Minimum Wage Workers Can't afford Apartment Rent

I did. If you didn't then you did you wrong.

My son is also making six figures with his Masters. So is his wife.

The trick to doing it right is to get a MS in something that is useful. I got mine in Engineering. I had to work hard for it.

Interesting I have actually met many people who have degrees in engineering who are not making 6 figures. Some even with the degree can never seem to land a job as an engineer. One guy I know has a degree in Electrical Engineering, couldn't get hired as an Engineer so he makes webpages for a living for about 40k a year. I know another guy has a degree in Electrical Engineering, couldn't get hired in his field so he got in an Electrician apprenticeship instead. He completed his 4 years in Apprenticeship and now works as an Electrician.

I know a couple guys with Engineering degrees who were able to land degrees as Engineers, but you know what they must be really stupid because they aren't making 6 figures as engineers. They passed 8 semesters of Calculus, be they are total retards because they are not making 6 figures. Your right they must of really screwed up.
I did. If you didn't then you did you wrong.

My son is also making six figures with his Masters. So is his wife.

The trick to doing it right is to get a MS in something that is useful. I got mine in Engineering. I had to work hard for it.

Interesting I have actually met many people who have degrees in engineering who are not making 6 figures. Some even with the degree can never seem to land a job as an engineer. One guy I know has a degree in Electrical Engineering, couldn't get hired as an Engineer so he makes webpages for a living for about 40k a year. I know another guy has a degree in Electrical Engineering, couldn't get hired in his field so he got in an Electrician apprenticeship instead. He completed his 4 years in Apprenticeship and now works as an Electrician.

I know a couple guys with Engineering degrees who were able to land degrees as Engineers, but you know what they must be really stupid because they aren't making 6 figures as engineers. They passed 8 semesters of Calculus, be they are total retards because they are not making 6 figures. Your right they must of really screwed up.

I didn't make six figures at first.

Engineering pays well. If you have a few years experience and your aren't making at least $100K then you are probably a dud.

Before retiring (2003) I was an Engineering Director for Lockheed Martin. I had 196 people in my division. About half of them were Engineers. In 2003 wages about 75% of them made more than $100K a year. Some of them were pushing $200K.
Bernie Sanders is calling it a a "National Disgrace" minimum wage workers can't afford rent for a two-bedroom apartment in any city in the US. I agree with him it is awful if our economy is doing so good, yet not even those who work very low paying jobs can pay rent anywhere. Nationally the average renter's wage is $17.57 /hour, very hard for someone make $7-8/hr to pay rent anywhere.

Well thankfully Bernie Sanders has I think a brilliant plan to bring affordable housing to the working poor. From what I am reading he is thinking of having a plan to create more affordable housing and also to impose rent control laws.

Hey Bernie your awesome buddy. Feel the Bern!

Minimum wage and minimum wage jobs are for children seeking work experience...nothing more. Children don’t need their own apartments.
LefTarded lowlife degenerates have turned minimum wage jobs into careers for 36 year old filthy wetbacks. Trying to raise a family of nine fat beaners on a McDonalds salary isn’t possible.
The solution is as simple as it’s always 40 million beaners home to Mehico....TA-DA!.....Problem solved
I refused to let my kids work minimum wage jobs when they could paint houses for $25 an hour...and this was in the 80s....
Bernie Sanders is calling it a a "National Disgrace" minimum wage workers can't afford rent for a two-bedroom apartment in any city in the US. I agree with him it is awful if our economy is doing so good, yet not even those who work very low paying jobs can pay rent anywhere. Nationally the average renter's wage is $17.57 /hour, very hard for someone make $7-8/hr to pay rent anywhere.

Well thankfully Bernie Sanders has I think a brilliant plan to bring affordable housing to the working poor. From what I am reading he is thinking of having a plan to create more affordable housing and also to impose rent control laws.

Hey Bernie your awesome buddy. Feel the Bern!
just share an apartment
7 million good jobs unfilled.. hmmmm. There's probably alot of bad employers offering those jobs. If an employer has a hard time filling a position with the young, motivated, productive workforce we have today I would bet the employer is doing something wrong.
You should try hiring people. Its tough right now with this economy humming so well.

I can't get a high school dropout to work under almost double min wage.
Well then your vacancy isn't desirable. Today's workforce is incredibly dedicated and hard working.
Bernie Sanders is calling it a a "National Disgrace" minimum wage workers can't afford rent for a two-bedroom apartment in any city in the US. I agree with him it is awful if our economy is doing so good, yet not even those who work very low paying jobs can pay rent anywhere. Nationally the average renter's wage is $17.57 /hour, very hard for someone make $7-8/hr to pay rent anywhere.

Well thankfully Bernie Sanders has I think a brilliant plan to bring affordable housing to the working poor. From what I am reading he is thinking of having a plan to create more affordable housing and also to impose rent control laws.

Hey Bernie your awesome buddy. Feel the Bern!
Everyone should be like Bernie and run for President and sell out for a new house
I did. If you didn't then you did you wrong.

My son is also making six figures with his Masters. So is his wife.

