Missouri House Republicans Vote To Defund Libraries

Mixed stance on the issue:
1. It isn't my state.
2. You can read books via a Kindle. No need to trot over to a Library.

You can also write books. No need to read books. Question: When did you read a book the last time in your life?

3. Libraries regularly ban some books and have done so since their inception.
On the plus side:
1. They can be a good place to sit down and read something "away" from home, if you want to get away from screaming kids.
2. Some obscure books can be found in libraries versus the internet or kindle.
3. They're a great place for the homeless to hang out for a few hours during inclement weather.

That's why you hate libraries? Because you do not give homeless a home? Are your parents homeless? Are your children homeless? Are your friends homeless? Or are you on your own anyway nowhere at home - not even in your own body and your "own" politically manipulated mind?
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I guess school libraries are easy prey for legislature and this was a Nazi-like attempt to attack public libraries, to force them to ban books in public libraries and to silence attempt to speak out or sue.
Doofus - we pay our public officials to PROTECT OUR CHILDREN.

Not to corrupt them.
You are the one arguing it takes elected officials to look after a kids best interests as opposed to their parents.
Doofus, responsible parents do not deliberately expose their children to pornography.

Parents want to feel safe, just like children do.
What are the demographics of people going to the library? Everyone has phones. Knowledge is everywhere.

So is idiocy. It’s right there in your post.
Most public libraries these are funded by fed grants and leftist .orgs, even the staff.

I'd say it's the best bang for the leftist buck going.

Local .gov is usually just funding building upkeep and such.

The history of the world is a series of stories wherein liberals overcame the objections and obstruction of conservatives, to advance humanity. And conservatives have fought all such advances tooth and nail.

When Henry Ford created the automobile assembly lines and started mass production of the automobile, the Healthmyths and Votto's of the day said that the car was impractical because it needs gasoline to run. You would need gas stations every 100 miles or so all across the country in order for the car to be a practical transportation solution whereas grass for horses grows everywhere. The USA doesn't have enough gasoline for everyone in the nation to drive a car.

And what about all of the stablehands, and blacksmiths, and buggy whip makers???? They'll all be thrown out of work????? They want to force us to get rid of our horses!!!! The nation will be destroyed!!!
Doofus - we pay our public officials to PROTECT OUR CHILDREN.

Not to corrupt them.

You trust the same public officials who have stood by and allowed the Catholic Church, the Boy Scouts, and other childrens' programs to abuse children with impunity, to protect them now???? You're even dumber and more gullible than I thought possible.

The FBI was recently sued by several of Dr. Larry Nassar's sexual abuse victims because they failed to do ANYTHING after these women reported Dr. Nassar to the FBI. The agents were more interested in getting tickets to the Olympic Games than they were in protecting the children competing. Nassar has since been convicted of sexually assaulting and abusing more than 200 children in his care, despite complaints by the children and young women he abused, going back more than 25 years. He was first reported in the early 1990's at Michigan State. He was arrested in 2016.

Yes, the public officials are fully prepared to to protect your children from drag queen story hour and trannies in women’s sports, neither of which actively harming children, but are doing nothing to protect them from A.R. 15s, or other war weapons, which are now the leading cause of death for American children.

They’re also not protecting them from the pornography is it is widely available on the Internet or TV. Even network TV is now showing things during children’s viewing hours, that you couldn’t have seen in a restricted movie when I was growing up.

No, you’re protecting them from Books where they might learn that it’s OK to be gay. Or the history of your nation is full of stories of genocide and racism. God forbid they should learn the truth. It will harm the poor, fragile, dears.

Doofus, responsible parents do not deliberately expose their children to pornography.

Parents want to feel safe, just like children do.

Responsible parents most definitely expose their children to pornography on a daily basis. Its on network TV. It’s in your advertising. It’s on your billboards. Sex sells.

Parents of young girls spend all of their time trying to shield our daughters from the toxic sexualization of women and girls in mass media.
You trust the same public officials who have stood by and allowed the Catholic Church, the Boy Scouts, and other childrens' programs to abuse children with impunity, to protect them now???? You're even dumber and more gullible than I thought possible.

The FBI was recently sued by several of Dr. Larry Nassar's sexual abuse victims because they failed to do ANYTHING after these women reported Dr. Nassar to the FBI. The agents were more interested in getting tickets to the Olympic Games than they were in protecting the children competing. Nassar has since been convicted of sexually assaulting and abusing more than 200 children in his care, despite complaints by the children and young women he abused, going back more than 25 years. He was first reported in the early 1990's at Michigan State. He was arrested in 2016.

Yes, the public officials are fully prepared to to protect your children from drag queen story hour and trannies in women’s sports, neither of which actively harming children, but are doing nothing to protect them from A.R. 15s, or other war weapons, which are now the leading cause of death for American children.

They’re also not protecting them from the pornography is it is widely available on the Internet or TV. Even network TV is now showing things during children’s viewing hours, that you couldn’t have seen in a restricted movie when I was growing up.

No, you’re protecting them from Books where they might learn that it’s OK to be gay. Or the history of your nation is full of stories of genocide and racism. God forbid they should learn the truth. It will harm the poor, fragile, dears.


Responsible parents most definitely expose their children to pornography on a daily basis. Its on network TV. It’s in your advertising. It’s on your billboards. Sex sells.

Parents of young girls spend all of their time trying to shield our daughters from the toxic sexualization of women and girls in mass media.
You are so completely full of shit !!!

=> I <= am the parent of a young girl, shit for brains. Don't presume to tell me how I spend my time.

You leftards are VILE creatures.

Fucking ROTTEN examples of humanity.

Or equivalently, examples of rotten humanity.
You are so completely full of shit !!!

=> I <= am the parent of a young girl, shit for brains. Don't presume to tell me how I spend my time.

You leftards are VILE creatures.

Fucking ROTTEN examples of humanity.

Or equivalently, examples of rotten humanity.

0nce again you have no facts or data to back up your insane hysteria over CRT, drag queen story hour, or stories of "groomers", and when we call you on the obvious lies the party is using as a distraction from the gun violence they refuse to deal with, which is something which is truly harming children, you respond with lies and insults.

Talk about completely full of shit.
0nce again you have no facts or data to back up your insane hysteria over CRT, drag queen story hour, or stories of "groomers", and when we call you on the obvious lies the party is using as a distraction from the gun violence they refuse to deal with, which is something which is truly harming children, you respond with lies and insults.

Talk about completely full of shit.
Yeah, I'm talking about YOU, leftardo.

Your use of the word "we" is perfect evidence of the hive mind at work.

There is no "we", stupid fucktard. There's only you and your brainless lies.

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