Minimum Wage Workers Can't afford Apartment Rent

My Masters degree earned me a six figure salary for most of my employment career.

You didn't do it right. You obviously made some poor life choices along the way.

Quit your bitching.

By the way, the best way not to be poor, besides simply working hard, is to not vote for Liberals that screw up the economy with failed Leftest economic policies.
He wasn’t bitching about his job prospects. He was bitching about his wife’s. She like many Americans didn’t do well in school, so college was not an option. She like many Americans is relegated to low paying jobs, due to low IQ. I think we as a nation need to help these people.

We have a lot of poor Americans really suffering needlessly.

you would love Marx "to each according to his needs, from each according to his abilities" in other words----punish success and reward failure. A recipe for disaster.
LOL. I merely want my fellow Americans not suffering, while their criminal government spends trillions on wars and other assorted bull shit, that only enriches the 1%.

there will always be rich and poor, if you want to help someone, do it, don't demand that the inefficient government waste MY tax money trying to make everyone EQUAL.

If you really care, donate to charities that actually help people.
Yeah we really shouldn’t expect our government to help the poor. They should only help the extreme wealthy.

They shouldn't help either.

It seems obvious when you think about it, but when we set up government with the goal of "helping people", the people who get the most help won't necessarily be those in need. The people who get the most help will be those with the most political influence - usually that's wealthy people.
He wasn’t bitching about his job prospects. He was bitching about his wife’s. She like many Americans didn’t do well in school, so college was not an option. She like many Americans is relegated to low paying jobs, due to low IQ. I think we as a nation need to help these people.

We have a lot of poor Americans really suffering needlessly.

you would love Marx "to each according to his needs, from each according to his abilities" in other words----punish success and reward failure. A recipe for disaster.
LOL. I merely want my fellow Americans not suffering, while their criminal government spends trillions on wars and other assorted bull shit, that only enriches the 1%.

there will always be rich and poor, if you want to help someone, do it, don't demand that the inefficient government waste MY tax money trying to make everyone EQUAL.

If you really care, donate to charities that actually help people.
Yeah we really shouldn’t expect our government to help the poor. They should only help the extreme wealthy.

They shouldn't help either.

It seems obvious when you think about it, but when we set up government with the goal of "helping people", the people who get the most help won't necessarily be those in need. The people who get the most help will be those with the most political influence - usually that's wealthy people.
HELLO. The criminal government helps the wealthy every fucking day.
you would love Marx "to each according to his needs, from each according to his abilities" in other words----punish success and reward failure. A recipe for disaster.
LOL. I merely want my fellow Americans not suffering, while their criminal government spends trillions on wars and other assorted bull shit, that only enriches the 1%.

there will always be rich and poor, if you want to help someone, do it, don't demand that the inefficient government waste MY tax money trying to make everyone EQUAL.

If you really care, donate to charities that actually help people.
Yeah we really shouldn’t expect our government to help the poor. They should only help the extreme wealthy.

They shouldn't help either.

It seems obvious when you think about it, but when we set up government with the goal of "helping people", the people who get the most help won't necessarily be those in need. The people who get the most help will be those with the most political influence - usually that's wealthy people.
HELLO. The criminal government helps the wealthy every fucking day.

Yep, that's what I was saying.

Yeah we really shouldn’t expect our government to help the poor. They should only help the extreme wealthy.

You go help the poor all you want Moon Bat. I want to be able to chose who I help and not be forced by an oppressive government. I don't want some corrupt piece of shit Libtard politician, who was elected by special interest groups, to be using the government to steal my money to pay for getting the votes from the greedy special interest groups. Only an idiot like you want that.

That concept is called Liberty you moron and something I suspect you know nothing about.
So whats new. 50 years ago when I started a wage job it's wouldn't pay for an apartment either. What did we do? 2 jobs, shared rent, got educated, got better jobs then could pay.

Not whine like the socialists today.

