Mitch McConnell ready to throw Trump under the bus to keep the Senate

Where is the plan that Republicans swore would be cheaper and better than Obamacare?

Ask Dems in congress who block any attempt at passing it, just like they did in 2009-2010. Here's a fact you can't dodge, the American people REJECTED Obamacare dealing Democrats their biggest loss in nearly 100 years for passing it without their consent.
McConnell realizes Trump will bring down the party with him. He is authorizing vulnerable Republicans to break with Trump in order to win

Too little, too late. The time to break with Trump was during the Impeachment Hearings.

Republicans chose their bedmate and now must deal with the consequences.

An 11th hour break from Trump after selling out for three and a half years will not convince voters
How can a candidate like Susan Collins win while she bears the stink of Trump?

Collins saved Obamacare and has been a true moderate. But her defense of Trump during impeachment has hurt her chances of re-election
She needs to show she is not in Trumps corner if she wants to win.
She should just stop the BS and say what she is.............a DNC joke.
If that is the case, you should be pleased when a Democrat takes Maine
Oh yeah.......that solid Red State........LOL

You are comedy central this long can you keep up the race baiting game and coivd nonsense this time.............hmmm

Can you sustain it.........or will reality catch up to you and bite you in the ass.....fitting symbol of the DNC.......before November.........LMAO
I am perfectly happy with Maine going to the Dems
If Republicans prefer to abandon a Senator who votes with them 70 percent of the time, it is fine by me
I'm sure you would........but it still remains that she is not really with us...........the fact that your side SIDES WITH HER a lot.........proves it.

Oh........BTW.........Sessions thought he could walk back here and be Senator again.......his sorry ass got sent packing......NICE HUH.......Amazing that a Bama Fan would vote for a Auburn guy huh......LOL
Works for me and you lose a seat in the Senate

Make Mitch proud
Your side has no power here......Tuberville will be elected........

Mitch proud from the party where their lunatic followers attacked him while he was just trying to eat dinner............I'm not his fan.....but would never do that.

I can't stand Pelosi but would never do that to anyone just eating dinner....even though she is a scum bag.

But your so great it does these things and you call it .....rioters....not protesters and throwing piss and feces at police and federal officers..............YOU AGREE WITH THAT TROLL..........
Where is the plan that Republicans swore would be cheaper and better than Obamacare?

Ask Dems in congress who block any attempt at passing it, just like they did in 2009-2010. Here's a fact you can't dodge, the American people REJECTED Obamacare dealing Democrats their biggest loss in nearly 100 years for passing it without their consent.

Where is the plan that Republicans said was better?
All they ended up offering was......Repeal Obamacare and trust us to come up with something better
Republican leadership openly panicking about how the anti-establishment movement on the right is going to ruin their party? Wow, that's such a new and unique story, and certainly isn't a pattern of behavior that was so common as to have grown cliche well before Trump ever decided to run for president! This is big news!

There is no "anti-establishment" movement on the right. There is a weak coalition of rabid racists, and rabid politicized racist evangelicals, who are trying to store the values of the Confederacy in regards to race, misogyny and oligarchy.

Mitch McConnell trying to force people back to work by cutting off their unemployment benefits, and taking away their right to sue employers if they get sick as a result of going back to work, was the final nail in his coffin.

The rest of the world shut the virus down before trying to re-open. And we're still discussing whether or not to re-open schools. But as for testing: my friend had the sniffles and a cough, and he wanted to visit his elderly parents. So he went and got tested, got his negative result the next morning, and went to visit his parents. His test cost him nothing out of pocket, and had it been positive, he would have immediately gone home and stayed there. We're having about 200 cases nationwide, daily.