The trick to doing it right is to get a MS in something that is useful. I got mine in Engineering. I had to work hard for it.

Interesting I have actually met many people who have degrees in engineering who are not making 6 figures. Some even with the degree can never seem to land a job as an engineer. One guy I know has a degree in Electrical Engineering, couldn't get hired as an Engineer so he makes webpages for a living for about 40k a year. I know another guy has a degree in Electrical Engineering, couldn't get hired in his field so he got in an Electrician apprenticeship instead. He completed his 4 years in Apprenticeship and now works as an Electrician.

I know a couple guys with Engineering degrees who were able to land degrees as Engineers, but you know what they must be really stupid because they aren't making 6 figures as engineers. They passed 8 semesters of Calculus, be they are total retards because they are not making 6 figures. Your right they must of really screwed up.

Sure did. Your wage is set by supply and demand no matter what field of work you get into, including engineering. If you are in such a field, such as electrical engineering, where there are not enough jobs to go around and too many engineers, then wages drop like any other field of work.
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So whats new. 50 years ago when I started a wage job it's wouldn't pay for an apartment either. What did we do? 2 jobs, shared rent, got educated, got better jobs then could pay.

Not whine like the socialists today.

BTW, Bernie combs his hair with a balloon. Has never worked, never will and wants your money.

Back in 1980 when I got my first apartment, I was making almost double minimum wage, and worked a lot of overtime, and it was tough back then. I wasn't starving, but I could afford a roof over my head, food, beer cigarettes, and of course, my utilities.

I didn't have much left over after that, and barely had anything in my savings, but I did okay. Now when I was making minimum wage, I was living with my parents until I found a better paying job.
Bernie Sanders is calling it a a "National Disgrace" minimum wage workers can't afford rent for a two-bedroom apartment in any city in the US. I agree with him it is awful if our economy is doing so good, yet not even those who work very low paying jobs can pay rent anywhere. Nationally the average renter's wage is $17.57 /hour, very hard for someone make $7-8/hr to pay rent anywhere.

Well thankfully Bernie Sanders has I think a brilliant plan to bring affordable housing to the working poor. From what I am reading he is thinking of having a plan to create more affordable housing and also to impose rent control laws.

Hey Bernie your awesome buddy. Feel the Bern!

Yeah, that's awesome. Government spend money to house people that can't afford to house themselves because they decided to drop out of school and make a career at McDonald's.

The federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour, and nearly half the states have higher minimum wage. But let's look at that:

$7.25 X 40 = $290 per week. That's $1,110 per month.
Overtime at your job pays time and a half. 40 hours a month at that rate is $435.00

So if you work 10 hour days, you are grossing $1545.00 or more.

I don't know about other places, but I charge less than $600 a month for my apartments depending on how many in the unit because I cover water and sewer bills. I've had tenants in the past that made minimum wage. They did fine. They didn't have anything to spare, but they made rent and kept the lights and heat on. Mind you, our minimum wage in Ohio is $8.55.

When I was younger, I worked all week and Saturday's and even Sunday's for the OT. When I worked jobs that didn't offer much OT, I worked two jobs; at one point, three jobs.

Our federal government is now 22 trillion in debt and growing. We don't have the money for housing or subsidized housing. That's the individuals problem--not our federal government. As for rent control, they didn't even do that in the former USSR--where Bernie spent his honeymoon.

Solution? Get off the drugs and get a better paying job. Better paying jobs drug test, which is why many younger people today don't seek those jobs. They are content living at home and puffing pot from the time they get up until the time they go to bed.
Bernie Sanders is calling it a a "National Disgrace" minimum wage workers can't afford rent for a two-bedroom apartment in any city in the US. I agree with him it is awful if our economy is doing so good, yet not even those who work very low paying jobs can pay rent anywhere. Nationally the average renter's wage is $17.57 /hour, very hard for someone make $7-8/hr to pay rent anywhere.

Well thankfully Bernie Sanders has I think a brilliant plan to bring affordable housing to the working poor. From what I am reading he is thinking of having a plan to create more affordable housing and also to impose rent control laws.

Hey Bernie your awesome buddy. Feel the Bern!

The first place to start is raising the minimum wage. If that's not done the rest of what he proposes is a waste of time.

Can you explain how that helps? Do you think somebody making $7.25 an hour today is going to find salvation in making $9.35 an hour?
If you want to be able to afford an apartment then get a job paying more money. Thanks to Trump we have a full employment economy so it shouldn't be too difficult.

If you are an adult depending on a minimum wage job then you have probably made some poor life choices. Pull your head out of your ass.

Most places can't get any employees offering minimum wage. They offer a dollar or two more. Statistically, for those that keep their job, they are making more than minimum wage in less than a year.
Bernie Sanders is calling it a a "National Disgrace" minimum wage workers can't afford rent for a two-bedroom apartment in any city in the US. I agree with him it is awful if our economy is doing so good, yet not even those who work very low paying jobs can pay rent anywhere. Nationally the average renter's wage is $17.57 /hour, very hard for someone make $7-8/hr to pay rent anywhere.