BTW, Bernie combs his hair with a balloon. Has never worked, never will and wants your money.
Bernie Sanders is calling it a a "National Disgrace" minimum wage workers can't afford rent for a two-bedroom apartment in any city in the US. I agree with him it is awful if our economy is doing so good, yet not even those who work very low paying jobs can pay rent anywhere. Nationally the average renter's wage is $17.57 /hour, very hard for someone make $7-8/hr to pay rent anywhere.

Well thankfully Bernie Sanders has I think a brilliant plan to bring affordable housing to the working poor. From what I am reading he is thinking of having a plan to create more affordable housing and also to impose rent control laws.

Hey Bernie your awesome buddy. Feel the Bern!

Ever heard of "roommates?" sparky?

Yeah we really shouldn’t expect our government to help the poor. They should only help the extreme wealthy.

You go help the poor all you want Moon Bat. I want to be able to chose who I help and not be forced by an oppressive government. I don't want some corrupt piece of shit Libtard politician, who was elected by special interest groups, to be using the government to steal my money to pay for getting the votes from the greedy special interest groups. Only an idiot like you want that.

That concept is called Liberty you moron and something I suspect you know nothing about.
This is why I left conservatism. You guys are heartless warmongering fools.
Bernie Sanders is calling it a a "National Disgrace" minimum wage workers can't afford rent for a two-bedroom apartment in any city in the US. I agree with him it is awful if our economy is doing so good, yet not even those who work very low paying jobs can pay rent anywhere. Nationally the average renter's wage is $17.57 /hour, very hard for someone make $7-8/hr to pay rent anywhere.

Well thankfully Bernie Sanders has I think a brilliant plan to bring affordable housing to the working poor. From what I am reading he is thinking of having a plan to create more affordable housing and also to impose rent control laws.

Hey Bernie your awesome buddy. Feel the Bern!

Why would someone making minimum wage need a two bedroom apt, unless it was to have a roommate to pay half the rent?

Has a minimum wage worker ever been able to afford to rent an apartment?
They can here in Toledo. In one building I've got several roomy lofts that I rent out starting at $75/wk with steam heat, electric and water included. Xtra if you install an air conditioner because it hits me on the electric bill.
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Yea the commie heart attack oldie has a plan. Right. Plan to tripple taxes and buy his 4th mansion with it. Fuk that dottard. Never was worth a shit never will be. Kicked out of a commune for being lazy, that tells all you need to know.
My Masters degree earned me a six figure salary for most of my employment career.

You didn't do it right. You obviously made some poor life choices along the way.

You make it sound as if you should be making 6 figures if you have a masters degree, what planet are you from dude most people I know with masters degrees are not making 6 figures. Even my cousin is a lawyer and he doesn't make 6 figures. I got two family members with masters in nursing they don't make 6 figures, a family member with an MBA and CPA license who is not making 6 figures, I got my masters in education and most teachers I know with masters degrees are making like 50k yr, social workers I work with who have masters in social work and license are not making 6 figures. All these people I guess must of really screwed up in life and done something wrong because none of them make 6 figures and all of them vote democrat as far as I know.
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This is why I left conservatism. You guys are heartless warmongering fools.

You are confused Moon Bat.

I am against interventionism. I was bitching about Bush's interventionism in Iraq long before it was considered cool.

I also bitched about that asshole Obama's interventionism,. fighting the war in Iraq for three years, bombing Libya and escalating the war in Afghanistan.
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My Masters degree earned me a six figure salary for most of my employment career.

You didn't do it right. You obviously made some poor life choices along the way.

You make it sound as if you should be making 6 figures if you have a masters degree, what planet are you from dude most people I know with masters degrees are not making 6 figures. Even my cousin is a lawyer and he doesn't make 6 figures. I got two family members with masters in nursing they don't make 6 figures, a family member with an MBA and CPA license who is not making 6 figures, I got my masters in education and most teachers I know with masters degrees are making like 50k yr, social workers I work with who have masters in social work and license are not making 6 figures. All these people I guess must of really screwed up in life and done something wrong because none of them make 6 figures and all of them vote democrat as far as I know.