Americans are lining up for hours and waiting for up to two weeks for results which are by then, worthless.
Mitch McConnell trying to force people back to work by cutting off their unemployment benefits
As a socialist junkie proves what they are every single day.........get your mouth off of the Federal tit and get your ass to work...........
McConnell realizes Trump will bring down the party with him. He is authorizing vulnerable Republicans to break with Trump in order to win
Thats your opinion and you are free to think so

but why are you bothering us with this nonsense?

the left is full of voices like yours desperately telling us trump is going to lose

Instead of spreading gloom and doom why arent you taking the party clothes out of mothballs that you bought 4 years ago to celebrate the hillary coronation?

use this time to have them refitted since you may have put on a few pounds since then
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Republican leadership openly panicking about how the anti-establishment movement on the right is going to ruin their party? Wow, that's such a new and unique story, and certainly isn't a pattern of behavior that was so common as to have grown cliche well before Trump ever decided to run for president! This is big news!
DJT has already ruined the Republican party. Game done there. And yeah, it is a big deal that McConnel is telling vulnerable Republicans to "break with Trump." Turtle has been carrying water for Trump the past 3+ years. Yeah, this is a big deal.
News flash for Republicans. Their party already was a joke. They are a bunch of spineless simps that cow tow to democrats...which is why they ended up with Trump in the first place. They need to pull up their big boy pants and grow a spine ...stand up to the Marxist Democrats and for their country or they can kiss voters goodbye.
Where is the plan that Republicans swore would be cheaper and better than Obamacare?

Ask Dems in congress who block any attempt at passing it, just like they did in 2009-2010. Here's a fact you can't dodge, the American people REJECTED Obamacare dealing Democrats their biggest loss in nearly 100 years for passing it without their consent.

Where is the plan that Republicans said was better?
All they ended up offering was......Repeal Obamacare and trust us to come up with something better

The bipartisan plan is on record, which you know. You are just trolling because that's what you do here. :itsok:
Republican leadership openly panicking about how the anti-establishment movement on the right is going to ruin their party? Wow, that's such a new and unique story, and certainly isn't a pattern of behavior that was so common as to have grown cliche well before Trump ever decided to run for president! This is big news!
DJT has already ruined the Republican party. Game done there. And yeah, it is a big deal that McConnel is telling vulnerable Republicans to "break with Trump." Turtle has been carrying water for Trump the past 3+ years. Yeah, this is a big deal.

McConnells seat is in jeopardy if Trump crashes the party
He is fighting for his political life
He is doing it wrong then. Siding with democrats isn’t going to win over conservatives.
Where is the plan that Republicans swore would be cheaper and better than Obamacare?

Ask Dems in congress who block any attempt at passing it, just like they did in 2009-2010. Here's a fact you can't dodge, the American people REJECTED Obamacare dealing Democrats their biggest loss in nearly 100 years for passing it without their consent.

Au contraire my young fool. Americans have run three elections where Obamacare was, in essence, on the ballot, and Obamacare has crushed Republicans each and every time. Obama ran on a platform of passing health care reform because millions of Americans had lost their health insurance when they lost their jobs, and those with pre-existing conditions, being anyone over the age of 50, was in trouble for getting new insurance.

In 2010, when the Tea Party caucus took over the House, they ran on a platform of "no new taxes", because the Bush tax cuts were set to expire. Obamacare was secondary, because it wasn't set to kick in for another couple of years.

2012 was definitely fought on Obamacare, because as one Republican quite correctly said: "If we don't end it before 2013, when all of the restructuring of the health care system starts to kick in, we will never be able to end it because it will be embedded into the system".

2016 was not. People were complacent about it having fought that fight, and Trump promised "better, cheaper, healthcare for all". When Trump proposed healthcare which was not "better or cheaper", and failed to protect those with pre-existing conditions, and further declared "rape, pregnancy, and incest" as "pre-existing conditions" for women, women took offence.

