Minimum wage is already “livable”

I keep hearing the left say that minimum wage, which is what the lowest 2% of Americans earn, needs to be increased to where it provides a “livable“ wage. The disconnect comes in what is considered livable - even for teens who barely squeaked through high school and have no job skills beyond that which can be taught to a middle schooler in half a day.

The left considers “livable” to be a middle class existence - a decent one-bedroom apartment, a car, a vacation. Where they miss is that is the level to which people should ASPIRE, and the desire to do so is what incentivizes one to get some vocational training (at a minimum).

To me, “livable” is how every member of my family lived when we were first starting out: either renting a room in someone’s house, or sharing a two- or three-bedroom apartment with others. I considered myself “living” doing that - I took the subway to work, did my job, bought groceries, and other basics.

And THAT is the lifestyle of someone right out of college, earning starting wages, or of a new high school graduate who has no real job skills to offer. In the case of the former, it will be temporary; in the case of the latter, it is rarely permanent as most people acquire job skills with experience.
Do you KNOW what the minimum wage is?
How so? They are driving hourly pay down, and the minimum wage could offset that.

Now if we could just get the liberals to stop inviting illegals in, THEN the market could set rates fairly. I don’t like to see the working poor compete with people who break our laws. A different topic, I suppose.
If you want the illegals to go away we need to go after the people that employ them.
Does not change the fact that the current minimum wage is not livable as the op states.

Post your definition of livable.
Pay the fucking rent, eat, medical care, utilities etc on your own. These huge employers pay their people shit. Pocket billions then the normal person has to supplement the poor's income at the same rate the billionaires do. Pay them a living wage and you and I don't have to pay the left over .
Does not change the fact that the current minimum wage is not livable as the op states.

Post your definition of livable.
I DID post my definition of livable - it’s right in the OP. Renting a room in a house is livable. Four unskilled workers renting a 4-bedroom house for $2000 total is $500 each. Then you take a bus to work. buy cheap groceries. Share the utilities. Four people earning MW and sharing expenses are bringing in a combined $80,000.
Not with the swarm of illegals pouring in. The way they bunch up three families to a house, they would work for $2 an hour and throw all the unskilled Americans out of work.
Only false Capitalists prefer socialism on a national basis.

We should upgrade Ellis Island and put a world-class research hospital campus on it.

Right-wingers only allege to care about Capitalism in socialism threads otherwise, nothing but their fascism will do.
If you want the illegals to go away we need to go after the people that employ them.

We need to attack from both sides: fine the people who employ them, and have massive border control to stop them from coming in in the first place. And we also need to stop protecting them.
I keep hearing the left say that minimum wage, which is what the lowest 2% of Americans earn, needs to be increased to where it provides a “livable“ wage. The disconnect comes in what is considered livable - even for teens who barely squeaked through high school and have no job skills beyond that which can be taught to a middle schooler in half a day.

The left considers “livable” to be a middle class existence - a decent one-bedroom apartment, a car, a vacation. Where they miss is that is the level to which people should ASPIRE, and the desire to do so is what incentivizes one to get some vocational training (at a minimum).

To me, “livable” is how every member of my family lived when we were first starting out: either renting a room in someone’s house, or sharing a two- or three-bedroom apartment with others. I considered myself “living” doing that - I took the subway to work, did my job, bought groceries, and other basics.

And THAT is the lifestyle of someone right out of college, earning starting wages, or of a new high school graduate who has no real job skills to offer. In the case of the former, it will be temporary; in the case of the latter, it is rarely permanent as most people acquire job skills with experience.
Shhhh the Leftists will cancel you. They believe you should be making $100k per yr for working at a pizza shop.
Pay the fucking rent, eat, medical care, utilities etc on your own. These huge employers pay their people shit. Pocket billions then the normal person has to supplement the poor's income at the same rate the billionaires do. Pay them a living wage and you and I don't have to pay the left over .

Pay the fucking rent, eat, medical care, utilities etc on your own.

Oh, pay the rent. That's pretty specific. LOL!
I DID post my definition of livable - it’s right in the OP. Renting a room in a house is livable. Four unskilled workers renting a 4-bedroom house for $2000 total is $500 each. Then you take a bus to work. buy cheap groceries. Share the utilities. Four people earning MW and sharing expenses are bringing in a combined $80,000.

Wasn't asking you.

Part of the problem is the leftists, with their hate for rich people, have envisioned a world where all these billionaires are screwing the little guy. They don’t realize that the majority of jobs are created by small businesses, with the owner earning $150,000 or less. Plenty earn $100,000 or less. And that’s after years of building a business and taking in the risks that come with it.

Yet, these snobby leftists, who never ran so much as a lemonade stand, haughtily say “if you can’t pay more, you’re a failure and deserve to lose your business.” They are unable to see that driving half of America’s businesses out of existence would move a massive number of people onto welfare. (Or maybe they do see it, and that’s the goal.)
Part of the problem is the leftists, with their hate for rich people, have envisioned a world where all these billionaires are screwing the little guy. They don’t realize that the majority of jobs are created by small businesses, with the owner earning $150,000 or less. Plenty earn $100,000 or less. And that’s after years of building a business and taking in the risks that come with it.

Yet, these snobby leftists, who never ran so much as a lemonade stand, haughtily say “if you can’t pay more, you’re a failure and deserve to lose your business.” They are unable to see that driving half of America’s businesses out of existence would move a massive number of people onto welfare. (Or maybe they do see it, and that’s the goal.)
The problem is right-wingers are willing to be fascists with public office.

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