Minimal Wage. Raises. Inflation. Cost of living.

If nobody hires ex-cons how are they supposed to live productive law abiding lives?

Well then hire them multi millionare business guy on USMB...
who and what response are you referring too??

You, hire them and pay what ever wage they want, report back to us on how it worked out

who is saying that, o brain dead one?

You miss me pumpkin head?

Get off your lazy ass start your own business and pay them what ever you like..go for it..

And don't cry to me when your penny blossom company fails because you didn't understand profits
Are you directing that to me? Because I did start a business 3 years ago. Only made 63 k 1st year. I did hire some cons. My second year(last year) I touched 168k. this year I am on the path to reach over 300k. I understand business and profits very very well my friend. how else could I have started a business with less then 5k and made 168k 2nd year and 3rd year going to make over 300k. You just lack the ability of an open mind. You lack the ability in believing in mankind. You lack the ability to understand people make mistakes. So don't come at me because you disagree with an opinion of mine. Just because you cant understand doesn't mean you should get mad and assault me. And please know what you are talking about when you are trying to attack me. Calling me a lazy ass to get u and start a company and my company will fail because I don't understand profits was an assumption that only an ignorant idiot could come up with. Don't be jealous I'm self made success and you are no where near my level.
Why bash other Americans who are willing to work for less, how can you no there motives? many years ago I got a very good job with advancement possible, I quit that job & went to work for less money Why better hours, nicer place, nicer people. you have to have money, but its not the only valuable thing in life.
Well then hire them multi millionare business guy on USMB...
who and what response are you referring too??

You, hire them and pay what ever wage they want, report back to us on how it worked out

who is saying that, o brain dead one?

You miss me pumpkin head?

Get off your lazy ass start your own business and pay them what ever you like..go for it..

And don't cry to me when your penny blossom company fails because you didn't understand profits
Are you directing that to me? Because I did start a business 3 years ago. Only made 63 k 1st year. I did hire some cons. My second year(last year) I touched 168k. this year I am on the path to reach over 300k. I understand business and profits very very well my friend. how else could I have started a business with less then 5k and made 168k 2nd year and 3rd year going to make over 300k. You just lack the ability of an open mind. You lack the ability in believing in mankind. You lack the ability to understand people make mistakes. So don't come at me because you disagree with an opinion of mine. Just because you cant understand doesn't mean you should get mad and assault me. And please know what you are talking about when you are trying to attack me. Calling me a lazy ass to get u and start a company and my company will fail because I don't understand profits was an assumption that only an ignorant idiot could come up with. Don't be jealous I'm self made success and you are no where near my level.

So let me get this straight you own a business making over 300k a year, but complain about your friends only making $7.25 a year in this thread?

So how come you don't hire them and pay them $95 bucks an hour?

What kind of "friend " are you?

Yup I caught it all you are is a "pretend " multi millonare bussines owner..

Now when are you going to deal with reality burger flipper boi?
I'm Just saying I don't agree with the minimum wage. I think it should be higher then 7.25. And that there should be raises to accommodate the rise of cost of living and inflation. Holly crap. Can some one have an opinion?

A higher minimum wage causes inflation what's so complicated that you can't get it?

It's trickle up poor, you can't artificially raise minimum wage and think you are getting ahead in the game..

My first apparment I had i was only making $6 bucks an hour , and I lived fine took a trip to Germany..
A higher minimum wage could possibly cause inflation. Key word possibly. I understand a higher minimum wage could effect small businesses and businesses would have to increase their price for their product or services. But a higher minimum wage could be offset by heightened productivity by workers or trimming down a company's manpower.

I am not saying raise it to 15 bucks an hour. That would exert inflationary pressure on our economy. So yea raising it to 15 an hour would cause inflation to increase. BUT TO INCREASE MINIMUM WAGE TO KEEP PACE WITH INFLATION WOULD ONLY HAVE MINIMAL EFFECT.
I really do get tired of all these "pretend" millionaires bussiness owners , wasting their time posting on these boards
I Will post a link for everyone. You act like I'm saying raise it to an insane amount. The whole post I said increase it as inflation and cost of living increases. I'm sorry for those who cant think for themselves, lack common sense, and basic knowledge of the economy. I didn't realize that everything needed to be proved on this site. My biggest issue is that ones opinion shouldn't need backed by anyone else's, hence, ones own opinion

Does raising the minimum wage increase inflation?
I'm Just saying I don't agree with the minimum wage. I think it should be higher then 7.25. And that there should be raises to accommodate the rise of cost of living and inflation. Holly crap. Can some one have an opinion?

