Mitch McConnell ready to throw Trump under the bus to keep the Senate

Republican leadership openly panicking about how the anti-establishment movement on the right is going to ruin their party? Wow, that's such a new and unique story, and certainly isn't a pattern of behavior that was so common as to have grown cliche well before Trump ever decided to run for president! This is big news!
Total desperate Communist Democrat bullshit

View attachment 369756

deplorables sense day of reckoning is near and are going crazy, this will be biggest dem win in history...

View attachment 370023
Really? And when Obama won you loons claimed democrats would never lose another race.

Then when proven wrong you have been throwing a tantrum non stop ever since.

You weirdos are full of crap.
Republican leadership openly panicking about how the anti-establishment movement on the right is going to ruin their party? Wow, that's such a new and unique story, and certainly isn't a pattern of behavior that was so common as to have grown cliche well before Trump ever decided to run for president! This is big news!
DJT has already ruined the Republican party. Game done there. And yeah, it is a big deal that McConnel is telling vulnerable Republicans to "break with Trump." Turtle has been carrying water for Trump the past 3+ years. Yeah, this is a big deal.
Trump carried them. They disappointed the people who elect them. They did some things. They could have done much more. The other side has seen this time and again by Repubs. And have moved this nation so far left that being a left leaning Democrat makes you look conservative compared to the socialist/marxists they are electing today.
deplorables sense day of reckoning is near and are going crazy, this will be biggest dem win in history...

View attachment 370023
I'm not so sure, Trump will try to cheat.
raw (3).gif
McConnell realizes Trump will bring down the party with him.

I knew that in 2016
We didn’t have the TRUMPvirus in 2016

I think that anyone who had seriously looked at his history, his family history, and the public record of his bankruptcies, law suits, and failed business ventures, coupled with the racism, misogynism, and sketchy character he revealed during the campaign, could have reasonably foreseen what a destructive fiasco his Presidency would be. With or without the crud.
McConnell realizes Trump will bring down the party with him.

I knew that in 2016
We didn’t have the TRUMPvirus in 2016

I think that anyone who had seriously looked at his history, his family history, and the public record of his bankruptcies, law suits, and failed business ventures, coupled with the racism, misogynism, and sketchy character he revealed during the campaign, could have reasonably foreseen what a destructive fiasco his Presidency would be. With or without the crud.
Up until this year, we had an exceptionally solid economy. Trump was coasting to a win in spite of himself.

Now, we are facing the worst economic collapse in history and a crippling epidemic. Trump doesn’t seem as cute anymore
McConnell realizes Trump will bring down the party with him.

I knew that in 2016
We didn’t have the TRUMPvirus in 2016

I think that anyone who had seriously looked at his history, his family history, and the public record of his bankruptcies, law suits, and failed business ventures, coupled with the racism, misogynism, and sketchy character he revealed during the campaign, could have reasonably foreseen what a destructive fiasco his Presidency would be. With or without the crud.
Up until this year, we had an exceptionally solid economy. Trump was coasting to a win in spite of himself.

Now, we are facing the worst economic collapse in history and a crippling epidemic. Trump doesn’t seem as cute anymore
You think the majority of Americans want to live in a Marxist country with no police do you?
Republican leadership openly panicking about how the anti-establishment movement on the right is going to ruin their party? Wow, that's such a new and unique story, and certainly isn't a pattern of behavior that was so common as to have grown cliche well before Trump ever decided to run for president! This is big news!
Total desperate Communist Democrat bullshit

View attachment 369756

deplorables sense day of reckoning is near and are going crazy, this will be biggest dem win in history...

View attachment 370023
Really? And when Obama won you loons claimed democrats would never lose another race.

Then when proven wrong you have been throwing a tantrum non stop ever since.

You weirdos are full of crap.

They haven't lost another race. They have won the popular vote for the House, the Senate and the Presidency in every election. But because of the Electoral College, the only Presidential race Republicans have won, is 2004, and that's because John Kerry ran the worst campaign ever.

