything to do with anything that started how long ago. No one today experienced racism segregation or anything like that. We cant help that what our ancestors did( keep in mind mankind was still evolving, and mankind lacked intelligence, knowledge, logic, and just knew what they knew).
Did you know it was the white man who fought and died to end slavery?

Trigured, you pretend to be something you are not pictures of your 300k company, come on now it must be brick and mortar...or are. You going to quit lying on here.?

Hey all I am in is a middle class that's all I wanted to be.
Tell me how I could afford to buy a 30k car without loan or payments? Tell me how I can buy a dog, rotti, for 3400 cash, another dog, sheltie, 2700, cash,
Tell me how I paid of my mothers mortgage, her husband my dad died 4 years ago, I was determined to make sure she didn't have to worry about a thing, paid of her mortgage, and bought a house for her 75k cash, I have 4 apartment rentals that I bought with cash, why do you care so much and what makes you think I'm lying?
I been called out on it, I never just mentioned it to someone, I never bragged, but I sure am proud of myself, and for being 30 years old I doing damn good. If some tells me they made 100 mil last year I'm not going to question or challenge them, you know why? only jealous people do shit like that fake people. Always want to try to put someone down. I don't got to prove you shit what you think I'm going to put bank transactions on a post on the internet that anyone can see get real dude.
perfect quote for you.. What the superior man seeks is in himself, what the small man seeks is in others. Don't worry about me and what I'm doing put all that anger and determination trying to say I'm a liar and fake into yourself and maybe you will be something one day
I really do get tired of all these "pretend" millionaires bussiness owners , wasting their time posting on these boards
I never once claimed to be a millionaire. I only revealed my income to prove wrong. I never revealed it to brag or anything. I committed felonies worked various jobs, been through the struggle. To assume I know nothing about profits. To attack me and make false assumptions like you know me. I'm sorry but I'm going to stand up for myself, I will never back down.
I started from nothing. Anyone can do it, you just got to do it. That's what I did came up with ideas and went with it. Some failed and some did me good. Its not wasting time on here. As I don't have a set schedule and don't need to work 8 hours a day and since I bring my laptop with me every where I go does not mean I'm wasting time. I'm actually learning a lot from participating in this site. Only a person who lacks confidence and leadership skills and will always work for someone instead of people working for him. A person who is so miserable that hides behind his computer screen and has a made up persona for this site because no one knows anybody personally, so you can be who ever you want. But I can tell the fake from the real and you my friend are fake. You hate your job, probably had a parent cosign for a car loan, may have a wife with 1 or 2 kids tops. Come home everyday in bad mood, complains about other employees and your boss. You hate your dead end job. And you keep telling your self and wife or girlfriend that one day you will be rich, that you will come up with an idea for a business and have no worries. Problem is you been saying that for years now, and no progress. There are more people on this site that are disrespectful, immature calling people names, have to comment on every post, have to be the tough guy that knows it all, then I thought there would be. I thought there would be people that could actually hold conversations and not judge or attack every opinion. I'm sorry but I feel I have more sense then half of people on this site.

You calling me a fake?

All I am is a middle class guy who fled high taxex Illinois to south Carolina, i own my own home on lake harrwell i posted this nurmous times , i am the real deal ..

View attachment 159947
You are fake. I'm not saying you don't exist. But you as a person are fake. Twofaced. act different around others. Just fake
I really do get tired of all these "pretend" millionaires bussiness owners , wasting their time posting on these boards
I never once claimed to be a millionaire. I only revealed my income to prove wrong. I never revealed it to brag or anything. I committed felonies worked various jobs, been through the struggle. To assume I know nothing about profits. To attack me and make false assumptions like you know me. I'm sorry but I'm going to stand up for myself, I will never back down.
I started from nothing. Anyone can do it, you just got to do it. That's what I did came up with ideas and went with it. Some failed and some did me good. Its not wasting time on here. As I don't have a set schedule and don't need to work 8 hours a day and since I bring my laptop with me every where I go does not mean I'm wasting time. I'm actually learning a lot from participating in this site. Only a person who lacks confidence and leadership skills and will always work for someone instead of people working for him. A person who is so miserable that hides behind his computer screen and has a made up persona for this site because no one knows anybody personally, so you can be who ever you want. But I can tell the fake from the real and you my friend are fake. You hate your job, probably had a parent cosign for a car loan, may have a wife with 1 or 2 kids tops. Come home everyday in bad mood, complains about other employees and your boss. You hate your dead end job. And you keep telling your self and wife or girlfriend that one day you will be rich, that you will come up with an idea for a business and have no worries. Problem is you been saying that for years now, and no progress. There are more people on this site that are disrespectful, immature calling people names, have to comment on every post, have to be the tough guy that knows it all, then I thought there would be. I thought there would be people that could actually hold conversations and not judge or attack every opinion. I'm sorry but I feel I have more sense then half of people on this site.

You calling me a fake?

All I am is a middle class guy who fled high taxex Illinois to south Carolina, i own my own home on lake harrwell i posted this nurmous times , i am the real deal ..