A higher minimum wage causes inflation what's so complicated that you can't get it?

It's trickle up poor, you can't artificially raise minimum wage and think you are getting ahead in the game..

My first apparment I had i was only making $6 bucks an hour , and I lived fine took a trip to Germany..
A higher minimum wage could possibly cause inflation. Key word possibly. I understand a higher minimum wage could effect small businesses and businesses would have to increase their price for their product or services. But a higher minimum wage could be offset by heightened productivity by workers or trimming down a company's manpower.

I am not saying raise it to 15 bucks an hour. That would exert inflationary pressure on our economy. So yea raising it to 15 an hour would cause inflation to increase. BUT TO INCREASE MINIMUM WAGE TO KEEP PACE WITH INFLATION WOULD ONLY HAVE MINIMAL EFFECT.

How about they earn a higher wage through skills and getting rid of illegals who drive down wages since the 1980s?
I Will post a link for everyone. You act like I'm saying raise it to an insane amount. The whole post I said increase it as inflation and cost of living increases. I'm sorry for those who cant think for themselves, lack common sense, and basic knowledge of the economy. I didn't realize that everything needed to be proved on this site. My biggest issue is that ones opinion shouldn't need backed by anyone else's, hence, ones own opinion

Does raising the minimum wage increase inflation?

I am triggering you good, it's common sense a higher national wage causes inflation..

What when started minimum wage used to be 25 cents an hour to keep blacks from working

The minimum wage law across the globe was all started because of racism ..thats a fucking fact..
I really do get tired of all these "pretend" millionaires bussiness owners , wasting their time posting on these boards
I never once claimed to be a millionaire. I only revealed my income to prove wrong. I never revealed it to brag or anything. I committed felonies worked various jobs, been through the struggle. To assume I know nothing about profits. To attack me and make false assumptions like you know me. I'm sorry but I'm going to stand up for myself, I will never back down.
I started from nothing. Anyone can do it, you just got to do it. That's what I did came up with ideas and went with it. Some failed and some did me good. Its not wasting time on here. As I don't have a set schedule and don't need to work 8 hours a day and since I bring my laptop with me every where I go does not mean I'm wasting time. I'm actually learning a lot from participating in this site. Only a person who lacks confidence and leadership skills and will always work for someone instead of people working for him. A person who is so miserable that hides behind his computer screen and has a made up persona for this site because no one knows anybody personally, so you can be who ever you want. But I can tell the fake from the real and you my friend are fake. You hate your job, probably had a parent cosign for a car loan, may have a wife with 1 or 2 kids tops. Come home everyday in bad mood, complains about other employees and your boss. You hate your dead end job. And you keep telling your self and wife or girlfriend that one day you will be rich, that you will come up with an idea for a business and have no worries. Problem is you been saying that for years now, and no progress. There are more people on this site that are disrespectful, immature calling people names, have to comment on every post, have to be the tough guy that knows it all, then I thought there would be. I thought there would be people that could actually hold conversations and not judge or attack every opinion. I'm sorry but I feel I have more sense then half of people on this site.
A lot of things piss me off today, but two of them the most

The minimum wage


Hemp being illegal

Both of them was pure racism to the core..
I Will post a link for everyone. You act like I'm saying raise it to an insane amount. The whole post I said increase it as inflation and cost of living increases. I'm sorry for those who cant think for themselves, lack common sense, and basic knowledge of the economy. I didn't realize that everything needed to be proved on this site. My biggest issue is that ones opinion shouldn't need backed by anyone else's, hence, ones own opinion

Does raising the minimum wage increase inflation?

I am triggering you good, it's common sense a higher national wage causes inflation..

