Missouri House Republicans Vote To Defund Libraries

The point is they are throwing the baby out with the bathwater with these knee jerk bills that do nothing but pander to a subset of voters.
Does this mean Missouri will be the only state in the Union without state library funding?
The point is they are throwing the baby out with the bathwater with these knee jerk bills that do nothing but pander to a subset of voters.
They tried to keep porn out of there and got sued for the effort, by the libraries themselves I might add. So it’s not knee jerk. It’s a result of leftist pedos actions.

By the way. Since your stance is these kinds of books available to kids is a good thing. Do you think schools should no longer be able to block PornHub from student’s computers?
The Bible does not belong in a school library. Neither does the Koran.

I disagree, I think both should be available in high school libraries along with the religious text of other religions.

There is much that can be learned from these books. They are a part of our world's history.
The Bible does not belong in a school library. ...

What a nonsense. The bible - the book of the books - is on her own a kind of library. All monasteries also always had libraries. Read Umberto Eco's book "The name of the Rose".
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I thought libraries were going the way of pay phone booths. Why do people go to libraries?

The basic process is called "because they like to read a book". But a liberary today is more than books.

„Ich habe mir das Paradies immer als eine Art Bibliothek vorgestellt." ― Jorge Luis Borges Quelle: Blindheit, in: Die letzte Reise des Odysseus, Fischer-TB, 2. Aufl. 2001

"I always imagined paradise as a kind of library."
Jorge Luis Borges
The thread is about defunding all aspects of public libraries, not book banning. State budgets are stretched very thin because of the economy. IMO low income housing and/or rental assistance for the poorest citizens is higher priority than funding a public library. Liberals/Democrats seem to believe that resources are limitless. They are not.
Why not? Why would be pictures of murder victims be ok?

The Bible does not belong in a school library. Neither does the Koran.
Why not? You don't have a religion section in your book store or library?
You are equating images of War and Religion with Pornography; pornography defined as illicit images and content created for viewing pleasure. Images and content from War and Religion are not created in the same vain or same purpose or outcome.
You are equating images of War and Religion with Pornography; pornography defined as illicit images and content created for viewing pleasure. Images and content from War and Religion are not created in the same vain or same purpose or outcome.
Pictures of murders, torture, and sex crimes are ok then. Thats interesting.
The basic process is called "because they like to read a book". But a liberary today is more than books.

„Ich habe mir das Paradies immer als eine Art Bibliothek vorgestellt." ― Jorge Luis Borges Quelle: Blindheit, in: Die letzte Reise des Odysseus, Fischer-TB, 2. Aufl. 2001

"I always imagined paradise as a kind of library."
Jorge Luis Borges
Libraries are expensive, unnecessary artifacts of the past. Funding should go to help poor people instead. I also believe the custom of building US Presidential libraries should be stopped.

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