Mississippi governor to sign bill banning abortion at 20 weeks

Then why didn't the little harlot take precautions?

You assume that she didn't, and you also assume that women who have abortions are sluts.

Typical male.

"You assume that she didn't"...
OK, if the couple used birth control, the pregnancy could not have happened.
And please, don't come back with "well, birth control is not foolproof", because that's a no shitter. Unwanted or unplanned pregnancies that are the result of faulty birth control measures make up just a fraction of a percentage point.
The OP assumed nothing. It's simple logic.
Oh, the pregnancy rate when abstinence is practiced is ZERO pct.

OK, if the couple used birth control, the pregnancy could not have happened. Be accurate: almost all forms have a 2 to 3% failure rate.
The baby inside her, is NOT her, completely different DNA!

It is attached to her and it is alive only because of her.

What's your point?
That the life growing in the womb does not matter? That a fetus can be viewed as a minor annoyance and discarded as such?
You have problems.

Her point is legally correct and Constitutionally valid.

Prior to birth a woman’s rights are paramount, as the embryo/fetus is not entitled to Constitutional protections (Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992)).

The woman alone is authorized to determine what matters concerning her personal affairs, not the state.

You and others on the right who seek to expand the size and power of the state at the expense of individual liberty are those who ‘have problems.’
It is attached to her and it is alive only because of her.

What's your point?
That the life growing in the womb does not matter? That a fetus can be viewed as a minor annoyance and discarded as such?
You have problems.

Her point is legally correct and Constitutionally valid.

Prior to birth a woman’s rights are paramount, as the embryo/fetus is not entitled to Constitutional protections (Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992)).

The woman alone is authorized to determine what matters concerning her personal affairs, not the state.

You and others on the right who seek to expand the size and power of the state at the expense of individual liberty are those who ‘have problems.’

You're wrong, the fetus, and going back as far as the zygote are protected by

The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004

The Unborn Victims of Violence Act was passed in 2004. It exists in United States Code in Title 18, Chapter 1, Section 1841, in the Uniform Code of Military Justice under Title 10, and Chapter 22 as Article 119. The law was enacted to remedy the lack under Federal law of a law granting protection to fetuses. The Bill's proponents argued that as a result of this oversight an embryo harmed in an attack on its mother could not be considered an assault victim. Concerns over the passage of laws granting Federal recognition to unborn victims of violence arose from the fear that such a law would be used to protect not only assault victim rights, but also to deny pregnant women access to their court-protected right to an abortion.

The Bill is also referred to in colloquial usage and a gesture of support by its proponents as Laci and Conner's Law, in reference to the murder of a pregnant woman, Laci Petersen, carrying a fetus, Connor, at the time by her husband, Scott. The drive to recognize Connor as an assault victim under the law drove the Federal push to recognize the law, which as implemented in California, had already been implemented to prosecute the Petersen deaths as a double homicide. Prior to the passage of the Unborn Victims of Violence, thirty-four states had laws on their books for recognizing that the unborn infant could be considered an assault victim. In twenty-four states the states put this rule in effect for the entire term of the fetus's gestation, and in ten for part of that period. An exception to Federal law's inability to accord to the unborn victims of assault a degree of legal protection could be found in the "born-alive rule," in which the embryonic assault victim was born before dying, thereby taking on the then-operative features for a legally protected individual.

After being introduced in 1999, the first form of the Unborn Victims of Violence Act failed to pass the Senate, but succeeded after being reintroduced in 2003, and was signed into Federal law by President Bush in 2004. At the time the Bill faced steep opposition from abortion rights' supporters, including Bush's Presidential rival, Senator John Kerry, who felt that the Bill's language could be interpreted to define abortion providers as being guilty of homicide. In an effort to specify that it applied only to the criminal assault on the mother, language was added to the Unborn Victims of Violence Act allowing its successful passage that stated that it could not be used to prosecute an abortion provider acting with the consent of the pregnant woman and with the certification of the law. The specific definition in the Bill for a fetal assault victim is that of a "member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb." As a Federal law, it applies to matters over which the Federal Government specifically holds some kind of jurisdiction.

See more at: Unborn Victims Of Violence Act Of 2004
There are all sorts of videos out there. "Silent Scream" is probably the most noted. I don't think I'll go there tonight.

From conception, a human being is just that- a human being. It's sort of like shoving a pizza in the oven. It's still a pizza, but it ain't done yet.

And who ever stops a half-baked pizza and then tosses it in the trash?

