Minimum wage is already “livable”

We need to attack from both sides: fine the people who employ them, and have massive border control to stop them from coming in in the first place. And we also need to stop protecting them.
Remove the carrot and the horse will lose interest.
Remove the carrot and the horse will lose interest.
It’s not just employers. It’s the entire liberal mindset that is extending all sorts of benefits - from health care to reduced college tuition and now to a $450,000 jackpot if you were separated from your child when you broke into our country.
Pay the fucking rent, eat, medical care, utilities etc on your own. These huge employers pay their people shit. Pocket billions then the normal person has to supplement the poor's income at the same rate the billionaires do. Pay them a living wage and you and I don't have to pay the left over .

If you need lawn care service and get three estimates, do you always choose the highest one? How about a major plumbing project? How about a major auto repair.

Businesses don't do anything different than most of us. We choose to get the cheapest labor we can regardless how much money we have. How can you be critical of businesses when you do the exact same thing as they do?
Does not change the fact that the current minimum wage is not livable as the op states. Also a shit load of people make 10.22 or less over 30 percent. Don't think ya can pay the bills on that either.

Probably not but the solution to your problem is to make more money. If you can't make more money, then you need to improve your skill set so that somebody will pay you more money.
You support a minimum wage too, no? The government needs to stop mandating constraints on labor negotiations. That's bad for everybody.

Mandating constraints? How in the world can government do that? Give us an example of what you're talking about.
It’s not just employers. It’s the entire liberal mindset that is extending all sorts of benefits - from health care to reduced college tuition and now to a $450,000 jackpot if you were separated from your child when you broke into our country.
It's mostly the employers. They come here to work.
Poor in America is your iPhone is a model 8.

Being poor in America is a choice, not an infliction. That's with the exception of those with mental or physical challenges. It's not like when you turn 18 or graduate college you must attend a government meeting where they tell you how much you are going to make. That's on the individual.
Not really
Yes really. You are telling people that they're not legally allowed to work for less than a specified amount of money per hour. That puts limitations on their ability to negotiate with their labor. That's the government creating mandates in the labor market. I think the minimum wage shouldn't exist. I think the market would be healthier that way. There'd be more jobs and people with no skills would have more opportunities to become skilled.
Yes really. You are telling people that they're not legally allowed to work for less than a specified amount of money per hour. That puts limitations on their ability to negotiate with their labor. That's the government creating mandates in the labor market. I think the minimum wage shouldn't exist. I think the market would be healthier that way. There'd be more jobs and people with no skills would have more opportunities to become skilled.

Except for the fact very few actually work for minimum wage now and the last couple of years. Too hard to get employees so most places start at above MW. Why would any employee want to work for less than minimum wage? There are no constraints because nobody would do that.
Except for the fact very few actually work for minimum wage now and the last couple of years. Too hard to get employees so most places start at above MW. Why would any employee want to work for less than minimum wage? There are no constraints because nobody would do that.
Then minimum wage laws don't need to exist at all. A grown adult shouldn't be told by the government that they can't trade their labor for less than an amount specified by the government.

EDIT: By the way there are lefties in this thread that think the federal minimum wage should be $19/hr or more. Would that qualify as a mandated constraint on labor?
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