Missouri House Republicans Vote To Defund Libraries

Democrat book-burning nazis know how to shake hands across the aisle with GOP psychopaths because of America's traditional ahistoricism (Lacan). This is why the CIA is not worried that the masses will continue to question the origins of the American-assisted communist virus that has killed millions: the esoteric machine was in place from the beginning.
Pictures of murders, torture, and sex crimes are ok then. Thats interesting.
Not sure how you are getting that when I clearly delineated the difference between images and content as a result of history (as disturbing as some may be) vs. created images and content for sexual pleasure.
Why not? Why would be pictures of murder victims be ok?

The Bible does not belong in a school library. Neither does the Koran.
Why not? You don't have a religion section in your book store or library?
Sure. Because a book store or public library is not a school library. The religious instruction of children belongs in the family, church, synagogue, temple or mosque. If a child has questions, it is up to parents to trot the little one to the big people library or bookstore.
I disagree, I think both should be available in high school libraries along with the religious text of other religions.

There is much that can be learned from these books. They are a part of our world's history.
They belong in college libraries right along with the comparative religion class.
Libraries are expensive, unnecessary artifacts of the past. Funding should go to help poor people instead. I also believe the custom of building US Presidential libraries should be stopped.

What a poor pure nonsense.

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This thread is not about banning books, it is about pulling all funding for public libraires.

Do try and stay on topic.

By the way, see post 70
Banning the books started the whole thing. Holy shit pay attention.

BTW- post 70 doesn’t say shit. Just your stupid circular questions for questions.
This is what happens when leftist abusers include books about faggotry, mutilation, pedophilia and worse, to children.
Public libraries are for the public. Book banning in public libraries is just an attempt to control speech and thought in the public sector. School libraries should in some cases closer regulate, the it is dealing specifically with children (though some have banned Mark Twain, black history and other books adult find objectionable, besides books on alternate (what many of us might regard as deviant) lifestyles in a school setting. Some should be. That said, this thread is about public libraries. I grew up going to the Carnegie Library in downtown Paducah, Ky, and was an avid reader, but when I went to the library, it was my mother that took me, and she knew what I checked out. For public libraries it is up to parents to actually spend time raising their kids, not the state legislature.
Public libraries are for the public. Book banning in public libraries is just an attempt to control speech and thought in the public sector. School libraries should in some cases closer regulate, the it is dealing specifically with children (though some have banned Mark Twain, black history and other books adult find objectionable, besides books on alternate (what many of us might regard as deviant) lifestyles in a school setting. Some should be. That said, this thread is about public libraries. I grew up going to the Carnegie Library in downtown Paducah, Ky, and was an avid reader, but when I went to the library, it was my mother that took me, and she knew what I checked out. For public libraries it is up to parents to actually spend time raising their kids, not the state legislature.
You're a liar.
I wish this was a joke, but it isn't.

Missouri House Republicans voted to defund all of the state’s public libraries, in a proposed $45.6 billion state budget that will soon move to a vote in the GOP-controlled state Senate.


Missouri House budget committee leader Rep. Cody Smith (R-Carthage) proposed cutting library aid due to a recent lawsuit filed against the state last February.

The lawsuit — filed by the ACLU of Missouri on behalf of the Missouri Association of School Librarians and the Missouri Library Association — seeks to declare Senate Bill 775 unconstitutional, a bill that has resulted in over 300 books getting banned from school libraries, many of which include LGBTQ characters or racial justice themes.

I guess those Republicans don't like reading. Especially their state Constitution:

Section 10. Free public libraries—declaration of policy—state aid to local public libraries.—It is hereby declared to be the policy of the state to promote the establishment and development of free public libraries and to accept the obligation of their support by the state and its subdivisions and municipalities in such manner as may be provided by law. When any such subdivision or municipality supports a free library, the general assembly shall grant aid to such public library in such manner and in such amounts as may be provided by law.

The Republicans become more Nazi like every day. They really think they can keep people ignorant in the age of the internet.
State budgets are extremely stressed and they need to look for ways they can spend the money more efficiently to serve the people. Spending millions to build and maintain a library full of dusty books is not efficient spending.

You really are trying to justify your stupidity. Library spending is a very efficient way of serving people. People do not have the money to buy every book. In addition, some books are out of print. This is not about efficient spending, this is censorship. Nothing new for you right wing Nazis.
I wish this was a joke, but it isn't.

Missouri House Republicans voted to defund all of the state’s public libraries, in a proposed $45.6 billion state budget that will soon move to a vote in the GOP-controlled state Senate.


Missouri House budget committee leader Rep. Cody Smith (R-Carthage) proposed cutting library aid due to a recent lawsuit filed against the state last February.

The lawsuit — filed by the ACLU of Missouri on behalf of the Missouri Association of School Librarians and the Missouri Library Association — seeks to declare Senate Bill 775 unconstitutional, a bill that has resulted in over 300 books getting banned from school libraries, many of which include LGBTQ characters or racial justice themes.

I guess those Republicans don't like reading. Especially their state Constitution:

Section 10. Free public libraries—declaration of policy—state aid to local public libraries.—It is hereby declared to be the policy of the state to promote the establishment and development of free public libraries and to accept the obligation of their support by the state and its subdivisions and municipalities in such manner as may be provided by law. When any such subdivision or municipality supports a free library, the general assembly shall grant aid to such public library in such manner and in such amounts as may be provided by law.

Wait, you mean shit-kicker Missouri has libraries? Missourians can read?

News to me.

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