Missed GOP opportunity

With the snarls involved making the new Obamacare package work smoothly, here was an opportunity for Republicans to come in and make some needed changes. The GOP could have ended up making the ACA work better and smoother. Americans might have even named one of the improvements the Boehner-Save-a-Package but it was not to be. The opportunity to change the GOP reputation for not wanting to do better for the American people and only for the rich could have taken a big hit. But alas, in the Republican zeal to make sure Obama ends up a one term president they passed up the chance.

You mean like how the GOP helped make Medicare work smoothly in the 1960's? Too bad Medicare now needs to be replaced, I guess with Obamacare. Funny how that works.
With the snarls involved making the new Obamacare package work smoothly, here was an opportunity for Republicans to come in and make some needed changes. The GOP could have ended up making the ACA work better and smoother. Americans might have even named one of the improvements the Boehner-Save-a-Package but it was not to be. The opportunity to change the GOP reputation for not wanting to do better for the American people and only for the rich could have taken a big hit. But alas, in the Republican zeal to make sure Obama ends up a one term president they passed up the chance.

That is so offensive you can't believe it!!!

Obamacare is bad in many ways and on many different levels.

The worst way Obamacare offends me is that in addition to being a bad health care plan, badly sneaked through the Senate, badly sold to the public and badly rolled out, it is also a deceptive mechanism for Obama's gaining control over the American people.

Once some person, group or entity has your life in their hands they can make you do whatever they want you to.


And when the person, group or entity has the low ethics of the Democrat politicians in D.C. from top to bottom, you really don't stand a chance in that situation if you oppose the government.

We've already seen what Obama's departments do to their political opponents, okay?

Yes. You are PROBABLY safe unless you oppose herr Obama.




It helps reinforce my belief that you guys are physiologically unable to think rationally.

Your assumption reminds me of someone who would fault his co-worker for failing to help his wife's rapist hold her down while he violated her.

How dare you expect us to help our would be oppressor!
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