Republicans have won the House and Senate by gerrymandering, House Seats, and by using winning the rural and thinly populated states with lies and propaganda about Democrats. The problem for Republicans is that as these areas become more populous, they become less conservative, because conservative policies simply do not work in urban areas at all.
McConnell realizes Trump will bring down the party with him. He is authorizing vulnerable Republicans to break with Trump in order to win

Now blow out the candles
Republican leadership openly panicking about how the anti-establishment movement on the right is going to ruin their party? Wow, that's such a new and unique story, and certainly isn't a pattern of behavior that was so common as to have grown cliche well before Trump ever decided to run for president! This is big news!
Total desperate Communist Democrat bullshit

View attachment 369756

deplorables sense day of reckoning is near and are going crazy, this will be biggest dem win in history...

View attachment 370023
Really? And when Obama won you loons claimed democrats would never lose another race.

Then when proven wrong you have been throwing a tantrum non stop ever since.

You weirdos are full of crap.

They haven't lost another race. They have won the popular vote for the House, the Senate and the Presidency in every election. But because of the Electoral College, the only Presidential race Republicans have won, is 2004, and that's because John Kerry ran the worst campaign ever.

Republicans have won the House and Senate by gerrymandering, House Seats, and by using winning the rural and thinly populated states with lies and propaganda about Democrats. The problem for Republicans is that as these areas become more populous, they become less conservative, because conservative policies simply do not work in urban areas at all.

You stupid shit, you can't "Gerrymander" a Senate race. God you're an idiot.
McConnell realizes Trump will bring down the party with him.

I knew that in 2016
We didn’t have the TRUMPvirus in 2016

I think that anyone who had seriously looked at his history, his family history, and the public record of his bankruptcies, law suits, and failed business ventures, coupled with the racism, misogynism, and sketchy character he revealed during the campaign, could have reasonably foreseen what a destructive fiasco his Presidency would be. With or without the crud.
Up until this year, we had an exceptionally solid economy. Trump was coasting to a win in spite of himself.

Now, we are facing the worst economic collapse in history and a crippling epidemic. Trump doesn’t seem as cute anymore
You think the majority of Americans want to live in a Marxist country with no police do you?

No I don't. But I don't know anyone except the rabid right who thinks that's what will happen.

Every 4 years Republican talk about the end of life as you know it, if a Democrat is elected. But it's Republicans are the ones who keep ending life as you know. First with Reagans stock market collapse in 1987. Then with W's total economic collapse in 2008, and now with Trump's total social and economic collapse in 2020.

How many times are Republicans going to cut taxes and crash the economy, before you fools realize that their billionaire buddies are the only ones getting rich under a Republican Administration? Are you really that stupid that you don't see what's happening every time a Republican is President?

If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Time to burn the Republican Party down and get some REAL conservatives in office, with a clue about running the economy. These guys only know how to enrich the billionaires, and screw over the working people. Government of, for and by the people, they are not. They are especially NOT "for the people".
Republican leadership openly panicking about how the anti-establishment movement on the right is going to ruin their party? Wow, that's such a new and unique story, and certainly isn't a pattern of behavior that was so common as to have grown cliche well before Trump ever decided to run for president! This is big news!
Total desperate Communist Democrat bullshit

View attachment 369756

deplorables sense day of reckoning is near and are going crazy, this will be biggest dem win in history...

View attachment 370023
Really? And when Obama won you loons claimed democrats would never lose another race.

Then when proven wrong you have been throwing a tantrum non stop ever since.

You weirdos are full of crap.

They haven't lost another race. They have won the popular vote for the House, the Senate and the Presidency in every election. But because of the Electoral College, the only Presidential race Republicans have won, is 2004, and that's because John Kerry ran the worst campaign ever.