View attachment 159947
No you are fake. Real people don't act the way you do. Only fake jealous people do .The real respect and view things from every angle and respects ones opinion. The real don't attack and challenge everything. By every you typed you are fake.

I post pictures you idiot you do know what today is right mommy basement dweller?

My back yard nim rod

View attachment 159948

I am as real as they come on here.
lol You are dumber then I thought. I'm not saying you are not a real person. Or that you are lying about your name where you from who you are nothing like that. If you don't know what "Keep it 100" means then I don't know. Real people respect peoples thoughts, ideas, and opinions. They can agree and admit if they are wrong. they don't argue and challenge everyone. The don't instantly think someone is lying because they make more then you got more then you have a sexier girl then you.
No you are fake. Real people don't act the way you do. Only fake jealous people do .The real respect and view things from every angle and respects ones opinion. The real don't attack and challenge everything. By every you typed you are fake.

Here's the problem with all that: Many on the left make all these claims. They own their own business, they are independently wealthy, they are comfortably early retired which is why they can spend all day on here, they have a six fig job where they can work from home..........

This is the internet where anybody can be anything they like. I've met supposed published authors here, multi-millionaires, astronauts, professional musicians, actors and actresses......... Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

You could be who you say you are, but from experience, I've met too many fakes. They eventually reveal themselves in discussion not realizing it.

So don't be so critical about people who question your claims. Unless you can (or are willing to) prove what you say, you're just another person who could be unemployed and not even able to find a minimum wage job. Nobody knows.
I really do get tired of all these "pretend" millionaires bussiness owners , wasting their time posting on these boards
I never once claimed to be a millionaire. I only revealed my income to prove wrong. I never revealed it to brag or anything. I committed felonies worked various jobs, been through the struggle. To assume I know nothing about profits. To attack me and make false assumptions like you know me. I'm sorry but I'm going to stand up for myself, I will never back down.
I started from nothing. Anyone can do it, you just got to do it. That's what I did came up with ideas and went with it. Some failed and some did me good. Its not wasting time on here. As I don't have a set schedule and don't need to work 8 hours a day and since I bring my laptop with me every where I go does not mean I'm wasting time. I'm actually learning a lot from participating in this site. Only a person who lacks confidence and leadership skills and will always work for someone instead of people working for him. A person who is so miserable that hides behind his computer screen and has a made up persona for this site because no one knows anybody personally, so you can be who ever you want. But I can tell the fake from the real and you my friend are fake. You hate your job, probably had a parent cosign for a car loan, may have a wife with 1 or 2 kids tops. Come home everyday in bad mood, complains about other employees and your boss. You hate your dead end job. And you keep telling your self and wife or girlfriend that one day you will be rich, that you will come up with an idea for a business and have no worries. Problem is you been saying that for years now, and no progress. There are more people on this site that are disrespectful, immature calling people names, have to comment on every post, have to be the tough guy that knows it all, then I thought there would be. I thought there would be people that could actually hold conversations and not judge or attack every opinion. I'm sorry but I feel I have more sense then half of people on this site.

You calling me a fake?

All I am is a middle class guy who fled high taxex Illinois to south Carolina, i own my own home on lake harrwell i posted this nurmous times , i am the real deal ..

View attachment 159947
No you are fake. Real people don't act the way you do. Only fake jealous people do .The real respect and view things from every angle and respects ones opinion. The real don't attack and challenge everything. By every you typed you are fake.

I post pictures you idiot you do know what today is right mommy basement dweller?

My back yard nim rod

View attachment 159948

I am as real as they come on here.
lol You are dumber then I thought. I'm not saying you are not a real person. Or that you are lying about your name where you from who you are nothing like that. If you don't know what "Keep it 100" means then I don't know. Real people respect peoples thoughts, ideas, and opinions. They can agree and admit if they are wrong. they don't argue and challenge everyone. The don't instantly think someone is lying because they make more then you got more then you have a sexier girl then you.

Dude I caught you lying and exposed it for it is...and now you're just pissed off.
No you are fake. Real people don't act the way you do. Only fake jealous people do .The real respect and view things from every angle and respects ones opinion. The real don't attack and challenge everything. By every you typed you are fake.

Here's the problem with all that: Many on the left make all these claims. They own their own business, they are independently wealthy, they are comfortably early retired which is why they can spend all day on here, they have a six fig job where they can work from home..........

This is the internet where anybody can be anything they like. I've met supposed published authors here, multi-millionaires, astronauts, professional musicians, actors and actresses......... Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

You could be who you say you are, but from experience, I've met too many fakes. They eventually reveal themselves in discussion not realizing it.

So don't be so critical about people who question your claims. Unless you can (or are willing to) prove what you say, you're just another person who could be unemployed and not even able to find a minimum wage job. Nobody knows.