What when started minimum wage used to be 25 cents an hour to keep blacks from working

The minimum wage law across the globe was all started because of racism ..thats a fucking fact..
Oh my god. Are you black? I'm far from racist, grew up in black neighborhood most of my friends are black, but yall need to stop with the racist shit already. Its to much. Everything is racist to yall. This generation there should be no racism. You got black girls dating white boys, white girls dating black guys. Yall pull that race card to often and its getting old. No one today had anything to do with anything that started how long ago. No one today experienced racism segregation or anything like that. We cant help that what our ancestors did( keep in mind mankind was still evolving, and mankind lacked intelligence, knowledge, logic, and just knew what they knew).
Did you know it was the white man who fought and died to end slavery?
I really do get tired of all these "pretend" millionaires bussiness owners , wasting their time posting on these boards
I never once claimed to be a millionaire. I only revealed my income to prove wrong. I never revealed it to brag or anything. I committed felonies worked various jobs, been through the struggle. To assume I know nothing about profits. To attack me and make false assumptions like you know me. I'm sorry but I'm going to stand up for myself, I will never back down.
I started from nothing. Anyone can do it, you just got to do it. That's what I did came up with ideas and went with it. Some failed and some did me good. Its not wasting time on here. As I don't have a set schedule and don't need to work 8 hours a day and since I bring my laptop with me every where I go does not mean I'm wasting time. I'm actually learning a lot from participating in this site. Only a person who lacks confidence and leadership skills and will always work for someone instead of people working for him. A person who is so miserable that hides behind his computer screen and has a made up persona for this site because no one knows anybody personally, so you can be who ever you want. But I can tell the fake from the real and you my friend are fake. You hate your job, probably had a parent cosign for a car loan, may have a wife with 1 or 2 kids tops. Come home everyday in bad mood, complains about other employees and your boss. You hate your dead end job. And you keep telling your self and wife or girlfriend that one day you will be rich, that you will come up with an idea for a business and have no worries. Problem is you been saying that for years now, and no progress. There are more people on this site that are disrespectful, immature calling people names, have to comment on every post, have to be the tough guy that knows it all, then I thought there would be. I thought there would be people that could actually hold conversations and not judge or attack every opinion. I'm sorry but I feel I have more sense then half of people on this site.

You calling me a fake?

All I am is a middle class guy who fled high taxex Illinois to south Carolina, i own my own home on lake harrwell i posted this nurmous times , i am the real deal ..

A lot of things piss me off today, but two of them the most

The minimum wage


Hemp being illegal

Both of them was pure racism to the core..
lol you don't even know what racism is. Man get your shit together. Only racist black people now a days are the uneducated ignorant ones who think police are out to get them but not for the crimes the committed. Pull the race card for an excuse to get out of trouble. That shit is getting old. I have black friends from the hood hood that think some of these black are going to far with it.
I Will post a link for everyone. You act like I'm saying raise it to an insane amount. The whole post I said increase it as inflation and cost of living increases. I'm sorry for those who cant think for themselves, lack common sense, and basic knowledge of the economy. I didn't realize that everything needed to be proved on this site. My biggest issue is that ones opinion shouldn't need backed by anyone else's, hence, ones own opinion

Does raising the minimum wage increase inflation?

I am triggering you good, it's common sense a higher national wage causes inflation..

What when started minimum wage used to be 25 cents an hour to keep blacks from working

The minimum wage law across the globe was all started because of racism ..thats a fucking fact..
Oh my god. Are you black? I'm far from racist, grew up in black neighborhood most of my friends are black, but yall need to stop with the racist shit already. Its to much. Everything is racist to yall. This generation there should be no racism. You got black girls dating white boys, white girls dating black guys. Yall pull that race card to often and its getting old. No one today had anything to do with anything that started how long ago. No one today experienced racism segregation or anything like that. We cant help that what our ancestors did( keep in mind mankind was still evolving, and mankind lacked intelligence, knowledge, logic, and just knew what they knew).
Did you know it was the white man who fought and died to end slavery?
He's not black, just bear..
Why bash other Americans who are willing to work for less, how can you no there motives? many years ago I got a very good job with advancement possible, I quit that job & went to work for less money Why better hours, nicer place, nicer people. you have to have money, but its not the only valuable thing in life.
You think I'm bashing Americans who work for less? You think that by me thinking they should be paid more? Wow.
I really do get tired of all these "pretend" millionaires bussiness owners , wasting their time posting on these boards
I never once claimed to be a millionaire. I only revealed my income to prove wrong. I never revealed it to brag or anything. I committed felonies worked various jobs, been through the struggle. To assume I know nothing about profits. To attack me and make false assumptions like you know me. I'm sorry but I'm going to stand up for myself, I will never back down.
I started from nothing. Anyone can do it, you just got to do it. That's what I did came up with ideas and went with it. Some failed and some did me good. Its not wasting time on here. As I don't have a set schedule and don't need to work 8 hours a day and since I bring my laptop with me every where I go does not mean I'm wasting time. I'm actually learning a lot from participating in this site. Only a person who lacks confidence and leadership skills and will always work for someone instead of people working for him. A person who is so miserable that hides behind his computer screen and has a made up persona for this site because no one knows anybody personally, so you can be who ever you want. But I can tell the fake from the real and you my friend are fake. You hate your job, probably had a parent cosign for a car loan, may have a wife with 1 or 2 kids tops. Come home everyday in bad mood, complains about other employees and your boss. You hate your dead end job. And you keep telling your self and wife or girlfriend that one day you will be rich, that you will come up with an idea for a business and have no worries. Problem is you been saying that for years now, and no progress. There are more people on this site that are disrespectful, immature calling people names, have to comment on every post, have to be the tough guy that knows it all, then I thought there would be. I thought there would be people that could actually hold conversations and not judge or attack every opinion. I'm sorry but I feel I have more sense then half of people on this site.

