Mitch McConnel Bravely Tells The Corporate Elite To Stay Out Of Politics

They are doing something that only government should have the power to do, if at all.
Proof positive you don't have a clue what the first amendment is about.

Alright, so explain to me what the First Amendment actually is.

It's more about what it isn't, than what it is.

The first amendment guarantees you that the government will not censor your speech. It does not mean anyone has to listen to, print, or broadcast it. Nor does it mean someone won't punch you in the snoot for calling him the "N" word.

And by that token, if it guarantees free speech without reprisal, should it not be able to punish those who infringe on free speech of the population?
It doesn't guarantee free speech "without reprisal". It prohibits government from making laws regulating speech. So, no - the state should not be able to punish those who "infringe" on the free speech of the population. Unless they can show that coercion is involved, or there is some contract that is being violated, private businesses are under no obligation to accommodate anyone's freedom of speech.
Corporations cannot use their first amendment rights to quell the first amendment rights of their consumers.
How are they doing that?


By censoring speech on their platforms. You cannot provide a platform for the free exchange of speech if you are the one regulating or curtailing it. When millions of people use your platform, your actions to allow or disallow their speech has a great impact on society overall.

Not very astute, are you?
They don't censor speech on their platforms, they censor hate speech.

The fact that it's right-wingers getting banned for the hate speech just means that right-wingers enjoy hate speech and racism more.

"They don't censor speech, they just censor speech they don't like!!! Right-wingers only get censored more because they say more things that the left doesn't like!!!"

Can you even read your own posts? Or are you so slavishly devoted to your masters that your ability to comprehend and reason has totally died?

See if you can wrap your brain around this - and tell your parents they're welcome for me teaching you the basic empathy skills they neglected when you were three: Imagine if corporations were really as tight with the right-wing as your masters have ordered you to believe, even as you cheer them on for attacking anything right-wing. Imagine if they then declared everything YOU say to be "hate speech" and YOU to be a "hateful racist" for saying it, and said that made it okay for you to be completely banned from speaking your political positions online.

Would you still be okay with it if it was happening to YOU?

Btw, I really am embarrassed on your behalf that you actually need something explained to you that my kids grasped right after potty-training. Someone seriously stunted your intellectual and emotional development.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell lashed out at corporate America on Monday, warning CEOs to stay out of the debate over a new voting law in Georgia that has been criticized as restricting votes among minorities and the poor.

"Corporations will invite serious consequences if they become a vehicle for far-left mobs to hijack our country from outside the constitutional order," McConnell told a news conference in his home state of Kentucky.

Big business ties with Republicans began fraying under former President Donald Trump's leadership and the party's focus on voting restrictions has soured businesses embracing diversity as key to their work force and customer base. Major Georgia employers Coca-Cola and Delta Air Lines have spoken out against the law signed by Governor Brian Kemp, and Major League Baseball pulled the 2021 All-Star Game out of the state over the law strengthening identification requirements for absentee ballots and making it a crime to offer food or water to voters waiting in line.

Uh oh, Mitch is talking tough again. Watch out Coke.
So let me get this straight.

Corporations are taking away our first amendment rights by censoring Conservatives on social media, and that is Ok.

But a Republican tells corporations they need to straighten up and he becomes the threatening fascist insurgent?


Corporate America have gone to war with the GOP, and with over 70 million Americans.

God forbid they get angry about it.

How does it feel to lick the arse of the top 1% as a Lefty?
Corporate America is the GOP. The Republican party is a wholly owned subsidiary of big business.
If that was remotely true then why are they coming out against this voter ID that makes Georgia’s voter laws just about the same as every other state?

All these big corporations are run by leftist morons that supported BLM and Biden.
How did leftist loons become CEOs of major corporations?!
Very simple. The Left has indoctrinated our future leaders in Left wing universities all across the country.

Haha, oh man that sounds serious. What’s gonna happen next are we doomed to become the next Venezuela?!
They are doing something that only government should have the power to do, if at all.
Proof positive you don't have a clue what the first amendment is about.

Alright, so explain to me what the First Amendment actually is.

A prohibition on laws interfering with, among other things, free speech.

So how is censoring free speech an exercise of free speech?

What are you people smoking?
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell lashed out at corporate America on Monday, warning CEOs to stay out of the debate over a new voting law in Georgia that has been criticized as restricting votes among minorities and the poor.

"Corporations will invite serious consequences if they become a vehicle for far-left mobs to hijack our country from outside the constitutional order," McConnell told a news conference in his home state of Kentucky.

Big business ties with Republicans began fraying under former President Donald Trump's leadership and the party's focus on voting restrictions has soured businesses embracing diversity as key to their work force and customer base. Major Georgia employers Coca-Cola and Delta Air Lines have spoken out against the law signed by Governor Brian Kemp, and Major League Baseball pulled the 2021 All-Star Game out of the state over the law strengthening identification requirements for absentee ballots and making it a crime to offer food or water to voters waiting in line.

Uh oh, Mitch is talking tough again. Watch out Coke.
So let me get this straight.

Corporations are taking away our first amendment rights by censoring Conservatives on social media, and that is Ok.