No shit Ray that's why I keep it real on these boards , it's the only way I can talk on all these forums , you lie and pretend your some one else the truth comes out in other threads or other boards and what kind of idiot would start a thread on minimum wage, claim he has friends making minimum wage (not sons or nephews) then latter claims he owns his own bussiness making 300 thousand a year and he is screwing around /wasting time on a Saturday afternoon on a message board?

No you are fake. Real people don't act the way you do. Only fake jealous people do .The real respect and view things from every angle and respects ones opinion. The real don't attack and challenge everything. By every you typed you are fake.

Here's the problem with all that: Many on the left make all these claims. They own their own business, they are independently wealthy, they are comfortably early retired which is why they can spend all day on here, they have a six fig job where they can work from home..........

This is the internet where anybody can be anything they like. I've met supposed published authors here, multi-millionaires, astronauts, professional musicians, actors and actresses......... Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

You could be who you say you are, but from experience, I've met too many fakes. They eventually reveal themselves in discussion not realizing it.

So don't be so critical about people who question your claims. Unless you can (or are willing to) prove what you say, you're just another person who could be unemployed and not even able to find a minimum wage job. Nobody knows.

No shit Ray that's why I keep it real on these boards , it's the only way I can talk on all these forums , you lie and pretend your some one else the truth comes out in other threads or other boards and what kind of idiot would start a thread on minimum wage, claim he has friends making minimum wage (not sons or nephews) then latter claims he owns his own bussiness making 300 thousand a year and he is screwing around /wasting time on a Saturday afternoon on a message board?


The ones that make themselves obvious are those (like onepercenter) who claim they are wealthy and are for more taxation on the rich. Wait a minute, why would you want government taking more of your money? It simply doesn't make sense, especially when (As George Bush once said) the IRS will accept money orders and checks for those who wish to contribute more than their "fair share."

Or supposed business owners who want to see a huge increase in minimum wage. It just doesn't make sense. Why would you want government forcing you to do something you can do yourself without government?

I worked for small businesses most of my life and do now. I understand what they went through to get to where they are at today. I understand the risks, I understand the difficulty, I understand the losses they take for the first couple of years after opening up the business. I understand most small businesses don't make it past the first year or two.
Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star.

And that has what to do with the topic kid?

Well then stick with the topic, really the only people on these boards are old middle class and retired conservatives and young liberal brats , who have not lived long enough ..and bored house wives ..there is no millionaires and business owners on these boards ..

They have better things to do , like make money.
Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star.

And that has what to do with the topic kid?

Well then stick with the topic, really the only people on these boards are old middle class and retired conservatives and young liberal brats , who have not lived long enough ..and bored house wives ..there is no millionaires and business owners on these boards ..

They have better things to do , like make money.
I make money while getting entertainment out of you buddy. If you don't understand that quote. Then you are the definition of that quote. I will break it down for you. ok bud. ignorance is the night of the mind. like you know considering your mind as space to hold knowledge and wisdom. but a night with out moon and star. That's saying theres nothing there. So pretty much your mind is empty.
Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star.

And that has what to do with the topic kid?

Well then stick with the topic, really the only people on these boards are old middle class and retired conservatives and young liberal brats , who have not lived long enough ..and bored house wives ..there is no millionaires and business owners on these boards ..

They have better things to do , like make money.
And I never said I was a millionaire. Not yet atleast
We need to peg the minimum wage to the cost of living or rate of inflation so that it goes up at the same time costs does. And we need to do it retroactively to the 80's.
We need to peg the minimum wage to the cost of living or rate of inflation so that it goes up at the same time costs does. And we need to do it retroactively to the 80's.

If we do that, then I recommend that you make serious investments in automation, because that's the only result of such policies.
We need to peg the minimum wage to the cost of living or rate of inflation so that it goes up at the same time costs does. And we need to do it retroactively to the 80's.

If we do that, then I recommend that you make serious investments in automation, because that's the only result of such policies.
If we don't do that, survival will keep getting more expensive until the ordinary man won't be able to survive off of what you are willing to pay him.

Wages are only a small part of cost, a small part of inflation. When inflation goes up so should wages so people can still afford to pay.

If we keep automating we are going to have to tax the automators and use that money to pay out welfare to the people or the people will starve.
We need to peg the minimum wage to the cost of living or rate of inflation so that it goes up at the same time costs does. And we need to do it retroactively to the 80's.

If we do that, then I recommend that you make serious investments in automation, because that's the only result of such policies.
If we don't do that, survival will keep getting more expensive until the ordinary man won't be able to survive off of what you are willing to pay him.

Wages are only a small part of cost, a small part of inflation. When inflation goes up so should wages so people can still afford to pay.

If we keep automating we are going to have to tax the automators and use that money to pay out welfare to the people or the people will starve.

Good luck getting something like that passed. So we tax automation manufacturers and they pass that cost to industry. Industry then has the challenge of deciding whether to continue work in the USA or do like so many others have done and move overseas.

You can't stop technology or advancement in this country. If that was the solution to all problems, we would still have horse shoe makers, telephone operators, ditch diggers and ice men to put ice blocks in your refrigerator.

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