You calling me a fake?

All I am is a middle class guy who fled high taxex Illinois to south Carolina, i own my own home on lake harrwell i posted this nurmous times , i am the real deal ..

View attachment 159947
No you are fake. Real people don't act the way you do. Only fake jealous people do .The real respect and view things from every angle and respects ones opinion. The real don't attack and challenge everything. By every you typed you are fake.
I Will post a link for everyone. You act like I'm saying raise it to an insane amount. The whole post I said increase it as inflation and cost of living increases. I'm sorry for those who cant think for themselves, lack common sense, and basic knowledge of the economy. I didn't realize that everything needed to be proved on this site. My biggest issue is that ones opinion shouldn't need backed by anyone else's, hence, ones own opinion

Does raising the minimum wage increase inflation?

I am triggering you good, it's common sense a higher national wage causes inflation..

What when started minimum wage used to be 25 cents an hour to keep blacks from working

The minimum wage law across the globe was all started because of racism ..thats a fucking fact..
Oh my god. Are you black? I'm far from racist, grew up in black neighborhood most of my friends are black, but yall need to stop with the racist shit already. Its to much. Everything is racist to yall. This generation there should be no racism. You got black girls dating white boys, white girls dating black guys. Yall pull that race card to often and its getting old. No one today had anything to do with anything that started how long ago. No one today experienced racism segregation or anything like that. We cant help that what our ancestors did( keep in mind mankind was still evolving, and mankind lacked intelligence, knowledge, logic, and just knew what they knew).
Did you know it was the white man who fought and died to end slavery?

Trigured, you pretend to be something you are not pictures of your 300k company, come on now it must be brick and mortar...or are. You going to quit lying on here.?

Hey all I am in is a middle class that's all I wanted to be.
I really do get tired of all these "pretend" millionaires bussiness owners , wasting their time posting on these boards
I never once claimed to be a millionaire. I only revealed my income to prove wrong. I never revealed it to brag or anything. I committed felonies worked various jobs, been through the struggle. To assume I know nothing about profits. To attack me and make false assumptions like you know me. I'm sorry but I'm going to stand up for myself, I will never back down.
I started from nothing. Anyone can do it, you just got to do it. That's what I did came up with ideas and went with it. Some failed and some did me good. Its not wasting time on here. As I don't have a set schedule and don't need to work 8 hours a day and since I bring my laptop with me every where I go does not mean I'm wasting time. I'm actually learning a lot from participating in this site. Only a person who lacks confidence and leadership skills and will always work for someone instead of people working for him. A person who is so miserable that hides behind his computer screen and has a made up persona for this site because no one knows anybody personally, so you can be who ever you want. But I can tell the fake from the real and you my friend are fake. You hate your job, probably had a parent cosign for a car loan, may have a wife with 1 or 2 kids tops. Come home everyday in bad mood, complains about other employees and your boss. You hate your dead end job. And you keep telling your self and wife or girlfriend that one day you will be rich, that you will come up with an idea for a business and have no worries. Problem is you been saying that for years now, and no progress. There are more people on this site that are disrespectful, immature calling people names, have to comment on every post, have to be the tough guy that knows it all, then I thought there would be. I thought there would be people that could actually hold conversations and not judge or attack every opinion. I'm sorry but I feel I have more sense then half of people on this site.

