Missouri House Republicans Vote To Defund Libraries

Yeah, I'm talking about YOU, leftardo.

Your use of the word "we" is perfect evidence of the hive mind at work.

There is no "we", stupid fucktard. There's only you and your brainless lies.

“We” are the same people who know that you’re being brainwashed by liars and conmen out to fleece you into funding their latest bullshit anti-you fill in the blanks, crusades.

The guy who started the CRT hysteria has become wealthy from the donations of fools like you, helping you fight against CRT being which isn’t being taught in your schools.

Going to become the leading cause of death for children in the United States, while the Republican Party does nothing about it. Instead, they are busy burning drag queen story hours were no child has ever been harmed.

All these people are asking for money to fight the “woke” and your donating. You’re now up to more than one mass shooting per day. And still you do nothing about guns.

But the kids are safe from drag queens.
“We” are the same people who know that you’re being brainwashed by liars and conmen out to fleece you into funding their latest bullshit anti-you fill in the blanks, crusades.

The guy who started the CRT hysteria has become wealthy from the donations of fools like you, helping you fight against CRT being which isn’t being taught in your schools.

Going to become the leading cause of death for children in the United States, while the Republican Party does nothing about it. Instead, they are busy burning drag queen story hours were no child has ever been harmed.

All these people are asking for money to fight the “woke” and your donating. You’re now up to more than one mass shooting per day. And still you do nothing about guns.

But the kids are safe from drag queens.
Not teaching racist CRT is going to kill kids? Call your doctor you’re meds are screwed up.
why should taxpayers fund smut for their children?

or for themselves. A lot of us hate porn even for adults

libraries are getting to be centers for woke indoctrination
0nce again you have no facts or data to back up your insane hysteria over CRT, drag queen story hour, or stories of "groomers", and when we call you on the obvious lies the party is using as a distraction from the gun violence they refuse to deal with, which is something which is truly harming children, you respond with lies and insults.

Talk about completely full of shit.
He's the same parent who brags that his kid has been arrested numerous times.

Conservatives are so full of shit its just funny at this point. On the other hand, I didn't know there was so much porn in the library...I should spend more time there.
I wish this was a joke, but it isn't.

Missouri House Republicans voted to defund all of the state’s public libraries, in a proposed $45.6 billion state budget that will soon move to a vote in the GOP-controlled state Senate.


Missouri House budget committee leader Rep. Cody Smith (R-Carthage) proposed cutting library aid due to a recent lawsuit filed against the state last February.

The lawsuit — filed by the ACLU of Missouri on behalf of the Missouri Association of School Librarians and the Missouri Library Association — seeks to declare Senate Bill 775 unconstitutional, a bill that has resulted in over 300 books getting banned from school libraries, many of which include LGBTQ characters or racial justice themes.

I guess those Republicans don't like reading. Especially their state Constitution:

Section 10. Free public libraries—declaration of policy—state aid to local public libraries.—It is hereby declared to be the policy of the state to promote the establishment and development of free public libraries and to accept the obligation of their support by the state and its subdivisions and municipalities in such manner as may be provided by law. When any such subdivision or municipality supports a free library, the general assembly shall grant aid to such public library in such manner and in such amounts as may be provided by law.
Oops I see diversity initiatives child care and pre kindergarten in there. I will rate the headline as fake news. Also individual counties should manage their libraries not state funding.
I wish this was a joke, but it isn't.

Missouri House Republicans voted to defund all of the state’s public libraries, in a proposed $45.6 billion state budget that will soon move to a vote in the GOP-controlled state Senate.


Missouri House budget committee leader Rep. Cody Smith (R-Carthage) proposed cutting library aid due to a recent lawsuit filed against the state last February.

The lawsuit — filed by the ACLU of Missouri on behalf of the Missouri Association of School Librarians and the Missouri Library Association — seeks to declare Senate Bill 775 unconstitutional, a bill that has resulted in over 300 books getting banned from school libraries, many of which include LGBTQ characters or racial justice themes.

I guess those Republicans don't like reading. Especially their state Constitution:

Section 10. Free public libraries—declaration of policy—state aid to local public libraries.—It is hereby declared to be the policy of the state to promote the establishment and development of free public libraries and to accept the obligation of their support by the state and its subdivisions and municipalities in such manner as may be provided by law. When any such subdivision or municipality supports a free library, the general assembly shall grant aid to such public library in such manner and in such amounts as may be provided by law.
The book burning party on a tare. When you are anti constitution and anti-government, now they have a clear-cut choice of party's to join with other anti-Americans hate Nazi's
why should taxpayers fund smut for their children?

or for themselves. A lot of us hate porn even for adults

libraries are getting to be centers for woke indoctrination
Because it is the wackos that want to define what smut is.
State budgets are extremely stressed and they need to look for ways they can spend the money more efficiently to serve the people. Spending millions to build and maintain a library full of dusty books is not efficient spending.
said every dictator in history.
why should taxpayers fund smut for their children?

or for themselves. A lot of us hate porn even for adults

libraries are getting to be centers for woke indoctrination
When the main key for support of your party is ignorance. This is their choice.
Dammit. Leave libraries alone. They don't cost much, relatively speaking, and provide huge resources to every community.

How about we find out what actually happened vs. what the leftists are lying about.....?
I guess school libraries are easy prey for legislature and this was a Nazi-like attempt to attack public libraries, to force them to ban books in public libraries and to silence attempt to speak out or sue.


How about we learn what they are actually voting for vs. what a leftist liar is accusing them of?
Oh no. Where are all of the homeless going to go to see free porn?
How useful can a answer be that is said only to insult the left. This person has no opinions on anything other than he hates democrats. Hence all answers are anything he thinks insulting to the democrats, That makes his response worthless. Which many have realized already.

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