Mitch McConnell Says Americans Won’t Tolerate Democrats Blocking Supreme Court Nominations


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
He blocked the president’s own high court nominee for 293 days.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) issued a warning to Democrats on Wednesday, one day after the Supreme Court nomination of Merrick Garlandexpired without any Senate action: Don’t consider staging a similar blockade on any of President-elect Donald Trump’s high court nominees.

“I think that’s something the American people simply will not tolerate and we’ll be looking forward to receiving a Supreme Court nomination and moving forward on it,” McConnell told reporters.

His darts were aimed at Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), who told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Tuesday that he’d do everything within his power to keep the Supreme Court seat open.

Schumer said on Wednesday that Democrats would oppose any “out-of-the-mainstream” Trump nominees — perhaps a nod to Garland, who was as mainstream a candidate as President Barack Obama could have offered.

McConnell’s admonition that the American public may not put up with prolonged Democratic obstruction is curious in light of his own plan to not lift a finger on any of Obama’s nominees ― a plan he shrewdly came up with on the day Justice Antonin Scalia died last February.

In the end, McConnell’s no-hearings-no-vote gamble paid off, and the Garland nomination died with the old Congress after 293 days — setting a modern record for Supreme Court nominees.

More: McConnell Says Americans Won’t Tolerate Democrats Blocking Supreme Court Nominations

McConnell takes hypocrisy to a new level.
He blocked the president’s own high court nominee for 293 days.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) issued a warning to Democrats on Wednesday, one day after the Supreme Court nomination of Merrick Garlandexpired without any Senate action: Don’t consider staging a similar blockade on any of President-elect Donald Trump’s high court nominees.

“I think that’s something the American people simply will not tolerate and we’ll be looking forward to receiving a Supreme Court nomination and moving forward on it,” McConnell told reporters.

His darts were aimed at Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), who told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Tuesday that he’d do everything within his power to keep the Supreme Court seat open.

Schumer said on Wednesday that Democrats would oppose any “out-of-the-mainstream” Trump nominees — perhaps a nod to Garland, who was as mainstream a candidate as President Barack Obama could have offered.

McConnell’s admonition that the American public may not put up with prolonged Democratic obstruction is curious in light of his own plan to not lift a finger on any of Obama’s nominees ― a plan he shrewdly came up with on the day Justice Antonin Scalia died last February.

In the end, McConnell’s no-hearings-no-vote gamble paid off, and the Garland nomination died with the old Congress after 293 days — setting a modern record for Supreme Court nominees.

More: McConnell Says Americans Won’t Tolerate Democrats Blocking Supreme Court Nominations

McConnell takes hypocrisy to a new level.
Are you in favor of the seat being empty for at least over 720 days?

That is what Schumer is threatening, retard.
I'm not a Chuck Schumer fan - but he is very smart, shrewd, and will fight hard against the Trump NaziCon agenda. Go Chuck.
With the wonderful new rules The Democrat Party gifted America does anyone think that an irrelevant clutch of traitors can block much of anything?

I do very much regret, though, that Garland was not given a proper hearing. He sadly missed the experience of being BORKED.
well, we can always thank Dirty Harry from Nevada for paving the way for a new option!

He blocked the president’s own high court nominee for 293 days.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) issued a warning to Democrats on Wednesday, one day after the Supreme Court nomination of Merrick Garlandexpired without any Senate action: Don’t consider staging a similar blockade on any of President-elect Donald Trump’s high court nominees.

“I think that’s something the American people simply will not tolerate and we’ll be looking forward to receiving a Supreme Court nomination and moving forward on it,” McConnell told reporters.

His darts were aimed at Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), who told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Tuesday that he’d do everything within his power to keep the Supreme Court seat open.

Schumer said on Wednesday that Democrats would oppose any “out-of-the-mainstream” Trump nominees — perhaps a nod to Garland, who was as mainstream a candidate as President Barack Obama could have offered.

McConnell’s admonition that the American public may not put up with prolonged Democratic obstruction is curious in light of his own plan to not lift a finger on any of Obama’s nominees ― a plan he shrewdly came up with on the day Justice Antonin Scalia died last February.

In the end, McConnell’s no-hearings-no-vote gamble paid off, and the Garland nomination died with the old Congress after 293 days — setting a modern record for Supreme Court nominees.

More: McConnell Says Americans Won’t Tolerate Democrats Blocking Supreme Court Nominations

McConnell takes hypocrisy to a new level.
Are you in favor of the seat being empty for at least over 720 days?

That is what Schumer is threatening, retard.
Spare me. It's been nearly a year. So, so what? Republicans didn't care.
and Turtle Boy's #1 objective was to make Obama a 1 term President ...

He blocked the president’s own high court nominee for 293 days.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) issued a warning to Democrats on Wednesday, one day after the Supreme Court nomination of Merrick Garlandexpired without any Senate action: Don’t consider staging a similar blockade on any of President-elect Donald Trump’s high court nominees.

“I think that’s something the American people simply will not tolerate and we’ll be looking forward to receiving a Supreme Court nomination and moving forward on it,” McConnell told reporters.

His darts were aimed at Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), who told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Tuesday that he’d do everything within his power to keep the Supreme Court seat open.

Schumer said on Wednesday that Democrats would oppose any “out-of-the-mainstream” Trump nominees — perhaps a nod to Garland, who was as mainstream a candidate as President Barack Obama could have offered.

McConnell’s admonition that the American public may not put up with prolonged Democratic obstruction is curious in light of his own plan to not lift a finger on any of Obama’s nominees ― a plan he shrewdly came up with on the day Justice Antonin Scalia died last February.

In the end, McConnell’s no-hearings-no-vote gamble paid off, and the Garland nomination died with the old Congress after 293 days — setting a modern record for Supreme Court nominees.

