Mitch McConnell ready to throw Trump under the bus to keep the Senate

McConnell realizes Trump will bring down the party with him. He is authorizing vulnerable Republicans to break with Trump in order to win

A little late waking up to the fact trumpism is not the republican party. Hell he can't even get enough GOP senator's to vote for a stimulus bill, in fact there are several that think there shouldn't even be one. To think they say the dems are in disarray.
McConnell realizes Trump will bring down the party with him. He is authorizing vulnerable Republicans to break with Trump in order to win

You did notice that you linked to CNN right?

Didn't matter who linked to it was on most news stations last night.
McConnell realizes Trump will bring down the party with him. He is authorizing vulnerable Republicans to break with Trump in order to win

Republicans running from Trump likely won’t help.

Not this late in the game.
Republican leadership openly panicking about how the anti-establishment movement on the right is going to ruin their party? Wow, that's such a new and unique story, and certainly isn't a pattern of behavior that was so common as to have grown cliche well before Trump ever decided to run for president! This is big news!
DJT has already ruined the Republican party. Game done there. And yeah, it is a big deal that McConnel is telling vulnerable Republicans to "break with Trump." Turtle has been carrying water for Trump the past 3+ years. Yeah, this is a big deal.

McConnells seat is in jeopardy if Trump crashes the party
He is fighting for his political life

Moscow Mitch McTurtle has a 25% approval rating in Kentucky. Lease popular Senate majority leader in US history.

RCP Average4/21 - 7/28--25.650.6-25.0
McConnell realizes Trump will bring down the party with him. He is authorizing vulnerable Republicans to break with Trump in order to win

Republicans running from Trump likely won’t help.

Not this late in the game.
Someone like a Collins who has a record of not siding with Trump may be able to distance herself

A McSally, who based her career on Trumpism, can’t change her stripes
Republican leadership openly panicking about how the anti-establishment movement on the right is going to ruin their party? Wow, that's such a new and unique story, and certainly isn't a pattern of behavior that was so common as to have grown cliche well before Trump ever decided to run for president! This is big news!
DJT has already ruined the Republican party. Game done there. And yeah, it is a big deal that McConnel is telling vulnerable Republicans to "break with Trump." Turtle has been carrying water for Trump the past 3+ years. Yeah, this is a big deal.

McConnells seat is in jeopardy if Trump crashes the party
He is fighting for his political life
He is doing it wrong then. Siding with democrats isn’t going to win over conservatives.

These candidates are not trying to win over conservatives. To win, they have to win over moderates and independents.

With Trumps COVID popularity and disaster of an economy, siding with Trump is not going to do it.
Um...they kinda do need conservatives.
Republican leadership openly panicking about how the anti-establishment movement on the right is going to ruin their party? Wow, that's such a new and unique story, and certainly isn't a pattern of behavior that was so common as to have grown cliche well before Trump ever decided to run for president! This is big news!
DJT has already ruined the Republican party. Game done there. And yeah, it is a big deal that McConnel is telling vulnerable Republicans to "break with Trump." Turtle has been carrying water for Trump the past 3+ years. Yeah, this is a big deal.
Turtle's simply been wise enough to notice that his and Trump's political interests have been aligned. Now he's gone back to what he was doing prior to 2010 when the Tea Party dragged him and Boehner kicking and screaming to a massive victory.

And ruined? Trump has done nothing to the republican party other than expand the tent. Either in 5 months or in 4 years he'll be gone and, in all likelihood, so will this current delusion of 60 million neo-Nazis hiding their power levels like some schizophrenic's reimagining of Dragon Ball. And the next time a republican wins the presidency, you lefties will find some new narrative about how they stole the election and THAT will become the new thing you use to smear normal conservatives as closeted extremists.
Republican leadership openly panicking about how the anti-establishment movement on the right is going to ruin their party? Wow, that's such a new and unique story, and certainly isn't a pattern of behavior that was so common as to have grown cliche well before Trump ever decided to run for president! This is big news!

There is no "anti-establishment" movement on the right. There is a weak coalition of rabid racists, and rabid politicized racist evangelicals, who are trying to store the values of the Confederacy in regards to race, misogyny and oligarchy.

Mitch McConnell trying to force people back to work by cutting off their unemployment benefits, and taking away their right to sue employers if they get sick as a result of going back to work, was the final nail in his coffin.

The rest of the world shut the virus down before trying to re-open. And we're still discussing whether or not to re-open schools. But as for testing: my friend had the sniffles and a cough, and he wanted to visit his elderly parents. So he went and got tested, got his negative result the next morning, and went to visit his parents. His test cost him nothing out of pocket, and had it been positive, he would have immediately gone home and stayed there. We're having about 200 cases nationwide, daily.

Americans are lining up for hours and waiting for up to two weeks for results which are by then, worthless.
There's no anti-establishment movement on the right? LMFAO!

Did you miss where some television host outsider beat one of George Bush's kids in the primaries back in '16?

Holy shit what a claim.
Republican leadership openly panicking about how the anti-establishment movement on the right is going to ruin their party? Wow, that's such a new and unique story, and certainly isn't a pattern of behavior that was so common as to have grown cliche well before Trump ever decided to run for president! This is big news!
DJT has already ruined the Republican party. Game done there. And yeah, it is a big deal that McConnel is telling vulnerable Republicans to "break with Trump." Turtle has been carrying water for Trump the past 3+ years. Yeah, this is a big deal.