Hunger motivates us to finish baking that pizza. We love pizza. We're willing to wait for it and pay for it. We spend $32 billion a year on pizzas.

Recently, a pit bull received over 50,000 signatures in a plea to save its life after it mauled the face from a toddler. Gotta save the life of that dog. :thup:

We flush one million un-baked babies down the toilet each year in the U.S.

If only God put pepperoni on a fetus.
The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004

The act protects fetuses from third party violence, Vigilante, not from the mother.

Learn to read intelligently, please.
Nice to see the start of trying to take back morals, ethics, and principles, along with traditional American values as to sanctioned killing of our young!

Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant said Tuesday that he looks forward to quickly signing a bill that would ban abortion at 20 weeks, the midpoint of a full-term pregnancy. "This measure represents a great effort to protect the unborn in Mississippi," Bryant said in a statement after House Bill 1400 passed the House 91-20 and the Senate 41-10. The bill has exceptions. Abortion would still be allowed at or after 20 weeks if the woman faces death or permanent injury because of the pregnancy. It would also be allowed in cases of severe fetal abnormality.

Mississippi governor to sign bill banning abortion at 20 weeks | Fox News

Not a thing wrong with this law. If it weren't being used as a stepping stone to move to banning abortion completely, you would see the vast majority of pro-choice supporters in favor of this also.
You have no right to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her own body.

At some point, the fetus becomes a viable living human being. At 20 weeks, we are pretty close to that point. Also, at 20 weeks, it is more than likely that the baby can feel pain. So on this, I have to disagree with you. I support a woman's right to end her pregnancy, but only to a certain point.
Nature intended that a fetus be attached to the woman for nine months while the males sits around on his arse and does nothing. Yet you want to force the woman to endure the pregnancy because she was the whore who spread her legs, but the man gets nothing even though he may have refused to wear a condom.

It all comes back on the ladies, doesn't it?

Why would a woman wait to abort past 20 weeks? The fact is that late term abortion is rare to begin with, so why support it? The woman has 19 1/2 weeks to abort. If she can't make up her mind by that point, then too bad. If we allow it at 20 weeks, then we will allow it at 24 or 28 weeks, right? At 24 and 28 weeks, those kids can survive with the right care. My youngest son was born just short of 30 weeks. There has to be a point when the fetus is determined to be a baby and viable. At that point, that child's rights must outweigh the rights of the mother.
Moot, not mute.

Nooms, you're ok in my book. You know that. :thup:

Just having a bit of a rabble here.


Well, you have to talk down to their level. I doubt very seriously they have the vocabulary to know what moot is. :lol:
Of course not.

But conservatives are willing to expand the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

YOu have to have a penis in your asshole to be that fucking stupid. Did they create the department of abortion laws enforcement like liberals do with everything they create?
Are the anti choicers willing to adopt those babies? Or pay more taxes to support them?

I am not a "anti-choicer!" I believe the unborn child should exercise the choice to live!

That said, pro-lifers are willing to lower taxes to promote job growth so more can support their newborn. :eusa_angel:
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Are the anti choicers willing to adopt those babies? Or pay more taxes to support them?

I am not a "anti-choicer!" I believe the unborn child should exercise the choice to live!

That said, pro-lifers are willing to lower taxes to promote job growth so more can support their newborn. :eusa_angel:

Yes ... I believe in the rights of unborn "women" to choose. :clap2:

Good post.
Are the anti choicers willing to adopt those babies? Or pay more taxes to support them?

The sociopathic anti lifers would pay much more to kill them, you're just another moonbat naïve fool that thinks it's about money......
Why do families who want to adopt have to go out of the country to find a child? Russia used to be a source for unwanted children. They have no prohibited American adoptions. So yes, anti choicers really are willing to adopt these children.

The left is not only for abortion but against adoption. It's not enough to be able to kill their children, the left wants to kill yours as well.
The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004

The act protects fetuses from third party violence, Vigilante, not from the mother.

Learn to read intelligently, please.

So, it's OK to prosecute someone that's a third party, but a mother doing the exact same thing is IMMUNE FROM PROSECUTION!!! Just how WARPED is your mind, when one can get the death penalty for killing an unborn, yet the other is CELEBRATED?

This comes back down to the subversives having NO MORALS, ETHICS, MORALITY, and after this little gem from Jake the Flake, COMMON SENSE!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Here is an excellent example of Big Government right wing progressivism.


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