Well thankfully Bernie Sanders has I think a brilliant plan to bring affordable housing to the working poor. From what I am reading he is thinking of having a plan to create more affordable housing and also to impose rent control laws.

Hey Bernie your awesome buddy. Feel the Bern!
Maybe you should consider learning a useful skill, instead of just screwing up people's burger orders...

I actually have a Masters degree and a CDL. For the past year I been working a job in social services for 48k yr, before that I was an OTR truck driver for a few years. But I worked 7-12/ hr jobs for many years even after I got my masters because thats all I could get hired for.

My wife was a high school drop out, IQ of like 80, and has worked fast food all her life because thats her only option, she struggles with her job and coworkers label her as slow. She only made 10k last year with no benefits. Without me she would be back where I found her. Homeless living out of a 20 yr old car, no healthcare, no dental care, no vision care. She gets deathly sick without iron shots her body doesnt absorb vitamin pills and that shot costs $100 month without insurace. So go ahead call her lazy because she is a minimum wage worker, you think its just so easy for minimum wage workers to find better jobs even if they are mentally slow.

Then your solution is to go back over the road. Walmart is paying close to six figures for OTR drivers. Hell.....even if you have to stay local, UPS and Fed Ex are paying in the $27.00 an hour range with full benefits. Plus they usually offer a ton of overtime if you are willing to work it. You can make enough for you and your wife.

If not for my poor health, that's what I would have done. But because of my restrictions, I can't leave state lines or get my haz-mat endorsements. Yet I still worked the jobs that were available to me even for much less money.
Bernie Sanders is calling it a a "National Disgrace" minimum wage workers can't afford rent for a two-bedroom apartment in any city in the US. I agree with him it is awful if our economy is doing so good, yet not even those who work very low paying jobs can pay rent anywhere. Nationally the average renter's wage is $17.57 /hour, very hard for someone make $7-8/hr to pay rent anywhere.

Well thankfully Bernie Sanders has I think a brilliant plan to bring affordable housing to the working poor. From what I am reading he is thinking of having a plan to create more affordable housing and also to impose rent control laws.

Hey Bernie your awesome buddy. Feel the Bern!

Again... the value of the labor doesn't change, because you raise the minimum wage.

If customer isn't willing to pay $20 for a cheap burger, then it doesn't matter what the minimum wage is, we're not going to buy the burger.

If we don't buy the burger, then those minimum wage workers will be not working, and getting a wage of zero.

If you go to the oil change shop, and guy there says to you "ya'know I just can't afford my Honda Insight you eco-nuts want me to drive, by charging you $25 for an oil change. You need to pay me $100 an oil change"

Are you going to do that? Maybe if you yourself are filthy rich, but the rest of us, that's a no. We'll all just change our oil ourselves. Or we'll have a backyard mechanic do it, off the books.

Either way, we're not paying a price that is too much for the value of the labor.

So that guy back at the shop, saying you need to pay up $100... he's unemployed now.

Well, what if the government says you need to pay him a 'minimum wage' of a $100 for an oil change? Still not going to do it. So he's still unemployed.
Bernie Sanders is calling it a a "National Disgrace" minimum wage workers can't afford rent for a two-bedroom apartment in any city in the US. I agree with him it is awful if our economy is doing so good, yet not even those who work very low paying jobs can pay rent anywhere. Nationally the average renter's wage is $17.57 /hour, very hard for someone make $7-8/hr to pay rent anywhere.

Well thankfully Bernie Sanders has I think a brilliant plan to bring affordable housing to the working poor. From what I am reading he is thinking of having a plan to create more affordable housing and also to impose rent control laws.

Hey Bernie your awesome buddy. Feel the Bern!

Again... the value of the labor doesn't change, because you raise the minimum wage.

If customer isn't willing to pay $20 for a cheap burger, then it doesn't matter what the minimum wage is, we're not going to buy the burger.

If we don't buy the burger, then those minimum wage workers will be not working, and getting a wage of zero.

If you go to the oil change shop, and guy there says to you "ya'know I just can't afford my Honda Insight you eco-nuts want me to drive, by charging you $25 for an oil change. You need to pay me $100 an oil change"

Are you going to do that? Maybe if you yourself are filthy rich, but the rest of us, that's a no. We'll all just change our oil ourselves. Or we'll have a backyard mechanic do it, off the books.

Either way, we're not paying a price that is too much for the value of the labor.

So that guy back at the shop, saying you need to pay up $100... he's unemployed now.

Well, what if the government says you need to pay him a 'minimum wage' of a $100 for an oil change? Still not going to do it. So he's still unemployed.

Plus if you increase the national MW, it creates a domino effect. It may help you for a year or two, but when everybody else catches up, it costs you more to live, and you find yourself right back where you started when you were making the old minimum wage.

The only thing a huge increase in minimum wage does is price us further out of the world market, influence industry to do more outsourcing, or make more investments in automation. Even with the MW now, fast food operations are investing in automation for some of the work. Keep making labor more expensive, your big mac will be totally cooked and assembled by a machine. Then nobody even has a minimum wage job to complain about.

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