This made the 2018 mid-Terms absolutely the third election fought on the issue of the Affordable Care Act. Not surprisingly, most Trump voters were in favour of the Affordable Care Act. It was that damn "Obamacare" that they thought was awful.
Republican leadership openly panicking about how the anti-establishment movement on the right is going to ruin their party? Wow, that's such a new and unique story, and certainly isn't a pattern of behavior that was so common as to have grown cliche well before Trump ever decided to run for president! This is big news!
DJT has already ruined the Republican party. Game done there. And yeah, it is a big deal that McConnel is telling vulnerable Republicans to "break with Trump." Turtle has been carrying water for Trump the past 3+ years. Yeah, this is a big deal.

McConnells seat is in jeopardy if Trump crashes the party
He is fighting for his political life
He is doing it wrong then. Siding with democrats isn’t going to win over conservatives.

Neither is siding with Trump. Trump voters are not conservatives. They're cultists.
Where is the plan that Republicans swore would be cheaper and better than Obamacare?

Ask Dems in congress who block any attempt at passing it, just like they did in 2009-2010. Here's a fact you can't dodge, the American people REJECTED Obamacare dealing Democrats their biggest loss in nearly 100 years for passing it without their consent.

Au contraire my young fool. Americans have run three elections where Obamacare was, in essence, on the ballot, and Obamacare has crushed Republicans each and every time. Obama ran on a platform of passing health care reform because millions of Americans had lost their health insurance when they lost their jobs, and those with pre-existing conditions, being anyone over the age of 50, was in trouble for getting new insurance.

In 2010, when the Tea Party caucus took over the House, they ran on a platform of "no new taxes", because the Bush tax cuts were set to expire. Obamacare was secondary, because it wasn't set to kick in for another couple of years.

2012 was definitely fought on Obamacare, because as one Republican quite correctly said: "If we don't end it before 2013, when all of the restructuring of the health care system starts to kick in, we will never be able to end it because it will be embedded into the system".

2016 was not. People were complacent about it having fought that fight, and Trump promised "better, cheaper, healthcare for all". When Trump proposed healthcare which was not "better or cheaper", and failed to protect those with pre-existing conditions, and further declared "rape, pregnancy, and incest" as "pre-existing conditions" for women, women took offence.

This made the 2018 mid-Terms absolutely the third election fought on the issue of the Affordable Care Act. Not surprisingly, most Trump voters were in favour of the Affordable Care Act. It was that damn "Obamacare" that they thought was awful.

Shut up Canada, you people would be living in caves without our wealth propping you up.
Republican leadership openly panicking about how the anti-establishment movement on the right is going to ruin their party? Wow, that's such a new and unique story, and certainly isn't a pattern of behavior that was so common as to have grown cliche well before Trump ever decided to run for president! This is big news!
DJT has already ruined the Republican party. Game done there. And yeah, it is a big deal that McConnel is telling vulnerable Republicans to "break with Trump." Turtle has been carrying water for Trump the past 3+ years. Yeah, this is a big deal.

McConnells seat is in jeopardy if Trump crashes the party
He is fighting for his political life
He is doing it wrong then. Siding with democrats isn’t going to win over conservatives.

These candidates are not trying to win over conservatives. To win, they have to win over moderates and independents.

With Trumps COVID popularity and disaster of an economy, siding with Trump is not going to do it.
Where is the plan that Republicans said was better?
All they ended up offering was......Repeal Obamacare and trust us to come up with something better
They have had 11 years to come up with something better. Of course, for 20 years the best they could come up with was what became Obamacare, so asking them to come up with something better is a big ask, especially since their party is now populated by morons who despise expertise.
Where is the plan that Republicans said was better?
All they ended up offering was......Repeal Obamacare and trust us to come up with something better
They have had 11 years to come up with something better. Of course, for 20 years the best they could come up with was what became Obamacare, so asking them to come up with something better is a big ask, especially since their party is now populated by morons who despise expertise.

What I can’t believe is Trump still challenging Obamacare in the Supreme Court in the middle of a deadly virus.

He is more obsessed with destroying Obamas legacy than saving peoples lives

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