You calling me a fake?

All I am is a middle class guy who fled high taxex Illinois to south Carolina, i own my own home on lake harrwell i posted this nurmous times , i am the real deal ..

View attachment 159947
No you are fake. Real people don't act the way you do. Only fake jealous people do .The real respect and view things from every angle and respects ones opinion. The real don't attack and challenge everything. By every you typed you are fake.

I post pictures you idiot you do know what today is right mommy basement dweller?

My back yard nim rod


I am as real as they come on here.
who and what response are you referring too??

You, hire them and pay what ever wage they want, report back to us on how it worked out

who is saying that, o brain dead one?

You miss me pumpkin head?

Get off your lazy ass start your own business and pay them what ever you like..go for it..

And don't cry to me when your penny blossom company fails because you didn't understand profits
Are you directing that to me? Because I did start a business 3 years ago. Only made 63 k 1st year. I did hire some cons. My second year(last year) I touched 168k. this year I am on the path to reach over 300k. I understand business and profits very very well my friend. how else could I have started a business with less then 5k and made 168k 2nd year and 3rd year going to make over 300k. You just lack the ability of an open mind. You lack the ability in believing in mankind. You lack the ability to understand people make mistakes. So don't come at me because you disagree with an opinion of mine. Just because you cant understand doesn't mean you should get mad and assault me. And please know what you are talking about when you are trying to attack me. Calling me a lazy ass to get u and start a company and my company will fail because I don't understand profits was an assumption that only an ignorant idiot could come up with. Don't be jealous I'm self made success and you are no where near my level.

So let me get this straight you own a business making over 300k a year, but complain about your friends only making $7.25 a year in this thread?

So how come you don't hire them and pay them $95 bucks an hour?

What kind of "friend " are you?

Yup I caught it all you are is a "pretend " multi millonare bussines owner..

Now when are you going to deal with reality burger flipper boi?
No this year I'm on the path to touch 300k. All my employees are my friends except for 3. I plan on hiring more of my friends as I expand. ITs business nothing personal. They say you shouldnt have family or friends work for you.
lol You never asked me if my friends worked for me. I have more then a couple friends cant hire them all yet. lol I have 10 employees and that's more then enough. When I expand I will hire more of my friends.
Your just made cause you are a failure and probably at the age where its to late. probably live in your mothers basement and disrespect your mother to the fullest.
Its ok bud I don't care what you or anyone else thinks on here. I can buy a 30k 2015 Lincoln mks cash could you? check my pics that was the day I bought my Lincoln threw them a check for 30k no loan nothing buddy could you do that? shit you lucky to get a loan for a used car that cost 2500 lol
get your shit together
I Will post a link for everyone. You act like I'm saying raise it to an insane amount. The whole post I said increase it as inflation and cost of living increases. I'm sorry for those who cant think for themselves, lack common sense, and basic knowledge of the economy. I didn't realize that everything needed to be proved on this site. My biggest issue is that ones opinion shouldn't need backed by anyone else's, hence, ones own opinion

Does raising the minimum wage increase inflation?

I am triggering you good, it's common sense a higher national wage causes inflation..

What when started minimum wage used to be 25 cents an hour to keep blacks from working

The minimum wage law across the globe was all started because of racism ..thats a fucking fact..
Oh my god. Are you black? I'm far from racist, grew up in black neighborhood most of my friends are black, but yall need to stop with the racist shit already. Its to much. Everything is racist to yall. This generation there should be no racism. You got black girls dating white boys, white girls dating black guys. Yall pull that race card to often and its getting old. No one today had anything to do with anything that started how long ago. No one today experienced racism segregation or anything like that. We cant help that what our ancestors did( keep in mind mankind was still evolving, and mankind lacked intelligence, knowledge, logic, and just knew what they knew).
Did you know it was the white man who fought and died to end slavery?

Trigured, you pretend to be something you are not pictures of your 300k company, come on now it must be brick and mortar...or are. You going to quit lying on here.?

Hey all I am in is a middle class that's all I wanted to be.
Tell me how I could afford to buy a 30k car without loan or payments? Tell me how I can buy a dog, rotti, for 3400 cash, another dog, sheltie, 2700, cash,

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