McConnells seat is in jeopardy if Trump crashes the party
He is fighting for his political life
He is doing it wrong then. Siding with democrats isn’t going to win over conservatives.

Neither is siding with Trump. Trump voters are not conservatives. They're cultists.
Wow. You pretty much just extrapolate all your opinions from mainstream political stereotypes, huh?
McConnell realizes Trump will bring down the party with him. He is authorizing vulnerable Republicans to break with Trump in order to win

Trump is throwing himself under the bus. He’s campaign advisor, Putin, is not interested in American elections. This is shit he pulls.
In truth, the writing on the wall is a big win for Trump in November. The election was over once the DNC was forced to go with Biden, a guy who was never a force in his prime and looks to be 25% the man he once was.
Biden is the man best suited to unseat an erratic leader like Trump

Biden has a long record as a moderate and pragmatist. A contrast of steady leadership after four years of daily drama from Trump

Democrats couldn’t have picked a better candidate
With regard to the pandemic – Biden will do what Trump refuses to do: recognize the truth, accept the facts, develop a national plan, and implement the policies recommended by healthcare professionals.

And this goes beyond partisan politics – any Republican president would do the same as Biden will do.
Republican leadership openly panicking about how the anti-establishment movement on the right is going to ruin their party? Wow, that's such a new and unique story, and certainly isn't a pattern of behavior that was so common as to have grown cliche well before Trump ever decided to run for president! This is big news!
DJT has already ruined the Republican party. Game done there. And yeah, it is a big deal that McConnel is telling vulnerable Republicans to "break with Trump." Turtle has been carrying water for Trump the past 3+ years. Yeah, this is a big deal.

McConnells seat is in jeopardy if Trump crashes the party
He is fighting for his political life
He is doing it wrong then. Siding with democrats isn’t going to win over conservatives.

Neither is siding with Trump. Trump voters are not conservatives. They're cultists.
Respectfully disagree.

Trump voters are indeed conservatives – Trump is merely a symptom of the disease that is conservativism; a malignancy that manifested some 50 years ago.

And if Trump were doing better in the polls and had higher approval ratings, you can bet that Republicans would be in full-throated support of Trump and backing him 100 percent – such is the blind partisan right.
The world according to freaking CNN? You gotta be kidding.
This fails as a kill the messenger fallacy.

The article cites Republican senators themselves:

“The President's sustained assault on mail-in voting lacks GOP allies. And his suggestion on Thursday morning to delay the election drew open rebukes from many top Republicans, including multiple senators up for reelection, as well as McConnell.” ibid
Respectfully disagree.

Trump voters are indeed conservatives – Trump is merely a symptom of the disease that is conservativism; a malignancy that manifested some 50 years ago.

And if Trump were doing better in the polls and had higher approval ratings, you can bet that Republicans would be in full-throated support of Trump and backing him 100 percent – such is the blind partisan right.
Pot... Kettle.
Didn't matter who linked to it was on most news stations last night.
So why choose the worst one?
Why keep talking about that? Afraid to talk about the material, are ya?
Post 72. Is there something else about it that you wish to talk about?

Edit: I'll tell you what I'll throw you a bone... The only Republican that I hate more than Mitch, is Mitt Romney. To me Mitt is the republican version of Hillary. Meaning they are bottom of the barrel.

Mitt doesn't like Trump either... I like that. Why in the hell did the RNC put Mitt against Obama? Beats the fuck outta me. Just like putting Biden against Trump... It's like they want the other guy to win.
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McConnell realizes Trump will bring down the party with him. He is authorizing vulnerable Republicans to break with Trump in order to win

This is interesting and some what typical.

McConnell and the republicans used trump to get the judges and messed up government they wanted.

Now that they have accomplished what they wanted, now that trump is a huge liability, they dump and turn on him.

McConnell knows his reelection chances are in jeopardy and will do anything to retain power. The man has been in our congress for a very long time. He's gobbled up as much money as he can. It's time for him to slink away. I hope the people of Kentucky wake up and finally vote this slime ball out of office.
Republican leadership openly panicking about how the anti-establishment movement on the right is going to ruin their party? Wow, that's such a new and unique story, and certainly isn't a pattern of behavior that was so common as to have grown cliche well before Trump ever decided to run for president! This is big news!
DJT has already ruined the Republican party. Game done there. And yeah, it is a big deal that McConnel is telling vulnerable Republicans to "break with Trump." Turtle has been carrying water for Trump the past 3+ years. Yeah, this is a big deal.

McConnells seat is in jeopardy if Trump crashes the party
He is fighting for his political life
He is doing it wrong then. Siding with democrats isn’t going to win over conservatives.

Neither is siding with Trump. Trump voters are not conservatives. They're cultists.
Respectfully disagree.

Trump voters are indeed conservatives – Trump is merely a symptom of the disease that is conservativism; a malignancy that manifested some 50 years ago.

And if Trump were doing better in the polls and had higher approval ratings, you can bet that Republicans would be in full-throated support of Trump and backing him 100 percent – such is the blind partisan right.

And I respectfully disagree. DJT supporters are not conservatives. If you can find a better definition, please do. But Cultists is apt.


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