Missouri House Republicans Vote To Defund Libraries

When I want a change of scenery, I'll go to the library with my laptop sometimes.

I'm a huge fan of books on CD as I drive tens of thousands of miles a year...I check them out and then listen to them in the car as I drive down to Tucson, out to Vegas and back home to Texas. It makes much more sense to check it out than to buy it. When you're looking at the stacks, you can see other books written by the same author. The section isn't big enough to be sorted by subject (audio books are usually only in alphabetical order by author). So you are apt to find other books by Nora Roberts, JD Robb, Sue Grafton, etc...

I've also found several CD's of musicians that I wouldn't have discovered otherwise.

Have you ever been to a library?
A good library has many media sources to check out and a place to listen and or view.
It seems I've struck a nerve. :itsok:
GFY, moron.
Cool. But why do you need a giant building and all the costs associated with it to provide free CDs to people? I haven't been to a library in about 30 years other than a financial seminar a few years ago that was at the local library. When I was in college, I was at the library a lot. Then the internet happened.
The same reason we need parks, beaches, etc... It elevates the society. Some moreso than others.

Look how you've turned out...
State budgets are extremely stressed and they need to look for ways they can spend the money more efficiently to serve the people. Spending millions to build and maintain a library full of dusty books is not efficient spending.
I got my library card on line but had to go to the library to pick it up. The local library is an oppressive space. It looks like a prison. Block building, few tiny windows. This is a very affluent area so there are no public computers. One woman, all alone. Seems that most people download books, and audio books. Only half the new books are printed. Very few people actually go to the physical library.
Many that go to libraries do not have internet access. Ever been to a children's story hour?
How about when the library rents space for exercise classes or speaking and club events. How about teaching illiterates to read or teaching those who want to learn English?
I’m not anti-library for all of the reasons you stated. At the same time, libraries should not be tax-payer funded clearing houses for porn and inappropriate sex content.
Not when they remove offensive (to them) resources such as the Civil War history of the community. In my AO they even removed the many volumes of Virginia Regimental Histories and other research materials. There's not even a CW section now.

Libraries have turned into leftist run propaganda centers now, even in red areas because the right-leaning were asleep at the switch because we really did not want to mess with them.

I took the time yesterday for a shallow dive into who runs our local library......All of them are Yankee transplants.

Yeah, where was the op's outrage when leftist librarians were removing books from the shelves that they didn't feel the public needed to read? About 99% of librarians are on the left, how is there any balance on what they decide to fund and purchase to become part of a collection? It's a joke, and I hope the legislature goes through with what they are proposing, let them get their wealthy leftist donors to fund their propaganda machine.
I wish this was a joke, but it isn't.

Missouri House Republicans voted to defund all of the state’s public libraries, in a proposed $45.6 billion state budget that will soon move to a vote in the GOP-controlled state Senate.


Missouri House budget committee leader Rep. Cody Smith (R-Carthage) proposed cutting library aid due to a recent lawsuit filed against the state last February.

The lawsuit — filed by the ACLU of Missouri on behalf of the Missouri Association of School Librarians and the Missouri Library Association — seeks to declare Senate Bill 775 unconstitutional, a bill that has resulted in over 300 books getting banned from school libraries, many of which include LGBTQ characters or racial justice themes.

I guess those Republicans don't like reading. Especially their state Constitution:

Section 10. Free public libraries—declaration of policy—state aid to local public libraries.—It is hereby declared to be the policy of the state to promote the establishment and development of free public libraries and to accept the obligation of their support by the state and its subdivisions and municipalities in such manner as may be provided by law. When any such subdivision or municipality supports a free library, the general assembly shall grant aid to such public library in such manner and in such amounts as may be provided by law.
Wouldn't have to be that way if liberal libraries weren't trying to indoctrinate young children.
If the left is going to use these services as a vehicle to get porn to kids then by all means end the funding.
Wouldn't have to be that way if liberal libraries weren't trying to indoctrinate young children.

The parents choose which books their kids can read. Do you think young children just walk to the library by themselves and check out books?
The parents choose which books their kids can read. Do you think young children just walk to the library by themselves and check out books?
Many public school systems have "public libraries" located in the schools where parents don't choose which books their kids can read, some woke librarian decides. That's the point. We're talking about libraries in schools and Missouri has decided that the only way to stop these books from being in schools is to pass laws vs all libraries, which is why I said it didn't have to be that way if we just got rid of the woke people who picked out the books to have in school libraries.
Many public school systems have "public libraries" located in the schools where parents don't choose which books their kids can read, some woke librarian decides. That's the point. We're talking about libraries in schools and Missouri has decided that the only way to stop these books from being in schools is to pass laws vs all libraries, which is why I said it didn't have to be that way if we just got rid of the woke people who picked out the books to have in school libraries.

Or maybe we have parents that are involved in the lives of their children and know what books they are reading.

But that seems a bridge too far for you big Govt folks.

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