MIT Scientist Debunks Global Warming Hysteria

Maybe next time, read the paper you link too hmmmkay?

"Students will compare the temperature increase in two containers – one simulating greenhouse
gases, one without. (NOTE: The plastic wrap is representing carbon dioxide in the model used for the
experiment. Greenhouse gases don’t hold in heat exactly the same way as the plastic wrap, but using
various methods of adding actual carbon dioxide doesn’t produce consistent results in the small scale.

You need a vacuum for the lab to simulate the upper atmosphere boundary layer.
A controlled experiment is not possible because the only relevant transaction happens at the boundary to outer space.
The question is how much solar energy is re-radiated back out into space, and how much is retained.
CO2 tends to not radiate much and instead vibrates.
To test would require a reduced atmosphere pressure with a gradient to hard vacuum.

and it's impossible to to replicate that on planet Earth?
They're paying for the solar panels, idiot.
So they pay nothing for the photons.
Fossil fuel generators using oil, pay for an engine. Then, they have to pay for the fuel. Photons are free stupid.,
How much for the photon generated electrons at midnight?
Boy are you ignorant. The solar cells use the photons to make electricity which is then used OR STORED. Do you think A FOSSIL FUEL PLANT IS NOT USED TO MAKE ELECTRICITY ? How long have you been this slow ?

You don’t need to store the photons slow person, as the sun produces them continuously without fail. We used stored electricity at night and cloudless days, which still produce 40% capacity. How many times do you need to sound so slow ? Electricity is stored mechanically, chemically (battery) or systemically.
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What they say is that at one time there was only hydrogen in space, and stars pressed it together under fusion power, to make all the other elements. So then all the minerals and radioactive elements are from old stars that went nova and blew up.
Exactly. The potential energy of uranium here on earth is directly related to it’s static position relative to the surrounding material in the earths crust. Of course, that is all a function of………Gravity.
We don’t need to. The process is repeated continuously EVERYWHERE and just needs to be observed by educated researchers, which eliminates the idiots.
Soooooooo how come these “educated researchers” never researched the expected temperature increase of this planet killing, Guam tipping 120ppm increase in CO2?
Soooooooo how come these “educated researchers” never researched the expected temperature increase of this planet killing, Guam tipping 120ppm increase in CO2?
Gotcha again. Sounds like you’re just throwing shit against the wall just to get off your dumb statements.
Bet your fat ugly asteroid it is. All minerals on earth are in their kinetic state because of solar energy.
No only that but.
“the rate of change of average temps is greater during the industrial revolution then at any time man has been on earth.”

I can understand you not knowing the first statement is true as you may not have had physics in HS. Geesus you admit you don’t know what kinetic energy is.
But everyone had biology, so doubting the second is the making of a flaming nitwit.
Humpers will die stupid.
I notice you volunteer nothing about physics in rebuttals. May be you still think it’s fizicks.
So they pay nothing for the photons.
Fossil fuel generators using oil, pay for an engine. Then, they have to pay for the fuel. Photons are free stupid.,

Boy are you ignorant. The solar cells use the photons to make electricity which is then used OR STORED. Do you think A FOSSIL FUEL PLANT IS NOT USED TO MAKE ELECTRICITY ? How long have you been this slow ?

You don’t need to store the photons slow person, as the sun produces them continuously without fail. We used stored electricity at night and cloudless days, which still produce 40% capacity. How many times do you need to sound so slow ? Electricity is stored mechanically, chemically (battery) or systemically.

So they pay nothing for the photons.

Well duh.

Fossil fuel generators using oil, pay for an engine. Then, they have to pay for the fuel.

And they're very reliable.

The solar cells use the photons to make electricity which is then used OR STORED.

How much stored electricity from solar does your local utility have?

You don’t need to store the photons slow person, as the sun produces them continuously without fail.

Not too many of them hitting your panel at midnight, eh?

We used stored electricity at night

Show me your stored electricity.
Dufus, that was in response to YOUR fake post on electricity.
Power isn’t just electricity dumbo.

Boy you are scrambling not to be made the fool you are.

I was talking about "electricity" and you responded with "power"?

Was that because you're stupid? Don't understand electricity?

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