MIT Scientist Debunks Global Warming Hysteria

He claimed that uranium on Earth was due to solar energy.

Bet your fat ugly asteroid it is. All minerals on earth are in their kinetic state because of solar energy.
No only that but.
“the rate of change of average temps is greater during the industrial revolution then at any time man has been on earth.”

I can understand you not knowing the first statement is true as you may not have had physics in HS. Geesus you admit you don’t know what kinetic energy is.
But everyone had biology, so doubting the second is the making of a flaming nitwit.
Humpers will die stupid.
but mankind has been around a lot longer than 2,000 years.
No shit, Humper.
Why don’t you find a chart for the entire length of time man has been on earth.then ?

Gee, I still don’t know if you’re a born again ? . That’s why we kept the numbers small. Maybe you can’t count that high.
View attachment 743752I know you're retarded, but mankind has been around a lot longer than 2,000 years.

the rate of change which is greater during the industrial revolution then at any time man has been on earth.

Sounds even dumber than it did originally. LOL!
Took you a while. I had to lead you to it. Looking must have been real hard.
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Because we're talking about electricity.
Nope. You answered a post in which I never mentioned electricity. I said “power” which is the rate energy is used. Energy is not just electric energy. Maybe you forgot your science. Typical.
Think of horse power. That could be a rate either an electric motor produces mechanical energy using electricity, or a Petro “powered” car produces mechanical energy.
Did I confuse you again ?
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Tell me again why all their cheap wind and solar makes their electricity so cheap? DURR
Ha ha
First, you tell me how much a “power company” has to pay for the photons from the sun to generate electrons. Tell us. Then tell us the price of oil per barrel used in a fossil fuel plant to heat water to generate steam from water they also have to purchase, to power a generator to produce electrons. . Then find the difference between the two or three and tell us which costs more. We’ll wait.
Ha ha
So what is you’re point. You are stupid.. Cancer treatment research is not done by MDs but by scientists in general who may or may not be MDs. You just involved a dozen doctors, med science and medical staff personnel , like radiology, pharma and med science researchers for a cancer patient treatments. Idiot, they are only found in institutional settings.

All cancer diagnosis and treatments are variable from one patient to another and needs the input of many peoples even if you have one primary oncologist. They are found in institutions foolish.
You brought in cancer!
All minerals on earth are in their kinetic state because of solar energy.
No only that but.

What they say is that at one time there was only hydrogen in space, and stars pressed it together under fusion power, to make all the other elements. So then all the minerals and radioactive elements are from old stars that went nova and blew up.
but mankind has been around a lot longer than 2,000 years.

the rate of change which is greater during the industrial revolution then at any time man has been on earth.

Until the industrial revolution, then we used wood for fuel, so there was no carbon increase until then.
The trees absorb carbon from the air equal to what is released when burned later.
The industrial revolution found ancient sequestered carbon deposited hundreds of millions of years ago, as coal or oil.
That greatly increases atmospheric carbon.
Bet your fat ugly asteroid it is. All minerals on earth are in their kinetic state because of solar energy.
No only that but.
“the rate of change of average temps is greater during the industrial revolution then at any time man has been on earth.”

I can understand you not knowing the first statement is true as you may not have had physics in HS. Geesus you admit you don’t know what kinetic energy is.
But everyone had biology, so doubting the second is the making of a flaming nitwit.
Humpers will die stupid.

All minerals on earth are in their kinetic state because of solar energy.

Post your evidence. Maybe a NASA link?

“the rate of change of average temps is greater during the industrial revolution then at any time man has been on earth.”

Don't let me stop you from providing evidence. FYI.....2000 years isn't long enough.
No shit, Humper.
Why don’t you find a chart for the entire length of time man has been on earth.then ?

Gee, I still don’t know if you’re a born again ? . That’s why we kept the numbers small. Maybe you can’t count that high.

Why don’t you find a chart for the entire length of time man has been on earth.then ?

You want me to look for evidence for your claim? You're funny.
Nope. You answered a post in which I never mentioned electricity. I said “power” which is the rate energy is used. Energy is not just electric energy. Maybe you forgot your science. Typical.
Think of horse power. That could be a rate either an electric motor produces mechanical energy using electricity, or a Petro “powered” car produces mechanical energy.
Did I confuse you again ?

I was talking about wind and solar.
Did you think that didn't mean electricity?

I said “power”


You also said kWh.
What a pile of crap!

He said it!

That he said it in German is irrelevant (did you spot why that was irrelevant?)

The Cult claims he said it, er, expressing his support of an interplanetary space treaty that didn’t even exist yet so it must be mistranslated from German

The context is missing. If you hold the quote up to the light of a full Moon when the thrush knocks, only then will the missing context be revealed

Nevertheless, he said it.

It’s another “no warming since 1995/ hide the decline/Mann’s Nature trick” reveal

You can ALWAYS ANYTIME shut me the fuck up by posting a controlled experiment that shows how large a temperature increase is caused by increasing CO2 from 280 to 400ppm . You have my word on that

A controlled experiment is not possible because the only relevant transaction happens at the boundary to outer space.
The question is how much solar energy is re-radiated back out into space, and how much is retained.
CO2 tends to not radiate much and instead vibrates.
To test would require a reduced atmosphere pressure with a gradient to hard vacuum.
Ha ha
First, you tell me how much a “power company” has to pay for the photons from the sun to generate electrons. Tell us. Then tell us the price of oil per barrel used in a fossil fuel plant to heat water to generate steam from water they also have to purchase, to power a generator to produce electrons. . Then find the difference between the two or three and tell us which costs more. We’ll wait.

First, you tell me how much a “power company” has to pay for the photons from the sun to generate electrons.

They're paying for the solar panels, idiot.

Then tell us the price of oil per barrel used in a fossil fuel plant to heat water to generate steam from water they also have to purchase, to power a generator to produce electrons. .

How much for the photon generated electrons at midnight?
OK Let's assume that the AGW alarmists are right. If so, then what good does it do for the G20 nations to bankrupt themselves going green while the major polluters of the world China and India do nothing? They contribute more greenhouse gasses and solid waste pollution than all the other major countries put together.

Going green costs nothing in the long run.
Wind and solar have initial costs, but save money over time.
First, you tell me how much a “power company” has to pay for the photons from the sun to generate electrons.

They're paying for the solar panels, idiot.

Then tell us the price of oil per barrel used in a fossil fuel plant to heat water to generate steam from water they also have to purchase, to power a generator to produce electrons. .

How much for the photon generated electrons at midnight?

Which is why I like the idea of using hydrogen as batteries.

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