Minimum wage is already “livable”

I am not the one that made the argument, I quoted it word for word. Take it up with our fellow Trump butt buddy.
The minimum wage is bad for poor people. It's patronizing and it creates a lot of limitations. Grown people should be allowed to negotiate their labor however they want.
Much of America. I’ve got a huge home and my bill last month was $125.

Which bill?

My utilities consist of: Electricity, gas (propane), water and sewage and wifi.

The only one I could theoretically do without is the wifi, and the others cost a shitload more than $125 a month...
I wanna' know where this kid is living that the total cost of all utilities is only $120...
OK, so let’s even say that utilities are $300. His share is only $100, and he would still have hundreds left over after his other basic expenses are paid.

What I wonder is why as dad, as a new college grad in a STEM degree was content to rent a room, and my brother, as a new college grad in accounting, content to share a townhouse with two others, and me, also a new grad and content to share with two others, and now leftists feel that an unskilled, uneducated teen working the drive-thru at McDonalds is ENTITLED to his own place.
Your way results in less jobs. It also makes it harder for the people at the bottom to find opportunity for growth.
It also results in business failures, and a buttload of people who can’t find a job.
It also results in business failures, and a buttload of people who can’t find a job.
You support a minimum wage too, no? The government needs to stop mandating constraints on labor negotiations. That's bad for everybody.
You support a minimum wage too, no? The government needs to stop mandating constraints on labor negotiations. That's bad for everybody.
Not with the swarm of illegals pouring in. The way they bunch up three families to a house, they would work for $2 an hour and throw all the unskilled Americans out of work.
Not with the swarm of illegals pouring in. The way they bunch up three families to a house, they would work for $2 an hour and throw all the unskilled Americans out of work.
The minimum wage or lack thereof is irrelevant to illegals working under the table.
No place in the U.S. is the minimum wage in any way connected with the cost of being an emancipated adult. The very concept is ridiculous. If you make minimum wage and are not living with parents, then you have to make rational arrangements that are consistent with your resources...have a couple roommates, or whatever.

It seems to me - I have no evidence for it - that the people who are making the loudest noise about "not being able to support yourself on minimum wage" are people who have never worked an honest day's work in their miserable lives.

Just guessing.
It is why the left needs to remove this issue of contention from the right and solve simple poverty via existing legal and physical infrastructure; for the Market-Based metrics.

Employers will easily understand demand and supply and so will Labor.
Who’s happy to flood America with people happy to make scraps and live with 5 families in a 400 sq ft apartment?
You know what would solve this for the bottom of the barrel 2% who have no job skills, no education, and lack either the interest or ability to do more?

Boarding houses, where you rent rooms by the week, payable in advance. You get a bed, a dresser, a chair with a desk in the corner, a lamp, and a shared bathroom down the hall. You could bring in a mini-fridge and a microwave to prepare simple meals.
Is that why only 2% make minimum wage, everyone else who made it....died?
Does not change the fact that the current minimum wage is not livable as the op states. Also a shit load of people make 10.22 or less over 30 percent. Don't think ya can pay the bills on that either.
I keep hearing the left say that minimum wage, which is what the lowest 2% of Americans earn, needs to be increased to where it provides a “livable“ wage. The disconnect comes in what is considered livable - even for teens who barely squeaked through high school and have no job skills beyond that which can be taught to a middle schooler in half a day.

The left considers “livable” to be a middle class existence - a decent one-bedroom apartment, a car, a vacation. Where they miss is that is the level to which people should ASPIRE, and the desire to do so is what incentivizes one to get some vocational training (at a minimum).

To me, “livable” is how every member of my family lived when we were first starting out: either renting a room in someone’s house, or sharing a two- or three-bedroom apartment with others. I considered myself “living” doing that - I took the subway to work, did my job, bought groceries, and other basics.

And THAT is the lifestyle of someone right out of college, earning starting wages, or of a new high school graduate who has no real job skills to offer. In the case of the former, it will be temporary; in the case of the latter, it is rarely permanent as most people acquire job skills with experience.
Why do you seemingly have a problem with non-rich people making more money?
The minimum wage or lack thereof is irrelevant to illegals working under the table.
How so? They are driving hourly pay down, and the minimum wage could offset that.

Now if we could just get the liberals to stop inviting illegals in, THEN the market could set rates fairly. I don’t like to see the working poor compete with people who break our laws. A different topic, I suppose.
Does not change the fact that the current minimum wage is not livable as the op states. Also a shit load of people make 10.22 or less over 30 percent. Don't think ya can pay the bills on that either.

Does not change the fact that the current minimum wage is not livable as the op states.

Post your definition of livable.

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