Republicans have won the House and Senate by gerrymandering, House Seats, and by using winning the rural and thinly populated states with lies and propaganda about Democrats. The problem for Republicans is that as these areas become more populous, they become less conservative, because conservative policies simply do not work in urban areas at all.

You stupid shit, you can't "Gerrymander" a Senate race. God you're an idiot.

That's what I said stupid. You have no reading comprehension skills at all, "winning the rural and thinly populated states" covers the Senate. Sorry I have to explain stuff this simple, but we are talking shit for brains, cultists here.
McConnell realizes Trump will bring down the party with him. He is authorizing vulnerable Republicans to break with Trump in order to win

Ahhhhh, the bitter tears of the progressives are so tasty!
Republican leadership openly panicking about how the anti-establishment movement on the right is going to ruin their party? Wow, that's such a new and unique story, and certainly isn't a pattern of behavior that was so common as to have grown cliche well before Trump ever decided to run for president! This is big news!
Total desperate Communist Democrat bullshit

View attachment 369756

deplorables sense day of reckoning is near and are going crazy, this will be biggest dem win in history...

View attachment 370023
Really? And when Obama won you loons claimed democrats would never lose another race.

Then when proven wrong you have been throwing a tantrum non stop ever since.

You weirdos are full of crap.

They haven't lost another race. They have won the popular vote for the House, the Senate and the Presidency in every election. But because of the Electoral College, the only Presidential race Republicans have won, is 2004, and that's because John Kerry ran the worst campaign ever.

Republicans have won the House and Senate by gerrymandering, House Seats, and by using winning the rural and thinly populated states with lies and propaganda about Democrats. The problem for Republicans is that as these areas become more populous, they become less conservative, because conservative policies simply do not work in urban areas at all.

You stupid shit, you can't "Gerrymander" a Senate race. God you're an idiot.

That's what I said stupid. You have no reading comprehension skills at all, "winning the rural and thinly populated states" covers the Senate. Sorry I have to explain stuff this simple, but we are talking shit for brains, cultists here.

Honey you get bitch slapped by me regularly. In fact twice yesterday and you turned tail and ran. I will continue to do so.
McConnell realizes Trump will bring down the party with him. He is authorizing vulnerable Republicans to break with Trump in order to win

Ahhhhh, the bitter tears of the progressives are so tasty!

They really are.
McConnell realizes Trump will bring down the party with him.

I knew that in 2016
We didn’t have the TRUMPvirus in 2016

I think that anyone who had seriously looked at his history, his family history, and the public record of his bankruptcies, law suits, and failed business ventures, coupled with the racism, misogynism, and sketchy character he revealed during the campaign, could have reasonably foreseen what a destructive fiasco his Presidency would be. With or without the crud.
Trump has shown you what the political class, the media and the entertainment class are. We have all gotten our education if we did not know it before. Trump revels in this. He knows people. He feeds off of them. Good or bad. Its not him calling himself all those names. All those comedy comments. All those skits on TV and shows made to humiliate him. It is them. It is what they are. He just brings it out. And at times it is not nice to see and hear. For to many voters have not learned a lesson. And if Biden wins, you will experience the bad side much more. I can 5 dollar a gallon gasoline to start and higher. Electricity prices doubling over his first term. Food and shelter in double digit increases yearly. Oh the fun...
Republican leadership openly panicking about how the anti-establishment movement on the right is going to ruin their party? Wow, that's such a new and unique story, and certainly isn't a pattern of behavior that was so common as to have grown cliche well before Trump ever decided to run for president! This is big news!
DJT has already ruined the Republican party. Game done there. And yeah, it is a big deal that McConnel is telling vulnerable Republicans to "break with Trump." Turtle has been carrying water for Trump the past 3+ years. Yeah, this is a big deal.

McConnells seat is in jeopardy if Trump crashes the party
He is fighting for his political life
He is doing it wrong then. Siding with democrats isn’t going to win over conservatives.