I did. If you didn't then you did you wrong.

My son is also making six figures with his Masters. So is his wife.

The trick to doing it right is to get a MS in something that is useful. I got mine in Engineering. I had to work hard for it.
Bernie Sanders is calling it a a "National Disgrace" minimum wage workers can't afford rent for a two-bedroom apartment in any city in the US. I agree with him it is awful if our economy is doing so good, yet not even those who work very low paying jobs can pay rent anywhere. Nationally the average renter's wage is $17.57 /hour, very hard for someone make $7-8/hr to pay rent anywhere.

Well thankfully Bernie Sanders has I think a brilliant plan to bring affordable housing to the working poor. From what I am reading he is thinking of having a plan to create more affordable housing and also to impose rent control laws.

Hey Bernie your awesome buddy. Feel the Bern!
Maybe you should consider learning a useful skill, instead of just screwing up people's burger orders...

I actually have a Masters degree and a CDL. For the past year I been working a job in social services for 48k yr, before that I was an OTR truck driver for a few years. But I worked 7-12/ hr jobs for many years even after I got my masters because thats all I could get hired for.

My wife was a high school drop out, IQ of like 80, and has worked fast food all her life because thats her only option, she struggles with her job and coworkers label her as slow. She only made 10k last year with no benefits. Without me she would be back where I found her. Homeless living out of a 20 yr old car, no healthcare, no dental care, no vision care. She gets deathly sick without iron shots her body doesnt absorb vitamin pills and that shot costs $100 month without insurace. So go ahead call her lazy because she is a minimum wage worker, you think its just so easy for minimum wage workers to find better jobs even if they are mentally slow.
So you're making almost $1K a week, and you're bitching about money???
My Masters degree earned me a six figure salary for most of my employment career.

You didn't do it right. You obviously made some poor life choices along the way.

You make it sound as if you should be making 6 figures if you have a masters degree, what planet are you from dude most people I know with masters degrees are not making 6 figures. Even my cousin is a lawyer and he doesn't make 6 figures. I got two family members with masters in nursing they don't make 6 figures, a family member with an MBA and CPA license who is not making 6 figures, I got my masters in education and most teachers I know with masters degrees are making like 50k yr, social workers I work with who have masters in social work and license are not making 6 figures. All these people I guess must of really screwed up in life and done something wrong because none of them make 6 figures and all of them vote democrat as far as I know.

I did. If you didn't then you did you wrong.

My son is also making six figures with his Masters. So is his wife.

The trick to doing it right is to get a MS in something that is useful. I got mine in Engineering. I had to work hard for it.
Apparently, he didn't realize that a degree in "Gender Studies" (where you lose the ability to look in your pants and tell what gender you are) isn't very marketable...

Apparently, he didn't realize that a degree in "Gender Studies" (where you lose the ability to look in your pants and tell what gender you are) isn't very marketable...

There is a difference between having a degree and being educated.

These stupid Moon Bats get worthless easy degrees and then wonder why they can't earn a living.

Somebody with a Masters Degree only making $48K a year is a real dumbass.

Apparently, he didn't realize that a degree in "Gender Studies" (where you lose the ability to look in your pants and tell what gender you are) isn't very marketable...

There is a difference between having a degree and being educated.

These stupid Moon Bats get worthless easy degrees and then wonder why they can't earn a living.

Somebody with a Masters Degree only making $48K a year is a real dumbass.
Well, I kind of figured that when he said he had to work as an OTR driver because nobody else wanted to hire him...

This is why I left conservatism. You guys are heartless warmongering fools.

You are confused Moon Bat.

I am against interventionism. I was bitching about Bush's interventionism in Iraq long before it was considered cool.

I also bitched about that asshole Obama's interventionism,. fighting the war in Iraq for three years, bombing Libya and escalating the war in Afghanistan.

That filthy dumb bitch Tulsi spews some interesting non interventionist bullshit but she is bat shit crazy on all the other issues.
Love Tulsi. Smartest women in Congress.

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