But a Republican tells corporations they need to straighten up and he becomes the threatening fascist insurgent?


Corporate America have gone to war with the GOP, and with over 70 million Americans.

God forbid they get angry about it.

How does it feel to lick the arse of the top 1% as a Lefty?
Corporate America is the GOP. The Republican party is a wholly owned subsidiary of big business.
If that was remotely true then why are they coming out against this voter ID that makes Georgia’s voter laws just about the same as every other state?

All these big corporations are run by leftist morons that supported BLM and Biden.
How did leftist loons become CEOs of major corporations?!
Very simple. The Left has indoctrinated our future leaders in Left wing universities all across the country.

Haha, oh man that sounds serious. What’s gonna happen next are we doomed to become the next Venezuela?!

With AOC at the helm, it should be far worse.
They are doing something that only government should have the power to do, if at all.
Proof positive you don't have a clue what the first amendment is about.
No, no...hear him out for a moment. What he's saying is he wants the government to control Twitter and Google and other platforms instead of corporations. He wants only the Government to have power to cancel people on social media

...BY GOD! TemplarKormac is a COMMUNIST!

Wow, reading comprehension is yet another thing your parents blew off, along with reasoning and basic empathy.

Did you actually learn ANYTHING growing up?
Alien reptiles are definitely a tad scary! :D

They are doing something that only government should have the power to do, if at all.
Proof positive you don't have a clue what the first amendment is about.

Alright, so explain to me what the First Amendment actually is.

A prohibition on laws interfering with, among other things, free speech.

So how is censoring free speech and exercise of free speech?

Beats me. The point is, the Constitution doesn't prohibit it.

Getting back to the OP, corporations attempting to influence state policy isn't illegal. Nor should it be.

What are you people smoking?

I'm dry at the moment. Whadya got?
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell lashed out at corporate America on Monday, warning CEOs to stay out of the debate over a new voting law in Georgia that has been criticized as restricting votes among minorities and the poor.

"Corporations will invite serious consequences if they become a vehicle for far-left mobs to hijack our country from outside the constitutional order," McConnell told a news conference in his home state of Kentucky.

Big business ties with Republicans began fraying under former President Donald Trump's leadership and the party's focus on voting restrictions has soured businesses embracing diversity as key to their work force and customer base. Major Georgia employers Coca-Cola and Delta Air Lines have spoken out against the law signed by Governor Brian Kemp, and Major League Baseball pulled the 2021 All-Star Game out of the state over the law strengthening identification requirements for absentee ballots and making it a crime to offer food or water to voters waiting in line.

Uh oh, Mitch is talking tough again. Watch out Coke.
So let me get this straight.

Corporations are taking away our first amendment rights by censoring Conservatives on social media, and that is Ok.

But a Republican tells corporations they need to straighten up and he becomes the threatening fascist insurgent?


Corporate America have gone to war with the GOP, and with over 70 million Americans.

God forbid they get angry about it.

How does it feel to lick the arse of the top 1% as a Lefty?
Corporate America is the GOP. The Republican party is a wholly owned subsidiary of big business.
If that was remotely true then why are they coming out against this voter ID that makes Georgia’s voter laws just about the same as every other state?

All these big corporations are run by leftist morons that supported BLM and Biden.
How did leftist loons become CEOs of major corporations?!
Very simple. The Left has indoctrinated our future leaders in Left wing universities all across the country.

Haha, oh man that sounds serious. What’s gonna happen next are we doomed to become the next Venezuela?!

With AOC at the helm, it should be far worse.

Oh no, what else do you think is going to happen?!
Corporations are taking away our first amendment rights by censoring Conservatives on social media, and that is Ok.

Yes. It's totally okay. I don't know how many times you simple fuck nuggets need to be told that Constitutional rights don't apply to private industry. I'll just let you keep on playing stupid through your miserable lives with your heads buried deeply up your own rectums.

But a Republican tells corporations they need to straighten up and he becomes the threatening fascist insurgent?

Yep. It's going to be a difficult 8 years for you.
They are doing something that only government should have the power to do, if at all.
Proof positive you don't have a clue what the first amendment is about.
No, no...hear him out for a moment. What he's saying is he wants the government to control Twitter and Google and other platforms instead of corporations. He wants only the Government to have power to cancel people on social media

...BY GOD! TemplarKormac is a COMMUNIST!

Actually, you two are more prone to wanting government to do that than I would.
You just said and I quote "only the government should have power to do, if at all"

AKA You're a Communist. Sorry, your words not mine. Have a good day, Commie!

AKA you're actually losing IQ points right here in front of our eyes.

The government DOES have the power to control speech, moron. That's why you have the legal right to sue someone for slander and libel. That's why it's illegal to incite violence, or to harass people. Because the government has the ability to set and enforce boundaries between my rights and your rights. But that's a very dangerous power, and should only be wielded - and that rarely - by people who are ultimately answerable to the people as a whole. Big Tech doesn't qualify.

By the way, you wouldn't know an actual Communist if one fell on you, Junior, so don't open your arrogant teenaged mouth around that word again until you know FAR more than you do now.
It's not illegal to incite violence. Donald Trump did it for 4 years with no problemo.

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