More: McConnell Says Americans Won’t Tolerate Democrats Blocking Supreme Court Nominations

McConnell takes hypocrisy to a new level.
Are you in favor of the seat being empty for at least over 720 days?


Yes, if Trump won't nominate at least a centrist.
He blocked the president’s own high court nominee for 293 days.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) issued a warning to Democrats on Wednesday, one day after the Supreme Court nomination of Merrick Garlandexpired without any Senate action: Don’t consider staging a similar blockade on any of President-elect Donald Trump’s high court nominees.

“I think that’s something the American people simply will not tolerate and we’ll be looking forward to receiving a Supreme Court nomination and moving forward on it,” McConnell told reporters.

His darts were aimed at Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), who told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Tuesday that he’d do everything within his power to keep the Supreme Court seat open.

Schumer said on Wednesday that Democrats would oppose any “out-of-the-mainstream” Trump nominees — perhaps a nod to Garland, who was as mainstream a candidate as President Barack Obama could have offered.

McConnell’s admonition that the American public may not put up with prolonged Democratic obstruction is curious in light of his own plan to not lift a finger on any of Obama’s nominees ― a plan he shrewdly came up with on the day Justice Antonin Scalia died last February.

In the end, McConnell’s no-hearings-no-vote gamble paid off, and the Garland nomination died with the old Congress after 293 days — setting a modern record for Supreme Court nominees.

More: McConnell Says Americans Won’t Tolerate Democrats Blocking Supreme Court Nominations

McConnell takes hypocrisy to a new level.

How does he say that with a straight face?
He blocked the president’s own high court nominee for 293 days.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) issued a warning to Democrats on Wednesday, one day after the Supreme Court nomination of Merrick Garlandexpired without any Senate action: Don’t consider staging a similar blockade on any of President-elect Donald Trump’s high court nominees.

“I think that’s something the American people simply will not tolerate and we’ll be looking forward to receiving a Supreme Court nomination and moving forward on it,” McConnell told reporters.

His darts were aimed at Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), who told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Tuesday that he’d do everything within his power to keep the Supreme Court seat open.

Schumer said on Wednesday that Democrats would oppose any “out-of-the-mainstream” Trump nominees — perhaps a nod to Garland, who was as mainstream a candidate as President Barack Obama could have offered.

McConnell’s admonition that the American public may not put up with prolonged Democratic obstruction is curious in light of his own plan to not lift a finger on any of Obama’s nominees ― a plan he shrewdly came up with on the day Justice Antonin Scalia died last February.

In the end, McConnell’s no-hearings-no-vote gamble paid off, and the Garland nomination died with the old Congress after 293 days — setting a modern record for Supreme Court nominees.

More: McConnell Says Americans Won’t Tolerate Democrats Blocking Supreme Court Nominations

McConnell takes hypocrisy to a new level.

Dems: The Party of No

Trump has a pen and a phone and he'll use them
He blocked the president’s own high court nominee for 293 days.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) issued a warning to Democrats on Wednesday, one day after the Supreme Court nomination of Merrick Garlandexpired without any Senate action: Don’t consider staging a similar blockade on any of President-elect Donald Trump’s high court nominees.

“I think that’s something the American people simply will not tolerate and we’ll be looking forward to receiving a Supreme Court nomination and moving forward on it,” McConnell told reporters.

His darts were aimed at Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), who told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Tuesday that he’d do everything within his power to keep the Supreme Court seat open.

Schumer said on Wednesday that Democrats would oppose any “out-of-the-mainstream” Trump nominees — perhaps a nod to Garland, who was as mainstream a candidate as President Barack Obama could have offered.

McConnell’s admonition that the American public may not put up with prolonged Democratic obstruction is curious in light of his own plan to not lift a finger on any of Obama’s nominees ― a plan he shrewdly came up with on the day Justice Antonin Scalia died last February.

In the end, McConnell’s no-hearings-no-vote gamble paid off, and the Garland nomination died with the old Congress after 293 days — setting a modern record for Supreme Court nominees.

More: McConnell Says Americans Won’t Tolerate Democrats Blocking Supreme Court Nominations

McConnell takes hypocrisy to a new level.
Are you in favor of the seat being empty for at least over 720 days?


Yes, if Trump won't nominate at least a centrist.

Nope, we lost a strict constructionist, and we are getting one back in return.

Save your ammo for replacing a libtard.
He blocked the president’s own high court nominee for 293 days.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) issued a warning to Democrats on Wednesday, one day after the Supreme Court nomination of Merrick Garlandexpired without any Senate action: Don’t consider staging a similar blockade on any of President-elect Donald Trump’s high court nominees.

“I think that’s something the American people simply will not tolerate and we’ll be looking forward to receiving a Supreme Court nomination and moving forward on it,” McConnell told reporters.

His darts were aimed at Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), who told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Tuesday that he’d do everything within his power to keep the Supreme Court seat open.

Schumer said on Wednesday that Democrats would oppose any “out-of-the-mainstream” Trump nominees — perhaps a nod to Garland, who was as mainstream a candidate as President Barack Obama could have offered.

McConnell’s admonition that the American public may not put up with prolonged Democratic obstruction is curious in light of his own plan to not lift a finger on any of Obama’s nominees ― a plan he shrewdly came up with on the day Justice Antonin Scalia died last February.

In the end, McConnell’s no-hearings-no-vote gamble paid off, and the Garland nomination died with the old Congress after 293 days — setting a modern record for Supreme Court nominees.

More: McConnell Says Americans Won’t Tolerate Democrats Blocking Supreme Court Nominations

McConnell takes hypocrisy to a new level.

How does he say that with a straight face?

Kind of like how Obama kept one when he said "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period."

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