Mississippi governor to sign bill banning abortion at 20 weeks

Unless you lot are willing to cough up more money to pay for these unwanted kids once they are born, your country is going to head down the tubes. You will have no choice but to raise taxes repeatedly to pay for the care of all these kids - or you can try to forcibly sterilise women, but I don't think that will work.

Send back all the illegals and stop Australians from coming here, that would be a great start! Also after one baby out of wedlock, tie her tubes! Then she can fuck until he vagina gets raw!
Unless you lot are willing to cough up more money to pay for these unwanted kids once they are born, your country is going to head down the tubes. You will have no choice but to raise taxes repeatedly to pay for the care of all these kids - or you can try to forcibly sterilise women, but I don't think that will work.

So are you all for kicking out the dead beat illegal aliens as well and securing the border, or do you just hate your own flesh and blood who are a financial burden?
Unless you lot are willing to cough up more money to pay for these unwanted kids once they are born, your country is going to head down the tubes. You will have no choice but to raise taxes repeatedly to pay for the care of all these kids - or you can try to forcibly sterilise women, but I don't think that will work.

Send back all the illegals and stop Australians from coming here, that would be a great start! Also after one baby out of wedlock, tie her tubes! Then she can fuck until he vagina gets raw!

I love it when spend thrift liberals become all concerned with spending when it comes to abortion. At first, their feigned economic concern is almost believable.
Unless you lot are willing to cough up more money to pay for these unwanted kids once they are born, your country is going to head down the tubes. You will have no choice but to raise taxes repeatedly to pay for the care of all these kids - or you can try to forcibly sterilise women, but I don't think that will work.

You just said the magic word, Ms. Noomers. "Unwanted". You see, it is all a matter of convenience.

And you advocate abortion as a means of population control? Tsk.

Also, you just referred to the fetus as a kid.

You're slipping LOL.
Unless you lot are willing to cough up more money to pay for these unwanted kids once they are born, your country is going to head down the tubes. You will have no choice but to raise taxes repeatedly to pay for the care of all these kids - or you can try to forcibly sterilise women, but I don't think that will work.

You just said the magic word, Ms. Noomers. "Unwanted". You see, it is all a matter of convenience.

And you advocate abortion as a means of population control? Tsk.

Also, you just referred to the fetus as a kid.

You're slipping LOL.

Just think, if she slips enough and is declared a drooling vegetable we might be able to use her for her organs.

It's all about the collective "good" ya know.
What time is it in Australia? I think it's Sunday afternoon by now.

Hey can you check your paper for last night's winning lottery numbers in the U.S.? I need to buy my tickets.
I can't take this anymore, and I have to call it a night. You kids are keeping me up.

I will just end with this note, the whole "We can't afford them" argument is mute because the issue is if the unborn are human. When they come out odds are they will be, but then, ya never know, do you?

As a result, I call this argument disingenuous at best. After all, if we could kill people who were an economic drain, then about 90% of the world would soon die a quick death.
You have no right to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her own body.

No one is doing that. However, the life she carries inside of her has rights as well.
That's the argument.
I think abortion should be legal for most reasons. Those would be, health of the mother. Rape. Incest. However, I oppose abortion as a means for birth control.
Abortion is illegal in many nations.
Legal in the US.
What you appear to support is unfettered access to termination of pregnancy. That's not going to fly.
They will lose in court

They always do

What's to lose?...No laws have been broken. The legislation does not violate Roe because the legislation does not make abortion illegal.
The law has decided through medical research that a human fetus becomes viable outside the womb at 20 weeks. At the point, the fetus is a person.
The other issue your idea butts heads with is that if the woman wants an abortion badly enough she can travel to another state.
Your premise presupposes the existence of a "right" to an abortion. If that were true, the federal government could theoretically mandate all states must provide facilities for access to abortions. Roe has no such provision.
I have no problem with the bill as long as rape and incest pregnancies are added to life and health of the mother and severe fetal deformity.

If not, veto it.
You have no right to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her own body.

The baby inside her, is NOT her, completely different DNA!

It is attached to her and it is alive only because of her.

What's your point?
That the life growing in the womb does not matter? That a fetus can be viewed as a minor annoyance and discarded as such?
You have problems.
Mississippi governor to sign bill banning abortion at 20 weeks
Which will be invalidated by the courts just as the similar Arizona measure.

Conservatives are at least consistent in their ignorance of, or contempt for, the Constitution and its case law.
It is attached to her and it is alive only because of her.

Then why didn't the little harlot take precautions?

You assume that she didn't, and you also assume that women who have abortions are sluts.

Typical male.

"You assume that she didn't"...
OK, if the couple used birth control, the pregnancy could not have happened.
And please, don't come back with "well, birth control is not foolproof", because that's a no shitter. Unwanted or unplanned pregnancies that are the result of faulty birth control measures make up just a fraction of a percentage point.
The OP assumed nothing. It's simple logic.
Oh, the pregnancy rate when abstinence is practiced is ZERO pct.
It is attached to her and it is alive only because of her.

How did she make the sperm?

She should be in some sort of medical journal or something. This is amazing!!

Is the fetus attached to the male?

Dumb question. If you want to advocate for a change in human biology, have at it.
Until then, women carry the child to term. It is what it is.
You have no right to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her own body.

Sure we can. We can tell her that she has to buy corporate health insurance and like it.

Incorrect and ignorant.

There is no provision of the ACA that ‘forces’ anyone to buy anything, one is at liberty to have no health insurance if he so desires. And the tax exacted on those who elect to not have health insurance has been determined Constitutional by the Supreme Court, unlike laws violating the privacy rights of women, such as the Arizona measure.

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