Neither is siding with Trump. Trump voters are not conservatives. They're cultists.
Wow. You pretty much just extrapolate all your opinions from mainstream political stereotypes, huh?
Just because you think it and post it, does not make it so. What's your take on the OP?
"Mitch McConnell ready to throw Trump under the bus to keep the Senate"
At the center of this quote box we've been throwing back and forth is my take on the OP. You've been replying to it.

You're right, though, my word isn't gospel.

Ask yourself this, though. . .

Is it more likely that 60,000,000 people have all been brainwashed into a cult. . .

Or more likely that she's dropping political stereotypes without any sort of nuance whatsoever?
Interesting. It's likely neither, since you put it that way.
Lol. Yeah. She probably wasn't explicitly saying what she was explicitly saying.

You mean like the fake AOC tweet that she supposedly deleted? :D
No, more like the USMB post that's still right here in the quote box we're kickin' back and forth.

At this point I feel like you guys are just saying random things to be disagreeable.
"McConnell realizes Trump will bring down the party with him. He is authorizing vulnerable Republicans to break with Trump in order to win"

Is this what you are fussing about?
You view it as fussing when people make political posts on message boards like this one?

Do you feel like you're fussing when you post here?
You make Zero sense. Fussing is a general term. I suggest you go troll mikey in the FZ. Trust me. It will be better time spent than sparring with me.
I feel the same about you. You're asking what I'm talking about like you haven't been on the other end of this discussion the entire time.
You've never been on the other end of a discussion. That much is obvious. Just look at this thread.
Republican leadership openly panicking about how the anti-establishment movement on the right is going to ruin their party? Wow, that's such a new and unique story, and certainly isn't a pattern of behavior that was so common as to have grown cliche well before Trump ever decided to run for president! This is big news!
DJT has already ruined the Republican party. Game done there. And yeah, it is a big deal that McConnel is telling vulnerable Republicans to "break with Trump." Turtle has been carrying water for Trump the past 3+ years. Yeah, this is a big deal.

McConnells seat is in jeopardy if Trump crashes the party
He is fighting for his political life
He is doing it wrong then. Siding with democrats isn’t going to win over conservatives.

Neither is siding with Trump. Trump voters are not conservatives. They're cultists.
Wow. You pretty much just extrapolate all your opinions from mainstream political stereotypes, huh?
Just because you think it and post it, does not make it so. What's your take on the OP?
"Mitch McConnell ready to throw Trump under the bus to keep the Senate"
At the center of this quote box we've been throwing back and forth is my take on the OP. You've been replying to it.

You're right, though, my word isn't gospel.

Ask yourself this, though. . .

Is it more likely that 60,000,000 people have all been brainwashed into a cult. . .

Or more likely that she's dropping political stereotypes without any sort of nuance whatsoever?
Interesting. It's likely neither, since you put it that way.
Lol. Yeah. She probably wasn't explicitly saying what she was explicitly saying.

You mean like the fake AOC tweet that she supposedly deleted? :D
No, more like the USMB post that's still right here in the quote box we're kickin' back and forth.

At this point I feel like you guys are just saying random things to be disagreeable.
"McConnell realizes Trump will bring down the party with him. He is authorizing vulnerable Republicans to break with Trump in order to win"

Is this what you are fussing about?
You view it as fussing when people make political posts on message boards like this one?

Do you feel like you're fussing when you post here?
You make Zero sense. Fussing is a general term. I suggest you go troll mikey in the FZ. Trust me. It will be better time spent than sparring with me.
I feel the same about you. You're asking what I'm talking about like you haven't been on the other end of this discussion the entire time.
You've never been on the other end of a discussion. That much is obvious. Just look at this thread.
And I'm the one trolling? Lol.
And if Biden wins, you will experience the bad side much more. I can 5 dollar a gallon gasoline to start and higher. Electricity prices doubling over his first term. Food and shelter in double digit increases yearly. Oh the fun...

Cats and dogs, living together......mass hysteria

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