Mitt Romney should donate a few million to help people hurting from Sandy!

FEMA is still providing free housing for some in Joplin.

How much has the mormon church done?
When is obama gonna donate his first dollah!

Where's your dollah New Jersey, Staten Island?

Lets see. Obama could donate a million dollars or keep FEMA funded and functioning.

I wonder which one would have the most benefit for those affected by the storm?

MIttens could donate 50 million dollars (if he wanted to) and would defund FEMA and turn it over to the states.

Or Mitt could decide not to donate anything and still defund FEMA and turn it over to the states.

Would be interesting to know which one the storm victums would choose.

You're assuming that his 'donation' would be from public funds? How odd. He could - as a private citizen - donate from his own personal account. I suspect he probably has. Just as I suspect Romney probably has.

Not everything is about politics. Sometimes, it is about human decency.

For the record, I doubt very much that the victims would give a shit where the money came from - federal or state - as long as it came. The problem is that it does not seem to be coming... and certainly not fast enough... perhaps, if the state was responsible, it would have been faster - and, if not, it is a damned sight easier to get rid of those responsible. That is why it is better to have state responsibility than federal.
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You really believe that he is charitable?

Aren't you just the cutest little thing.

The problem is he has a well documented past of being very charitable heh

only to his church. and as far as i know, they're required to tithe and he hasn't done so fully.

so he loves you if you're mormon.

correct me if there's any evidence of him giving to non church charities.

you are sooo wrong in so many ways. His Foundation he has funded, supports the aging, cancer, ms, homes for troops, deseret international, best friends foundation, boys & girls club, friends of the belmont council, inner city scholarships, cystic fibrosis, camp high hopes, etc., libraries, etc. etc. etc.
Mitt Romney has ALWAYS helped people without the need to advertise it. He takes the word of God literally about tithing which says to donate in secret and that when you advertise your giving, you've already received your reward. Mitt's record prove his kindness and charitable heart. He's also never taken a dime for working for the people of this nation. Did Barack Obama draw salary as a Senator, as President? Mitt Romney refused to.. Show me someone in this country who turns down salary for 4 years and receives NOTHING.. They don't exist.. John Kerry is a multimillionaire several times over.. Does he forego his salary, his perks? No.. Did Rockefeller?? No.. Did any of the Kennedys?? NO NO NO.. Liberalism is all PROPAGANDA, LIES, DEMANDS and they never live up to their own BULLSHIT.
Why is it anyone's biznez what Mitt Romney or any American citizen does with THEIR money?? IT'S NOT YOUR FUCKING MONEY, period. Mind your own damn biznez and worry about yourselves. My gawd, some of you people truly need a fucking life! STOP COVETING other people's money. It's despicable and looks trashy.. Damn beggars.. get a job!
Didn't you know? I am supposed to be worried about what Mitt does with his money. But not what Obama does with mine.
Should Mitt Romney donate 2 million dollars of his own money to help feed, clothe and shelter the people hurting from hurricane Sandy? He used to help people all the time, so I believe it would be great for him to do so now.

Show the country what a great person you're Mitt Romney!


Go hand out meals to people!

How about Obama at least helping his OWN brother!
I mean that's ONLY $12 a year for Obama to help his brother!
Mitt has already donated to the people in the sandy hurricane. He has sent money for food and help to restore electric.

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